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Posts posted by Diffusr

  1. Most of todays technology including the internet itself would not be here if it were'nt for all the old-school hackers coding and designing applications in software and hardware over the years that we all can use. For instance I am writing this post from a Linux operating system, thanks to Linus Torvalds. More than two thirds of servers on the planet run free open source software because it just kicks the *bottom* out of windoze.Progress and innovation only happens when people start to think outside of the box. What would happen if I use it this way? Or if I add these lines of code to this software I've been using, it makes it easier to use, or it can do something else. THAT'S HACKING.noobs will never understand.

  2. You asked if anyone knew who the actual group who hacked your site are or how to get hold of them. You might try, but as they are engaged in an illegal activity in the first place you will have to do some dedicated digging to found out who the actual people are. If they are good at what they do, they will spend as much time and energy covering their tracks as they do actually cracking your system.Part of network security strategy is to "know the enemy". This is a proactive security measure, meaning something that is continually researched and updated as a permanent standing system.Knowing the enemy is the only way to really understand who might be trying the attacks on your systems.Get to know the computer underground - as murky a place as it is - you will then be on top of the latest "threat" during the media frenzy that surrounds the release of new virii, worms, exploits etc.Usually most of the threats and security vulnerabilities are discovered by the computing underground long before the news or even security consultants get to know about them.Keeping up with the computing underground (if you can) is massively advantageous for your system security.Learn how to read your logfiles. This will tell you whether the attackers are script kiddies or elite hackers. If you've been hacked, script kiddies will have left tracks all over your log files as they scanned every port and common gateway interface hole there is. A seasoned hacker will have left little or no trace that they had ever been there.Check the logs regularly and pick up the forensic signs that you are under attack.To catch a hacker - or even just to stop a hacker - you have to become a hacker.

  3. To answer the question of whether "the internet" can be completely taken down, first we need to look at what it is and where it came from. The internet is based on a stack of protocols or rules that allow data to be passed from one point to another. These protocols started developing in the 1960's. The US Department of Defense realized that they had a large collection of computers, not all of the same design but all functional in the handling of data. Some of the computers were networked and others were not. There were networks with incompatible protocols.Defense boffins saw an advantage in being able to share the data generated by all these diverse systems and sought to design a way for them to interoperate.Being in the area of defense, they wanted to figure out a way to do it that would minimise the effect of military attack. If such a network were possible, it would become a target for whoever was the enemy.Obviously the only way to ensure continuity of operation after an attack was to decentralise any and all critical services. So a missile could destroy any part of the infrastructure and the network would continue to operate.This network became known as the ARPAnet (Advanced Research Projects Agency). The protocol system that ARPAnet ran on was the start of current internet protocols such as TCP/IP.This network was basically nuclear bomb proof.A short time later, this network was linked to research institutions, then universities (first for use only by professors). From there it's not difficult to imagine how we have the internet that exists today.The way the internet was design from the very beginning, as long as we have a communications medium capable of carrying data, digital or analogue, the internet will continue.

  4. C++ is an evolved version of C.Some experts say that it is good to learn C before C++, others say it's better to go straight to C++. It sounds like it makes sense to learn C first before moving onto C++ because C++ is larger and more extended than C.C is procedural whereas C++ is object-oriented and the programming is quite different. This is why some experts say it is better to learn C++ without knowing anything about C.

  5. Before learning any martial art one must first learn the foundation of all martial arts. This is first chi kung, then tai chi. If these are ignored, all further martial art training is spiritually empty and therefore totally useless. Also if tai chi and/or chi kung are not practiced, you leave yourself open and vulnerable completely to those who have practiced and they will be able to defeat you without standing up from thier comfortable chair. In other words, they have already won.There are plenty of instructions on learning tai chi and chi kung not only all over the internet but also in bookstores, libraries and clubs. It is better to be trained by a master who already knows what to do but it is possible to teach yourself, though this way is much harder and requires far greater discipline and self control than being guided by a teacher.. If you do not know how to manipulate energy and anticipate your opponents next move then you may as well enter a drunken bar brawl and see how well you come out. Some individuals enjoy that path and that is all they will ever achieve. They may learn some karate kicks and punches but eventually they will be crushed by someone bigger and stronger.The true master doesn't ever have to fight. but if you pick a fight with him, you will be humiliated and destroyed in one instant and you will likely not even know why. :lol:

  6. Darwin did not really disprove creationism, he merely presented a viable theory of evolution. This is the theory that all life started as simple forms and then over a period of hundreds of millions of years adapted through natural selection into the array of biodiversity that we see today on earth.

    While it is a credible theory given what we know about the geological record of our planets' past, for instance the fact that the world or indeed the entire universe is only 6000 years old is completely disproven, Darwins theorem only presents a process, it does not disprove intelligent design for example the design of the process itself.

    The very fact that matter exists and that we can cognise, discuss and further analyse from seemingly out of "nowhere" has not been given a satisfactory explanation as yet by anyone. The fact that existance exists. Space allows everything to be within itself. Darwins theory of evolution seemed and still seems revolutionary to fairly small minded individuals, but it deals with very surface issues of our existance. Knowledge has moved on past the seven day creation story and may even be moving past the amoeba to human evolution theory, though of course there are countless millions who vehemently continue to cling to antiquated ideas.

    As we "evolve" we learn more and more about our truer selves. We may find that in truth the answer to how we got here and why we are here is a combination of religious theory, Darwinism and quantum field consciousness theory all rolled into one. It could go something like this: The Universe is a giant intelligent being who consciously creates all parts of itself. In order to create itself it uses physical laws from which springs evolution, but it only exists within its own consciousness.

    There it is in a nutshell. Now you'll never please everybody but I think I pleased myself. Thank you, good morrow and goodnight.

  7. With our current model of physical science and reality, black holes MUST exist in the same way stars have to exist. Black holes are produced by gravity. THey are nothing special in themselves apart from the fact that they do not even release light waves/particles (photons are both wave and particle) from thier gravitational pull hence the name black hole.At some point in time, we WILL be sucked into a black hole. There is a supermassive black hole at the center of pretty much every galaxy and believe you and me it's a suckin all it can.So things get shoved together so tightly you get nuclear fusion, this is what makes a star burn. Then things get squeezed even harder and the start becomes a white dwarf which is what you have orbiting around the start sirius also known as the dog star. Sooner or later sirius a,b and c will coalesce into one object with the combined gravity of sirius which is bigger than the sun, a white dwarf and whatever else is there. I think that'll be enough to form a black hole of its own.The thing to remember is that all mass has a gravitational pull to it, even the speck of dust floating past your window as the light shines through. Gravity is a weak force as it goes. It takes the mass of the entire planet earth to make you weigh what you do. That is the combined gravity of EVERYTHING on and in and part of Earth, and you only weigh 185 pounds. In fact a fridge magnet produces more attractive force magnetically than the whole earth does gravitationally.But when matter is crushed together into a black hole, it takes over.No more deals, game over. You're going in.See you on the other side baby. Big Bang all over again. the big wheel keeps on turning. The outbreath of Brahman. Let there be light. etc

  8. The way to really make the law of attraction work for you is to feel that you already have whatever it is that you are trying to attract. The things you already have for example your computer, telvision set, mobile phone, your favourite pair of jeans, the chair you are sitting on, the ground beneath your feet, the whole planet that lets you live on it - all those things you have already attracted into your life. You know that they are there just like you pretty much know that the sun is going to rise tomorrow morning.Now here is the secret to the law of attraction - when you read about aligning your feelings and or your energy pattern with the thing you are trying to attract to yourself, that could be a pile of cash, a new car, a house, all the usual fancy lifestyle consumerist desires and wants, or it could be something more noble such as being able to feed millions of people who are short of food or providing homes for orphaned children or anything like that - the secret that I said I was about to reveal is this:feel as though you already have it. It is already there. How do you feel about your living room carpet? You take it for granted right? Well you woiuldnt be taking it for granted if it were not there, you would be trying to visualise its colour, calling it forth from the aether of the universe, making affirmations that you have a living room rug. Chances are, you would eventually get your rug, but you actually already have it. Now for that shiny red ferrari you are trying to manifest in your life. First of all, be clear about having it, get to know your ferrari in every detail as much as possible, affirm, chant, visualise etc, then let it go. take it for granted. It's already there. Don't worry about it in the same way that you dont worry about all the things I mentioned earlier but here are some more things that you might already have but dont worry about. A t shirt, a pen a nd pencil, some paper, a statue on your mantlepiece...I'm sure you get the idea by now and if you don't well you'll just stay in whatever cycle you are in right now.To do this you might have to change the way you think and that scares a lot of people.See Ya

  9. What if reincarnation is real? I know I know scientists aren't supposed to "believe" that reincarnation is real but there are plenty of people who do. Some scientists have developed theories to support reincarnation.That would mean that whatever mess you left here during one life, you will have to come back and live in it again during the next life. It's easy to close your ears and shout lalalala I dont believe you blahblah blah but what if you find yourself back here after you died the last time?I think you would say - as the guy did every episode of quantum leap - "oh boy".Now you can go ahead and try to use all your resources at once because you dont think you'll ever be back and you dont care about the people living on earth in the future, but taking everything into account, that would be a schoolboy error. So you see there is a very good reason to preserve the planet even if you are the most selfish person ever born. because if you're wrong about reincarnation and you do actually come back, you'll be in a world of hurt because of what you did before.This might be one of the reaons there is so much pollution in the world already. Because we didn't believe in past lives that we would be back here again.Think about that.

  10. Most American people I have met are good people. Most people from anywhere else are also just as good that I have met. Of course every culture has its own peculiarities. For example Americans abroad are seen as loud and brash, the British pompous, the Japanese photographically trigger happy etc etc. The problem arises when people strt to buy into media created stereotypes like the ones I hae just mentioned. You can find those character traits along with many others in practically every nation, race and people on earth. There is no country that can say none of its population are loud and obnoxious. No country can say that none of its population take hundreds of photographs everywhere they go. No country can claim that none of its population are pompous and arrogant.These traits are found universally. Everywhere has friendliness, unfriendliness, is welcoming, is aggresive. Some places dont like outsiders, others actively call them in. You can get mugged in every nation on earth. There is a common theme in humanity - usually they are decent people. A very few are antisocial - in any nation - and the media focuses on those behaviours, blowing them out of all proportion and this causes mistrust between the people. So the situation we end up with is that most of the aforementioned decent folk go around in a state of mistrust and suspicion of all the other mostly good and decent folk.Unfortunately, this is the state that a lot of people would rather keep hold of. They feel "safer" by not trusting anybody than letting their "guard down" even though most of the time the other human will do the right thing, they have been conditioned by so many stories of betrayal and murder that they live in fear of their fellow human.Thisleads to titles such as this thread "America vs the rest of the world". This is the trap. In reality there is no america, it's all part of the same planet. Do you see whales worrying about migrating from the arctic to the antarctic? Do swallows look out for the borders when flying every year from South africa all the way to Northern Europe? No. Just people have made these invisible boundaries on a world that is really one place. Africa and America are not different planets, they are part of Earth. HELLO!!!

  11. I reccommend buying an electric car like the tesla or something. I think it would be such a great feeling to run smoothly along on electricity and the performance level beats most petrol engines, only slightly less performance than the top-notch supercar engines and actually better torque and quicker off the mark.It's only a matter of time until electric cars have vastly overtaken the internal combustion engine. There is only so much tuning you can do to a fossil fuel engine to get the best out of it and that is what we see in formula one. You'll notice how much fuel it takes to run those engines too - a lot.You can charge the electric car up foe eight hours and it will run for 200 miles. The total cost for that? Less than a dollar and if you have solar or wind power on your house then it would be free.The oil companies have been supressing all these types of technology for years - they are onto too much of a good thing. But what they are doing is wrong and it cannot last forever.The next major crash will be in oil stocks. Alternative energy on a global scale is just around the corner - then it will no longer be "alternative" but the main source of energy.The suns rays produce 1 kilowatt hour per square metre on the ground, twentyfour hours a day seven days a week and will keep doing so long after we have evacuated this planet.There is also a permanent nuclear reaction going on inside our planet which would supply the whole human worlds power needs many times over. Iceland already usues it because it is close to the surface there. But there must be ways of drilling down far enough to where it is hot enough to produce steam to drive turbines to create electricity to charge your electric car.Seriously, research the electric side of things and esee what you are missing out on when you buy a petrol car!

  12. So you thought WinAntiVirus Pro would be good? It isn't. This is a nasty, malicious application masquerading as a legitimate antispyware package. This program is actually a variant of Trojan.Zlob. Using "security alerts" that look convincing, the makers try to frighten noobs and innocent users into believing that they have their system infected with all kinds of security threats.If you happen to fall into the trap of downloading the free scan that is offered, the resulting threats shown in that scan are just made up. The intention of the producers of this application is that you believe these supposed infections are real and will harm your PC, so you will buy their product.This would be a *BLEEP* move, because WinAntiVirus Pro does not really scan your PC and it has no ability to detect repair or remove anything at all.Malicious software applications like these will often hijack your browser, taking you repeatedly to websites that you have no desire of seeing. If you have security weaknesses in your system, it may exploit them, disabling critical system files that your PC needs to run optimally. Due to the large amount of system resources and memory these rogues use, your computer will likely slow right down and perform like a sack of rotten spuds.WinAntiVirus Pro and their ilk can install without you knowing or giving your permission. The ways this can happen are when you visit dodgy websites, downloading certain files like music or games, and of course links in spam emails. The signs you have it are constant pop-up ads, security warnings that will send you nuts and the browser redirecting itself along with sluggish performance or total freezing are the obvious giveaways.When you realise this crappy software is installed on your PC, you must remove it at once. It could further damage your computer by installing additional malware which gets worse the longer it stays there. It's possible to remove it manually, but not adviseable because of how hard it isl and you might do further damage to your system. The best way to remove WinAntiVirus Pro is to use a reputable antispyware product that is man enough for the job. You may have to reinstall your OS.

  13. Usually if I encounter racism or hate or some other form of douchebaggery I will just observe the event unfolding as one might observe a mental patient. Unless there is a physical threat, racism is the problem of the racist and as such it is contained.Words can be emotionally hurtful if you allow them, but it's more a matter of perspective. If someone is attacking myself or another, I don't care what the reason is - it could be hate or just plain craziness - I will defend myself or those whom I percieve as innocent. Otherwise,someone saying stuff can talk until they are blue in the face as far as I am concerned. Actions speak louder than words and it is actions I am more concerned with.A verbal attack can be viewed as just an insane rant, someone letting off steam, even though innappropriate it may be.Of course there are certain ways I would prefer people to be in general such as tolerant, compassionate and helpful towards their fellow human being.But if someone chooses to hold hatred within themselves, it is their choice and right, as long as it does no harm to another.Hatred is like gripping a hot coal tightly waiting to throw it at someone - you are the one who gets burned. (Buddha)

  14. I think of karma as something actually completely scientific. It is the law of cause and effect. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Now that law doesn't just apply in a physics lab or to billiard balls knocking around on a table. It applies to all energetic actions. Whether that is eating breakfast, doing a skydive or robbing a bank (preferably in that order:) all of these invlove energy and all have equal and opposite reactions. This simply means there are consequences for everything that you do. The thing is, even the consequences have consequences until it all comes around back to the source. So we get the grammatically incorrect statement of "what goes around comes around" which we can extrapolate the meaning in the context of karma.

  15. I've just been watching the dragons den and one of the entreprenuers was trying to get investment for an automatic curtain opener and closer. She fumbled through her presentation and didn't get any investment but i think there is a market for this type of thing. her previous product was a fake television noise and light flasher for when you go on holiday, leave your house , a lot of thieves watch for signs that a property is unoccupied and if they see curtains being opened and closed and also fake tv lights flashing on and off at night then they probably wont bother breaking in.The strange coincidence is I was browsing digg dot com earlier today and one of the submissions was "13 things a burgular wont tell you" and somewhere in either the comments or the main article it mentioned about a fake television noise and light flashing device. Now the wierd thing is I have never heard of one of these things but then it came up twice in one day - quite synchronistic - but that's for another time, another place, another thread perhaps on Xisto.Well I think the best kind of home security you can have is not being so worried as to whether or not someone is going to rob you. Fort Knox has probably been robbed at some point just they wont admit it so what makes you think you can secure your house?The only time it would make sense to invest in securities is either in the stock market - get it - securities ahaha or if you have some kind of hobby as to wiring up your house with surveillance equipment and alarms et cetera.Actually. it does make sense to take security measures to reasonably try to protect your other investments which may or may not reside in your home. So buying good locks for your doors might be a good idea after all. I used to live in a house where we never, ever locked the doors. Once I locked the doors and the landlord came home and got pretty angry that i had locked him out!We were never burgled it was actually really nice to live in an open house you never would know who you would find down on the sofa in the morning. Perhaps it was naive but the fact is we were never burgled and people in the same town who had alarms, locks, cameras and who knows what else were constantly being done over. You can fight life or go with it. same as you can swim against a powerful river or swim with it. You'll get much further faster by going with it but once again I divulge into a more philosophical theme heck whatever i'm just blabbing on for the free hosting you get here and can do this all day long. Wow wouldnt it be great if you could make real dollars by babbling on like they did in babylon - babylon - that's who comes around to your house after you've been hit by a burgular. I wonder if the phrase babble on comes from babylon as if you check the biblical story everyone started speaking different languages all of a sudden one day when god copped one his strops so they couldn't understand each other and started babbling on - in babylon. Now Babylon was already called Babylon before people started babbling on but they could have named babbling on after the city of babylon where it started. The thing that tears that theory down is that babylon is one word whereas babble on is actually two seperate words. Unless they named the city after the babbling, but they didn't speak english back then unless english was one of the languages that god mixed everyone up with.OK back on track- security systems-the woman on dragons den- the automatic curtains - t'was a good idea I thought I did yes.So what you can take away from this is that you can either choose to secure your home or leave your doors wide open. Either way getting robbed is a risk you'll have to live with.Thank you and goodnight.Buh-Dum-Tish!

  16. For years, I lived right by the ocean and enjoyed surfing whenever the waves were up. When there was no surf I would often go swimming, maybe skimboarding, freediving or something.Now that I have moved to city quite far away from the big blue not only do I miss it terribly but I know that my waterman skills are slowly dwindling. Every so often though, I do get to visit the ocean and I need to know tat my fitness and endurance are up to standard when I enter the water. The sea is known to be treacherous and ca nsnatch the life away from even the best and strongest of men and women.So here's how I prepare for the surf:Those who have experience in surfing will know that most of the time is spent paddling to get into position for the waves. If you can't paddle with your arms continuously then forget about surfing at all. If there is a rip current which there usually is at a good break, maybe pulling sideways to the shore then you'll have to fuss against it to keep in position.Someone once counted the number of paddle strokes it took him just to get out the back on a relatively "normal" surf day - probably about 3 to 4 feet, light offshore wind. He counted 8000 strokes - eight thousand! Just to get to where the waves are breaking. When you go to the gym, how many exercises do you do 8000 repetitions on? none.You can do this exercise on your board or straight on the ground - lie on your stomach as you would be prone when catching waves. Arch your back so that you head and chest are off the ground. Now start bringing your arms alternately from your side to pointing straight ahead. The same motion as paddling throught the water except obviously you wont be plunging your arms underneath (the ground is too solid for that). This exercise conditions the deltoids, crucial when paddling for hours. Do as may repetitions as you can, the more yu can keep this up the better. If you can do 100 reps on each arm you're doing well. While in the actual surf you wont stress your shoulders to this degree as they will get a moments rest on the downstroke, so if you can blast out hundreds of reps like this then your shoulders will be fine for thousands of reps in the water.While you are lying on your board or on the ground, also practice popping up. Pretend you are about to catch a wave and pop up to your stance. Concentrate on getting it right. Control your foot placement and land squarely on the stringer, the center line down the middle of your board. Make sure your feet are flat to the board surface - all those things can be tweaked to perfection almost without being in the water (of course there is no real substitute for real surfing).Get back down, do ten fake paddlestrokes, then pop up. Do this as many times as you like or can.The next important muscle group when surfing is the triceps. When paddling they are also in constant use as you pull your arms through the water to move forward. To train these effectively pick a light weight and do tricep kickbacks for as many reps as you can once again. You can also do high reps of push ups and dips to strengthen the triceps and upper body.Then we come to breath holds.The exertion in the surf can be quite cardiovascular so you should go running and for long brisk walks that get your heart rate and breathing rate up.Practice holding your breath for as long as you can. Over time your capacity will increase dramatically and you will soon manage three or four minutes if you up the practice.This is important in the surf as you will be spending time underwater. Depending on the size of the surf, even the duck dives can last a good few seconds. Not to mention the hold downs...Do these exercises regularly and your physical endurance should be on par for most surfing conditions. Of course there is close to nothng you can do to hone your wave reading and oceaneering skills. Things like tides and local anomalies can dramatically affect danger levels and enjoyment of the surf.You can only improve these by being in the ocean.

  17. When I was younger I was really into anime. One movie called "Fist of the North Star" used to get watched over and over until I knew all the dialogue, the scenes, the reason(s) why peoples heads exploded a few moments after being punched by Ken (the hero) and all the subtle intricacies of what at first seemed an obscure, overly complex plot line.I think it was the unbeleivability that captured my imagination at the time. The characters were also overly superhuman in utterly ridiculous ways that I would have thought of only in times of the wildest abandon of play.One character had lasers that came out of his fingertips that he would use to cut his foes to pieces so neatly and cleanly, they would not even realise they had been partitioned in perfect geometry until they made their next move, then they would fall apart in an explosion of blood.The arch rival, Rau - Kens' older brother, had so much power he barely had to move to destroy even the most powerful of his enemies - and I mean giant barbarians who could turn their body into steel and single handedly crush whole armies of elite ninjas - Rau waved his hand and blew him through three or four mountains before his body started contorting and summarily exploded.What young boy of active imagination could not be fascinated by such tales and images? This was the tallest of tall tales and the entertainment value was immense.It's understandable how people can become addicted. Anime goes further than most ordinary types of cartoons and it's easy to escape into them.

  18. I will give my understanding of what time is.

    First of all we percieve time as something that is "passing". This implies it has a beginning and an end. We liken our view of time as a train starting from its station and heading on to its destination.

    Of course this is very simplistic but it is how we have been taught or programmed to view time. Also it is seen as som,ething that "runs out". All those movies where the hero is frantically trying to diffuse a ticking time bomb, snipping the right wire with less than a second to certain death, serve to reinforce our programme that time is external and finite.

    Now I will shatter that illusion once and for all.

    Time does not exist.

    I know that statement sounds like some drug-induced vision brought forth by a 19 year old hippy and some strong lysergic dimethyltryptamine but hear me out.

    Everything you know, right now, about all of existance and the universe and life death god jesus big bang nuclearfusion human soul gravity magnetism electricity history culture music religion...you know everything. only exists as neural impulses, chemical reactions and electronic signals inside your brain.

    You "believe" that your brain interprets the outside world through your eyes, nose and other senses, so this is your experience.

    I said that time that time does not exist...here's my theory.

    There is only actually one single moment - guess what that is - NOW! It is NOW. Now is all that actually exists. Energy also exists within this NOW. Energy is dynamic and causes change on multi dimensional levels. But NOW is ever-present.

    Time does not actually "pass". It is NOW that constantly changes, or appears to change thus giving the illusion of time passing.

    Spend time time thinking about htis and you will see things much more clearly. In order for your brain to interpret the passing of time (which we now know is an illusion) the chemicals and electrical pulses in your brain also have to change in concert.

    This is where the "matrix" of reality resides - in your brain.

    It is possible to reverse the concept of our bran reacting to the outside world and actually choose what it is we want to experience. So be in the NOW, think, then watch your world change to match your thoughts.

  19. I tried this with Gameduels.com and ended up twenty pounds down. First of all i intended to put ten pounds on my account but somehow put twenty on there. When I tried to with draw the ten there was some kind of complication and I had to play through the full twenty so many times over. So I went with it, playing games. The odds are crazily against you. You are matched with people of your apparent level of skill based on how my games you played before and what your score was.Even if there was a 50/50 chance of winning any particular game tht you play, Your money odds are more like 70/30. So you win one, you're up, lose one, you're down lower than where you were before. This is because gameduel takes their cut of the winning prize - I suppose they have to make a living, but I hope they are happy with my twenty pounds because I will not visit their site any more. A better business plan would be to offer 50/50 odds, maybe charge a small fee on withdrawal, and make most of their revenue through on site advertising or traffic redirection or something. If they had done tht in the beginning, they would probably have made much more than 20 pounds out of me.This is a typical example of short sighted business dealing.The games are fun but not worth paying a continual fee to play. i can get just as fun games to play online for free, except there wont be a chance of winning money.Later boy.

  20. If global warming is actually real,and not just a scare mongering tactic run by the likes of Gore etc, then the governments are going entirely the wrong way about tackling the problem.I don't see how raising taxes for polluters achieves anything except more pollution. Because the polluters will increase production output to cover the costs of paying the taxes and we end up with more pollution and richer governments.Make it law that polluters must offset thier emissions by planting trees to the equivalent amount, instead of saying that they must pay more taxes. Surely that would be more helpful.Climate change is a very complex subject that the scientist don't understand completely. There are images of receding ice fronts from different places around the world which is alarming. Then there are reports of more ice than ever on the north pole and the coolest year/decade ever on record involved 2008, so there are conflicting points.The proper path to take is to assume that our pollution IS causing climate change and respond accordingly. Pollution in general is a bad thing. Encouraging the eco-system to function as it does on its own can only be positive in the end.If we are going to stop climate change, arbitrarily raising taxes isn't going to do squat.

  21. Yes there is a worldwide slowdown that everyone has been suckered into believing in because of the massive TV news campaign that spooked everyone on purpose. I have actually been doing a lot BETTER since the all the negative hype started because I make money online by trading on the foriegn exchange markets. I started with a two hundred United States Dollar account and now I make four thousand dollars a day on average.This is simply because I have spent a lot of time watching and learning to "read" the markets. Not only watching the charts but knowing the effects of other markets such as oil, gold, S and P 500, DJIA etc. I have also studied the meanings and significance of economic data releases.If you don't know what CPI, PMI, PPI or GDP mean to begin with then you are at a hug disadvantage in forex.Any "make money fast in forex" program that promises you will profit right away with no effort is a lie. Okay let me put it this way - you CAN make huge profits right away on the forex markets by gambling blindly as you would if you went on an online casino or a day at the races. But the chances are you will lose and lose big if you don't know what you are doing.If you are thinking of getting into forex trading believe me it's like any other profession that takes a long time to master.One more thing - losing money is part of forex trading.How you deal with the losses, emotionally, tactically, strategically, is what separates the 1% who gain from the 99% who lose overall.

  22. In high earthquake-risk areas of the world, this idea would increase safety during an earthquake. The idea is to float a building or structure on a magnetic field.The energy required to do this would be collosal, so each building would have to be its own power plant. This can be achieved by drilling into the core of the earth and using underground heat to generate electricity. The strength of the field would be variable and determined by computer controlled sensors. When they sense shaking, the building floats. The rest of the time it is resting on shock absorbant material. During an earthquake, the building would not necessarily have to leave the ground, depending on the magnitude of richter scale.Enough magnetism could be applied to offset gravitational pressure between shaking ground and the building itself. It would be possible to have a perfectly still structure while the ground around it is violently shaking. The excess power generated during times of no earthquake can be fed into the grid to relieve existing energy demands.Just an idea anyway.

  23. I've tried a number of sports in my life and the one I enjoyed the most was surfing. I really loved surfing it took me travelling to many different places, put me in touch with nature and the pulses of the planet.The energy and raw power that you witness and experience in big surf are just awe inspiring. Sometimes you might be close to death but if you stay calm the whole experience becomes deeply spiritual.Surfing keeps you fit in a number of different ways. It's an endurance sport in many ways. The average number of paddle strokes it takes just to get out back is 8000. Can you image going to the gym and doing 8000 reps on one machine? In the surf you have to do many sets of 8000 reps each.Then there are the hold downs. In big surf you can be held under by a wave for up to a minute or more. You will have hardly had time to take a full breath and you will have been panting from paddling hard. See why some people drown out in the surf?Oh yeah -it also takes away a fear of drowning - you kind of get used to the environment.Usually the sea air is so fresh it will clear your head. Sometimes you have to trek and climb to get to the surf spot. Then you have to trek and climb to get back out - after 5 hours or so of physical exertion.Regukar surfing improves your swimming and overall endurance without you even realising it.You have so much fun whilst getting incredibly fit.It is now a shame that surfing has become so popular that most of the easily accessible good breaks are totally overcrowded and there is a bad attitude often in the water. If you're reading this - don't bother getting inspired to go surfing - it's already too crowded.

  24. Quantum theory has come full circle all the way round to ancient original Buddhist teachings that the Universe is created by consciousness. All atoms are infinite fields of potential spread out over a vast area which is probably infinite. It is only when consciousness enters and observes the atom that it instantaneously collapses into the physical "thing" that it is. This is happening constantly and only ever in this very moment. The Universe is really just a soup of energy out of which your mind then creates whatever it wants, including all laws of physics, history, religions, everything all in THIS moment.The Adam and Eve, Heaven and Hell, God up there people down here story is about 6000 years out of date.Quantum physics is a consciousness update and reboot.Get with the programme.

  25. Here's some help in learning assembly. Open your browser, in the address bar type google.com. When the page loads type your search query into the search bar. I would suggest starting with 'assembler'. If you do not find exactly what you are lookingfor then try a more detailed search like 'how to learn assembly' or 'assembly for beginners'. Follow this aadvice exactly and you will be moving towards your goal of learning the assembly language. Bear in mind there are differing versions of assembler for example risc os ARM assembler, 8086 assembler, etc. However, you will discover all of this and more by doing exactly what I stated at the beginning of this post. To reiterate, that was google.com, then search from there. Good luck in your endeavours and let us know how your learning went. Report back here with a new post and put the subject as "how I learned the assembly language starting with a simple google search" - that will be a riveting read for all involved, especially if you go into the details of all the trials and tribulations you encountered with the different nuances of the variables and coding idiosyncracies that your adventure led you to discover. Cheers and good luck!

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