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Everything posted by squishybear

  1. ofcourse i know its an MP3 player! i thought the question was silly.
  2. i agree. at first, i was using it, and friendster to have access to my friends. but now, i rarely open it. i think i even forgot my account and password. i think it became messy and hard to view. friendster became a bit ok, sometimes has bugs but, its ok. the css style is better and easier to follow. more pics to put, but still the informations are direct to the point, simple and easier to browse. it has more features right now... and looks more personal. but anyways, i rarely open my account there since its not allowed in our office. lolz. but i check it from time to time..
  3. i haven't tried reading a Harry Potter Book series. I only wait, and watch them on screen. Which is better??
  4. i haven't really thought of pasting articles, since they said, no copying from other articles! its easy though, to gain points! my first time to be in trap 17, i was excited to post, and have many post to get an account. then i had an account, and that was really cool. i discovered this site by searching for free web spaces.! but after a while, i became busy and havent posted for a while, so my account was down for a while. i discovered that trap 17 is now counting and monitoring the posted replies and topics. Soon i want to buy an account, since i'm a bit having a hard time maintaining because of my buzzzyyy schedules! but for now, lets posts and read, and post!!!
  5. not really. sometimes, its like a teeny bop movie, sometimes, like a soap opera. a reality show? hehe..
  6. i think its a chinese movie!! i've watched it a couple of times and its a nice movie. =) o well,i dunno if there are other shaolin soccer, like a cartoon series or a computer game! =) i like the girl of course!
  7. oh! we don't have it here... rarely you'll see a university having their own e.g. like a tv show??! maybe it could be cool if it plays cool features, not just one genre?! like what you prefer??!
  8. squishybear


    they say, dont let babies watch teletubbies cause your baby might learn how to talk the way they do!!! =)
  9. those i really like are Roadtrip, the New Guy, Eurotrip, American Pie 1,2 and 3!!! they are really funny, and light to watch!!! =)
  10. hey! right now, im listening to a local band named Spongecola (spongecola.com). they really play cool alternative music!! im listening to one of their song, dragonfly. its a cool song! =)
  11. oh!! cool ... i can relate. there are some people in my life, that in some way touched me, and became a part of who i am today. they are like our heroes, our life savers. cause without them, especially during the saddest days of my life, i might not overcome my problems! so thanks to them!!!
  12. the issue is not about her sexuality! you have a point, adn for me its too much.
  13. squishybear

    Bad Drivers

    speaking of bad drivers, youll experience it here! and when you overcome them, i guess you can drive anywhere!!! lolz
  14. yeah, sometimes, you expect so much, but still you havent done it all. its sad sometimes, but thats the way it goes! you need to just accept things, and thats hard! one time, i thought i'd pass an interview, and you got to pass all the interviews and examinations... but later you;ll know that they got someone else. thats life! so we just need to accept and later, just dont expect too much! !!!
  15. huh. thats weird! i thought they should be more happier knowing there are straights around. its their lost?? lolz. orr maybe they just dont want you around cause its a private party or something... hmm... maybe...
  16. maybe you can use a search engine. =)
  17. i don't play any sport... bad for me!!! =(
  18. squishybear

    Art Class

    dont worry, it will pass... when i was in college i used to hate some classes too! those long assignments that i have no idea how to do... those projects that gives us headaches, and out of this world quizzes!!! i really hate them. but right now, when i look back to them, i just laugh! i also miss those times too... cause somehow i may admit it or not, ive learned something, and the experience was there too!!! i like art by the way!!! =) enjoy!!!
  19. squishybear

    My Brother

    am sorry to hear that. i hope that you're brother will soon stop it. i agree, he should be put on a rehabilitation program, for his own sake. its hard as his sibling, but i wish you well too. its scary, but i think you should also be strong for your brother, and so that whatever happens, be ready for it. its sad that most people are into drugs right now. i hope he'll realize how itll destroy his life, and what it can do to him. hope you'll be ok too!!!
  20. hey! don't be confused and all. they're right! cheer up! you have "now" and that's what matters!!! as they say, you should treat each day as if its your last! but honestly, that saying is hard to apply!!! but i think being worried about the future is useless... cause what's important is now...!!! and yeah, you dont have a control to it... but you have the control right now!!! so enjoy life... its short, and we should live to the fullest!!!
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ --personal site. not yet finished. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ == site i made for a local band.
  22. i agree with this. we cant stop the crime, just prevent them, or at least lessen it(?) (still not sure). maybe its a balance thing, and showing good examples to others can helP especially the young once! =)
  23. its nice and appropriate for your type of website. your tag line is also catchy, and its cool! maybe you can change the font of the tagline... but anyways, its cool!!! =)
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