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Posts posted by kitty

  1. I use my computer mainly for entertainmant purposes, and occasional work.. I guess, I use it for all purposes a little :unsure:But, mainly, I like to relax with some music, when I come home from work, so, there comes in the computer :P If I want to get in touch with my friends, but I'm too lazy to go out, there's my computer, I'll go to chat, or use one of instant messengers for that.. Wanna watch some movies? Guess what, I still use my computer :DI use it pretty much most of the spare time, I spend at home..

  2. You must jump off the chair, and run, if you snap the cord so often :unsure: I use headphones at night, when I want to listen to loud music, while working on my computer, so I know, it happens to me, from time to time :D only, the only thing that happens is my headphones falling from my head, I've never broken the cord..But do consider buying those cordless headphones, or some headphones that have like 10m of cord, so you can walk around :D or, some kind of buzzer to let you know you still have your headphones on :P

  3. Well, in the lack of the better word, I guess they could be called Native Americans.. Though, they should be asked about it.. What did they call their continent before Europeans came? It sure isn't America, so they should have say in what they should be called.. I agree with someone who posted before, that perhaps, they should be called by their tribe name, but it can't be used in general, when addressing all the tribes.As a note, natives are called Indians, because Europeans thought they found India, because they set sail to find India and it's spices.. So, I guess, that's why they stayed 'Indians'..Here in Yu, we call them "Indijanci", which could be translated as Indians, but, we call Indians from India, "Indijci", so... Maybe they could take the term Indijanci? :unsure: just kidding.. Worth a thought though, right? :P

  4. I'm a third year medical student. It lasts for 6 years, and later on, I want to specialise in psychology. I already work as head nurse, at the private clinic, and I go to college, with all 9's and 10's (that would be B's and A's I guess :unsure:)... Unfortunately, due to some unfortunate factors in my life, that I can't control, it appears I will be taking the third year again, if the faculty doesn't allow me to take exams..I love medicine, and I'm very happy going to that college.. I want to help people, as much as I can.. We should all help others, who need our help.. But that's besides the subject of this topic..Me.. I'm a medical student :P

  5. So, I just talked to my friend this earlier today, and he mentioned he saw an interesting article on Slashdot, so I went' to read it. Some guy says that more and more people, whose native language is english, don't know how to write properly. And the fact that someone mentions that to them, thinking they would learn from that, they get angry!This may sound stupid, but I can testify for that... I spend some time on irc chats every day, and more and more people, from my country, don't know how to write in our native language, serbian. And they all have nick's like Phr3ak, H4krZ_Rool3 and similar :unsure: Now, I realise they are mostly lamers (or l4m3rz as they would put it), but there are many highly educated people, who just don't know they grammar. And yes, when someone tells them they made a mistake, they get angry, and start saying all kinds of bad stuff...There are many members from all around the world here, can you say the same for your country? Are highly inteligent people becoming illiterate? Is the need for correct writing dissapearing? What's your point of view?p.s.I don't know if I put this in the right place, maybe it belongs somewhere in computer forums? I'm sorry if I made a mistake...

  6. Well, I don't usually shave, but here goes :DThis is my os: You are HP-UX. You're still strong despite the passage of time. Though few understand you, those who do love you deeply and appreciate you.My extension:You are .gif Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty.And I am this nigerian spammer:You are alice kobe. You are the wife of late Brigadier - Gen. Maxwell Kobe former ECOMOG ARMY COMMANDER in Sierra Leone. You have suffered hardship and maltreatment in the hands of your husbands family. You have $25.5 million to share.Funny but not too much :unsure: great way to kill few minutes though :D

  7. I actualy started learning html few months back, when I realised I wanted to make my own web site. First, I used some free hosting, they let you only have 7 pages, and they had some kind of online editor for html files. They didn't have ftp, or anything...Then, my friend told me I can learn to make my own pages, the way I want them to apper, without those poor online templates. So, I started off easily, with Nvu, a cool little program for making web pages. Since I still don't know html all that well, this is great what you see is what you get (i think that's what it's called :unsure:) editor.When I learn html better, I will try to make a webpage in Dreamweaver, because my friend tells me Dreamweaver is the best for making web pages.I still haven't started learning php, and I don't think I will any time soon :D

  8. Here in Yugoslavia, legal age for working is 15 years old. You go buy your work book, get it stamped, and you can go start looking for a job.There is a very good chance you get a job, because of one simple thing: we all started working from zero, we were all on the begining like you.. You don't have to fear, you will be able to get a job, if you leave good impression in the interviewJust be confident in yourself :rolleyes: you can do it

  9. Yes, I agree with others, and believe it to be fake. Yahoo ro such large services do not warn people, they just terminate their accounts, and that is the end of it. Second, they would not use email mail@yahoo.com. Most likely it would be office, support or something like that.One thing I noticed is they added some sort of verification service that the email is really originating from yahoo. Next, I really think they would have terminated your acccount, and send you notification on your other email address, you entered when you registered..I am sure customer support will tell you that this is fake email. And thank you for notifying us :rolleyes:

  10. I don't use many specialized software, but the ones I use at home could be these:Miscorosft Windows XP professional (with service pack 1)Internet explorerMicrosoft outlook expressMicrosoft office Total comanderAdobe photoshop 7Adobe image ready 7Nvu for html editing web sitesbsplayerwinampNero for burning cd'sI will get a sound forge programmAVG antivirusAtguard firewallAdaware anti spywareYahoo! messengerMSN messenger (I use it rarely)ICQ (I also use it rarely)I visit chat rooms with virc or mirc, depending on the mood :rolleyes:

  11. I actually don't hate anyone. Instead of hating someone, I just don't care, in full sense of that word.. Why waste my energy and feelings, to hate someone, who doesn't deserve me thinking about them? So, instead of hating anyone, I just stop caring, completely.. And believe me, that's the worst thing someone can get, not caring at all..Offcorse, there are people that annoy me, and get on my nerves, but I just send them away, or I get out of their way, and spare myself the bother..My message to you is, don't hate, just stop caring. Don't waste your energy on someone who doesn't deserve it..

  12. where can i find a site to this?

    ive searched but couldnt find it


    I think the link for phpbb is https://www.phpbb.com/... Most forums I visit are eiter phpbb, or someone just programmed their own forum.. I have two websites in planing, one of my own, and one I plan on making with a friend.. I guess I'll have to learn to install phpbb on my own, and set it up. We plan on using phpbb, so..


    My recommendation is to use phpbb also.. It is easy, and has many different styles, and stuff.. Plus, my firend says phpbb is easy to extend, he does a little php programming, and has changed one of his forums (or is mod the word :P)

  13. First of all, I am NOT a programmer, this is something my friend taught me. It describes basic interaction with the user, while showing basic functionality of this simple programm. So, without further ado, we're off to the tutorial:


    First of all, start your visual basic, when prompted for new project, select Standard Exe. Next, we need to open code window, so we can start typing the program. This can be done in two ways, one is double clicking on the form, or selecting Code from View menu.


    If you double clicked on the form, you will see following text:

    Private Sub Form_Load()End Sub
    If you don't see it, you will need to type it by hand. You will only need to type the first line (Private Sub Form_Load()), the last line, visual basic will add automaticaly (End Sub).


    Next, we need to declare variables we will use in our program. Here's the next piece of code:

    Dim MyName As String ' This variable contains users full nameDim MyUName As String ' This variable contains users login name (username)Dim MyPass As String ' This variable contains users passwordDim Response As Integer ' This variable contains users answers from message boxesDim Saved_Name As String ' This variable contains saved username from fileDim Saved_Pass As String 'This variable contains saved password from file
    This part is simple, we only prepare variables for use (I know there is more technical explanation for this, but I can't remember :P).


    Now, we need to read username and password from the file. Now, for this example, we will use simple text file. You can create it using notepad (I don't think you need a tutorial on that :(). In that file, write the username you want, and in next line, write the password. Now, add the following code:

    Open "pass.txt" For Input As #1 'we open file with data we need  Line Input #1, Saved_Name ' We read username from file  Line Input #1, Saved_Pass 'We read password from fileClose #1 'we close the file

    Now that we have done this, we can proceed with basic interaction with the user:

    Login_Name:MyName = InputBox("Please, enter Your name.", "Introduce yourself", "")If MyName = "" Then  Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to introduce Yourself." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error")  If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_Name  If Response = vbNo Then    MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End"    End  End IfEnd If
    First, we ask a user, to enter his full name, so we can know how to address him/her. If the user doesn't enter his/hers name, we will tell him he/she needs to enter it, or to quit the program. I believe the code is very self explainatory.


    Next, we will prompt for user name. This is the information that we need for successfull login.

    Login_UName:MyUName = InputBox("Good day " & MojeIme & ", please, enter Your user name.", "Login", "")If MyUName = "" Then  Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to enter username." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error")  If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_UName  If Response = vbNo Then    MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End"    End  End IfEnd If
    This is basicaly the same thing we used for prompting for full name, just with different variables.


    Next, we ask the user to enter his/hers password, to authenticate into system:

    Login_Pass:MyPass = InputBox("Please, enter a password for user name " & MyUName & ".", "Login", "")If MyPass = "" Then  Response = MsgBox("To continue with the program, You need to enter Your password." & vbCrLf & "Do You wish to proceed with the programm?", vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Error")  If Response = vbYes Then GoTo Login_Pass  If Response = vbNo Then    MsgBox "We are sorry You do not wish to proceed." & vbCrLf & "We wish You a good day", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "End"    End  End IfEnd If
    OK, I guess you noticed this is the same thing I used in two earlier segments of programm. I was told it can be done with functions or subs, but I haven't learned it yet :P I guess I'll post another tutorial when I learn how to do that :(


    OK, we're almost done. All we have to do is check if username and passwords match, and if that is the case, we can proeed with programm. If not, we tell the user he/she made a mistake, and exit the programm. Here is the programm for that segment:

    If (Saved_Name = MyUName) And (Saved_Pass = MyPass) Then  MsgBox "Good day " & MyName & "." & vbCrLf & "Welcome to our programm, we wish You pleasant work.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Welcome"Else  MsgBox "We are sorry, username and/or password are not correct", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"  EndEnd If
    Here, we check if saved username is the one entered, and if the saved password is the one entered. If they match, we allow the user to access the programm, if not, we tell him/her there is an error, and exit the programm.


    I learned this recently, and I hope I passed that knowledge to some of you..

  14. I adore averything what is sweet,like cookies and other kind of desserts,I simply adore the italian CARTELLATE,it is something real nice and very sweetttttttt...I will give you the recepie for this dessert for gods...You will need 1 kg of white flour,cooked wine of figs or honey,200 gr of extra-virgin olive oil,200 gr of dry white wine,cinnamon powder, icing sugar,10 gr of salt, tepid water. When you collect the ingredients :P ,then you put the flour like a crown on a table. In the middle put the tepid wine ad the oil. Dissolve some salt in 50 cl of tepid water: you have to use it for working all the mixture in order; it became neither too hard nor too soft. Get from the dough some small balls that you strength with the rolling wheel. Cut some strips with a pastry wheel 3- 4 cm wide. Fold up the strips in two parts, creating small valleys; link them with the fingers at a distance of 3 cm. Round on theirselves the strips like a spiral and let them draining and resting for more or less 6 hours. Fry cartellate in plentiful hot oil. Plunge it in cooked wine of figs or in the honey and sprinkle them with the cinnamon joined with the icing sugar. It's very taste,try it... :P

  15. Just the fact that someone actualy thinks about war, makes me sad.. I live in a country that was torn with many wars, and the last of them, thanks to the us. So, you can guess how I feel about the us (us government, not the people). Why would anyone think about war? I can bet, that poster of this post, never experienced war, and thinks how it must be cool to wage a war. I appologize if I have mistaken, but understand how I feel. I had to live in fear, every day, will a bomb fall somewhere, and kill me, or even worse, kill someone I love.Everyone in the world knows how us wages their wars. First, they decide that they don't like certain country anymore, because that countrys government refused to to things the us way. Next, they will make up things, or take existing things, and exagerate them severely. Next step is turning as much of the world possible, against that country, convincing them that their government is evil, and has it's own people in slavery. Since us government ensured they have all the evidence they need, next phase can begin.. Blackmailing the government of that country: either you will let us come in, or we destroy you. Any country stupid enough to stand up to them, will be bombed and attacked. Then, since every country will defend itself, and the people WILL stand united against the aggressor (because, no matter what people believe, us IS the aggressor, always), the war begins..Americans learned their lesson in Vietnam.. If bodies begin to return in us, in bags, people start asking questions.. Why do we fight there? What's the point? So, us has new tactic.. Use airplaines to break the resistance as much as possible, and then, and only then, as a last resort, land invasion begins.. But, us will not send nearly the same number of soldiers, as other countries participating in the conflict.. Us learned their lesson, as I said.. Brittish, always willing to suck up to us, will be the first to join in, followed by other, smaller countries, recently admited to NATO, not because they want, but because they have to.. I don't think that can count as us vs. anyone. Us will enter, after all the killing is done, claiming how they liberated the people from the fascist regime in that country, and blah blah.. We all heard that story many times.But the fact stays, us government is fascist. Fascist doesn't mean rasist or something like that.. Look it up, and see what fascist means. Us doesn't care about the people, they care about the money. Nothing else.And, you should always count on moral. People defending their homes against invading force, have much more moral, and will to fight, than some poor soldier, who didn't even want to be there in the first place, and doesn't know where he is.. And since China isn't crazy to start a war with the us, we can only say that us would start it. And then, will and moral will be on Chinas side. In that conflict, Chinacould count on Japan's support. We all know that us was the only country stupid enough to use their nuclear weapons. Japan is just waiting to get even, I'm sure of it. China could also count on Russia, and several other countries that "hate" us.. So, whoever said it would end up being WWIII, is entirely correct..And have respect for people from China.. How do you think they feel now? The world hates us (the government, not the people; there are all kinds of people, in every country), and the fact someone mentioned, that most Chinese would be on the us side.. Very wrong.. Would you go to the aggressor if they attacked your home? I don't think so.. Until you have experienced the pain, anger and suffering of the war, you have no right to speak about war..I am sorry if this post is harsh and cruel, but I lived trough 72 days of constant bombing, several times a day, so please understand me... I hate war, and I never again want to experience it again, either near me, or anywhere in the world..

  16. I think this theme is very sensitive,and i can't answer with "yes" or "no".Gay people are same like all the other peoples on the earth,they are smart,they study,they live like us,they are humans like us...they have the right to love their partner and to show this love to others to,I think...In my country(Serbia and Montenegro),their are rare peoples who likes gay,because I think that our culture is to primitive...sad...Everybody has the right to love and be loved! :P

  17. Hm...forums,it's interesting that every forum is interesting for people in the beginning...I had a forum to,we have some members,it was very interesting to them while they didn't find some new forum...everybody makes forums today,so it's a little hard to have a forum where people will always come and write,but no one will leave.Personally i like forums,which has an interesting topics,an interesting themes and stories and ofcourse,where people meets and have a nice time,by posting.My advice for ou is to try to make a forum which will not be like other forums,try to have some new things on your forum which will be atractive for people to come and stay.Don't use the ordinary topics like the most forums,try to be creative and have some topics which nobody ever seen...it's a littlebit stupid to say something like this,but try out... :D

  18. guangdian...It is very sad thing,what you wrote...I can't believe that you don't have anything in your life which makes you happy.Everybody has some problems in their lives,everybody is trying to have some succes in this world,everybody is trying to live nice,to have a nice job,to have a family,a house with green grass in front...we are all trying to have this...but the life is cruel,like you said,but this doesn't mean that we stop to try...don't forget the hope is dying at the end.So,we hope,we live our lives,day by day...every day has it's own beauty,sometimes the peoples are so busy,that they can't see the beaty around them.Guangdian try,to see liitle nice things around yourself,and remember the little things are making our life,not the big ones.I can understend you,I live in a very sad country,where is hard to live...I lost my father very soon,so I had to get work,to do kind of jobs,to earn some money,that I could study...I worked about 20 hours a day,at two places...and with time,I've got for myself a little appartment,today i have a job that i like with relative nice money for my job...but in the past,I was sad like you to...but I didn't let that the sadness take over me,I hope and i was believed in my self.Please,thinkabout this...and don't let that the hope die,because then you will die to.

  19. Nice topic...I also drink water when I'm thirsty,but I drink something else when I celebrate something with my friends,family,etc.I like vines very much...the most of anything else I like French vines,the secret of French vines are characteristics of the soil, hand work of wine-makers and old vine,etc.I most like from French vines,Chateau Chante L? Oiseau,you have to try it. :D I also like,some nice coctails,like Mai-Tai,for this coctail you need Baccardi (light&dark), Cointreau, grenadine syrup, orange juice, lime.Girls it is delicious... :D

  20. Sometime,when I have some time at night...I work a lot,I like to see some good movie...I simply adore scary movies,it's true that I scare after,but I adore to watch them.. :D The best 3 movies...hm..here they are:1.The Shining;2.The Exorcist;3.Rosemary's Baby; I will also tell you a few words about this films.The Shining is from Stephen King's novel it has it's share of shock,scares and creepy images.Jack Nicholson is playing in this film. The Exorcist maintains its suspense without getting campy and with its judicious use of startling special effects. Somebody told it is based on true events.personally I dont know. :D Rosemary's Baby is made in 1968,but it's still a scary and creepy movie.Rosemary has been chosen by a New York-based coven to be the mother of the Devil himself. Hm...it's interesting...watch it... :(

  21. I like to read books..when I read a book,I can see the pictures it is some kind of movie for me.I like to read everything about the theme of anthologie.One of the best book I read is:The Mammoth Book of Egyptian Whodunnits,by Mike Ashley.It is a very interesting book,with dozen stories,like Cleopatra and Herodotus,Howard Carter and the Curse of the Pharaohs,the investigators in The Mammoth Book of Egyptian Whodunnits uncover the murder mysteries of Ancient Egypt,etc.It's very interesting and colorfull,I recommend it! :D

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