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Posts posted by Mysterio

  1. Voyager 1 and 2 were the first in that series to be sent to explore the outer solar system. Preceeded by the Pioneer 10 and 11 missions, Voyager 1 and 2 were to make studies of Jupiter and Saturn, their satellites, and their magnetospheres as well as studies of the interplanetary medium. An option designed into the Voyager 2 trajectory, and ultimately exercised, would direct it toward Uranus and Neptune to perform similar studies.


    Although launched sixteen days after Voyager 2, Voyager 1's trajectory was a faster path, arriving at Jupiter in March of 1979. Voyager 2 arrived about four months later in July 1979. Both spacecraft were then directed on to Saturn with arrival times in November 1980 (Voyager 1) and August 1981 (Voyager 2). Voyager 2 was then diverted to the remaining gas giants, Uranus (January 1986) and Neptune (August 1989). A more detailed table specifying the closest approach distances/times for these encounters is available.


    Data collected by Voyager 1 and 2 were not confined to the periods surrounding encounters with the outer gas giants, with the various fields and particles experiments and the ultraviolet spectrometer collecting data nearly continuously during the interplanetary cruise phases of the mission. Data collection continues as the renamed Voyager Interstellar Mission searches for the edge of the solar wind's influence (the heliopause) and exits the solar system.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:

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    Mmm, mmm! Sliced and diced as SPAM-tastic!

    Source http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/voyager.html

    Warning issued and credits reduced.

  2. Have you really ever wonder why there is always two high tides and two low tides a day. Well you know what the Earth and the Moon is? The Earth is a planet, which holds life including us. But there is mostly water on the planet. Then the moon, believed a peice of earth that broke off and smaller then the United States of America. Well the Moon has a pull to the earth. It is invisiable. You might know a force makes animals aware of storms and such like the Tsunami it said alot animals knew before it happen. Now the moon's pull on earth but stays in orbit. But this pull calls a invisiable force i believed called Gravitational Force where picks up the water. There is one high tide. Then the rest of the water not being pulled will move down to the oppiside of Earth. Now the two sides are low so they are low tides.Then the buttom or oppistside. That is high tide for all the water is pushed there. If the moon was bigger tides would go up and even lower. Imagine 50ft how tide and 10 feet low tide?

  3. Illiuminations Reflections of Earth The Ride


    "We've gathered here tonight around the fire, as people of all lands have gathered for thousands and thousand of years before us: to share the light and to share a story. An amazing story, as old as time itself, but still being written. And though each of us has our own individual story to tell, a true adventure emerges when we bring them all together as one.


    I hope you enjoy our story tonight: Reflections of Earth."


    From Dizney Productions: Hello everyone! Please sit down. Today we are going to introduce a new ride made from Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. It is Illiuminations Reflections of Earth.. the ride! To watch a tiny bit of the begining click this link here and go down click free then it will take you to a next page where go down and and after 45 seconds have a download link. The ride will use Epcot's Illiuminations Reflections of Earth music and give you the feel of the show. I Hope you enjoy it and further construction pictures coming soon.


    Dizney Productions

  4. I dont know if you know this but this envolves planets. Sometimes scietiist watch planets get hit by metors bigger or very big compared to the planets and they would explode into a million pieces. But what scientist has been watching is that this pieces go back into a planet and fit perfect. Looks like it never got touch even tho if you go to there land after it looks like hundreds of Atomis Bombs went off. But planets gravity keeps it together.Now like some people mention 5 Billion Years right now we probably will be so advance we wont be touch or we would be gone or something. Who knows. If you have not heard we all ready plan for colonies on the moon in 2018! If this happens means we can go anywhere. Also scientiest are wondering Venus simlar to Earth back in the begining days. Also same size. It is believe the Earth changed by plants and such changig the atmosphere and the evnoirment. So Scientist plan to one day put life there and it might take a billion years but to make it so one day Venus might become the next earth. Then Mars we know has Water now froozen deep in the ground. Even tho the planet is extremly hot. That planet might have been once hosting life we dont know.So who knows.

  5. Have you ever look at the sun. WEll maybe with sun glasses but look at it. Well this Sun is really old for stars. Yes are Sun is a star. But it is old. Really it only has 5 billions years left! Yeah might be alot for us but for stars not that long. Here is what will happen in 5 Billions of Years from now.You always picture a perfect sun rise? In 5 Billion Years something will start to happen to that sun rise. The color of te sun will first turn from the yellow we see to a Volient Red color.Next, the sun will start to grow. Keep growing first Mecury will be burned away from the sun. Then Venus. Then as you know Earth will be destoryed. Even before the Earth is taken over by the sun it will have no water left. Everything burned. It would be the end of Earth for ever.Then comes Mars. Mars is taken over by the sun.Even the giant gas giants will be sucked up. Jupitar will be destoryed and Saturn. Then the sun will let out its last blow and collaspe on its self. Then making huge dusts from where this great Solar System last was.

  6. One of the greatest coaster sites around is this! Coaster-Net.com. It has the world's biggest ride gallery featuring rides and coasters and about them with pictures. Then the Theme Park Galley shares pictures and about the park. Then there is a great community on the forums. Also they post the news daily from theme parks, have a downloads extras like Wall Paper, buddy icons, parks, and more!Now here you post trip reports, find out about all the newest rides, share about times you had at theme parks, and more. The site is more then a site. It is a great coaster community. For the last 7 years been working on the site. I am a staff member there for writing editorals.Editorals are great for you can read about things going and such like we have the top 10 most innovated rides of 2005!So if you ever need theme park or coaster information you should concerder here.Mysterio

  7. This ride is like MIB but this is a little more high tech for technolgy is getting better and better everyday. Yes this will be a great ride. It is being place where the old First Aid and Guest Releaisons are and they are being moved next to the claw. This is a nice move i think for Hersheypark. Also just 2007 is there 100th Anniversary! Imagine what they will get next year?

  8. 2005 Has been an eventful year for the debut of new thrill-rides that push the limits of engineering and imagination. This year, the winning rides have had unique inspirations, from action movies, to Greek legends, to African birds. And while uniqueness is usually the defining quality of an innovative ride, statistics are the main innovations for one of our top rides this year. Just two years after Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point smashed the limits in the 400-foot range for the first time, we have a new king of the coasters dominating over all the rest. Now, we will let the countdown commence.




    10#: Italian Job Stunt Track, Paramount Canada's Wonderland, Vaughan, ON, Canada / Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, OH, USA-



    Copyright Paramount Parks



    Sometimes, a theme is what really brings a ride alive. Last year, that could be seen with the Revenge of the Mummy coasters, which claimed the number ten spot for their combined use of theming with ride features to enhance every part of the experience. Paramount brings one of their own recent movies to life this year with the


    Copyright Clint Novak




    Italian Job Stunt Track coasters at Kings Island in Ohio and Canada's Wonderland in Ontario. Coming from the creator of the Mummy coasters, Premier Rides, these rides have a number of similarities to the Universal rides despite the absence of the dark ride dimension. After a first launch from the station, are immersed in a chase scene from the Italian Job movie, climbing a parking garage before dodging police cars and traffic barriers. Like Revenge of the Mummy, riders arrive back at the "station" only to find their enemy waiting for them, in this case in a helicopter with gunfire erupting in front of them. Another launch propels the train of Mini-Coopers off again, through a tunnel and emerging to "splash down" and end the ride.




    #9: Half-Pipe, Don Quijote, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan-



    Copyright asahi.com



    Our next most innovative ride this year garners its place on the list through its unique location. Who would have thought that one day you could go up to the roof of your neighborhood discount store and hop onboard a world-class roller coaster? Well, that's exactly the case in Tokyo. From the city that brought you Thunder Dolphin, our number two most innovative ride of 2003 for its incredible use of buildings and other urban and amusement structures to enhance the ride, comes this new extreme experience. Half-Pipe is slated to make its debut this December right on the rooftop of the eight-story Don Quijote discount store in the Roppongi district of Tokyo, Japan. And this isn't your normal rooftop thrill-ride, if a rooftop thrill-ride could be classified as normal by any means. Combining spinning cars with a linear-induction-motor-propelled U-shaped, vertical layout, Half-Pipe is an experience not to miss. It may be smaller than past "Half-Pipe" coasters from Intamin AG, but this one is every bit as wild in its ride design and far more wild in location. All-in-all, this new coaster arrives on our list at number nine.




    8#: Reaper: Drop Ride to Doom, Amsterdam Dungeon, Amsterdam, Netherlands -



    Copyright Amsterdam Dungeon




    Copyright Amsterdam Dungeon



    Location is also the main uniqueness of our number eight ride on the countdown. What do you get when you take a former chapel in the middle of Amsterdam and cram a steel twister inside? Reaper: the Drop Ride to Doom is what you get - a ride with one of the most unique locations in the world. Mack's second "e-Motion" coaster in the world takes a more unique twist from the first, Tulireki at Finland's Linnanm?ki, with its ultra-compact layout inside the church building, but the noteworthiness doesn't end there. Instead of the traditional lift hill, this steel twister utilizes an elevator system similar to the one used on the Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain at Indiana Beach. Yet, the rarities still don't cease there. Reaper also features a reversing track most comparable to the ones found on the Revenge of the Mummy coasters. This unique new coaster opened in the middle of October and delivers its innovation in a major way.




    7#: SheiKra, Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa Bay, FL, USA-



    Copyright Busch Gardens



    A concept that some thought had died off five years ago made its return to the current coaster scene with a ride that pushes Bolliger and Mabillard's Dive Machine model to the extreme. SheiKra is the name of an African bird known for diving straight down to catch its prey, and that's precisely what this coaster does. Florida's first hyper-sized coaster reaches the 200-foot mark exactly before sending riders

    Copyright Homer



    down not one, but two vertical drops that earned the original Dive Machines their reputations. After the first plunge, it's up and into the first inversion on a ride of this type, and it's not your normal vertical loop either. An immelman sends the layout into a carousel curve and block brakes before the second vertical drop, but the ride still isn't over at that point, with two more carousel curves divided by a simulated "water splash" with all the effects. Being the masters in theming and detail that they are, Busch Gardens surrounded SheiKra with African theming, from the themed tunnel that riders enter at the bottom of the second plunge, to stone pillars wrapping around supports. SheiKra may not be an overall record-breaker, but it takes its coaster type a step further, earning it our number seven place.




    6#: Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, NJ, USA-



    Copyright Six Flags



    The world's largest and fastest record has been reclaimed by a theme park on the East Coast of the United States for the first time in nearly fifteen years. Kingda Ka is

    Copyright Clint Novak



    the new king of the coaster world and our number six ride, towering over the earth at 456 feet and rocketing off faster than any other ride at 128 miles per hour. If this ride seems strikingly similar to 2003's record-breaker Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, that's because it's the same layout and same Intamin Rocket Coaster ride type, made larger, with some other notable improvements. The biggest change along the out-and-back course is a second hill; nothing like the first vertical ascent and descent, but a quick 129-foot speed hill to deliver a moment of airtime at extreme high speeds before entering the brakes. Kingda Ka also utilizes a dual loading station for high capacity where Dragster uses loading and unloading stations. The one disadvantage over the former record-holder is the use of over-the-shoulder restraints in place of lapbars only. When it comes down to it, this coaster is innovative for pressing on in the race for taller and faster, but loses points of innovation for its unoriginality. No one can argue though, Cedar Point has been outdone again.




    5#: Hydra: the Revenge, Dorney Park, Allentown, PA, USA-



    Copyright Dorney Park



    Reviving a Greek legend at Dorney Park, our number five coaster has taken its revenge on the former king of the wooden coaster world, Hercules, with one of the most twisted steel coasters in the world. Along with being the Cedar Fair chain's first floorless coaster, Hydra: the Revenge breaks free from the ordinary floorless coaster from Bolliger and Mabillard that most people have come to expect. From the very beginning, Hydra makes a statement of uniqueness, with the second-ever inversion

    Copyright TJ Andrews



    between the station and lift: a heartline "jojo" roll. And although the statistics lack while they were a strength on the predecessor, at 105 feet and 53 miles per hour, the innovative layout of this coaster throws passengers through a very unique inversion lineup consisting of an inclined dive loop, zero-g roll, corkscrew, cobra roll, and second corkscrew. Like Hercules, terrain is a defining part of the ride as riders dive down hillsides and speed past piles of rocks, all adding up to equal a memorable ride. Dorney Park may have sacrificed a larger coaster for Hydra, but the uniqueness and appeal of this new ride are sure to justify the removal in the end.




    4#: Hades, Mount Olympus Theme Park, Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA-



    Copyright Mt. Olympus Theme Park



    Riding on the success of several smaller wooden coasters installed over the past decade, Hades towers above the rest and goes to depths that no other coasters have gone before. The former Custom Coasters International designers at Gravity Group

    Copyright Mt. Olympus Theme Park



    have proven that they still have the knack for designing impressive wooden coasters with the largest ride to their name so far. The steel-supported wooden track of this coaster rises far above any of Mount Olympus' former coasters with a lift hill dwarfing the 1997 Zeus at 136 feet. And even the height isn't as impressive as the first drop: a plunge of 140 feet taking the track under ground and under the parking lot for an intense sequence of high-speed airtime hops and the steepest banking ever seen on a wooden coaster: a complete ninety degrees. This ride isn't a one-trick pony like some coasters either, with 4,726 feet of track taking the train out the other side of the parking lot for some more tall elements and back under for a second subterranean pass. For its innovation in wooden coaster design, Hades makes our list at number four.




    3#: Powder Keg: A Blast in the Wilderness, Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO, USA-



    Copyright Silver Dollar City



    Old and new come together in a unique transformation of Silver Dollar City's former water coaster into the world's only half-launched, half-lift-hill-powered coaster. When Buzzsaw Falls opened in 1999, people considered that ride to be innovative enough for its log-flume-like splashdowns and theme in the midst of coaster-like drops and turns. Not Silver Dollar City.

    Copyright Silver Dollar City



    The Missouri theme park wanted something even more unique. In the fashion of parks like Pennsylvania's Kennywood, the park retained half of the old ride and lengthened the course with new elements unlike the former ride. Gone is the water, and new is a pneumatic launch from S&S Power, complete with a transfer track between the station and launch and a unique spike of track behind the launch in the case of rollbacks. Despite the launch, Powder Keg is geared for all ages, with a layout only reaching 100 feet in height and lacking inversions. But the layout itself is a unique one, twisting and turning through the terrain before hitting the original lift hill for one final drop and curve. Powder Keg explodes onto our list at number three.




    2#: G-Force, Drayton Manor, Drayton, Staffordshire, UK-



    Copyright Matt Vickers



    Our number two steel coaster does exactly what a winning innovative ride must do - it completely throws away the norm. The recipient of our silver medal this year is a ride that's unique from the very start. Riders board original-looking sideless trains at Drayton Manor Park and secure unique curved

    Copyright Matt Vickers



    lap restraints before setting off along one of the most unique layouts ever conceived. The lift hill itself is the most innovative portion of the layout in that it takes riders through an oddly-shaped vertical loop. As the ride starts the lift hill after a drop from the station, it may seem like any other - that is, until it goes completely vertical, and pretty soon, completely over to hang riders on their heads. And let's keep in mind, riders are secured without the aid of over-the-shoulder restraints. From there, the track swoops down to the ground to complete the first inversion before taking on a vertical hill and a unique double inversion known as a "bent cuban eight." During this element, the train completes a half-loop, 100-degree corkscrew to the ground, then another half-loop followed by a 180-degree twist back down. All-in-all, G-Force is one incredibly unique ride.




    1#: Sequoia Adventure, Gardaland, Castelnuovo del Garda, Veneto, Italy-



    Copyright Gardaland



    And now, for our top pick this year. The newest extreme coaster from the minds at S&S Power has finally found a home. Italy's Gardaland became the first park in the world to invest in a Screaming Squirrel coaster, the ride that members of the media were invited to test out several years ago at S&S's Utah plant. Unlike the company's initial coaster model, the Thrust Air 2000, the Screaming Squirrel is a lift-hill-powered ride on a smaller scale, but the insanity is even more in this design than the last. S&S plays with the extreme angles again by taking riders up to an altitude of just under 100 feet before sending them plunging down 180-degree - yes, 180-degree - hairpin drops. Of course, brakes slow the cars as they dive down to the next level of track and completely invert. The completely unique design of the Sequoia Adventure and its vertical layout allowed Gardaland to fit the compact layout in a unique location: right in the middle of a traditional Arrow Dynamics Corkscrew coaster's layout. Some think of it as a wild mouse turned on its side. Others think of it as the latest creation from the mind of an insane genius. Whatever this coaster is exactly, it lands at our number one spot on the countdown for its complete originality in the world of amusement parks.




    And that wraps up another great year of new innovation! As always, hang on tight and prepare for another great year ahead. The storm clouds are already gathering and the times ahead are wild ones for thrill-seekers around the globe.


    Written by Blast Coaster from Coaster-Net.com




    First this is from Coaster-Net.com. It is a great site. Well this is the list for the most innovated rides for 2005. Please other people here discuss here about what you think it is the more innovated rides. Here is my list.


    10: Italian Job Stunt Track, Paramount Canada's Wonderland, Vaughan, ON, Canada / Paramount's Kings Island, Kings Mills, OH, USA-


    9: Half-Pipe, Don Quijote, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan-


    8: Reaper: Drop Ride to Doom, Amsterdam Dungeon, Amsterdam, Netherlands -


    7: Hydra: the Revenge, Dorney Park, Allentown, PA, USA-


    6: Kingda Ka, Six Flags Great Adventure, Jackson, NJ, USA-


    5: SheiKra, Busch Gardens Tampa, Tampa Bay, FL, USA-


    4: Powder Keg: A Blast in the Wilderness, Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO, USA-


    3: Hades, Mount Olympus Theme Park, Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA-


    2: G-Force, Drayton Manor, Drayton, Staffordshire, UK-


    1: Sequoia Adventure, Gardaland, Castelnuovo del Garda, Veneto, Italy-

  9. In 2006, thrill seekers at the Worlds largest regional theme park will challenge El Toro, an enormous, new wooden roller coaster under construction at Six Flags Great Adventure. The thrill ride, which incorporates the most daring features of the worlds best wooden roller coasters combined with the smooth speed of a steel coaster, will be the star of a vibrant, newly-themed area of the park, Plaza del Carnaval. Just around the corner, families with young children will explore exciting, pint-sized adventures in the all-new Bugs Bunny National Park kids area, featuring new rides and attractions designed just for them. Both new areas, including monstrous El Toro, are set to open next season.
    Classic design meets state-of-the-art thrills with our spectacular, new wooden roller coaster, said Rick McCurley, the parks vice president and general manager. As part of our multi-year expansion to a family destination, this massive coaster adventure will anchor a colorful, newly-themed area evoking the lively energy of Spanish-speaking regions of the world.

    El Toros unique design, inspired by the agility and strength of the brave Matadors, features a hybrid design including a classic out and back track with four fast-charging drops, multiple highly-banked turns and a beastly twister finale. El Toro will also deliver nine airtime opportunities, giving riders the highly-sought thrill ride sensation of weightlessness.

    At 188 feet tall, reaching 70 mph, El Toro will rank among the tallest and fastest wooden roller coasters in the world. Its 4,400 feet of mountainous track includes records for second tallest, fastest and longest drop of all wooden coasters in America and features the worlds steepest drop on a wooden roller coaster, 76 white-knuckled degrees.

    El Toro will anchor the colorful and lively Plaza del Carnaval section along a scenic waterway. This newly-themed area will feature La Cocina restaurant offering authentic Mexican fare, plus an open-air, marketplace-style retail shop and a new, themed family ride. Plaza del Carnaval will also include one of the world's rare, classic dual-track wooden roller coasters, Rolling Thunder, introduced in 1979.

    Just around the corner, parents and their young children will explore Bugs Bunny National Park, an all-new, wilderness-themed childrens area with tons of fun for little ones. Located on Six Flags Great Adventures picturesque Great Lake, this new kids area, featuring Bugs Bunny and his Looney Tunes pals, will join Looney Tunes Seaport and Balins Jungleland as the parks third section devoted to the youngest thrillseekers. Families will enjoy the great outdoors with new rides, an interactive water play feature, plus a lakeside theater with a high-spirited show for kids and a snack bar with lots of sweet treats.

    Moms and dads told us their kids love the new Balins Jungleland area this season, and they want more. "We listened, and with nearly 25 rides specially-designed for kids 54 inches and under, dozens of rides for tweens and teens, and the worlds ultimate coaster collection, Six Flags Great Adventure will be the perfect way to enjoy playtime together in 2006, McCurley said.

    The new Bugs Bunny National Park, and Plaza del Carnaval featuring El Toro, are slated for a spring 2006 opening.

    Guests can take a virual ride on El Toro and receive up-to-the-minute park news throughout the winter construction project.

    This ride is going to be great. With two new areas and a new hotel being built for 2007 wow. I got the info from sixflags.com. :P

  10. Welcome foolish mortals to my Halloween Bash. I went from Paramounts to chocholate town Herseypark to my Six Flags Home Park. Today you will find out my exciting Gadv trip from the huge waits to being hitmatised! So get ready for Six Flags Great Adventure.It was Friday Nite. Very Cold indeed probably low 30s. We where going at 8pm to get a little scared. Entering the park lines where huge! Luckly season pass holders have there entrance. Once there we where greated with signs saying Go Home and such. Spider webs all over the buildings. Windows broken and cover. Buildings repainted. Men in scary costumes. The old water fountain turn into the blood fountain! A Huge monster greating you at the entrance. Lightning effects everywhere. Fog launching in your face. Here screams of the nite. Wow a lot of things lol. Anyway we went to Medusa for me and my friend warm up coaster.There the lights have been changed to fire! Spiderwebs everywhere. Pumpkins and a lot of places. People scaring people. For fun we took the long route in the junk yard. There we got scared of couse lol. Then we went pass the Kiss ARMY concert. Here we will rock all nite song. Then pass the graveyard not as scary but great effect. From there we head toward Medusa. Of couse the lighting of the park has been changed to spooky colors. Now when we saw Medusa my mouth drop! The lines was the biggest line i have ever seen until Saturday but you will find out more in a bit. Well we got in line. To pass the time we just made jokes and such. Still it was freexing exspecially in just a long sleve shirt and genes! Now been a half hour and we notice Kingda Ka is being testing and knew it would not open that nite. A Hour later the line was moved to as big as it can fit. People cutting suitcurty trying there best it was not great. Looking at Medusa they did nice little Halloween themeing for it. Looks like a nice theme not as good as the entrance. People where scaring people to in the line so it was fun. Like 2 hours later we went in line being squeezed like a sandwich. We somehow got to the front line for the front and oly two people so we got on the next train. We realised no one could get to the front for so much people crowding around. The first tiny drop like 5 feet to the lift chain hill blew ice cold wind in our faces and we look at each other. We knew this would be one of the coldest coasters of are lives!The drop was like hitting a bag of ice in your face. It made you felt frozen. Well the ride was great like always. But we where froozen! My hands i could not move lol. Are faces stuck in this ice shape. It really hurt. After this we disiced to cool down in a indoor ride. We went to the new 3D ride for Halloween Superstition staring Eliva The Scream Park. The wait was like 20min so not bad. The ride was warm and it was ok. I think it could have been better in 3D glasses. After this we hit a small ride that makes you go upside down. Freezing still and now hungry we went to Nathens for a large Cheese Fries. It was good. Then we went back to the camp around 11pm park closing!Next Morning we went to the park at the opening. We first hit Superman, it was ok not the best ride like always but good for a warm up coaster. Then we hit Great American Scream Meachine. On the lift chain we where staring right at the sun and it hurt your eyes badly. But the ride was good. After this we went to see if Kingda Ka was bad wait. The wait was in front of the Golden Kingdom at the Boardwalk! It was more then six hour wait! We did not even try to go on but instead we went to hit the Houdini Ride which was a 10min wait. Then we went to eat lunch.Yes all ready 12pm! Day goes fast with huge lines. Well i had a Chicken Salad sandwich. Yummy good. Then we got back to the park and got my exit passes for rides for i knew it was just going to be bigger and bigger. The way back we say hundreds of Signs saying this:Attention Six Flags Visitors:Due to the popularity of Fright Fest the park is extremly crowed. Because of this most or all rides will have a longer wait then usual. Thanks for the Understaing.Well i had it hit Nitro. Walking we notice Skull Mountain line was out of the mountain and rap around. That was huge! Must be hours. Well we went to Nitro. At Skull MOUNTAIN! The lines we that far back. A 5 hour wait. Being amazed we got the exit passes and we to the exit. A huge area on the side of Nitro is block off for the Haunted Hayride. Well we got to the exit and got on. We skip a 5 hour lines for 1min! The ride was awesome. It was the warmest part of the day 3 so it felt good. It was nice to feel the sudden drop. Now after this we had to get a time for Batman the ride. There we met Elvis walking down from the stage! He said thank you, thank you very much!Now we went to a hitmatising show. I got to be a voulenteer, get ready to laugh. I remember this Welcome everyone can you please close you hands and stair at them. Then i remember later him saying thank you for coming to the show and everyone was leaving so i was clueless. My mom bought the video of the show with me feeling like something happen! People started laught at me and i notice my pants where on backwards. Later on watching the video they made me make my pants on backwards and made me do Mr. Six! Wow it really work being clueless.Anyway after the show i remember everything before the show, so we went to Batman the Ride. A little late 5min but we got on. The Ride operators where so stress from so much people. Anyway we got on and it was great but starting to get cold since it was 6pm. Walking ghouls and such started to come out. We head right for dinner. But first my mom we met up with had a secret. We got to Kingda Ka and with the fast pas line which was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got on. We got second row on Kingda Ka at 8pm. The first time i ever went at nite freezing. My hood pin to the back of the seat and me being froozen on KK was awesome. Seeing the park at nite is great at 456ft up!After this we went to eat dinner. Burger and fries i had whi;e my friend had a huge pizza lol. Well we went home getting ready for my part two of my adventure. Well that was my Six Flags trip!Mysterio

  11. If you're like most PC gamers, you've spent some time with the RollerCoaster Tycoon series. While the sequel didn't radically change the game, and the third entry had a few technical difficulties, it's still quite a popular series, thanks to the solid, streamlined mechanics and the cheerful, friendly atmosphere. With the move to 3D, we can treat ourselves to any camera angle, including the first-person perspective, which is a great "you are there" effect.

    But the question remains: With so much ground covered in the various installments and their expansion packs, what's left? Are we only going to get 3D versions of previous content? Well, I have no crystal ball in front of me, but Wild!, the latest exclamated expansion in the series, due out this Fall, offers up some unique charms of its own.

    Keep in mind that you're still running an amusement park, though. This is not a proper zoo simulator -- Frontier says it's not interested on stepping on the toes of Zoo Tycoon and other games in that category. As with Soaked!, this expansion just adds more stuff, instead of altering the fundamental design. In addition to the water parks, you can now build animal enclosures, cages, and attractions like a choreographed lion tamer show set in an arena. The little ones can ride on elephants, and the whole family can ride an SUV on a Jurrasic Park-style guided rail taking them right past untamed beasts of six different varieties.

    As long as you keep the animals fed and have the new Animal Keeper staff member maintaining the grounds, things shouldn't get too out of hand. Animals will occasionally escape, requiring you to take them down with a tranquilizer gun, in the style of a sniper in a helicopter, just like they do in the wild. You'll also want to make sure not to house the giraffes with the tigers, as the carnivores won't hesitate to sample the local fare that walks on four legs.

    Thankfully, that shouldn't be a problem, since you can easily fence off separate wild animal areas. Set down the facility buildings, place an Animal Keeper or two, and that's the bulk of it. You can also play a little with the animals, giving them toys, poking them awake, and even tickling them, which I'm sure the lions think is a riot. The animals will breed, and you can sell them -- or have them adopted by the park goers, if they're on an endangered list. You can also set up viewing sections if you want to make money from the animals, or just set up preservation space, which has the side benefit of making you feel all warm and fuzzy.

    With two new themes, Jungle and Prehistoric, you can also decorate things so that the animals and rides sections flow together smoothly. You'll also get the usual extra content that comes in an expansion, like nine new scenarios, eight new coasters, eighteen flat rides, and four transport rides, including a huge paddle steamer.

    There's also two radically new coaster types. One has two coasters running side-by-side and splitting off, and another has the cars hanging off of a robot arm that you can choreograph to swivel and twist for some decidedly squishy G-force effects. Both of these designs are based on coasters that are actually being developed, which I find pretty darned wild (no pun intended).

    Whatever it is about the RCT games that grabs you, there's probably something new in Wild! for you. It's still the strongest amusement park simulation, and it will be great to finally have some animals to work with, beyond the petting zoo.

    This is from http://www.ign.com/articles/2005/08/15/rct3-wild-preview

  12. Sorry i had no edit button.

    Go Chocolate lol. Anyway..

    Features: - Two linked vehicles per train with eight passengers per train- Vehicles rotate independently
    - Onboard laser blaster system with individual score panels
    - Ride pre-show
    - Team score updates at Take 5 Halftime Reports 
    Interactive Sports Events: - 8 competition zones or interactive scenes
    - Some zones include more than one sport
    Sports Represented: - BMX biking
    - Drag racing
    - Ice hockey
    - In-line skating
    - Mountain climbing
    - Skateboarding
    - Skydiving
    - Snowboarding
    - Spelunking
    - Surfing

    Wow cool!

    REESE'S Brands Represented: 6, including REESE'S Peanut Butter Cup and REESE'S Pieces Elements: - 158 targets
    - 80 animated show elements
    - 8 animatronic figures
    - Special effects
    - Sensory elements
    Theoretical Capacity: 800 riders per hour
    Approximate Ride Time: 2 minutes, 45 seconds

    What will be better then this?

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    You should know by now why we don't have the edit button. You should have REPORTed this to mods first and not by another member. This is your last caution note. QUOTE tags entered

  13. Reeses Xtreme Cup Challenge
    Its time to settle the score once and for all! Were calling all REESE'S lovers to HERSHEYPARK in 2006 to compete in head-to-head, multi-sensory laser competition!

    REESE'S XTREME CUP CHALLENGE is the first interactive dark ride to pit car against car in a high-energy score-fest that is unequalled anywhere in the world. Two vehicles with competing teams travel through a series of exciting competition zones featuring REESE'S-branded extreme sports events.

    Hang onto your laser blasters and take aim at the targets as you swoop, climb, and dip through the action. Accumulate as many points for your team as you can the winning car will be declared at the end of the challenge, and a sweet reward awaits all who play!

    Ride it, Smell it, Play it, Taste it, Win it!


    Reeses Xtreme Cup Challenge Fact Sheet

    Ride Manufacturer: Sally Corporation, Jacksonville, FL 
    Ride System Supplier: EOS Rides, Italy
    Ride Description: Competing teams score points shooting targets throughout the ride to determine the answer to the age-old question, "Is it the chocolate or peanut butter that makes REESE'S so irresistible?
    Features: - Two linked vehicles per train with eight passengers per train
    - Vehicles rotate independently
    - Onboard laser blaster system with individual score panels
    - Ride pre-show
    - Team score updates at Take 5 Halftime Reports 
    Interactive Sports Events: - 8 competition zones or interactive scenes
    - Some zones include more than one sport
    Sports Represented: - BMX biking
    - Drag racing
    - Ice hockey
    - In-line skating
    - Mountain climbing
    - Skateboarding
    - Skydiving
    - Snowboarding
    - Spelunking
    - Surfing

    REESE'S Brands Represented: 6, including REESE'S Peanut Butter Cup and REESE'S Pieces
    Elements: - 158 targets
    - 80 animated show elements
    - 8 animatronic figures
    - Special effects
    - Sensory elements
    Theoretical Capacity: 800 riders per hour
    Approximate Ride Time: 2 minutes, 45 seconds

    Wow this is something! New ride for Hersheypark and will be big.

  14. Remember Dreams Come True!

    Posted Image

    By: Dizney Productions


    After my long waited video i have started my video Remember Dreams Come True! This is from Disneyland in Califorina 50th Anniversary Firework show with your host Julie Andrews. You go threw many rides from Disneyland, movies, and so much more. This is great video you got to watch. I got the castle done and fireworks ready and done. I just need the sondtrack if you get the soundtrack please send it to me. Must be the exact same of the show, Thanks and please reply me tips and more. Here is the pic of the castle with my shooting star fireworks and mickey head. Tell me how they look and please if you have the music send it here. Please.


    Well more about the video. Here is the parts:


    Julie Andrews/ Intro

    I Wish

    Walt Disney Speech

    Disneyland Railroad

    Main Street Electrical Parade

    Tiki Tiki Room

    Indiana Jones

    Haunted Mansion




    Star Wars

    Julie Andrews/ Ending


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is the castle over view. Just a question or two tho. How do i make this normal speed and on Windows Movie Maker how do i cut off the tool bar?


    Updates Log:


    Update 1: Music now on.


    Update 2: Intro complete and screens!


    Update 3: Main Street Electrical Parade is nearly completed.


    Update 4: Preview Video


    Update 5: Haunted Mansion is Done! Check in for more updates.


    Update 6: ToonTown is done!

  15. Quote From Coaster-Net.com

    Some people have found/seen this article, and some people havn't. This is a major SEC Six Flags document. This document incluedes many stats of profit and advertising for Six Flags. Also, it reveals how Six Flags is "fighting back" against the Red Zone. Six Flags talks about how Red Zone has no experience, and how many "foolish" ideas Red Zone would bring. It talks about how Red Zone's bad parking price raises will turn out bad. Also, Mr. Six is talked about, and graphs are shown to show of his success, and why it would be bad to take away Mr. Six.
    Also, this document reaveals new attractions for upcoming years.

    New Jersey (Great Adventure): Third childrens section (Bugs Bunny themed) in 2006. Mexican-themed area anchored by new wooden coaster and family rides.
    Fully designed and approved 500 room hotel onsite at Great Adventure.
    Ability to expand to 700 rooms.

    Los Angeles (Magic Mountain): Launching block.buster Tatsu coaster for the 2006 season. This confirms the name Tatsu.
    Thrill ride to attract market specific teen demographic. Possible thrill ride, that could lead to a lot of new ideas.

    Atlanta (Six Flags Over Geogia): Integrated a water play area into a Six Flags park for the first time at end of 2005 season.
    GOLIATH coaster planned for 2006.

    Dallas (Six Flags Over Texas): 10 new family-oriented rides in 2006. Some would probably come from Astroworld.

    New Englend (Six Flags New England): Significant opportunity to penetrate large market with limited competition.
    Capex for facility improvements continues to drive robust growth.
    New family ride and new teen ride planned in 2006.

    Lake George, NY (Great Escape): 200-room Great Escape Lodge & Indoor Waterpark slated to open in winter of 2006.

    San Francisco (Marine World): New childrens section in 2006.

    San Antonio (Fiesta Texas): Expansion of waterpark in 2006.

    Montreal (La Ronde): Planned waterpark addition in 2007.

    Their is a lot more infomation in this document that I did not mention, and this is a government filed document, so the information is accurate.

    Link can be found Here. Glad my park is getting" New Jersey (Great Adventure): Third childrens section (Bugs Bunny themed) in 2006. Mexican-themed area anchored by new wooden coaster and family rides.
    Fully designed and approved 500 room hotel onsite at Great Adventure.
    Ability to expand to 700 rooms. and also more to come!
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