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Posts posted by kitty

  1. I myself am a dog person, and I like dogs the most. They aresmart, faithfull, and loving animals. I kind of like cats, but Idon't like people who allow their cats too much freedom. Or havea bunch of cats in their appartments.. By allowing their catstoo much, I mean letting them walk on tables, lie on beds, andthings like that.. Cat hair is very dangerous for humans,specialy if you are alergic..I live in the appartment, and I can't really keep a dog.. But Idid find a little puppy a month ago or so, and took him in, butlater I gave him away to my friends, who have a house, and alittle kid.. And I know they will take good care of him.. Besides, they don't say: dogs are mans best friends :D

  2. Usualy at work, and at my home, I use speakers, but if I dolisten to music at night, when everyone is sleeping, I put myheadphones on.Just a few nights ago, I listened to music late at night, and Iturned up the volume.. I think I was deaf for few hours afterthat :DBoth headphones and speakers have their advantages anddisadvantages.. Use them at your own discretion.. :D

  3. After a few years of study, a group of scientists may have found
    a cure for cancer, and believe it or not, scientists used
    certain mathematical formula to create the cure. Isn't that
    amazing? First human this was tested on, and who was diagnosed
    with terminal liver cancer, was completely healed, and is back
    to work!

    Apparantly the patient was suffering from liver cancer which hadbeen diagnosed by his doctors as terminal and in its final
    stage. The scientists used a mathematical formula to create a
    treatment based on neutrofiles that strengthened the patient's
    immune system. The patient responded well to the treatment
    immediately and has since made a total recovery and has returned
    to work.

    This is very interesting news, me being a student of medicine..
    Read the entire article

  4. I don't play much games, but if I do play, I like to play somekind of strategy game, like Kozak, or Civilization 2.. That sortof games.. I like strategies, because they make you think anduse your brain, and can actualy develop brain..I specialy don't like shooter games, like counter strike, quake,doom, and like, because you don't need to use your brain, theyjust increase agression and violence in people who play them toomuch.. And that, I think, is not a good thing. Not a good thingat all..So, to all you people out there, play more strategies oradventure games :rolleyes:

  5. A stereotype says that girls and cars hardly go together. Well,I'm an exception to that rule :lol: I'm a good, certain, and aboveall, safe driver for about 3 years and I like to drive fast.. Really fast.. :)I have Audi A4, and I like to drive it alot.. I like to drive itfast, rolled down window, and with very loud music beating frominside. I can't imagine driving anything else but my pet car:rolleyes: It's nice, black, with shaded windows.. Cool, right? 8)Besides Audi, I also like BMW,all types of Audi,Porsche,Mercedes..etc.My "Teddy Bear"likes, no, loves BMW,but I guess we meet half way, because both cars we like, areGerman cars, and they have some strange appeal, both cars, toboth of us.. :D

  6. In my country,there is still a some kind of a war...people in my country have a some ideology about some parts of land that belongs to us,that belong to our nation.I personally don't share their ideas,because many young people lost their lives because of that small part of land,it's very sad.But there are people,who change the idea about that war,when their child came home in some bag,killed...they stoped to think about that war,about their nationality,about goverment...they thought about their lossed child.It's very sad that we have to loss somebody who we love,to change are thinking about that kind of things,like the war.I don't know is it possible that the wars will stop,but I hope that nobody wont experience the loss of a child... :rolleyes:

  7. Hm...I have a few favourite color. :rolleyes: My car are black,because I can't imagine other color for my car,red,blue or something..My apartment is white with some of cream colour,ii's very nice..I like clothes in blue,baby-blue :lol: ,red,white-black combination or red-black combination,but I don't like sad and cold colors..Colours around us and on us,must be joyfull...that's is something that will make us happy. :D

  8. Hello..My nickname is kitty,as you can see :) I'm 22 years old and I spend my days in Yugoslavia now better known as Serbia and Montenegro.:lol:I attend medical school and I'm a 3'rd year student,who thinks that medicine is a human profession and everybody who want's to do this job,must be a person of big heart and with lot of patience for the people who are giving their trust to us.I want to specialize psyhology and my "little one" wants me to have my own clinic,isn't that nice from him? :D In my spare time,which I don't have much I like to,chat with interesting people,paint pictures on glass,to bath a lot (3 times a day,minimum),to listen to nice music,to cook interesting dishes for my loved ones,to hang on phone for ours with my "little one",to drive fast while listening loud music.A few weaks ago I started learning,how to build a website and on my quest for a good webhosting,my "Teddy Bear" told me of this webhost.I hope,I will learn a lot of new things from you or teach you something new,during our friendship. :rolleyes: Goodbye to all,for NOW..

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