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Posts posted by Diffusr

  1. I am reading Niccolo Machiavelli "The Prince".It is a translation from old Italian about ruthless government and how to seize and hold onto political power. The strategies are actually downright evil and quite paranoid e.g. war can never be avoided only postponed to the advantage of your enemy. So that's kind of saying it's better to be in a constant state of war. i think George Bush read this stuff and took it seriously - actually - scrap that I'm not convinced Bush can read a whole book (though The Prince is quite short) but the descriptions are expilcitly of a republican form of government. His puppet masters definitely have been influenced by Machiavelli.Anyway it's interesting stuff.

  2. Here's what I have learned. The Universe is a total submissive servant to consciousness. It is literally a giant genie that instantly creates what the mind chooses to believe is real. Prayer is ok but the best kind of prayer is a statement of what IS. If you ask for something in your prayers, you are telling the Universe that you do not have it now. So that is what is created. When you state what you have already, then it is created in that instant.

    If this explanation seems too mystical, then look at the scientific world. Quantum physics is the basis of all science. The dominant theory within quantum physics at the present time is that the universe does not exist separately from consciousness. Unless a mind is there to percieve a spinning atom, it literally does not exist.

    This doesn't mean you have to be looking at something, just holding it in your mind. Right now you "know" the earth moon and stars are all there, so they are. You are holding them all in your consciousness.

    Religion has robbed humanity of this knowledge by tricking masses of humans that they have nothing to do with the creation of the universe. You are "small" it is good to be "humble". If you dare say that you are just as powerful as "God" then you are afraid to look arrogant or even insane to others. Once you accept that you are just as responsible for the creation of the world as God is, then you are free.

    When you pray you create. Think about how a prayer starts.."Dear God...etc" by saying this you are putting your consciousness outside of yourself. As there is no such thing as something that is "not you" the universe creates the illusion that you have demanded. That God is outside yourself and somehow much more powerful. this was your choice from the start.

    Instead of prayer, make the decisions yourself. I have become very rich because of this knowledge and everyone has the right to know. Be the god you are praying to and say: "My friend is safe and protected" instead of "Please protect my friend and keep them safe" . See the difference?

    BE GOD.

  3. OK so I only read the first few posts in this thread. It's great that people took the time to add their opinion too but I just don't have all day to digest every ones' ideas. I really don't think it matters about the number of topics, as someone said, it's good for search engine ratings. Don't forget content is king. Regularly updated content is kingER. Your post may be picked up by a search engine because of certain keywords you intentionally or unintentionally included and that will bring traffic to Xisto which leads to advertising revenue which in turn is the reason why we can have free hosting. Actually it isnt free, you pay for it by writing posts, it's kind of like the old school barter system. I like the way cash is circumvented for the customer and even the free hosting is relatively good quality.Of course there are things that could be improved such as the four character minimum search issue. Technology and coding will eventually make it easier. The difficult part about having so many topics is deciding which one to post into. But given the choice, I'd rather have the choice.

  4. The word "God" has a certain charge to it that, to be honest, doesn't sit perfectly well with me. It is just too tied in with religion, which as we can see, has messed up the world pretty badly. This doesn't mean I do not feel the existance of a vast all knowing being. So this vast, all knowing being is everywhere and everything at the same time. There is nowhere where"God" is NOT. Lets follow that thought logically...God is everywhere...God is everything...God is me...I am God.This is where religion steps in and says "no..you're not god, but god is in you." Talk about a contradiction. That's like diving in the ocean and telling a cubic inch of water that it is not the ocean, but the ocean is it and everywhere else. Did you ever hear a priest tell the church that they ARE god? no. They do say how powerful and all knowing god is. God then should know exactly what it means to be ME right NOW how it FEELS what I'm THINKING along with every other living and dead thing in existance. Therefore God is existance itself. We are all in the same universe, the same program rns the subroutines that support all things. Planets stars galaxies insects virii raindrops bank statements fleas cheetahs and the rest of the billions of things are all happening now in the same expanding space. If you are actually reading tis - know that you are not a separate "being" from the rest of the universe. You are everything that exists. That makes you GOD.

  5. It depends on what you think of as being an "effort". One person might think making phone calls all day long is an effort when someone else thinks tat is easy peasy.What you mean is is it possible to have a passive icome? The answer to that is obviously yes. An example is owning an apartment block an renting them all out. Hire a manager to collect rents, sort out maintenence etc and you live off the profits generated.Passive income can be generated online too with the right formula. Advertising is an obvious starting point. Everything though, takes a certain amount of effort. Even if you get your passive income you still have to get out of bed. That takes effort. The only advantage is I suppose I have greater choice of where I put my efforts. I can go surfing, climbing mountains, exploring, so havong a passive income is preferable to me. In my experience though. most people like to be told what to do or they can't think of their own thing. If they dont have a "job" they will just stay at home on the couch watching tv for months and months and months.I consider this a slow death. So they feel they have to get a job and end up in the whole cycle they are always complaining about.Use your imagination, do something you love and get paid for it and life will seem effortless then.

  6. Well it kind fo makes sense for the economy of a company. They hate paying you for working, let alone if you have nothing to do at that particular point in time. There never really was such a thing as a "safe" job anyway, this just lets people know that.I would much rather work for myself. That way i only get paid if i do something and I don't have to kowtow to a "boss". Actually I AM the boss! I think the attitude I have will be caused by companies adopting this newfangled approach. People like to FEEL THEY ARE UNDER AN "UMBRELLA" (SCUSE CAPS) (scuse caps again - that keeps happening because I don't watch the screen while I type and i really can't be bothered to delete what I wrote in caps and rewrite it back in lower case. I can, strangely be bothered to write out this whole explanation as to why I have written some words randomly in capitals). I digress... the whole pay per project idea is more akin to contract work, which is the direction many companies are going these days anyway. They want no liability for thany employees so just hire contractors to get the work done. That way when theres a quiet period you dont have to keep forking out salary for Joe Bloggs to sit at his desk commenting on articles posted on digg, reddit or mixx, which is just as boring as work if you do it long enough.So was this idea a result of the financial crisis that everyone is talking themselves into? The solution to the financial crisis is for everyoe to turn off their televisions and sack the fear spreading journalists.Dont believe the hype.

  7. I dont see how that is spam as you're not trying to sell or advertise anything, just making a passing comment. In UK we used to have pretty much guaranteed snow every year (in the South this is) and the's a big lake in my hometown that would freeze over hard enough for people to drive cars on in the winter. The wierd thing is, none of that had happened for about 15 years. Barely any snow only a centemetre or so and the lake never freezes hard enough to even walk on. Thats a shame because I used to enjoy skating on such a big surface. It was awesome because it was like something extra to do when you got bored.Maybe global warming really is happening, but some areas of the world are colder than ever so I dont know what to make of it. It doesnt make sense to blame record cold spells on global warming. "The coldest decade ever on record - this is due to global warming." - wtf? Actually I think something really is happening. Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa - a 5000 metre mountain - has no snow on top any more. This is unheard of. That's like what it is. There's nothing crazy enough to compare it to. When I saw those photos I thought - maybe global warming is true after all.

  8. You're lucky as I am an idea machine. Having ideas is the easy part for me it's turning ideas into reality that can slow things down by quite a bit. The human mind and imagination is where the ideas fierst develop and I have a massively active imagination. Used to be even more so but as you grow older I think a lot of peoplke stop themselves.Ok here are a few ideas for you. By the way I dont know if any of these have already been done so i'm just throwing stuff out there and building up some hosting credits in the meantime.! Have a name-that-tune site that tells you what song it is by recognising a few bars of music recorded and uploaded by the user. This could be the actual song, some notes played on an instrument or someone just humming. there are a couple of ways to do this: get the other users to work out what the tune is, or use sophisticated sound pattern recognition software on your server with a database of all recorded music to recognise the tune that was uploaded.! Make an animation website where users can animate there own characters, create animated movies, short videos, commercials. The users have the choice of designing there own characters and using your software to animate them or choosing from a number of pre made characters already on your website that they can get to do anything you like. you can have different sections for different types of stories. e.g. thriller. action, adult themes, drama, dialogue etc. The users could all vot on each others animations and a winner emerges each month winning a prize of some sort be that a million dollars, a new ipod, a trip to Universal studios or a pat on the back.!Make a website that allows users to pool the processing power of the computer that the are using at the time to perform a specific task such as massive number crunching. Users who join in are given an incentive such as money. Hire your website services out to companies that need to parse huge amounts of data such as a weather reporting company. Keep half the profits for yourself and use the other half to pay the participants.!Create a website that users can video the inside of there houses with the intention of submitting to your website to get ideas for internal design from other users. They give a guided tour of the interior of the property, other users watch this and post their ideas for decoration etc.!Virtual tour website - users can post video tours of their local area, showing whatever cool stuff is there. Other users can also request tours of other areas. This will be for travelling purposes or just curiosity.!A soap opera of your own life. Make constant logs of your own life. Expose your entire life online. Carry a small camera AROUND WITH YOU EVERYWHERE YOU GO. (sorry I hit the caps button and cant be bothered to delete the sentence and retype it in lower case, I'm not yet that good at typing not to look at the keyboard as I type so I get some errors like the one you just saw.) Get subscribers to your online life then cash in with advertising.Well there are a few ideas to bet you started. Let us know how you get on with your online endeavours. You might even create the next google. Good luck!

  9. For all the arguments about self defense and your right to bear arms etc, facts are facts. In countries where guns are allowed with loose laws, more people get shot and killed. In the case of the US, a LOT more people get shot and killed. It's really simple number crunching. There is also the argument of a defenseless population against a tyrannical government. In this day and age, that doesn't hold up either. US military vs armed US population? - no contest for a few reasons. reason A - the military has nukes. Reason B -the military has air support Reason C the military has vasst stores of ammunition Reason C the the military is trained in warfare, civilians generally are not. Reason D - the military controls the coastline. As you can see the list goes on and I could go through the alphabet a few times with reasons why the military will suppress the population even when armed.So that leaves the argument of self defense against your own countrymen. The trouble is all Americans think they have a license to kill (that is a generalisation of course and actually not true) what I mean to get across is that large numbers of the US population have watched so much violence that it seems second nature to them. So letting them have guns will only result in the state of the nation that you have today. People shooting each other in large numbers, every day.The UK has about one tenth the population of the US, guns are tightly restricted, and gun deaths are around the 10 per year mark, including accidental shootings. The US has around 4500 gun deaths per year if my memory serves me correctly. This is obviously far out of proportion.Guns for hunting will also kill people. The US allows civilians to own guns designed solely for killing people. What do you expect? The people have been conditioned to thinking it's their right. If the US military decided to remove firearms from the general population, they could do it easily. Charlton Hestons' "cold dead hands" will still be warm after the soldiers pop an airburst grenade through his room, walk in and take his gun away. Any pockets of resistance will be quickly nuetralised. Some lethally, some non lethally. In the end, the people will be left without firearms. The gun death rate would go way down, but the government would have tighter control.

  10. How did he ever get himself into that posture? I thought that the candidates for the US presidency would be coached to handle themselves properly in highly visible situations. This was a huge error for McCain. That image will stay with him for the rest of his life and beyond. Of course he is human and stuff like that will happen evry so often but how come he does something to stuff up in public so often? i think his handlers need to get their act together and control him a lot better. Obamas handlers are doing a sterling job, he doesnt miss a beat.

  11. I like to have a brisk pace when i walk. If I have quite a long way to walk then I will walk/run. slow walking is so much more tiring than a nice brisk pace. My girlfriend used to walk along so damn slow like a 70 year old until I made her pick it up a bit. now she's in better shape and more efficient in getting around. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise you can do so it's good to do it a lot.

  12. Fist of all you exist as a person whether you have a job or not. I have not worked for anyone but myself for about 9 years now and I wouldn't have it any other way!You can work and make money for yourself very easily if you put the same amount of energy and effort doing your own thing as you would have done working for someone else. The thing with most people is they don't think enough of themselves to be able to do anything on thier own.Let's say you don't have a job, but you want money. Now you two choices. Go around filling out application forms, going to interviews, looking for a job that pays you slightly over minimum wage. Or you could take one of your skills that you love doing e.g. make a clay sculpture and sell it for ten thousand dollars. Play guitar in a band or on your own. Write stories. Set up a consultancy company giving advice on your knowledge of tropical fish or computer software or homemade rockets. Use the time you would have spent "looking for a job" to promote your own business. You can even do the same sorts of things. Make appointments, write letters, visit people face to face like you would have done for your job interview - except this time it's not a job interview - it's a company proposal and you ar your own boss, your own salesman, your own person.The other choice is go ahead and work in the factory. Even begging is preferable to me than that. You can be an expert begger and make a killing. Oh - but you're too worried about what people will think of you - get to the factory then. Go and buy cheap stuff from a charity shop and sell it ebay.Damn there are so many ways to make money - way more money than doing a job - but hardly anyone sees it. Only therichest people on earth understand this. it's exactly how they started out.

  13. That is a great thing to do and very helpful to all involved. I wouldn't mind starting up my own therapuetic horse-contact centre in the near future. I train horses using the monty Roberts join up method and this is the only way to treat these magnificent beasts. There is no pain or restraint used on the animal so they gain complete and total trust in you. Even if the horse has been abused before, he or she can be healed very quickly of the painful memories associated with bad treatment.When the horse has only ever been treated in this way, they are really really magical creatures who will do anything you ask of them. They will even try to swim across an ocean for you because they trust you as one of the herd.I think a horse trained in this way would be very beneficial for the handicapped riders, many of whom actually have a natural affinity with the horses already. there are so many benefits to being aroung horses not just for handicapped people but for all people. in fact mst animals are really grounding when you are with them a lot. They remind us where we are and what we are part of, so all the other stupid concerns go flying out the window, like how am I going to buy that flat screen TV? Or which type of haircut shall I get to look cool to all my friends? None of that matters in the end because we are just here and living the same as everything else.

  14. I have had a few jobs in the past but now I work for myself mostly doing stuff online. I decided after a while that the only way to go for me was to work for myself. I have four different online income streams including ebay, financial market trading and online marketing. I sometimes find myself working much longer hours than I ever did for a boss, but I don;t even see it as "work". It's just me doing my thing and getting paid.Here's the theory: you get up in the morning and put in a whole days worth of energy - every day- to make money for someone else. sure you get paid for your efforts, but it's usually only a small cut of what you have actually earned in that day. It has to be that way in order for your job to exist at all.Now, if you go ahead and put the same amount of energy into doing your own thing to make money, you are going to make a lot more.The excuse people make is that they have to pay bills right now and need a job that is sure to pay.Here's some news for you NO JOB IS SURE TO PAY. So you can go to work in an office taking calls or in a factory doing some repetitive task, and get $300 for the whole week, or you could go out, get a lump of clay, make a funky shape out of it, then sell it for $3000.If you cant make clay models but you're good at cooking then you can hire yourself out as a private chef for $100 an hour. If you cant cook but are good at coding websites then you can offer your services at a competitive rate to companies. You'll have to promote yourself to achieve any of this but you cant promote yourself while stuck in the factory/workshop/office taking orders from someone else.Think about it.

  15. The whole thing about relativity theory is that the speed of light is absolute. There is no such thing as a speed any faster. So if you could travel close to the speed of light and point a torch in opposite direction, the light coming out of the torch will still be at the speed of light. i.e. you will see it leave the torch at the speed of light and an observer who were stationary at the time would also see your torchlight move at the speed of light.This sounds like an impossible situation and the math to expain it is kind of complex but basically the state of light photons in existance is "moving-at-the-speed-of-light". They don't accelerate up to that speed, they never slow down even if they change direction 180 degrees as in being reflected off a mirror surface, light just moves at a constant speed through spacetime.That's the theory anyhow.

  16. Think about this: although English is kind of like the "international language" and anywhere in the world you go you will find someone who speaks english. the language spoken by the most number of people in the world is actually Chinese, though most of those still live in China. There are over 1 billion people in China and the population of the whole world is about 8 billion. So yes, as China develops, Chinese will become more and more widely spoken. It is a wise choice of language to learn because it is so different from English and many companoes are trying to expand into China. There are about triple the number of Chinese a there are US citizens and their earning capacity is catching up.It would almost be foolish not to learn it if you want to be successful in the future.

  17. The image that sprang to mind for me was the scene from oe of the king Arthur movies where he has just recovered from illness and is riding to war in full armour through cherry blossoms, his knights behind him, to the soundtrack Oh Fortuna by Karl Orff.Now, you will need a high quality epic figh scene to pull that music off otherwise it will just come out looking very tacky. The music can very easily overpower the scenes themselves.It also depends on the theme of the overall film. Metal seems to mix well with sci fi but classical music can add a deeper dimension to the scene.

  18. Hi fiends,I am new here, Someone PLEASE tell me exactly how you can easily make money online without spending a lot to start and not starting a traditional business....
    Thanks in advance!

    By far the easiest/simplest way to make money online is to sell your old stuff on ebay. Think about all the junk around your house that you never use.
    All of that could be turned into cash just for writing up an auction peice on each thing.
    I don't know if you wanted to hear how you can make tons of cash by being an affiliate marketer or something like that but if you're just starting out online and want money fast then ebay is your best (almost your only) bet.
    The maerketplace on ebay is huge, you can sell to almost anyone in the world and if there is an ebay version for your own country then you will be better off as you already know the language, trade customs etc.
    If you want to become a major network marketer then you will have a long, hard road ahead full of failures and dissappointment - unless you actually believe the hype all the advertisers spew out 24/7 such as "I just made $34,683 while you wer reading this". Well if you belive that then you pretty much deserve to get the full rip off treatment headed your way.

  19. One scary woman!


    er...that looks like a one-liner to me.
    But I agree - scary woman because she has NO IDEA what she's doing and would be "one seventy-two year olds heartbeat away from the Presidency" if McCain got elected. Did she really say Putin is rearing his head? Does she really not know what the Bush Doctrine is? Does she really think that giving $700 Billion to Wall Street will help healthcare for the common person?
    Well at least she looks pretty (kinda)

  20. This is good news.Paypal are going to have to sharpen their pencils and stop being such greedy little piggies. It'll be intersting to see how ebay deals with this new development as they are part of paypal too. So when you pay final value fees, listing fees AND paypal transaction fees you are paying the same company - that's quite a dig into any profits you may have made.It would be really useful if Google allowed adsense earnngs to be used as liquid funds in the google checkout account, but I doubt it will be that simple. At last some healthy competition in this field. Paypal have totally dominated onine payment structures and haven't provided a very good service. Google might just be big enough to bring them down a peg or two.

  21. You might think you're clever going on an unsecured network until you find out they are running a good packet sniffer like wireshark and now have all your passwords and login details without you realising.I use wpa2 on my network with a strong password which will drastically slow down any potential intruder long enough to decode someone elses encryption key or find an unsecured network.If you are seen piggybacking the network (via them looking at the logs or the current network status) then there are all sorts of nasty things they can do to your dhcp assigned ip address. You are basically relying on the unsecured network you are going on being owned by totall n00bz.If that's the case, don't slow their connection down too drastically and they will never call their ISP to check for them (unless they have another problem that develops so you should spoof your MAC address anyway)

  22. I trade forex for a living. I would suggest you stay well away from it if you are seeking information from these forums. You need to be intelligent, resourceful and highly analytical to see success in the foriegn exchange. Those who are going to make it will get their information from very solid sources. Your poorly spelled and constructed query on an unrelated website causes me to think you will get eaten alive on the forex markets. I understand English may not be your first language, but that doesn't stop you from using your brain a bit better.

  23. The Mayans had many cycles in their complex calendar system and yes it's true that the Their whole calendar ends on 2012 but it may not necessarily mean the total destruction of all mankind. Wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, diseases have been on Earth since forever. We hear about them happening more so now due to our advanced global communication network, so to the individual it seems as though all these things are happening more.Humanity is advancing. the "end of this life cycle" can just as easily mean we are moving towards something better. The negative path is not the only choice.

  24. There are genuine ones out there but you have to look carefully. A lot of it comes down to common sense. If the website is promising something completely unrealistic like a Beverly Hills tri-level mansion, three Bentleys and a supersonic private jet for clicking on a few websites then you should be slightly suspicious.I am using a paid to search program that is real. They share the revenue they get from your search 50/50 and payout every two weeks if you you reached the limit which isnt stupendous. It's a well run site and doesnt tolerate cheaters. If you have obviously over-searched random stuff just to generate revenue then you simply dont get paid for those searches. I know because I tried it. You get 2p (approx 4 cents) per search and there is no limit to your searches except for obvious cheating where you dont intend to look at the results.So you don't make millions but you do get about the same as if you had say 20k in the bank earning interest, just for regular searching.Don't get disheartened. Realise that there are diamonds in the rough on the internet. I think Xisto is one of them, and you're here potentially getting free web hosting.

  25. Although I got really tired of AoM really fast it was fun getting titans and obliterating things heh, what about AoE3

    AOE3 is quite a step up from aoe2 but only graphically. The overall gameplay in 2 was a lot more involved, requiring a bit more strategic planning. Having said that, I still prefer playing 3 because it looks better and the detail in the graphics is high.When I get the time I would like to play online, as I've only played against the computer so far.
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