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Posts posted by kitty

  1. Do you need a girl advice?Hihihihihi..Every girl,like every person is different..there are romantic,wild,natural,kind,etc types of a girl..you must find out which type a girl is she,when you find out you can do something to get the attention on you..Try to find out,what are her interest,what she like to do and what not..every girl likes the attention,but the first at all don't try to be something that you are not,don't act a macho if you are not or don't act the romantic soul if you are not,because if she will fall in love with you she will find out,sooner or later what kind a boy are you.Be yourself and try to listen her,when she talks and try suprise her sometime with little things,because believe me...to us girls the little things are more nicer then something big... :) Be yourself and take she's heart..Goodluck...

  2. Well,I think that they must talk about it for sure because the girl can't know his feelingsand fears without him to tell her..I think that the basic of relationship is a lot of conversation and trust.The two of most important elements in relationship...You know,maybe your friend is not the same person to his girl,like before..maybe their relationship has became something like some habbit,without passion and romantic feelings like at the start of their relationship.It could happen...Anyway the smartest way to solve this problem is to have a long,long conversation,about them.. :)

  3. Well, my homepage is google so I allways go back there..I go to yahoo to, to check my mail, I go to some boards where I'm a memeber, also I visit often the neopets website to feed my little animal and play some games while I'm there.Lately, I go to the sites where I can find some interesting stuffs for my website and forum, some tutorials etc.Simply, I surf a lot..I can saw that from my account which is rising day by day..Could somebody find me a good paying job?Lol.. ;)

  4. I looked your templates, first of all it's very positive that you are creative and that you made something what is the product of your imagination and knowledge..I like the most your last template that you made, but maybe you should make some template with colors, which are not so "cold".. some colors which calm,and make some good atmosphere.. ;)

  5. Well, I'm not a professional in webdesign so I can't be critical..for me it's a very nice site, I have only one suggestion maybe.For me, a website is something personally, I wanna say that maybe you need to do something with your site that would give a bit of your personality to it..if you understand me..maybe some banner,that you create,maybe a template that you made..So with one word,just a little bit your personality.. ;) But,I like it...

  6. kitty, now when I try to leave your site a lot of windows popup, I don't remember this last time I visited.


    Personally I REALLY hate this, if you want to advertise and earn money, I suggest finding another way to do it. I will never return to site that uses this type of advertising, I find it offensive that advertising is forced upon me in this manner.  ;)


    I'm sure there are many others that feel the same way.


    Dear Avalon, I think you are a little agressive for the person who didn't asked me about that..dont you think so?!


    I don't want to earn any money, with my website..it is my place of peace and quiet, my little peace of heaven..so please don't acuse me without asking before..Personally,I want to remove that popup windows but i don't know how..

  7. Uh..guys thank you a lot,I didn't expected somuch nice advices,you suprised me very nice..I promice that I will very soon make an english version of my site,so you could understand it..I will change the intro,because to many of you have a problem with it ;) By the way,I change a design of home page a little bit,now I like it better...but of course the idea is that others like to.. :P

  8. So..I you are reading this topic,I hope you will visit my webpage too..I start to make a webpage before some time,first I did'nt know anything about webdesign...I learn some things,but I'm thinking that I don't know yet much..

    I decide to make a website about love,maybe it's typical for a girl ;) but I'm really trying to not to be so typical,I have many ideas ,but I must to learn first how to make it..Pls,look my webpage it is on serbian at this time,but I'm planing to make an english version too,at this time I only need your appinion about the design,because I don't know to work in dreamweaver yet so I tryed the NVU wyswyg editor,but this is not a program which I don't like..so maybe you know some programs,mazbe you have some advice how I can make some really nice website.

    I thank forward for all the tips,advices and reviews. :P

    Site: Eyeblink

    Edit: Merged posts

  9. Hm...this is a realy interesting topic for discussion,why?Because,I do have a few positive and a few negativ critiques about the younger generation..First of all,yes they are more inteligent then some of us but why?I don't know about you but in our country there was a few person before 10-20 years a computer in their home...today,almost every home has one,so they can see some stuff and things,what we only saw in some movies or something like that,mobile phone?Hm...that was a rarity to..technology is amazing today,you don't have to go anywhere and you can learn many things from your home...that is the reason for their intelligence,I think..but there is something else..there is their and the olders generation behavior..I think that the tecnology of today,has a bad influence on their behavior,their communication with other people,their respect for all the people.They think that their are the only smart persons,nobody is like them,etc...that is my negative critique.Simple,if we had so many options for learning..we would be inteligence too.. ;)

  10. I think that every girl have a different view and need about this question..the important thing to remember is that female persons are very "hard" to be with them..we have our little bugs too. :) For me,I mean if some man or boy want to get on me,he must be honest.We all have some mistakes in the past,nobody is perfect but be honest about that things to.Don't tell the girl only that things which are positive about your personality tell her the negative things to.try to know her..believe me,all the little things you could know about her,will make you very happy,I hope,because I feel the same when I trying to get known better the guy I like.Try to suprise her with some,realy not important things,try to be a little romantic,not to much just a little..try to not treat her like your male friends,she is something special for you,isn't she?The most important thing is that you all the time trying to make happy each other..sometime you will faile but the true fillings are not passing by with the first discussion or hard words. :D

  11. I think the perfect man or woman, depends on the other person's personality traits.  For myself, the perfect man is who I married  :D.  He's warm, kind, hilarious, big, strong, intelligent, and has a certain vulnerability that is very attractive.  It's wierd, because he's got a combination of the good guy/bad guy thing.  You know the saying, nice guys always finish last.  That's not always true.  Well he's got that macho thing going, plus he a vulnerable side to him as well.  I think all guys should be made that way (hee hee).


    I must to tell you that I had a relationship with this kind of guy,for over two years I meen,with married man.Yes,they are different from other guys,they have maybe more experience in life,they are maybe stronger and they can maybe give you some advice and backup with some problems and stuffs but I don't think that they are perfect...simply,how can a man be perfect when he is cheating that woman that he had chosen to live for all his life?

    And there is something else to,he would allways go back to his wife...and if he stay with you,do you really want to be with a "perfect" guy,who left his child and first family?Where is the garancy that he want left you like he did left his first wife...

    That's my appinion... :)

  12. Well,I have to some experience in this kind of problems..it's very similar to yours.I live in Serbia and Montenegro,for those who doesn't know...this country is far away from the 21th century in everything,why?I will explaine to you..because our goverment doesn't want to let in some investors who will spend some money and give some quality,for a lower price for the people..I buy a cable modem before few months from some internet provider,they toldme that the cable internet is without mistakes,I will have a fast and good connection at any time..well,I must say that they lied to me..first time,when I tried to connect in the time,when many people is on the internet,the connection failed,second time to,third time..etc.So I called them,when they checked out everything they told me,that there is no problem with the connectivity..when I asked them "How?",their answer was "We don't know!".. :) So I don't know what will I do,because every provider are similar to them...I hope that in the future will show up,some provider who will take care about their clients.. :D

  13. we are able to think and act for ourselves and affect our own lives.


    I agree.. If the bible was really, REALLY, the only authority on Earth, then we would all be Christian, and follow the bible, without question. But we are not. So, how can you say it can be sole authority on Earth? It MAY be sole authority on Earth, but what about other people?


    We have our own will, we have the ability to think for ourselves.. Why not use it? Why should we constrain ourselves to one book? The book, by the way, that no one knows for certain who wrote, and why, and where she/he got the ideas?


    Anyone has answers to these questions?

  14. This indeed is very controversial topic, where we can argue until we die, if there is life after death.. I personaly, do not believe there is life after death. I study medicine, and I think of myself as a girl of science. I am not particularly religious, technicaly, I'm half Catholic, half Orthodox, but I don't "practice" neither..


    One, and only one thing we are certain about death, is that when someone dies, they are gone. And they are gone for good. Now, wether some form of their soul has left for heaven or hell or nirvana, or wherever, we CAN'T know. And WE probably never will.. And by we, I mean us, the living ones.. I guess, when we die, we will know what happens, if there is life after death, we will see where our soul goes, or, if there is no life after death, we actualy won't care, and again, we will know, just won't be aware of it.. Life is short, and very fragile, and we should live it to the fullest, cherishing every day what we have, and focusing on doing good things. Basicaly, trying to ne happy, and making someone else happy in the process if possible ..


    It's all about being good person now, when it makes difference.. I mean, when we die, I don't think there is much more we can do to change things (this in case there is life after death).


    So, my general message to all people, no matter what their religion is, is:


    BE GOOD PERSON NOW, DO GOOD THINGS, BE KIND TO OTHER PEOPLE, AND TRY NOT TO HURT ANYONE, SPECIALY ONES YOU LOVE AND HOLD DEAR. JUST TRY TO BE HAPPY, AND TO MAKE AS MUCH OTHER PEOPLE AS HAPPY AS YOU. Believe me, it feels very, very good, to know you changed someones life, by just making them smile, and be happy, even if it is just for a short period of time..


    I agree with Milovoriel, the only way I believe we live on after death, is in other peoples memories.. Our actions will leave mark on others, and that is how we will live on.. So, try to make a difference, try to leave that mark, your personal touch, on something, and that way, you will live for as long as people remember you, and that, in my opinion, is all that matters.. Making difference..


    That's about it :D

  15. Hm..I think that everyone of us,had this problem in one of our relationship..or something that looked like this problem..I think that love and relationships are the only thing in our lives,which don't have a reciepe..Everyone have a reciepe for bussines,for succes but in love it's very hard to give advice..why?Because people are not same...but let me try..I think that you need to have a conversation first,with yourself..which are your needs,etc. and then try to talk with your potential boyfriend and try to know him..You must tell him about your fears and maybe you could solve this problem together..maybe he will leave his girlfriend,after that conversation...I think,that the conversation about the problem is the most useful thing..because we are human's and we must communicate with others,to let them know what we feel,think..your boyfriend can't know what do you have on your mind if you wont tell him... :D Good luck...

  16. kitty[b/b] ; u have problems on irc ? /ignore help :D


    Forums are the best. On IRC soon you forger whats the topic.. In forums ->  Stays :D


    You know, I tried using ignore, and silence, and many different ignore-commands, but it simply becomes too much of a pain in the.. pain in the you-know-what :(


    Yeah, and kids who think they're hackers.. I mean, come on.. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or saying, and even I (and I am just a mediocre advanced user of computers) know they don't know squat..


    A friend of mine pulled this thing of with some hacker wannabe. He gave him his IP address, making his life a lot easier, and waited for the guy to attempt something. He didn't manage to get through my friends firewall, and then, my friend saw the guys IP, and sent him some message.. This hacker disconnected immediately, and was nowhere to be seen for few days.. So, chat is really becoming a junk yard for bad people.. That's it, plain and simple :D

  17. Well, there is no mention of Audi :D I love Audi, and I would suggest Audi A4. I like the looks of that car, it's not much of a sports car, but for city drive, it has pretty good acceleration and speed.. I really love that car.Oh, did I mention I have it :( I got it as a present too, and I'm pretty attached to it. Now, don't go asking me about tech stuff, because I have absolutely no idea about it. I just know it goes fast, and I have to refuel way too often :(But, if Audi A4 is not an option, BMW sounds great.. Or any German car for that matter :D That's a girls perspective :D

  18. IRC.. I used to hang out on one particular IRC server some time ago, for very long time. Now, people just became too rude, old people are leaving chat, new faces showing up, with some idiotic attitude that everyone else is there to amuse them. I actualy can remember when I got upset if someone said something bad to me, but then, slowly, I just got used to it.. Now, I don't visit IRC, I replaced it with forums, building my own site, and similar, more useful activities :D

  19. I live in Novi Sad, a second largest city in Yugoslavia, better known as Serbia and Montenegro now :( I wasn't born in Novi Sad, but I moved here, and finished high school in Novi Sad, and now I'm in college.I actually wouldn't like to live anywhere else, especialy in some other country. I travelled trough my country, and seen most of the cities, but Novi Sad is by far the prettiest, and with the populations of 500.000 - 600.000, it's the perfect size, and peacefull.. But, as others said, crime rate here is increasing as well.. Hopefully, it won't increase too much (but everything is too much, if you ask me).I was in France, Italy, Greece, Hungary.. What I would like, is to travel around the world, stay everywhere for some short period of time, and then come bask to my city, and my family and friends :D I definitely couldn't live somewhere else, in some foreign country, our mentalities are very different :D and living in some other country, just wouldn't be the same..

  20. This year, unfortunately, I couldn't go on vacation (too much work, what can I say), but next year, I will go to Bulgaria.. It's close to me, it's very cheap, and it's beautiful there, acording to people that went there.. My friend went this year, and she says it's great.. I like Greece, also close to me, but somewhat expensive, depending on location.. I hear Turkey is developing into a great country for summer vacations.. Well, those are some of the locations I would like to visit, or have visited.. I like to travel, and I have traveled trough my country alot.. So, now I would like to just travel arround the world for some time, but.. A girl can only dream :)

  21. Truly interesting... In the book written by Ursula Legvin, "Trilogy of the Earthsea", the main character has to confront a dragon, at one point, and the dragon is described as very, very smart, intelligent, and has the power to control you, if you look him in the eyes... Pretty much the same thing is described in The Lord Of The Rings... I don't doubt that other books with dragons in them, have similar descriptions of these huge animals...In the movie "Reign of fire", a dragon is accidentaly discovered beneath London, while digging subway tunnels... To cut the story short, this one dragon very quickly breeds (watch the movie, I won't give you details :P), and dragons take over the Earth...I also thought of Loch Ness monster when I read hte first post...Who knows, maybe there are dragons, loorking from the depths of the sea...

  22. I am not extremely fast typist, if it is a good day, I guess I can type somewhere between 50 and 70 words per minute, and that is for serbian, my native language. If I type on english, I can type somewhere between 40 and 60 words per minute. On a bad day, I can be as slow as 20 words per minute, or even slower. But, those bad days are rare, I guess, I type too much for my work, and college...

  23. I don't use much ftp, but I have started building this site with a friend, so I guess I will be using ftp much more. I use total commander, for both ftp, and normal use. I like to see where I'm copying from, and where I'm copying to :P it is not the best, I understand, but I gets my files up on the internet B)

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