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Status Updates posted by Baniboy

  1. Thanks for the advice, I don't think I'm a party person though :)

  2. The ancient art of Banipulation

  3. the feeling of disappointment and anger when you have to wake up at 5 am from a nightmare remembering you haven't tested your tutorial code in IE... And then being stupid enough to fix it right away instead of unpublishing the tutorial for later editing. :D



      never tried anything like that, but it sounds"painful"

    2. web_designer


      hmmm seems you are on your way to be a code geek... :)

      only geeks who dream of ie and codes bani.. :D

      have a great year my friend...

    3. Baniboy


      great year to you too :)

  4. The first twilight film should've ended with Blade in the background getting ready to whoop *bottom*

    1. deadmad7


      vampires dont use blades, that use machine guns :P

    2. Baniboy


      I meant blade. You're watching all the wrong movies, deadman7

    3. deadmad7


      oohh blade... i never watched blade...

  5. Umm... why is the forum subtitle "Innocence is bliss"?



      I saw that too.

    2. anwiii


      because they don';t want people to think this place is as bad as it is and doesn't want to be accountable for their own mistakes. thus, "innocence is bliss" is their excuse

  6. We have gathered here to honor our dear friend who is no longer with us. It have helped us in many ways and been there for us in tough times. Rest in peace, trap17, we'll miss you.

    1. anwiii


      aren't you a little late for the funeral?

    2. web_designer


      oh this is hurt... but excuse me i thought he is still struggling in the hospital!!!

  7. Welcome to trap17!

  8. what is love? baby don't hurt me... don't hurt me... no more!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. web_designer
    3. aizeebaby
    4. anwiii


      i think dm was jealous thinking you were in love with someone else. i think he is ok now. he seemed to settle down after you explained you weren't in love with anyone else

    5. Show next comments  9 more
  9. why video editing has to be so hard? uhh... my head is gonna explode

  10. yay, opaque added the mood mod... so which one should i choose, lonely, horny or goofy? Well, at least he didn't add more toys to the footer...

    1. anwiii


      i agree. plane crashes ARE cool!

    2. Baniboy


      its tomorrow, not next week

    3. anwiii


      well i was kidding anyway. i wish you a safe flight and a great trip!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. yea you beat me in post counts, yeah... but I'm for quality over quantity, web :)

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