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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. The graphic cards that come from the motherboard sucks, best to get ones that can be added on as a PCI or ISA (don't think any new ones come in ISA). I have a nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4200 with AGP 8X.xboxrulz
  2. first, Silent Hill 3 is not a strategy game. the quote is wrong it is "fair is foul, foul is fair" Macbeth, Act 1 Scene 1. Shakespeare. xboxrulz
  3. Definitely! I already got my Limited Edition preordered!xboxrulz
  4. I love AMD for their price and for its speed.FACTS:AMD Athlon XP was rated to be for gamingIntel Pentium 4 was rated for office use or for developers
  5. I played America's Army but I hate punkbuster, it keeps kicking me out on Linux side and America's Army main software kicks me out on my Windows side.ARGH!xboxrulz
  6. Although there aren't many images, and linked sites, this is the root tree (the trunk) of my website. It's only version 1. AE-Network Please tell me anything to add (except images). P.S: Please join the forum or get a free-email address! Thanks, xboxrulz
  7. I like to use webmail. Easy to use, it doesn't waste my comp. space and I can access it everywhere! Webmail that I use: Rogers Yahoo! Mail AE-Network Mail xboxrulz
  8. XBOX is the best system available, with great games from EA to Microsoft Games Studios. With it's 733 MHZ, and the nVidia Graphic Card, no other system can beat it (until the 4th gen. systems)FACTS:XBOX was the guiness world record for the fastest and the most powerful console out there.XBOX finally beat PS2 by 39% (in sale) for April.xboxrulz
  9. I say adhearus is better, because of its quality. Plus, it's Canadian B).xboxrulz
  10. You should also try mercuryboard. Simple, and easy to navigate. (http://www.mercuryboard.com/)If not, upgrade to IPB 2.0 and also remove the portal, if you have a site, you don't need the portal.xboxrulz
  11. xboxrulz

    What OS

    It differs from your connection and the server's. For me, my connection is 3.0 MBPS, the server is mirror.ac.uk. Usual linux size is from 1-3 CDs (700MB) With DAP7, my download is 50 min. Without DAP7, my download is 70-80min. xboxrulz
  12. xboxrulz

    What OS

    some Unixes like SUN's Solaris can be applied with KDE! FreeBSD can also be applied with KDE!xboxrulz
  13. ya,FACT1:Did you know, Macintosh was the first OS that has it's GUI not interpreting the interface with the commands line by line?FACT2:Linux is the only OS with it's GUI still using line by line.xboxrulz
  14. I agree that you should change the forum version. 1.3 is old!xboxrulz
  15. xboxrulz

    What OS

    Most (like 90-95%) of laptops and desktops always comes out with Windows XP Home or Professional. I haven't seen one comming out with SuSE, Mandrake or RedHat Linux. I have only seen computers with Linspire though.xboxrulz
  16. I have a mail service. 120 MB space. http://mail.ae-net.cjb.net/ Check it out! xboxrulz
  17. One of my favourite game is America's Army (Windows, Linux, Macintosh)xboxrulz
  18. xboxrulz

    What OS

    u said it! Why don't we do so though?* *= except why not only any Linux distrubutions like Cobind, Linspire, Slackware, Debian too? Why only RedHat Linux and Mandrake? xboxrulz
  19. I use Yahoo! because my ISP partnered with Yahoo! so I get so many cool features like making my own radio station and stuff like that plus I get cool software like Rogers Yahoo! Browser, Rogers Yahoo! Messenger.My ISP: Rogers Communications Inc. (Cable giant in Toronto)xboxrulz
  20. you can get it either on iMesh (http://www.imesh.com/) or Kazaa (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)xboxrulz
  21. I use Mozilla Firefox 0.9.1(Linux n' Windows version)xboxrulz
  22. xboxrulz

    What OS

    ooh, how do you run Windows apps on Linux better than Wine or Win4Lin?xboxrulz
  23. For me I speak:EnglishCantoneseFrench (a bit)xboxrulz
  24. My community is called: Any Entertainment. It allows you to talk and read stuff about games/Tech. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
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