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Everything posted by twentyinches631

  1. It's not rap that sucks, its hit music in general that really just blows. If you want to hear good music, you shouldn't be watching MTV in the first place, end of story. They play the music they are paid to play. It's all about the money.
  2. Go away to school. It will be the best experience of your life, I promise. It is so much different I don't even know how to begin to explain. It isn't a matter of liking your parents or anything like that at all. I love my family and I go away to school. Since you already pay your bills, I'm assuming money isn't a problem either.
  3. I don't think so, I'm pretty certain that the kid who developed Napster was forced to sell the company. So its not like a damaged company is coming back. It is really not the case at all. Basically its a new company using an old trademark to its advantage.
  4. Agh actually I think that kinda sucks... They also only have a 20GB and a 60GB ipod now. I currently have a 3rd generation 40GB ipod. What if I wanted to get it replaced?
  5. Ehh, clagnol let him say what he wants. He is entitled. I'm not offended. To get back to the topic though, cheating is definitely not something you would want to do. And you can call it trying to be married without actually being married if you want but I love my girlfriend and I wouldn't even want to see anyone else beside her, nor would I want to hurt her by doing so. Dating for most people I think is trying to find that special girl or guy you wanna spend the rest of your life with. If you prove that you can't be faithful (ie cheat) then you will never keep a mate. They also have a saying "once a cheater always a cheater"... but I don't believe that. Many people do however, so cheating will get you nowhere fast.
  6. That is awesome. What is it with social studies teachers... are they all bums or what? A teacher at my old HS was a DJ at local clubs and on the radio and was into the whole club drug scene. He got busted for coke and is STILL teacher at the high school. Whattt?
  7. They have actually been back for a really really long time. Definitely more than a year. I don't get why you say "turned it into a p2p program" as it WAS a p2p program. Now it ISN'T a p2p program, it's just another one of those crappy paid music stores. I honestly wouldn't get an account with them. I don't think the real Napster would advertise in chat rooms like that, but maybe. Usually stupid spammers just do that. The main thing is however that every person who joins these stores is just supporting all of the RIAA's stupidity and artists will continue to get ripped off, making less than 10 cents a CD. Real P2P is here to stay, and can be legal, they just fail to go in that direction. In the future artists will be more in control of distributing their music through the internet and the RIAA will fall apart. It is only a matter of time.
  8. All of you guys saying he won't get a job are INSANE. Legal working age is 14 in New York State, you just need to get your working papers first. And there are lots of jobs that people can do without experience and have simple tasks you can learn at work.
  9. All of you guys chose such an innocent route to this... or maybe you really feel like those are your dumbest things. Then I'm glad for all of you guys. My dumbest thing was probably trying ciggarettes and marijuana. Also, drinking so much that I was passed out and puking, only to wake up on the floor the next day freezing cold and in a puddle of my puke. All of these are the dumbest I could possibly do, not because it had a bad outcome like the everyday "wow that was dumb" that you guys are talking about, but because I knew better...and was stupid despite that.
  10. Thats exactly how it works in the United States as well.
  11. You will definitely be able to get a job. Just apply to a lot of places. Any place that needs a cashier (both a&p and dunkin donuts) you can easily get a job at with little to no experience at all. If you get accepted to a place like dunkin donuts most likely you won't even have a "real" interview. When I worked at the grocery store the interview was basically "whats your info and when can you start... this is when training is... blah blah blah". It was my first job.
  12. I cant figure out where this "tester" is. All i get is a bunch of activity maps for around the world... maybe a little more direction? Or did BuffaloHELP destroy the link by taking out your "personal ID"?
  13. Super NES was awesome. Super metroid is definitely my favorite game ever, even to this day. I still bust out my NES a lot too. I brought it with me to college and it is a huge favorite among my friends. I don't really find the newer games fun like xbox and ps2 games. Too many of them focus on graphics and not game play. Other new games are just too overwhelming to me.
  14. More sections? If anything they need LESS sections. For example, there is a forum for GOOGLE... what the... I think that is getting a little ridiculous. A lot of sections could be combined too like all the different programming languages. It isn't really necessary as these narrow forums easily become inactive.
  15. Most likely this is fake. First of all they wouldn't send a zip file. Second, people spoof yahoo customer support addresses ALL the time to get your info. Its a very common scam. Also, would yahoo use words like we detected a "huge" amount of unsolicited spam. I don't think so. They would provide more of a proof you did something wrong than "huge". Lastly, they are a huge company with millions of customers and would think nothing of simply terminating your account if they felt you violated terms of service. These types of things are more or less automated. There would be no questions asked. Now that I've thought it through completely, there is no doubt in my mind this is fake. Ignore the email.
  16. I'm still using outlook, mostly cuz I'm too lazy to switch to thunderbird. Gmail is so annoying though. I don't get how everyone loves it so much. It's just trendy. I hate how the emails are treated like conversations, putting all related emails into the same link. I want all my emails treated seperately. It is also a pain to delete emails etc, everything is too different from the normal ways of using an email client.
  17. Well all you really need to do is take the GED exam, and then you can go to college. But you would have a better chance at it if you went to an adult learning center. If you google the state you're in followed by GED, it should come up with good results. At least it did for NY.
  18. Yup, I had Sim Town back in the day. It was a lot easier than the "real" sim city. All the buildings were funny too because for example an ice cream place might be in the shape of a banana split etc. It was definitely a lot of fun though.
  19. Haha yeah, I remember minesweeper. It was my favorite part of Windows when I first got to use it. I would play it all the time. Then when I started learning about computers I thought I was pretty special because I changed the .ini file for minesweaper so all the records had my name and a time of 1 second. Good times...
  20. Hopefully it won't require SP2 because thus far I have refused to download it. It wreaks havok on my wireless internet among many other things....probably doesn't matter though because so far I'm liking firefox. I just might be converted...
  21. When you are listening to music, by yourself (if other people are around or not...doesn't matter)... but not at like a party or in a car when you are listening allong with other people etc... do you prefer headphones or speakers.For me I would much rather have headphones on. It seems like a better experience to me, because I kind of slip into my own world and it really helps me relax. I don't get that with speakers. Headphones block everything else out, and all that is left is the music and me. I especially like riding (bmx) with my headphones on. It's the best feeling in the world for me.So, headphones or speakers when listening to your fav tunes?
  22. And sometimes its the worst. When I broke up with my first girlfriend, we swore we would be friends forever, and everyone else told me it never works out. They were right. For some reason she was always trying to make me jealous or something. She got a new boyfriend less than a month after me, and was ENGAGED to him like 3 months later. And all she ever wanted to talk about was sex with her new boyfriend either to me or in front of me. Now this is crazy to me, so maybe this isnt that normal of a situation... but you can see where I am going with this. But to address the feeling of "if she cares about me she will want to be my friend and in my life forever" mentality. Thats not always true. Sometimes when you love or care about somebody you just want the best for them, even if it means letting them go completely. It might not make sense at first, but it is true. So if it isn't working out as friends, you might just have to let it go. Maybe this is why some people are so afraid to date friends. Sometimes you really do lose that friendship, and it sucks.
  23. I'm pretty sure theres no possible way for them to be stationary, and even if there was it wouldn't matter because the earth is rotating so they would have to match that speed, which is crazy. Plus, they would want to reach the biggest audience possible so it would probably have to be moving all the time to achieve that goal anyway. As for it having to be 500 square miles, you can see the space shuttle with binoculars. My brother does it all the time. The space shuttle is definitely not even a mile long. So I don't really think it would have to be THAT big. Just big enough so that you can see it with the naked eye. And if they just want it to be a logo, like the pepsi logo or something... it wouldn't need to be enormous. I also remember reading a similiar article that was saying a type of advertisement in space would use projectors or something like that. So it wouldn't have to be a massive object, just a projector. I'm not sure what exactly it would be projecting on haha. I can't remember the source though. Maybe I'm just making it up...
  24. That is definitely not worth investing any time into. I read the terms and stuff. Basically what you do is you pay them for credits. Then in order to make your money back plus more, you need to visit 40+ sites a day for 50 days. The payout is 4% of what you paid them per day. So you can "double" your money in 50 days. I think I'll just stick to my real job.
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