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Posts posted by Lyon2

  1. I Have to say that the website info isn't too much organized as well as the graphics display, but, i've seen good programs andhigh quality info in websites less attractive then this one.But in this case, i don't see why i'll be using the kind of service, free or not, to check up my system, even if i was searching for one.The main point is that you have to be more carefull with the topic information you're going to insert, cause i think you can do a better topic then this, normally everyone can, so, don't be an exception.Good luck to the next topic.

  2. I'm sure that you all have downloaded some of this stuff when you have begin using a computer and then using the internet, cause we all were beginners, and perhaps even some are still beginners in some ways.So, i'm not going to critisize the ones that download that spyware stuff cause they must be beginners in terms of internet related stuff.

  3. Want to win easy MONEY? If so read this simple but to the point text!

    If you want to win easy money,well, this is one of thoose ways that the money you will win it will depend on how much work you put in to it and certanly if you are a good webdesigner or not cause people will only visit your website and then click on your affiliate links if you can produce good looking websites, images and specially banners (also text link that don't require image editing skills but it requires "mental" skills.

    Let's go to the point, if you are a good designer and if you know hot to get traffic to your website and also if you know how to "seduce" you visitors to click on links on your websites, you can make a lot of money on the internet, i mean, you could get even millionare with the following method (Webmasters love this method cause is the one that is most simple, you just require a good website, with high quality information and with atracting links, banners, images, whatever, the point is that your visitors click on your affiliate links cause for 1 click you will win 1 dollar, yes, 1 dollar! Check out how!

    There are many websites on the internet that offer 1,5,10 dollar and even more if your visitors click on your affiliate links, but, if they want, they won't pay you, and you got nothing on them, you have no way to prove (in my opinion is very hard to prove).

    Now, you can ask me: "where do i find this kind of online deals/businesses?"

    I Have found bravenet.com link exchange program where you can win 1 dollar for each affilite link click, i mean, if one of your visitors click in the link that bravenet gives (after you register in their free program), they will give 1 dollar, so, if a 1000 viitors click on your affiliate links, you win 1000 dollars, pretty easy don't you think? It's easy, but not that easy, for good webdesigners it's going to more easy then for bad webdesigners, so, the trick is, like i said, a good website with high quality information to attrack visitors.

    I Don't want to say much more cause my i'm getting tired of righting, and mainly, i've explained the most important points to get money or even rich on the internet.

    To finished this introduction to online businesses, read this simple but to the point comment of "Scott L." that is using the bravenet program(script), and like i am too:

    "Hey - my traffic is through the roof - and Im making CASH from my affiliate program rewards! And I never spent a dime. I dont have the words to express how great you Bravenet people are! - Scott L."

    Visit the bravenet website at this link (where's the program is explained):

    And this link is where is explained the affiliates links, how they work, and they really work:

    Remeber that you will win 1 dollar for each visito that click on the bravenet affiliate link and also if that visito registers in the bravenet program! If they click and register, you'll win 10's, 100's,1000's or even 100.000's of dollar depending of how much traffic your websites has and how much convincing your text affiliates links are, so, try to think a litle before you insert the bravenet link on your websites.

    Remember this to get sucess :

    - First, think of the theme of your website (it's got to be a hot subject to attrackt visitors) ;

    - Build a very good website, with good information, with good graphics ;

    - Insert good and organize metatags and keywords to get a good rank in search engines ;

    - Register in the best topsites already indexed by google ;

    - Exchange links with good websites that are already indexed by google ;

    - In your website, create a sitemap menu and submitt the sitemap link with all the links to all of your websites pages in google free submitt url

    - For more tips and tricks, email me if you want a high quality ebook to promote and optimize your websites to get a high rank in the top search engines.

    Good luck! Good Work!

  4. It's a cool way to receive email, but i prefer using flash and php, cause i really hate cgi and perl. Cgi is a high vulnereble language, beleave me.There are programs like cgi scan and tons of others that scan websites/scripts whatever in cgi that is hosted in some web server to get in with admin account, that's what hackers use for cgi website (not only).Thanks, anyway.

  5. For sometime now that my contact form (php and flash) doesn't send me an email to the configured email adress in the script.I Use the adesformmail wich is in flash mx and php only.I Think the problem is with the server configuration, but, i could be wrong.This is the source code of the contact.php and form.php : - Form.php : <html><head><title>Contact</title></head><body><?PHP$to = "my email adress";$msg .= "This message has been sent from your Contact Form\n\n";$msg .= "Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"] . "\n";$msg .= "Email: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] . "\n";$msg .= "Website: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["website"] . "\n";$msg .= "Address 1: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["address1"] . "\n";$msg .= "Address 2: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["address2"] . "\n";$msg .= "City: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["city"] . "\n";$msg .= "State: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["state"] . "\n";$msg .= "Zip Code: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["zip"] . "\n";$msg .= "Country: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["country"] . "\n";$msg .= "Message: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["comment"] . "\n";mail($to, $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"], $msg, "Contact Form\nReply-To:". $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] . "\n");?></body></html>-------------- - Contact.php <html><head><title>AdesFormMail</title><meta name="keywords" content="AdesFormMail Ades Design"><meta name="description" content="AdesFormMail Ades Design"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body bgcolor=white onload="window.resizeTo(500,700)"><div align="center"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; width="450" height="450"> <param name="movie" value="AdesFormMail.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="AdesFormMail.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="450"></embed></object></div></body></html>The AdesFormMail.swf doesn't have a problem, i think that is the php and the server configuration.Please help resolve this problem.Thanks for your support.

  6. The tricks/tips are :(Even though, the google algorithm is based on 500 variables) - Sign up on topsites related to your website theme (Insert the keywords: " your theme name topsites" ex: free templates topsites") - Link exchange (sign up with website that have a script of link exchange and also you should exchange your website link with websites of different subjects, not necessarily of the same subject, the important is that your website is kinked from many website to rank your website up. Also don't forget to use text links cause google don't like image links, even for menus and buttons. You should use a normal link and/or xml support.) - The most important thing in google is to have many websites with an active link to your website in order to increase your website rank, but remember this, you should exchange links with websites that are already indexed by google. - Use good keywords and description (metatags) on your websites, don't use to many keywords, and use the same metatag_keywords on the first sentence of your website to help s.e.'s index your site. - Don't insert your javascripts source codes in your html files, build a *.js file and insert the javascript code in it and on the html file put the code to comunicate with the javascript, and this is because search engines hate javascripts. - Don't use frames on your website cause search engines also hate frames, even though some of the best search engines say that support frames, you shouldn't use them. - And many more tricks and tips but this should be a tutorial, not a reply!So, i have 2 fantastic ebooks about search engine optimizing, so, if you all want them, just private email me.

  7. yhcln1, they NEVER LOSE MONEY, they win, and tons of it!One more thing, a pretty good idea to share a file/files is to share files like: - Very good ebooks about webdesign, programming, and other interesting subjects for webdesigners,programmers and other subjects that almost all people like to read ; - A Free game made by you, for example, a free flash game if you have a free flash games website like miniclip.com , freeonlinegames.com, etc ... . Or another free game made in c, c++ or whatever, but the point is that you build a good game and share it using the megaupload.com free uploads server ; - A good tool or program that most people will use it or at least for the webdesigners and programmers will download it and add to their webdesigners tools arsennal/collection (like i do!). - A good script made in php,asp,aspx,cgi,perl,javascript,dhtml script,etc, well ... scripts like: - Web Contact Forms ; - GuestBooks ; - Surveys ; - Shopping Cards ; - Forums ; - Banners ; - Counters ; - Etc ... .If you want ideas for making scripts in one of those web languages, visit one or both this sites: - http://www.hotscripts.com/ - http://www.allthescripts.com/
    They have the most complete arsennal of free and trial scripts where you can view the scripts categorys, where you will have a start point to help you decide wich kind of script you will build,wich web language you will use (php scripts are more requested and downloaded by webdesigners,programmers and/or begginners), and more important info that you have to have in order to build a script that most people will download and use or at least to try ; - And much more stuff! The point is that you think a litle and after you create your thing, you then compress it with winrar or winzip and upload it to megaupload.com and then insert the link that megaupload gives you to share it in websites,forums,blogs,mailing lists,newspapers,newsletters,topsites,your websites,etc ... ... ... .

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