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Everything posted by TheFury

  1. As a text based game developer, i have found that the main reason for people to use donations rather than outright purchases is usually to circumvent some restrictive license element of the game engine being used. My personal view is that games of these types should be free, no donations, no micro payments etc, my game, when finished will be just that 100% free to play for everyone.
  2. The simplest solution would be to get a better router that will allow you to forward ports to a selected machine, by dmz'ing all ports, this leaves other machines open on your network, which is not really good practice, because the point here, is to only expose the bare minimum of your internal network, to the internet.
  3. Depending on your dls router, you might not be able to open a qualified domain name for an machine on the internal network. The only way around this is to use a web proxy to confirm your able to access your pages. This happens with a number of different dls routers. IF you cannot access your pages from an external source, then you need to configure port forwarding on your router to forward whatever ports you are using (usually 80), to the internal network IP of the machine your using. This will mean you need to have a static IP address on the machine you have the lamp stack on. As a side note, i downloaded wamp, installed it on my vista box, forwarded ports from my router to the correct IP, checked firewall settings to confirm they allowed both inbound and outbound trafic on said ports and was able to access everything internally and externally without a hitch. If you're still having trouble, post again with as much details as you can outlining the procedures you have followed, with install and configuration of your network. Oh and don't forget to check your file permissions, I am not sure how pedantic apache will be in windows about permissions, but it might be an area for trouble.
  4. Avast. is there anything else.
  5. I will agree, most people are dumb and do not know to use a computer and many of the older tools that are available to help you do all the things that a browser does for you. But just because most people are dumb does not mean they cannot learn how to operate a computer without a browser and download software.
  6. You do not need a browser to download anything from the web, there are other ways of getting things, FTP, TELNET, BITTORRENT come to mind for this, also, windows explorer does have basic browsing capabilities built into it for those who do not know the old school way of downloading software. Also, MS is not dumb, they will have included a 1 click way to install IE in their browerless version of their OS. Which is more or less the same thing as having it preinstalled and integrated into the OS, this is what they do with messenger, hotmail and all the other bug ridden crap they peddle.
  7. This has always given me a laugh, that they say Explorer is free, yet, its an integral part of their OS architecture and without it the OS will not function and its installation is governed by the Windows Genuine Advantage software which will only allow upgrades on systems it deems valid and anyone who has been duped with OEM software before will understand exactly what im talking about, my valid windows license is only valid for the life of the hard drive it came installed on and after you perform 3 installs of the MS crap ridden bug ware, your up for $$ ching ching a new OS.
  8. That's because most if not all SEO techniques just do not work and are not worth the time and effort to implement. The only people who benifit from seo are those who run the programs or those who are selling software to gullible web site owners who think that a few clicks and a mass of link backs are going to somehow give you a number 1 google rank. Traffic is everything, the more traffic you have the better your rankings will be and anyone who tells you different is only peddling snake oil. How to gain traffic to your website, how to market successfully, understanding who your target audience is and providing them a service that suits their needs, are the things you should worry about doing and doing right, as well as having content that is useful. So, in summery, there are no short cuts, SEO is not a quick fix, its is not the answer to success, it will not get you more traffic, search engines are smart to the latest fads and adjust their algorithms accordingly to not weight things that people are trying to exploit. Understanding the market, who your target audience is, providing quality content and using marketing techniques designed to reach your audience, will in the long run bring you traffic and with traffic comes better rankings.
  9. The Ozone LayerThe ozone layer is not actually a layer but a zone withing the stratosphere where ozone is in higher concentrations compared to other regions of the atmosphere. The total amount of ozone is actually very small, but it serves an important purpose in regulating the amount of UVB that reaches the lithosphere. It is also important n stratospheric meteorology, where by the the process of absorbing UV radiation and the resulting heating effect, it determines the basic temperature structure of the region. Measurements of ozone are given in Dobson Units (DU) and 100 DU is equivalent to a 1mm thick layer of ozone. The average concentration of ozone at any point in the atmosphere is about 350 DU or 3.5mm. (Bonville, 1976)UV light has a wavelength between 10 and 400 nm. UV shorter than 180 nm does not reach the stratosphere, from 180-240 nm it is absorbed by O2 to create O3, from 240 to 290 nm is absorbed by O3 and does not reach the earths surface, 290-320 is partially absorbs by ozone and 320-400nm is almost entirely radiated to the ground.Ozone is created naturally in the stratosphere at an elevation of between 25 and 35Kms by the process of photo disacssociation , a process where high energy ultra violet light strikes molecular oxygen breaking it apart into 2 oxygen atoms. Being a highly reactive species, atomic oxygen will quickly react with an oxygen molecule to form ozone. The formation and destruction of ozone is a soley photochemical reaction involving the oxygen atom. This can be clearly seen in the Chapman Reaction Series. (World Meteorological Organization, 1976)Photo disaluson of molecular oxygen (O2) by ultraviolet light (hv). O2 + hv → O + O O + O2 + M → O3 + MIn the second part of the reaction M is given by any body typically N2 or H2. From here ozone is able to perform its function of limiting the input of UV into the lithosphere. O3 + hv → 02 + OWhere O is an oxygen atom that has been electronically excited to a higher state. This freed oxygen can then react to destroy ozone. This reaction accounts for 20% of all ozone destruction. 03 + O → 2O2The Chapman Series does not fully explain all the processes taking place and other gases are playing a roll in the regulation of ozone. These include Nox, H2O, CH4, Cl and Br, and under normal circumstances the creation and destruction of ozone and the formation of oxides are in a state of equilibrium. The destruction of ozone by CFC's and other man made chemicals, will if left unabated have a huge impact on life at the surface. Even small increases of UVB will have wide reaching consequences that will lead to an increase in skin cancers, a reduction in crop and timber yields, an increase in carcinoma in cattle and a decrease in plankton productivity which could lead to an entire collapse of marine systems. (World Meteorological Organization, 1976)Bonville. B.W., (1976), Environmental Aspects of Stratospheric Ozone, Environmental Sciences and Applications v4. p.1-19.Christopherson. R.W., (2009), Geosystems, Pearson Education Inc. p.507-521.World Meteorological Organization., (1976), Atmosphere Ozone – A Survey of the Current State of Knowledge of the Ozone Layer, Environmental Sciences and Applications v4. p.75-139.
  10. DeforestationWhen an area of rainforest is either cut down, destroyed by fire or some other means of perturbation, there are various levels of climate change that happen as a result. These impacts have a positive feedback effect at differing geographical ranges, from local, regional, national, continental and ultimately global. Rainforest is an extremely complex ecosystems and the destruction and fragmentation not only effects climates, but also leads to the loss of plant species and habitat for animal species that make a living from forest habitat. (Christopherson, 2009)All the major causes of global deforestation are human caused. Farming, mining, poor land management practices, burning for fuel, logging and urban expansion are just a few of the ways in which humans are having an effect on forests through clear felling of entire tracts of forest or through fragmentation of the forests. (Christopherson, 2009) As with the causes, the effects are also numerous.1.Desertification of previously moist forest soil.When the soil is exposured to the sun, the soil gets baked and the lack of canopy leaves nothing to prevent the moisture from quickly evaporating into the atmosphere. Thus, previously moist soil becomes dry and cracked. (Hoffman, 2003)2.Dramatic Increase in Temperature Extremes.Trees provide shade and the shaded area has a moderated temperature. With shade, the temperature may be 35 degrees Centigrade during the day and 15 degrees at night. With out the trees, these temperatures would be much more extreme, colder during the night and hotter during the day. (Hoffman, 2003)3.No Recycling of Water.Moisture from the oceans fall as rain on adjacent coastal regions. The moisture is soon sent up to the atmosphere through the transpiration of foliage to fall again on inland forest areas. This cycle repeats several times to rain on all forest regions. When these trees are removed it results in the climate getting drier in that area. (Hoffman, 2003)4.Less Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Exchange.The rainforest's are an important sink within the carbon cycle. Studies on deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions report that deforestation may account for as much as 10% of current greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation as it is emitted out to space and the current theory is that this is the major cause of the global rise in temperature we have seen over the past 10 years. (Hoffman, 2003)5.Soil Erosion.When forest areas are cleared, it results in exposing the soil to the sun, making it very dry, In addition, the trees that protected it and bound it together with their roots are no longer there. So when rains do come, they are not absorbed by the soil and run off taking the soil and any reaming nutrient with them. (Hoffman, 2003)6. Flooding and Drought.One of the vital functions of forests is to absorb and store great amounts of water quickly when there are heavy rains. When forests are cut down, this regulation of the flow of water is disrupted, which leads to alternating periods of flood and then drought in the affected area. (Hoffman, 2003)7.Global Climate Impacts.It is believed that global warming is being caused largely due to emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, what is not well understood is that deforestation has a direction association with carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon levels. Trees act as a major storage depot for carbon, since they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is then used to produce carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that make up trees. When deforestation occurs, many of the trees are burnt or they are allowed to rot, which results in releasing the carbon that is stored in them as carbon dioxide. This, in turn, leads to greater concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (Hoffman, 2003)8.Loss of biodiversity.The unique biodiversity of various geographical areas is being lost on a scale that is quite unprecedented. Even though tropical rainforest's make up just 6 percent of the surface area of the Earth, about 80-90 percent of the entire species of the world exist here. Due to massive deforestation, about 50 to 100 species of animals are being lost each day. The outcome of which is the extinction of animals and plants on a massive scale. (Hoffman, 2003)9. Disruption of indigenous populations.Very little attention or thought is given to the effects of deforestation on indigenous population who spend their lives within forests, with the loss of forest comes a loss of culture and of peoples identity. Many of these indigenous populations have cared for the land they live on for thousands of years, only to have it stolen from them by greedy western companies whose only interest is profits for their shareholders. (Stilling, 2002)References.Christopherson. R.W., (2009), Geosystems, Pearson Education Inc. p.507-521.Grotzinger. J., Jordon. T.h., Press. F., Siever. R., (2007), Understanding Earth 5th Ed, W.H. Freeman and Company. p.474-479.Hoffman. D.J., Rattner. B.A., Burton G.A., (2003), Handbook of ecotoxicology, CRC Press. P 645-663.Stilling. P., (2002), Ecology Theories and Applications 4th Ed, Pearson Education Inc. p.237-239.
  11. Open criticism of the Nazi regime resulted in your death, open criticism of the ruling party without fear of reprisal is one of the corner stones of modern democracy. And this in itself is the crux of the argument that the Nazi regime was great. It was in no way shape or form great because it repressed its peoples and made them live in fear of what would happen to them if the disagreed with the party line. Work camps and the Gestapo being the tools to that end. So, while many people initially supported Hitler and all he stood for, they remained so only out of fear of that the Nazi regime would do to them and their families.
  12. This is a paper i wrote on Spinastacoidies crayfish of Tasmania. Sorry about the missing images, for anyone who would like the images please email me and i will send you a pdf of the full paper. eldhamud at gmail dot com.Introduction First described as Parastaciodes sp, by Clark in 1936, Spinastacoidies sp, has undergone a number of revisions since it was first classified. Having been revised by Riek (1969), Summer (1978) , Hanson (2001) before being redescribed as Spinastacoidies spp by Hanson et al., (2006). Spinastacoidies consists of 1 species with three subspecies P. inermis, P. insignis and P. cantinipalmus. The name Spinastacoidies means “spiny crayfish” is derived from the Latin spina meaning spine and astacoides meaning crayfish like they are rarely more than 80mm in length, with antennae as long as the carapace. Fig 2: Schematic of Spinastacoidies uropod endopod showing terminal spines. (Hanson and Richardson 2006 )The defining feature of this species are the uropod endopod terminal spines (Fig 2). These burrowing crayfish have highly restricted geographical distributions, form symbiotic relationships with plant species and occupy different environmental niches often only meters apart from each other (Hanson and Richardson 2002). They are also considered to be a keystone species within these habitats because of the fundamental roll they play within the ecosystem (Driessen 2006). Spinastacoidies has a life cycle that is typical of many Australian crayfish species (Hamr 1992, Hamr and Richardson 1994) and have a two year reproduction cycle in which the eggs are carried by the female over winter and the hatchings stay connected to the mother till March the following year (Hamr 1994). The rugged an inaccessible nature of the terrain in which Spinastacoidies inhabits has been a limiting factor in the amount of research that has been conducted on this species. This has also protected it from threats to its environment from humans in the form of logging, agriculture and water degradation as well as threats from invasive species like the mainland yabby (Cherax spp.).Geographic Range Spinastacoidies has a very limited range restricted to the southwestern corner of Tasmania. The species distribution is bounded in the north by Lake St Clair, in the east by the 1000mm isohyet known as the Tyler Line and in the south by the coast. Tyler Line corresponds with a sharp change in environmental gradient which reflects geological, edaphic and climatic changes and this eastern boundary closely approximates the east west climatic gradient across Tasmania where evaporation exceeds rainfall during the summer months. (Hanson and Richardson 2002, Richardson et al, 2002)Fig 3: Geographical distribution of S. inermis. (Hanson and Richardson 2006, 2002, Richardson et al, 2002)Each of the 3 subspecies of Spinastacoidies have highly restricted distributions within this geographical area. S. inermis has been recorded in the Arthur, Catamaran, Crossing, Davey, D'Entrecasteaurx, Esperance, Huon, Lune, Moth, New, Picton, South Cape, Salisbury and Weld river, stream and Fig 4: Geographical distribution of S. insignis. (Hanson and Richardson 2006, 2002, Richardson et al, 2002 )catchment areas (Fig 3). S. insignis has been recorded in the following river, stream and catchment systems, Coffin, Cracroft, Davey, De Witt, Frankland, Fulton, Giblin, Gordon, Hardwood, Huon, Melaleuca, Moth, Mulcahy, North, Olga, Passage, Spring, Race, Wanderer and White House (Fig 4). Fig 5: Geographical distribution of S. cantinipalmus. (Hanson and Richardson 2006, 2002, Richardson et al, 2002 )S. cantinipalmus is limited to the following river, stream and catchment areas, Albert, Andrew, Baxter, Bird, Davey, Derwent, Franklin, Gell, Gordon, Hardwood, Hibbs, Jane, King, Maxwell, Nora, Olga, Orange, Pokana and Wanderer. (Fig 5)Habitat Requirements SpeciesBurrow TypesLocationSubstrateVegetation TypeS. inermis1a, 1b, 2Swamps, slopes, seepages, lakes, creeksPeats, clays, muds, gravelGraminiod heaths, rainforest, wet sclerophyll forest, moss, coastal and alpine S. insignis1a, 1b, 2Slopes, ridges, plains, swamps, seepages and creeksPeats, sands, muds gravelGraminiod heath, Melaleuca scrub, wet sclerophyll forest, coastal and alpineS. cantinipalmus1a, 1b, 2Seepages, lakes, creeksPeats, sands, muds gravelGraminiod heath, Melaleuca scrub, wet sclerophyll forest, mossTable 1: Habitat characteristics of Spinastacoidies sp. (Hanson and Richardson 2006, 2002, Richardson et al, 2002 , Growns and Richardson 1988, Horwitz and Richardson 1986, Richardson and Swain 1980 )The distribution of Spinastacoidies covers a wide range of different and varied habitats. Richardson and Swain (1980) claimed the three species occupy more or less distinct habitats however there seems to be a lot of overlap between each species as well as some habitat partitioning (Hanson and Richardson 2002) even tho they occupy distinct geographical regions. Fig 6: Buttongrass moorland habitat, inhabited by Spinastacoidies. (© Launceston Environment Center )(Hanson and Richardson 2006, 2002). Spinastacoidies seems to prefer nutrient poor, low Ph, water logged soils and anoxic environments or sedgeland heaths and peat bogs where is has developed a symbiotic relationship with the moorland buttongrass, Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalu (Growns and Richardson 1988, Richardson 1990, Driessen 2006). , However it can also be found in many other habitat types, which is likely due to habitat partitioning, where the presents of one species in an area restricts another species from utilizing this territory (Hanson and Richardson 2002). Within the sedgeland heath environments Spinastacoidies reaches its highest population densities. Fig 7: Wet sclerophyll forest habitat, inhabited by Spinastacoidies. ( © Launceston Environment Center )Burrows Spinastacoidies burrows serve a number of functions, shelter from extremes in environmental conditions, an environment for mating and brooding, water to moisten gills, a source of food in the forms of roots in blind chambers, detritus and invertebrates that enters the burrow system. Horwitz and Richardson (1986) proposed a system by which to classify the burrows of Australian crayfish based on a the system proposed by Hobbs (1981) using location of the burrow and their connectedness with water as the delimiting factors. Table 1 shows that Spinastacoidies, use type 1a, 1b and type 2 burrow systems. Type 1a burrows are found in permanent bodies of water like lakes, creeks and rivers. They can be found under rocks, submerged logs or between rock crevices. These Fig 8: Schematic showing morphological structure of burrows used by Spinastacoidies spp. B. blind chamber, F. fringe roots, G. buttongrass tussock, P. burrow opening, Q. quartzite bedrock, T. terminal chamber (Growns and Richardson 1988).burrows are short and unbranched and used mostly for shelter. These are the simplest burrow systems used by Spinastacoidies (Horwitz and Richardson 1986). Type 1b burrows are more complex systems found in the banks of permanent waters. They contain entrances both above and below the mean water level and are extensively branched (Horwitz and Richardson 1986). In type 2 burrows there is no direct connection to surface water. Spinastacoidies in this instance burrows down to the water table where they receive seasonal surface run off, lateral percolation of water from the soil profile as well as from the rise and fall of the water table itself (Horwitz and Richardson 1986).Fig 9: Schematic diagram showing position of burrow types in relation to topography. (© Launceston Environment Center )The blind chambers of Spinastacoidies burrows are important for feeding, situated under the roots of G. sphaerocephalu which forms a large part of their diet. Spinastacoidies spends most of its time foraging within its burrow system. Larger animals occupy burrows of larger volume that contain more blind chambers (Lake 1975, Growns 1988). The terminal chamber is a water filled area of the burrows where mating and birth occurs. It is the lowest part of the burrow system, generally located on the underlaying bedrock. (Lake 1975, Growns 1988).Diet Spinastacoidies is an omnivorous detritus feeder, where plant material makes up the majority of its diet (Lake and Newcombe 1975). Further investigation by Growns and Richardson (1988) uncovered the full extent of the diet of Spinastacoidies by examining the contents of their stomaches and categorizing the contents as either detritus, Gymnoschoenus, roots algae and animal. What Growns and Richardson (1988) found was that Spinastacoidies diet consisted of around 80% detritus through out the year with varying amounts of the other components, of which animal was the next highest with a maximum of 15% and the other 3 categories were only ever found in trace amounts. While Spinastacoidies forms a symbiotic relationship with Gymnoschoenus, it primary gain is not feeding on root fragments in the blind chambers, it would seem that the gain is in the form of leaf detritus that falls and enters the burrow system. ReferencesDriessen . M., (2006). The fauna of buttongrass moorland. The Tasmanian Naturalist 128: 37-51Growns, I.O., and Richardson, A.M.M., (1988). Diet and burrowing habits of the freshwater crayfish, Parastacoides tasmanicus tasmanicus Clark (Decapoda : Parastacidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 39, 525–534.Hamr, P (1992). Embryonic and postembryonic development in the Tasman freshwater crayfishes Astacopsis gouldi, Asatcopisis franklinni and Parastacoides tasmanicus tasmanicus (Decapoda : Parastacidae). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 43, 861–878. Hamr, P and Richardson, A (1994). Life history of Parastacoides tasmanicus tasmanicus Clark, a burrowing freshwater crayfish from south-western Tasmania . Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 45, 455–470.Hansen B., Richardson A.M.M. (2006). A revision of the Tasmanian endemic freshwater crayfish genus Parastacoides (Crustacea : Decapoda : Parastacidae). Invertebrate Systematics 20, 713–769. Hansen B., Richardson A. M. M. (2002). Geographic ranges, sympatry and the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of species of an endemic Tasmanian freshwater crayfish. Invertebrate Systematics 16, 621–629. Hansen B., Adams M., Krasnicki T., Richardson A. M. M. (2001). Substantial allozyme diversity in the freshwater crayfish Parastacoides tasmanicus supports extensive cryptic speciation. Invertebrate Taxonomy 15, 667–679. Hansen B., Richardson A.M.M. (2006). A revision of the Tasmanian endemic freshwater crayfish genus Parastacoides (Crustacea : Decapoda : Parastacidae). Invertebrate Systematics 20, 713–769. Hobbs, H.H., (1981). The Crayfishes of Georgia. Smithsonian contributions to zoology. 318, 1-549.Horwitz, PHJ and Richardson, AMM (1986). An ecological classification of the burrows of Australian freshwater crayfish. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37, 237–242. Lake, P.S., Newcombe, K.J. (1975). Observations on the ecology of the crayfish Parastacoides tasmanicus (Decapoda; Parastacidae) from south-western Tasmania. Australian Zoologist 18, 197-213.Launceston Environment Center 34 Cameron Street Launceston TAS 7250 Richardson, A., (1990). The implications of vegetation change for animals and their habitats. Tasforests, 173-178.Richardson, A.M.M., and Swain, R. (1980). Habitat requirements and distribution of Engaeus cisternarius and three subspecies of Parastacoides tasmanicus (Decapoda : Parastacidae), burrowing crayfish from an area of south-western Tasmania. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 31, 475–484. Richardson, A., Doran, N. and Hansen, B. (2006). The geographic ranges of Tasmanian crayfish: extent and pattern. Freshwater Crayfish 15: 347-364. Riek, EF (1967). The Tasmanian freshwater crayfish genus Parastacoidea (Decapoda : Parastacidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 15, 999–1006. Sumner, CE (1978). A revision of the genus Parastacoides Clark (Crustacea : Decapoda : Parastacidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 26, 809–821.
  13. Not a lot really, what choice did he have, join, or object and be killed. Most people will take the path of least resistance in situations like this. Nazi society was built around fear, not only fear of Jews, but fear of not following what the state said was good for you. A couple of posts back someone mentioned George Bush and Ronald Regan and likened them to hitleresc tyrants, while i personally disagree with their politics, there is a stark difference between their regimes and the Nazis and that of recent US presidents, and that is i can publicly object to, protest against, campaign against and call them *BLEEP*s and wankers to their faces and not be killed for my actions. Disagree with Hitler on ANYTHING and you either were forced to commit suicide, publicly executed or sent to the labour camps where you were worked to death. The German people accepted Nazism initially because they offered change and later on purely out of fear, got a problem with your neighbor, tell the gestapo and your problem is gone, so are their children and most of their immediate families. Anyone who thinks living under that sort of fear was a high point in German society needs to honestly have their heads read. Without taking this way off topic, the thing i find most interesting about Bishop Ratsfinger is the position he held before becoming Pope. He was head of The Office of Faith and Doctrine. This in itself sounds all nice and harmless, but when your made aware that prior to the 1900's The Office and Faith and Doctrine was called THE OFFICE OF THE INQUISITION, itself an inherently antisemitic office guilty of the deaths and persecution of Jews. Along with the Romes support of Hitler during the war and its assistance in helping fleeing war crimes suspects and its denier position for many years with respect to the holocaust, its pretty hard to take the Catholic Church serious with respect to his appointment.
  14. No, you are correct that they were not systematically killed in death camps like the Jews were, they were just slaughtered in their homes, in numbers greater than the Jews. This was the ultimate fate of anyone the regime labeled as sub-human. Just for a little perspective there are the numbers: Jews: 5.2 Million Slavic's: 10.5 Million Other groups also called untermensch were gypsies, blacks, homosexuals, criminals, mentally and or physically disabled, the deaf, beggars, prostitutes, alcoholics and pacifists just to name a few. If your family had someone who was in one of the above groups, the whole family was send to the death camps. Purity of the Arian ideal was what was important and even good, honest and upright German descendants were to be cleansed if they had any hint of weakness in their genes. For anyone who thought that this was a great time for the German people, take a read through the quote below, taken from http://www.johndclare.net/Nazi_Germany3.htm pretty much anyone who did not tow the party line was going off to a death camp.
  15. What are you promoting here (at the OP), that the German people are great or that NAZI's were great. It seems to me that your arguments are kind of for the former, but you have it confused with the later. It is impossible for any rational person to conclude anything other than, Nazi'z, both modern historic, and all that Nazism stands for is built out of fear and hate, which ultimately lead to the deaths of millions of innocent people labeled as sub human. And while the world focuses on the anti semetic nature of the Nazi's, it was not just the Jews who were slaughtered, there were more Russians killed by the Nazi's than Jews, as they too were labeled sub human and were to be exterminated as well, the only reason why they do not make the front pages of history is because the Russians were not funneled through death camps like the Jews were, the Russians were raped and killed in their farms, houses and cities by Jo Average German soldier, not by Mendals brain washed special units.
  16. For anything to happen in relation to NK, the existing treaties relating to nukes need to be taken seriously by the main players, Russia and the USA. People can talk all they like about more sanctions against NK, but lets be serious, NK has been sanctioned back to an 1800's standard of living and the people have not revolted against their leadership and over thrown them, so all more sanctions will do is make them even more resolute to have nukes and play in the major leagues with all the other nuke owning nations.Until the other nuke owning countries take the Non Proliferation Treatise and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty seriously, ratify them and take serious steps to disarming their own bombs, then scared backward nations, who have been bullied by the rest of the world for being communist like NK, will want to have some to make them feel less scared and more accepted by the worlds other big powers.
  17. As a text based game developer, i would have to say that i'm rather partial the the theme of my own game The Oriental Dojo. Which is an martial arts inspired game. I could tell you all the design details but then i would have to kill you, trade secrets and all. LOL.
  18. Here is a list of text based MMO's that i would recommend to anyone to play, they are exceptional quality, have mature game staff and solid player bases. Game Name URL Theme Port Bleached InuYasha Galaxy biyg.org Anime 1801 4 Dimensions 4dimensions.org Multi Dimensions 6000 6 Dragons 6dragons.org Medieval 4000 DB:Infinity dbinfinity.bounceme.net DBZ 4000 End Of Time eotmud.com Final Fantasy 4000 Godwars 2 godwars2.org Godwars 3000 The Realms of the Dragon mud.rod.org D&D 3000 ArcticMUD mud.arctic.org Dragonrealms 2700 If you need a game client to connect to any of these i would recommend the Portal GT client available from http://ww42.gameaxel.com/ If you have never played a text mud before, give these a try, you will not be disappointed.
  19. I know this is showing total bias, but i think my game The Oriental Dojo is pretty neat. The game is still under development and in need of staff, however there is enough content to make the game playable from start to end game. If anyone would like to beta test what i have accomplished so far then drop in and check us out. point your favorite client to or telnet orientaldojo.net 8000
  20. Read the TOS: Namely, And In other words, if they do not like what you search for, you do not get paid, there is no acceptable search policy to know what is and is not an acceptable search, only the blanket coverage of if we don't like it, tough luck jacko. Also if you make a website via this service you give up all rights, the service can sell your work on to 3rd parties as they see fit and you have no control over your work as the copyright holder as you have granted all rights to the company to do what they want with it. Think before you sign your life and your work over to people like this.
  21. Forget mambo/joomla, they are clunky beasts that are slow as old boots. Drupal is fast but IMO ugly unless you do a lot of work to tart it up, my personal favorite is e107, fast clean and easy as pie to work with. There are 100's of CMS out there now days, you do not mention what features you actually require, so its hard to direct you to a specific CMS that will do what you want with ease.Also take a look at php-fusion and php-nuke, they are both rock solid, i have used both on different projects, but like i said, these days i pretty much use e107 for everything.
  22. I use filezilla in both linux and windows. Its clean fast and has regular updates.
  23. WOW has i don't know over 8 million customers, i highly doubt that all of them are geeks and nerds. As a text mud developer i think that muds attract more geek types as many have a back ground in table top roleplay games like dungeons and dragons. That's not to say that DnD players are inherently geek either. WOW is massively popular, the only way to be that popular is to appeal the the masses, and well geek culture is too small and fractured for them to have more than 8 million customers. I do not play WOW, although i have tried it, i find that the gameplay of most 3d MMO's including WOW to be very shallow are not conducive to immersion within the environment and limiting in roleplay ability and take away from the imagination. Also games like WOW are heavily populated with gold bots and glitch cheats that further detract from a normal players enjoyment. For anyone who would like to experience real RP and online play that is environmentally immersive, then muds are the go, Mudbytes is a mud community portal that caters to mud gamers and developers, there are games lists there as well as active community members who are more than happy to help anyone who might be looked for a game withing a specific genera.
  24. Same place i told you to start before, a design document. Without it you cannot even begin to work out what tools to use for the job, without knowing what tools your going to use you cannot even begin to work out what programming languages you need to learn. As for learning to program in general, you can pretty much pick any language and start to learn to program, the basics of programming and algorithm design are the same no matter what language is used. Concepts like variables and constants, looping and control structures, pointers and memory handling are in just about every programming language, if you learn the concepts you can apply it to any language, if you learn how to program in general terms, changing from programming language to programming language is much like changing from English to French, each has nouns and verbs and sentences but has a slightly different structure and syntax.
  25. Maybe you could provide some information about the project, theme, story, technology used, skills require,talent required, link to games website, the more interesting and informative the post, the easier it is for someone to decide weather they should join or not.
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