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Posts posted by Mysterio

  1. "One small step for man, One giant step for google" That is what it should say on top of googles web page. Indead this is nice little feature that google is coming out with that will be on the site for sometime just likw Google Earth which you can go around the whole world.

  2. I got a idea that i feel like we can do on the site. As you know not everyone is home all year long at this site to keep up there post count. Like i am next week going to a place called Walt Disney World and other parks in Florida.So I have came up with a idea the site can do. Have a forum/topic called Away and you can make people post there telling that there somewhere. This way you can't take off there posting points. This is just a idea i came up with. Tell me what you guys think of this.

  3. Yep. Not long ago Google released Google Moon. It is very much like Google Maps with the sattelite view on. But instead of showing the Earth, it shows the Moon.


    Google writes:


    You can see it here.

    And if you zoom in far enough, you can see something that we all suspected all along! ;)


    This indead very cool for google. So now they have google earth and google moon, Mabey they will introduce good Saturn? LOL Great Feature for google to do for

  4. Ultimate Theme Parks!

    For the last year i have been working on this website finding hosts, making templates, getting pics, and more. Now four months after our site on the web we are better then ever with loads of information, loads of pics, and loads of other stuff you got to check out. We got a friendly staff team and friendly members on our forums. So check out our site if your planning to go somewhere, or need information, or to share your stories in theme parks.

  5. live near Philly all I can say is this. It was awesome to me. Also is was helping poverty in Africa.
    My hight light was watching Green Day in Belrin, Germany singing We Are the Champions My Friends. Or wht ever that song is.

    Also cool seeing old and new bands. To bad Philly ended very early yet London went to 12pm for them I believe.

    Also I saw Simple in Canada. O yeah the ONLY thing I hated about the concert is they aways cut the song SHORT... when your in the song you hear that was someone playing something. Lets go see what he is doing now.

    Live had 150 bands total! 8 places playing at the same time! That is amazing. That was a great show.

    I said that earlyier but also somethings also cool about the concert was seeing famous people coming out for the support. Also some even joined and singed! I think the countries that got most attention in order i remember is London, Philly, Berlin. Bressi. Thats all i can remember as of right now. Now everyone can say now twenty years from i lived threw that i was there. Thats a honor. It is awesome to see that concert but sad to hear why they did the concert. Poverty in Africa is gaining everyday so it gets sadder and sadder. Hopefully this helped it stop just a bit more. :}

    Help stop poverty in Africa.

  6. live near Philly all I can say is this. It was awesome to me. Also is was helping poverty in Africa.
    My hight light was watching Green Day in Belrin, Germany singing We Are the Champions My Friends. Or wht ever that song is.

    Also cool seeing old and new bands. To bad Philly ended very early yet London went to 12pm for them I believe.

    Also I saw Simple in Canada. O yeah the ONLY thing I hated about the concert is they aways cut the song SHORT... when your in the song you hear that was someone playing something. Lets go see what he is doing now.

    Live had 150 bands total! 8 places playing at the same time! That is amazing. That was a great show.

    I said that earlyier but also somethings also cool about the concert was seeing famous people coming out for the support. Also some even joined and singed! I think the countries that got most attention in order i remember is London, Philly, Berlin. Bressi. Thats all i can remember as of right now. Now everyone can say now twenty years from i lived threw that i was there. Thats a honor. It is awesome to see that concert but sad to hear why they did the concert. Poverty in Africa is gaining everyday so it gets sadder and sadder. Hopefully this helped it stop just a bit more. :}

    Hep stop poverty in Africa.

  7. I don't think they will go in anytime soon because they are newer.  I seriously think they should team up with Nintendo and put Sony to rest!  :P Then we would have justice!


    But think, Halo on the road, or on a plane, playing some dude from some weird country wirelessly!


    The DS has a touch screen...and if all FPS work like Metroid Prime Hunters did on that demo.....Master Chief and Mario need to have a lunch together....


    A team up with The Playstation and the Xbox. That could be awesome. But also it could put the Nitendo out of buisness which I know not alot of people want. So I do hope for a Xbox Portable.

  8. I talked to my brother about that adaptar and he said it is like $40 dollars and extremely hard to get because it is made in Taiwan( I believe is what he said. I may be wrong. Lets just go with an Asian country.) and they stopped making them.  At least that is what he told me.

    I'm kinda disappointed about that  :P


    DS Online that is made in aisa and hard to get? Pretty werid. Well, PSP online only works on the game and is free. I do know that the DS you can play agansit people from like a block from your house. Nothing really big. But I never knew about this DS online adapter. I heard that it comes with some games. Mabey this is true or not.



    I haven't heard of anything about being able to surf the web with a PSP, but I have heard about being able to play roms and stuff on the DS.


    I believe you need to buy an adaptor or something like that so you can play them. My brother has a Nintendo DS and he told me about this. If it is legal and all I hope he gets it.

    And for the PSP surfing the web. It is a feature that Sony is working on for the PSP which you will have to download off the computer with the USB Cable. Now I still never heard of a adapter for the DS and I dont think it is real.

  9. I went and did a little research on copyright protection for you guys..
    Copyright protection is a tangible material that is protected by a copyright. Anything can be copyrighted that you can view, hear, if it can be saved on your computer, or anything else that is a way of saving. Copyright Protection begins when something is created in tangible form. Once you have your material written down or saved somewhere, it is copyrighted, but you can't sue them unless you register your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office. Even if your copyright isn't registered, you can still assert a copyright claim as the author.

    When you see a "Š Copyright 2004, 2005 Chris Wilson", it doesn't mean that the copyright expires in 2005. What it means it that the material was created in 2004 and then edited in 2005. A copyright lasts until 50 years after the death of the original author.

    Taking anyone's work from the internet is illegal! If you see a background that you like, or part of someone's source that you'd like to use, that's illegal! That material is copyrighted. There are three things that aren't illegal when taking things: if it has been created by the federal government,  if the copyright has been abondoned by the holder, and if the copyright has expired.

    If you have downloaded a free item from a website, you still have to comply with the owner's terms and or conditions. If it says that you must give them credit, you must give them credit, or else you're commiting copyright infringment. If the owner says you cannot edit it, you can't edit it legally.

    You cannot take someone's work and translate it into a different language and then call it your own either.The Bern Convention says:  You have to have the author's permission to translate it into a different language.

    I'd like to thank http://www.whatiscopyright.org/ for educating myself and others on the copyrighting experience. If I hadn't given credit to that website, I would be commiting plagarism from taking their ideas and paraphrasing them.

    What i dont get is the nerve of some people THAT STILL COPY YOUR SITE! Even if you have the copy write and everything they still do it. But I have seen html codes that allow people if press copy or properites or anything you get a message saying not to. Those can help many sites. But what is the difference of Trademark and Copyright?

  10. I live near Philly all I can say is this. It was awesome to me. Also is was helping poverty in Africa.My hight light was watching Green Day in Belrin, Germany singing We Are the Champions My Friends. Or wht ever that song is.Also cool seeing old and new bands. To bad Philly ended very early yet London went to 12pm for them I believe. Also I saw Simple in Canada. O yeah the ONLY thing I hated about the concert is they aways cut the song SHORT... when your in the song you hear that was someone playing something. Lets go see what he is doing now. Live had 150 bands total! 8 places playing at the same time! That is amazing. That was a great show.

  11. Lets compare the stats with the Xbox 360 and PS3.

    PS3 Stats

    PS3 Tech Specs

    Cell Processor
    PowerPC-base Core @3.2GHz
    1 VMX vector unit per core
    512KB L2 cache
    7 x SPE @3.2GHz
    7 x 128b 128 SIMD GPRs
    7 x 256KB SRAM for SPE

    * 1 of 8 SPEs reserved for redundancy
    total floating point performance: 218 GFLOPS

    RSX @550MHz
    1.8 TFLOPS floating point performance
    Full HD (up to 1080p) x 2 channels

    Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell- base processing)

    256MB XDR Main RAM @3.2GHz 256MB GDDR3 VRAM @700MHz
    System Bandwidth

    Main RAM 25.6GB/s
    VRAM 22.4GB/s
    RSX 20GB/s (write) + 15GB/s (read)
    SB< 2.5GB/s (write) + 2.5GB/s (read)
    System Floating Point Performance

    2 TFLOPS

    Detachable 2.5" HDD slot x 1

    USB Front x 4, Rear x 2 (USB2.0)
    Memory Stick standard/Duo, PRO x 1
    SD standard/mini x 1
    CompactFlash (Type I, II) x 1

    Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 3 (input x 1 + output x 2)
    Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
    Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)

    Bluetooth (up to 7)
    USB 2.0 (wired)
    Wi-Fi (PSP)
    Network (over IP)

    AV Output

    Screen size:
    480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p
    HDMI out x 2
    AV MULTI OUT x 1
    Digital Audio:
    Disc Media

    PlayStation CD-ROM, PlayStation 2 CD-ROM, CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side)

    PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW

    Blu-ray Disc:
    PlayStation 3 BD-ROM, BD-Video, BD-ROM, BD-R, BD-RE

    I dont have Xbox 360 if someone can post that thanks!

  12. My top 5 Favorites that are good.... Yeah that good.1) Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi - Tastes just like the great Wild Cherry Pepsi.2) Oreo Milkshake - Great Tasting drink if you call it a drink and is awesome!3) The Classic Coke in a Glass Bottel - Bery hard to find is the Classic 50's Style Coke in the Galss Bottel tastes somewhat better then in a can to me.4) Pink Lemonade - Very good on a hot day. Nice cold, good tasting, and of couse it is Pink. :rolleyes:5) Water - A key in life to live good is water.That is my top 5 choice.

  13. I don't know which I will get in all honesty, I think this generation will be harder to pick than ever before.  Think about it, in the NES days you had NES or Master system, not a hard choice(no disrespect to  Sega fans).  In the 16 bit days you had the Genesis and the SNES, for the first part I would have gone with GEN but in the end, I fell the SNES prevailed.  The 32 bit era saw the Saturn PSX and the 64.  I think thoug the 64 did well, the PSX took the cake. Then you had the DC, PS2, Xbox and GCN, right now I would say PS2 is the obvious choice, but just because most people have one, although each console has a lot of benefits.  This gen will be extremely hard to chose just one.  PS3 will have the graphics and the sony advantage(IE userbase), Xbox will have live among other things, but Revolution will have 20 years of Nintendo behind it, and I am totally unsure of which to go with : )


    Yeah it is getting harder to pick. Each system has it own unique theme. Each system is great which we can all agree but yeah this is getting very harder to pick now.

  14. Nintendo. Yep a little of a fanboy lol. Well, Nintendo gives you innovation, new experience in gaming, connectivity, and more.  They know that graphics doesn't matter in gaming industry, but is important.  Graphics is what appeals to gamers, but the game is what will keep the gamers hooked on.


    But what would be PSP to that. DS is like a Mario theme park. PSP is like a action theme park. So everyone has different opionons and this is what this topic proves.

  15. Virtual Magic Kingdom
    This is someting cool I found. You walk around Disney's Magic Kingdom. You play games and make your own room. You have to find hidden mickeys and at the same time you can chat to people.

    Now this is BETA mode. For all who don't know what this means it means it is still being made. When it is done it will be able to go to Tomorrowland and Frontierland (Which not yet in the game) and be able to ride all the rides. For right now you can only go on the Monorail. Also you find hidden mickeys in the scenery. Also in July you will be able to play in the Disney Theme Parks too!

    Now this is also cool. You create you person. Name him, give him his look, and more. You also can get Mail and have a Friend List (Like a Buddy List).

    Anyway thats it. You got to check it out!
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