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About DarkNova

  • Rank
    Member [ Level 1 ]
  • Birthday 07/15/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Denver, Colorado, USA
  • Interests
    I love playing Halo 3 and Starcraft! I'm learning to yoyo, and am going to school to become a high school teacher. I currently work at Sam's Club, and I enjoy all the people I work with.
  1. I did Tae Kwon Doe for 5 years and continued on and off since 05. My brother has been doing it 9 years now. If there's anything I know about tkd it is that people who talk smack stop talking once they feel like they may be talkin to blackbelts. I've never had to throw a punch in my life (except at my bro) but the training i recieved makes me confident that if I had to fight I have an arsenal that not only includes kicks, but punches and grappling techniques as well as the ability to assess the situation and decide what kind of fight I want to get into(ground, close and dirty, fancy quick, etc.). However, because my instructors made sure to teach other styles that offered weapons when TKD had nothing real to offer, I have a diversified cache of weapons. Remember TKD is kicking, lots of kicking, high and fancy or low and dirty...all of which are designed to permanently disable your opponent and the effects will be devastating.
  2. Dood the Broncos firing mike Channahan was definitely a stupid move. Mike has always been one of the most innnovative coaches in the league last year coming up with an entirely new way to freeze a kicker that a nmber of other coaches immediatly picked up... Wade Phillips however has done an amazing job this season when you look at the Cowboys Roster and notice that over half of the team was sidleined or playing injured through most of the year, and the Cowboys Still put up more sacks than anyone else in the league. at the beginning of week 15 against the Giants Manning had been sacked 16 times and at the end of the day 24... When Wade calls the shots our defense shines, or defensive coordinator on the other hand... on a final note i would HATE to see Dallas give up Choice, especially after all the work he did for us when MAaon got injured... I will be a Tashard CHoice fan for the rest of his career or the rest of my life...Someone told me the Cowboys were releasing Terrell Owens which would be another stupid move for the Cowboys as his mere presence alleviates pressure from other recievers...Next year when Williams knows the play book and the offense is comfortable with him we'll see a LOT more of him to come and I for one look forward to it...Bottom line is the Cowboys Ddnt make the play-offs because of injuries... and a few key plays made it look a LOT worse than it was...
  3. Honestly I don't think anyone has a chance at stopping the Eagles now, let a lone the Cardinals... -While the Cardinals shocked the world beating Carolina in the second round they really have Delhomme to thank for it...-The Only games i watched the Cardinals play was against Dallas where they broke my QB's pinky -.-... and then they only beat the Cowboys in overtime...-The Eagles took the same team in week 17 and my QB back, and stomped us by more than 30 points...-After the Cowboys, the Eagles went on to take down the Giants, who were given top O-line honors by ESPN magazine... -It's been brought to my attention that both of the Steelers post season games ended at the 1 yard line, not to mention all of them winding down in the 4th quarter, so if a team(like the Ravens) can get ahead early they should be fine...-The Eagles have Donavan McNabb, and I just can't see Flacco holding it together once(if) he gets to the Super Bowl... Being a Cowboys fan it breaks my heart to say this, but it looks to me that the Eagles finally have a Super Bowl....
  4. thunder dude i don't mean to sound condesending but i'm pretty sure the Jets were out of the play-offs before you ever made that post? also why did you quote me? that was lil bit confusing
  5. My family friends and I used to play chess all the time when i was back in highschool, As black I generally play the French defense or a variation on the Nimzo Indian... I only played in two state tournaments and was initially ranked in the 1400s, I know i was able to beat 1700-1800 players as i played two of them and resigned after a bit (winning positions, up a queen in complicated endgame), but I had to be at the school dance >.<... My GF almost killed me cuz we were late... but I digress....Africa, are you sure you're a 2100 ranked? I don't remember all the international ranks but in the USCF approching master status...Willie, in USCFi believe the average on off adult player is between 700-1100....Forge if you have that game on ur site I'd love to learn the coding for it that sounds uberpimp! On a final thought I am blessed to be in the Denver community where Tyler Hughes is growing up, i met him when he was in 7th grade, when he was the reigning scholastic bullet chess champion 9-12 grade! and he was always willing to teach us...Oh and on another final note, there is a book called The amatuer's Mind by Jerry Silman... you can probably find it at your library buut it is an AMAZING guide to learning the game, I read it once and my game skyrocketed, after reading it a second time and analyzing it i felt unstoppable...
  6. So one day my friend went on facebook and started a new group, I haven't joined this group because I don't do facebook i feel its boring and I like myspace more because you can custimize every aspect with html and so on, but I digress... My Friend's facebook group was called Atheists for Christ, and you joined if you fell into both of these categories: 1) You don't believe in any God (Atheist) 2) You believe that the idea of Christianity ( or any major organized religion) is good for society... I believe that MOST people are inately selfish meaning they do what benifits them, regardless of the benifit of others and that religions such as Christianity teach morals that otherwise would be completely ignored... Example: The Milgram Experiment, conducted at Yale by the university psychologist Stanley Milgram would place a person (Mr T) in a room with a button that would administer a shock to a person in the adjacent room (could be heard but not seen, we'll call him Mr L). Mr L, who was not actually being shocked but acting from a script, was asked a series of questions, and with each wrong answer, Mr T was to press the button administering a shock, each shock would be 15 volts more than the previous... Anyways, over 60% of the particapants(mr Ts) in the initial study, were willing to press the button up to the maximum 150 volts, all the while hearing the screams of Mr L. Wikipedia does a much better job of describing the experiment and you can find the article here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment i'm not saying all the participants were Atheists, but even if a majority of participants were faithful, think about ho much worse they would be willing to do if faced with real life situations where they can see the people being harmed by their selfish choices... I don't agree with the origins people believe we come from but I can't say i agree they cause more harm than good in TODAY'S society... and a final note, the originator of the topic mentioned religion being the reason for USA being created from war is far from the truth... -While their were plenty of migrators from Britain seeking refuge from religious persicution, a majority of settlers came as a result of failed (or successful) settlements aided by the British Parliament. - The British Parliament gave aid in hopes of expanding their empire, and reaping the benifits of a new Economy. - The American Revolution came about when these new colonies were being ruled over with out any form of fir representation, The british Parliament was imposing tariffs and taxes on these colonists, without giving them any representation in Parliament. (Ex: Stamp Act, Tea Tax) - These unfair taxes coupled with a few unfortunate skirmishes between the British military and irate colinists, skirmishes like the Boston Massacre, led to the eventual revolution... I just wanted to point out that THIS war was not directly caused by religion, i understand many have been though =)... Carry on...
  7. the scaling, relief, and light are all on the right bottom half of the texturizer screen, hope that helps. Emerger, this seems like a very simple effect, and I saw that there were more textures than just the puzle, thanks a lot holmes i'm gonn chck these out!
  8. Thunder you just made the Pimp list in my book....I used to play texas hold-em on pogo ALL the time, and I played Hammerhead pool there too... I havn't played in a while maybe i'll set up a new pogo account.... I'm never getting out of this seat again...
  9. OMG DOOD, okay so my problem was that i didnt type in my database username right... I feel like such an idiot... I do want to thank you, True, for your help, had you not checked to make sure the scripts worked right i would have given yesterday, and over such a simple problem >.<So yeah true thank you a million times and also for answering all my questions about the tilda'd files....You're a genius huh???
  10. i was trying to edit my original post but for some reaso when I was posting the coding i got an error, "BB code tag is being used incorrectly"... Anyways, i meant to post a link to download the file but afyer i went to search it i got side tracked and forgot to enter before i poseted !!! Here is the site where you can download the files... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And here is the config code i think is causing the problems... $db_user = "user"; //Databaseuser $db_password = "pass"; //Databasepass $site_url = "http linenums:0'>//mysql information MODIFY IT HERE.$db_name = "dbname";//DatabaseName$host = "host"; //Databasehost (probably won't change)$db_user = "user";//Databaseuser$db_password = "pass";//Databasepass$site_url = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ URL (http://http://ww38.yoursite.com/)$clan = 'Clan';$clan_tag = '(tag)';?> Okay, i discovered I had ervything i needed in here the right way, my notepad just diplayed it in a way that was rly confusing O_o, you'd have to be dislexic to have seen it the right way... I do howver have an additional problem, as far as i know the scripts should be downloaded to public.html in my file manager, and one file "db_skeleton shoul be imported into my phpmyadmin for the database... which has been done... but now i have a couple of questions.... 1. Does leaving the db_skeleton.php COPIED in my public_html file screw things up? 2. Do i download the "db_skeleton.php" AND the "db_skeleton.php~"? Or do I leave "db_skeleton.php~" in the public_html folder? 3. There is no 3.... and D. Again, their could be some simple coding errors as wellthe files can be Dled at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If anyone wants to take a look... I understand I need a lot of help w/ this so if you guys aren't prepared to or dont have time I understand, I wanna thank any and all people who do help me out though, or at least try
  11. hi everyone, I have some PHP scripts written for my clan's website, written and distributed for free by Clan Overdosed... Anyways, I'm not sure how to get the site up and running, uploading the files, and then the website pulling them up, any help is appreciated...I've heard also their may be some bugs in the scripts, so if you're bored and a genius the file can be downloaded here...Apparently I have some editing to do in the config file myself, but other than those easy ones i really could use a hand =)...Once again any and all help is appreciated!
  12. Okay here is my situation, I have a clan called Cold Fusion for StarCraft, and i found another clan that was willing to donate one of their unused scripts (they give these to anyone that asks ). Anyways, I have finally found an awesome webhost that supports php called Xisto.com ... My problem now is, since im not a php user, i have no idea where to upload the files to in the file manager, or how to call them up in my brand spankin new website !?!--My apologies if a similar problem has already been answered I've been searching for 2 hours ---Thanks in advance for any help!!
  13. My last question is the account information, will it all be in the email, or will it be in an attached file on the email?
  14. I just purchased my hosting package and i'm waitin for it to be submitted and approved!! I'm so excited i can hardly wait... If only their were a night time activity that would really speed up the time... OH I KNOW, drinking games!!! jkReally tho Opaque I'm impressed with the innovation shown by you and your colleagues and i wana thank alll of you, as Im sure most members do, for your hard work and dedication!Edit: Updated PostOkay, I'm a little confused about where to go to start editing my website, i've purchased the logic plan and got it set up, now I just need to know how to get the ball rolling i guess? Does anyone know how or where to go to get started on editing? Notice from saint-michael: merged posts since they fell in the same day
  15. My favorite thing about this thread is the fact that it jumps from a post on 04 to a post at the end of 08....That said, Starcraft: Brood War is still considered the most balanced RTS game out there, with 3 drastically different races and nearly a decade after it's release.. which makes for a lot of innovative and fun strategies....When I want to play to win though my game is Halo 3 now, Level 50 in double Team, Slayer, and werkin my way up in MLG, Objective, Sawt, all of which are in the 40s...My xboxlive gamertag is CF DarkNova friend request me if anyone wants to play
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