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Posts posted by Mysterio

  1. "When Stars are born they posses a gift...

    One of which give the gift to make a wish." - Walt Disney


    Well i got some small yet big updates. First Main Street work is being slowly but surley looking good. I made sure to make the Emporium look great, Also Sleeping Beauty's Castle is starting to be look on and here is the colors for it (Gold, Pink, Blue, and Silver.). This is the most colorful disney theme park castle. Also there will be a candle on top of each roof to represent each disney theme park resort. At nighttime all the candels like up and unite each other for a great firework show called The Fantastic Dream! Your host Mickey Mouse takes you threw people's wishes, evil forces of disney past, a celebration, and a story in its self with over 1000 fireworks, many lasers, and a special lightning system on the castle.


    Also the Fantasmic! stage at Walt Disney Studios are starting to be made. It is going to be where the nitetime specatuclar takes place. Also we are making a huge Sorcerer Hat where at night you can see are laser show Sorcerery in the Sky with real characters singing, lasers going on and off, fireworks, and blasts of music.


    So get ready more updates are coming soon. :P

  2. Hello Members!


    We have upgraded the Xisto Forum Board version to the latest one 2.0.4.


    The good part is, Things are fine now. We are planning to install a new dedicated skin. However, we will not be able to provide options to our members regarding skins. After that, we will be working on optimizing the forum board to the maximum extent possible :P


    Pass time mods like arcade, kenka, Army system had to be removed. As a result members might notice a considerable improvement in the load times. Our previous board was a Beta version hence, I hope the new stable version will also take care of increased load at peak hours.


    The sad part is, the reputation mod was lost too. We will try to re-install it and the data regarding the reputation has been kept safe. The only problem is, we are not able to find the reputation mod :(





    Well, congratitulations on the new template being finished i am saying first. It looks very professonal and loads fast. I remember the old template took years on my computer to load and my site would never go up for i could never have alot of credits. But with this i should be able to get more credits for my site. Hopefully this template will help this site and are sites to help us get more credita in a shorter periode of time.


    Now the template looks very professional which is great! The Colors really go with the site which is good. Lucky that we still have a Shout Box which i hate when people uses for crude and rude things. Also there is only one thing i do not agree about the fourms.


    The Logo up there to me seems plain and ordernary. You should have Xisto like a logo or something. I understand for forum topic up there but Xisto should have something to it.


    Well you guys did a GREAT and outstanding jobs and keep up the great. Probably a few years from now you will have even a greater template.



  3. Well the word blocker is so people can not give out personal information, no cursing, no spelling mistakes, and ect. Also it crashes once in a while on occasion. But the game is still fun.You can create rooms and then people come in which is fun. The game also allows you to talk to people with them talking back. Yes it is hard with the word blocker but safe.

  4. I am reviewing a game i play often called Virtual Magic Kingdom Web Page. This is a game made by disney which you walk around the disney theme park. This is a great game. I am CoolmanJosh on it and it is awesome. First you create a character in a disney theme park what better then that, now you walk around the park and can talk to people. Second you can play some very cool games which is cool! Then take pics of hidden mickeys, get credits, make rooms and so much more. I play this game everyday i am addicted. So i give this a 5/5 website from my standards and is awesome and safe.

  5. I got a small question, to say if you site being hosted here was hacked and the password for you cpanel change, your filies took off, emails changed, and anything else destoryed and ect.Now my question is this, does my host (here) gives us a back up, helps us get back on cpanel, and ect. I want to know this if this is to ever happen to me.Also say my IPB got hacked and everything earsed and banned me to view my forums. Could i notify IPB and they could help me get it bacl?I am trying to learn this so if something bad was to happen to my site i am fully prepared and ready to get everything back to normal as fast as i can.Thank you,Mysterio

  6. To all who come to this happy place: Welcome.

    Disneyland is your land. Here, age relives fond memories of the past,

    and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.

    Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts

    that have created America, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.


    - Walt Disney

    Disneyland Opening Day

    July 17, 1955


    Opening Show Preview (8/04/05) -


    For the last 50 years disney has been making rides and attractions for all to enjoy. Walt Disney's legacy started by a mouse. Then in 1955 Walt Disney open his first ever disney theme parks named Disneyland open with his most famous sentence Disneyland is your land. 50 years later load of new parks including the biggest resort Walt Disney World open. For the Happiest Home coming on earth and Happiest Celebration on Earth we of disney plan to introduce are newest resort Disneyland Northeast. With this we are themeing it after areas of disney past and new areas. The resort in the summer and spring is a theme park with shops, resturants, beach and more. At Winter time enjoy Ski Resorts and pleaces to hang out and enjoy the Disney Cruise that takes you to Disney new man made island to have fun and releaxe. The park is in North New Jersey so we have New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Washington D.C, and many other places for your new disney vaction destination point. This new park will take you to places of your imagination, places you could only dream to go, and more. With this we talk to the owner of the project Mysterio who will give us more information on the project.


    Thank you. For the park we are introducing many new areas and such as of this:


    Main Street USA








    Discover Land (from Disneyland Pairs)




    World Showcase (From EPCOT)


    Walt Disney Studios (Disneyland Paris)


    With this we will just have a bit of resort then with this hotel named the Disneyland Hotel! Now we have started the project and this is a pic of the train station.


    Posted Image


    This train station will host when we open the park the famous Good Morning song with everyones favorite Mickey Mouse and his friends. Now for the first year we open DLNE we will have are new Cinderella's Castle in many colors of pink, gold, blue, red, and so much more! As of right now we only have the train station done and the american flag area on main street but this was made only in a day.


    Now we also have a new area in stead of Disney's Boardwalk we have the New Disney's Seaport. This area is theme as a seaport but with shops and more. Now are progress is this right now:


    Main Street: 14%

    Adventureland: 0%

    Frontierland: 0%

    Fantasyland: 0%

    Discover Land: 1%

    Tomorrowland: 0%

    World Showcase: 3%

    Walt Disney Studios: 0%

    Other: 10%

    We will have more updates as soon as possible. Once a week update.

  7. This topic is for the Likker Katrina after math. This is what i heard and post earlyier i am posting here to for it has all the info:

    First off about this Gas. Gas before the storm was in the low 2 bucks. Now are like almot 4 bucks. CNN was saying sometime next week it will be over 4 bucks!
    Now abou this storm, warning if you do not want to read this do not read.

    New Orleans, New Orleans as you know is below sea level with three bodies of water around it. With this storm first buildings where being destoryed by this horrible wind. Also the lebes which hold the water from filling the city like a bowl broke, i do not know if you guys know this but the Leves where made for Category 3. Why 3? Make it over protective with 5. Well if they are to ever make the leves they will probably will. Now the city is filling up with this water. What is worst this water holds dead bodies, they barry people above ground there so they are floating, electrical poles making the water electric-thy (spelt wrong), pulted water, and so much more. Now the Super Dome before the storm held about 10,000 ppl. After math of Killer Katrina now 30,000! Wow! Now because the roof has holes in it, nothing working, no food and water, they are moving (currently right now) people to AstroDome in Houston, Texas. This is a good idea but how will they take 30,000 people. Well i am so sad from this. People looting and dieing.
    Death toll for New Orleans is believe around 200 and still going up,

    Mobile: Moblie did not get eveaculted which is bad. A hotel with 30 ppl collaspe killing people by the wind. Cassions being brought out to the ocean, People trying to go back to normal in there life. It is bad.
    Dearth toll estimated 40 ppl.

    Mississipi: Mississipi water rage threw towns wiping out loads of homes and such. This did not really hold kills but load of home less. For the homes that did make it. They are now being looted. Very tragic indead.

    The Rest: Loads of people are dead, dieing, being looted, homeless, sick, and ect. This is the worst Natual Storm ever in America. The Death Toll is drastically rising. With this america will never be the same again.

    Now what President Busch, Former Presidents Clinton and other Busch are also doing the same campaign they did in the Tsunami disaster. Well post more information here for the after math.

  8. First off about this Gas. Gas before the storm was in the low 2 bucks. Now are like almot 4 bucks. CNN was saying sometime next week it will be over 4 bucks!Now abou this storm, warning if you do not want to read this do not read.New Orleans, New Orleans as you know is below sea level with three bodies of water around it. With this storm first buildings where being destoryed by this horrible wind. Also the lebes which hold the water from filling the city like a bowl broke, i do not know if you guys know this but the Leves where made for Category 3. Why 3? Make it over protective with 5. Well if they are to ever make the leves they will probably will. Now the city is filling up with this water. What is worst this water holds dead bodies, they barry people above ground there so they are floating, electrical poles making the water electric-thy (spelt wrong), pulted water, and so much more. Now the Super Dome before the storm held about 10,000 ppl. After math of Killer Katrina now 30,000! Wow! Now because the roof has holes in it, nothing working, no food and water, they are moving (currently right now) people to AstroDome in Houston, Texas. This is a good idea but how will they take 30,000 people. Well i am so sad from this. People looting and dieing. Death toll for New Orleans is believe around 200 and still going up,Mobile: Moblie did not get eveaculted which is bad. A hotel with 30 ppl collaspe killing people by the wind. Cassions being brought out to the ocean, People trying to go back to normal in there life. It is bad.Dearth toll estimated 40 ppl.Mississipi: Mississipi water rage threw towns wiping out loads of homes and such. This did not really hold kills but load of home less. For the homes that did make it. They are now being looted. Very tragic indead.The Rest: Loads of people are dead, dieing, being looted, homeless, sick, and ect. This is the worst Natual Storm ever in America. The Death Toll is drastically rising. With this america will never be the same again.

    Notice from wassie:
    Deleted double post

  9. This is a ridclues story how some person dies after 50 hours of Gaming. Yes it is bad for you and he probably needs glasses lol. :) But also how can one man play for so much hours! Now that his is fault for doing that and never should have done this. For the man i prey for him and his family for the best but still why would you play for fifty hours!I might not even play everyday mabey 20min a weak on a game for no good games any more. Now i wonder if he won a world record for longest to be playing games lol. I think he should. :D And yes i think everyone would get bored playiing more then 5 hours lol not fifty.

  10. Disney has done some really amazing things in there history. I am here to post just a few of what they had did.

    First is Animaontronics which are figures that most look like humans or animals and movelike Disney's Carrousel of Progress. Disney uses this on many rides today and made other parks now starting to use these features. This is a really cool feature disney will continue to use for years from now.

    Next is Pins. Disney has made loads of money off of these popular things. You collect them and well read the rest.

    I have over 500 pins but i will post my favorite i own.

    Hong Kong Disneyland In Jappenese Letters with a Mickey on it.
    Lite Ups:
    Rock N Rollercoaster
    Castle with Fireworks
    My most rare and Favorite: Walt drawing mickey with WDW and DL around the sides in Spaceship earth.
    Opening day Disneyland in a rusty bronze color. (That old :mickey2: )
    Mickey and the Happiest Celebration on Earth
    My First Pin: Mickey in a suit saying Walt Disney World and having WDW in the back ground.
    And alot alot alot alot alot alot more pins i own.

    Pins are very cool for alot of Cast members in the park trades with you, Many acults, teens, and kids wear them. They have pin trading things to like Friday nites at the Contemporary Resort is Pin Tradings nite.

    Now also Virtual Magic Kingdom VMK.com is a other cool thing Disney has came up with. You can walk around Disney resorts like your there and talk to people and so much more. Take pics of Hidden Mickeys, play games, and still more then enought things to get you playing the inerative game for hours.

    Disney has also came up with some new type of rides. First Mission: Space, the ride gives you the sensation of flying in space going to Mars. Also Stitches Great Escape gives you the sensation that Stitch the Alien from outerspace is in the room with you and messing with your hair and so much more. Also many other rides from the past to like Carrousel of Progress makes you seem that they are real people talking to you.

    Now Disney has done some amazing things in the past, present, and for the future we will wait. Disney is all ready making the first roller coaster of its time Expedition Everest where the whole time going backwards you get cold in Mount Everest, air pumps blows in your face, the animontronic Yetti, and so so so much more then are doing to the mountain. The whole thing is in a Mountain to a Mint Everest duplicate. So disney is doing very amazing things. We hope to see disney theme parks continue to do this for years to come.


  11. I can see homes which take finger prints to get in and ajust room tempature to your body temptuare to feel perfect. The most confortable furnutiure. Shoes that adjust to your feet. Cars that drive manual and auto and are solar power. Many new jobs out there and some jobs replace by technolgy. Alot to think about also robots in every home cleaning, cooking, and more.

  12. Has anyone notice in what the past 10 years has done in technology? Alot has change so i was thinking what will happen in the next 50 years? Alot will change i bet. Mabey robots doing everything for us. Smart House for every house. And everything else.I think alot of things are going to change in the next 25 years then just the next 50. Notebooks now mini computers you write in?I am aways finding out new inventions and more just from the news like that robot just like a human in Japan or something that talks?So what do you think is going to happen in the future?

  13. Say someone hacked into my cpanel account on Xisto.com and started to delete and change my files and email people off my emails and such. Also say that person also hacked into my forums and started banning everyone and such. What can i do to keep this from happening and also if it did happen to get my site back to normal.Last year i worked on these forums as a admin and the forums got this member who got on my name and banned all ther admins names and ips adress. IPB didn't help me so we had to make new forums. Is there a way to fix that? Also say that this guy got on my cpanel and started to delete all my webpages and changed the password. What do i do?So what do i do? Please post it here.

  14. I do believe that disney gave everyone free passes to the parks or even a lifetime park? Well, when i was at WDW last week someone died in the Typhoon Lagon's Wave Pool which those waves are huge. Trust me when i say they are tough. The Waves go up to like 10 feet and by the time is finishes it is moving still like 25mph!Disney doesn't get that much bad records though because they are so popular and they have a accident it becomes bid news but what happen on Califorinia Screamin i do believe disney has to shape up.Also for all who don't disney also had a injury with this kid with his fingers broken and a kid i think almost dround in a WDW pool, mission space, space mountain, and even pirates of the carribean?So i think disney still is great a park but these injuries and deaths are starting to accur more freqenly. So disney might have to shape up to still be called the safetest parks in the world.

  15. http://s17.photobucket.com/user/Mysterio0118/media/th_Picture094.jpg.html


    I am glad to finnally post my trip report for my WDW visit!


    Where to start well for all who do not know.... disney is celebrating 50 years of theme park magic with the happiest celebration on earth. They are also at WDW bringing rides from all over the world to WDW!


    Okay it is 4am and i get a wake up call. I get ready and we head off to the air port. From there we wait till a 6:30am flight and on the plane (Smallest plan ever) and 5 hours. From it is 11am and we arive at Orlando International, we take 25min and are Disney's Magical Express arives. We get on and watch this small little movie and then we arrive at are hotel Disney's Contemporary. Are room wasn't ready so we went to eat lunch. After that one of our rooms are ready and we go there. What we see is we got a park view.


    Now we go to the place we call Epcot and this is what i first see.




    We first go to mouse hear and i get mickey ears in gold!


    Hehe. Now we head towards Mission Space. This ride is simply amazing with such great effects and amazes me every time. The ride takes you from earth to the big red planet which is awesome and your face just gets glued to the wall.




    From there we head towards test track and was very cool. Test track is cool for about to hit the wall lol. Then we go to Sorin' which is pretty amazing. Then,to where we eat dinner China. Now from there we saw the fireworks relection of earth.






    Thats it for day one. Tomorrow i will post day two!

  16. (The New Layout on the site is awesome)I just came back from Walt Disney World... sorry for not posting. Well i run Windows XP, have a gateway computer, and have Direct X 9.0C if that helps.Anyway i am playing it at my friends house and i just came back from the happiest place on earth which is awesome!Thanks and if someone can help me more please do so.

  17. 15 Disney Roller Coaster Riders Treated For Injuries




    ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Emergency crews treated 15 riders injured on a roller coaster Friday evening at Disney's California Adventure Park.Fire crews, ambulances and other emergency vehicles were at the California Screamin' ride, which features a 108-foot drop. Crews received the report at about 6:40 p.m.



    This is very scary for many people are being hospitalized. This is not a month for Disney Theme Parks for us other things has happen with Misison Space, SPace Mountain, Twlight Zone Tower or Terror, and ect. Disney needs to start shaping up again.


    Notice from snlildude87:
    Posts merged

  18. Well it is RCT3 and it is more like a video like this ride from Walt Disney World Fantasmic!.


    It will be like that type of ride. It will be very good i am trying to start it so it will make people want to watch more of it. O yeah warning that video is 25min long but make sure you watch the whole thing.

    I cant wait to show you guys the video. I plan to have a trailer once i get the chococholate room ready.

  19. Hello everyone, i am making my first RCT3 movie ride called Charlie and the Chocolate the Ride. It is going to be a ride over 15 min long and use the real music from The oringnal from Willie Wonka and the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Please i am sorry if i need to show pics first but here is the ideas and some thing i need to do this.First off can someone tell me where i can download the Windows Media Maker and ways how to put on the ride and such and aslo help me gets some music and such i use to make this ride with.Two here is the idea i got for the ride:You start in front of the factory and go inside where it looks like a chocolate paradise with fireworks and great special effects. Then to the choclate river where you pick up some speed and have a awesome time to there the invention room where smoke and other cool things move around and from there to from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" a place where these guys shot candy and make fireworks on the glasds elevator and have a bunch of fireworks going off. From there we will continue threw the next area around the choclate factory and then to the entrance.I will use some intence themeing and such to make it look good. Now if anyone have the soundtrack and where i can get the Windows Media Maker thank you. I hope for any comments you guys have for this ride. Thank you.

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