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    Southern Adventist University
  1. Love is a slippery, wet thing that is hard to get a grip on. Just when you think that you've got someone nailed down, they do something you don't expect.So don't think that you can know for certain if someone loves you or not. Love is ephemeral and variable, based on the mood of the person, their recent experiences, their memories, their expectations, their desires, likes, dislikes, needs, and chemical balances. The "tests" that anwii suggested are . . . ineffectual at best, and disastrous at worst. If you fart on tuesday, they may shrug it off and think "it's okay, I'm down with that." But if you fart on friday, they may freak out and think "I need to get out of this relationship because they're such a pig." It all depends. For example, you may reeeeeeeeeally love the music of a certain band, but it doesn't mean that you ONLY listen to their music. You listen to it sometimes, get tired, and listen to something else. People are the same way with love. You may be in love madly and passionately one night and the next morning you become blase. It's normal.If I had to sum up (and I do) keep in mind that people (and by connection, emotions) aren't constant. You can't KNOW if someone loves you or not.And as a final point, I don't know if anwii was serious or not (I hope not), but you should never, ever test love. If you do, you might find out that the answer wasn't what you wanted.
  2. So, as I am sure that all of you have heard, the Spike Video Game Awards have occurred and transpired and all that jazz. At these prestigious awards, they give out an award for the game of the year, based on impact and immersion and replayability and quality and visual pizazz and all that jazz. Now, I usually don't give a rabbit's fart about these kinds of things, but I just have to speak out against their choice. They gave Game of the Year to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? This is the game that won? Obviously the video isn't gameplay, I'm just making a point. Back me up, internet masses! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2! Where are the accolades? Where are the pomp and processionals? I quote from The Daily News: Can we all just say HOLY CRAP? How are they going to give the Game of the Year to Uncharted 2 - a game that has made little to no impact, and that people are soon to stop playing - instead of to MW2? Seriously? Does anybody understand the reason behind the madness? I propose that we yell (seemingly) uselessly into the internet void in order to release our discontent. I'll go first. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHY DID AMONG THIEVES WIN THIS INANE CONTEST?"
  3. Ja, sorry 'bout that doublejump error. I will fix that if I post this anywhere else.As far as class on class matchups, here are some quick guidelines:Medic: This is the guy you should be killing. I don't care if he's surrounded by heavies and pyros, just jump in there and get off as many shots as you can. You should have six until run out (unless you're using the FaN . . . right?) A medic goes down in about 2 1/2 shots if you're not careful and 2 if you are.Seriously, your main objective is to kill medics and capture points. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? KILL THIS GUY!Sniper: Two well-aimed shots and his body sprawls on the floor. Feel good about yourself: you just saved all the heavies on your team.Engineer: Again, 2 1/2. Engineers are usually turtled behind their guns. Don't kill them unless they're actually playing engi the way it's meant to be played (agressively). In which case, it's pretty easy. They're like a scout that doesn't have speed.Scout: Aim better. Jump more. Strafe faster. Use the scattergun so that you don't run out of ammo. And when he's closing on you, your pistol is invaluable. Other than that, just cross your fingers and hope. Scout on scout is hard.Demo/Soldier: These are two very different classes, but the tactics for taking them down are exactly the same. They can kill you in a shot if you're not lucky, so you have to ambush them. Every time. Do not charge a soldier head-on, that's stupidity. I suppose that you could stay at a distance and use your pistol, but it's not as good a plan as just leaving and coming back a different way. Valve has been nice to scouts by providing so many alternate avenues of attack. Just leave and come back.In order to kill a demo/soldier, ambush, close with them before you start firing, empty your clip as fast as you can, and if they don't die, leave to fight another day. I've killed plenty of soldiers, but you have to do it like this.Pyro: This one's scary. One touch of his flames and you're less than half health (more if you're using the sandman). The only effective way to deal with pyros is with your pistol. You have superior speed, so you can lead that pyro back to your team mates pretty easily. Unless you happen to come up on him from behind, in which case, close with him and shoot when you're sure of your shot. Take him down and then run on.Heavy: This is madness. A heavy that's already spun up can take a scout before the scout can doublejump. Just don't do it.Unless you come up from behind, in which case, get as close as you can and start circle-strafing in the same direction as his gun. Try to stay against his back. It takes about 4 or 5 shotgun shells or 4 bat hits to take a heavy, so there's no "better" way to do it. Just hope that you can deal damage fast enough that he can't catch you.Though, that phrase just shows the entire point of scout: to deal damage quickly enough to kill the enemy before they know you're there.Though, I guess that is just the point of the whole game, really. Unless you're a turtling engi, but whatever. I'll save my beef with them for another time.And on an additional side note:Yeah, I don't like the unlockables anywhere except medic (for obvious reasons, they're just replacements [except for kritzkrieg, which I still like]) axetinguisher, jarate, and the cloak-and-dagger.
  4. Yeah, I doubt that any of those cars are going to break the world's land speed record. It was set by a rocket-propelled car on the Bonneville salt flats in America. That car broke the sound barrier, so I doubt that any gasoline/diesel powered vehicle is going to even come close. Wikipedia says that the current land speed record is . So, yeah. There's no way in tarnation that the gas powered vehicle shown above could even come close. What was that, in the 800 km/h range? That's woefully sad. All this is not counteracted by the fact that I would give up my firstborn child to own either of those cars. I mean, to go that fast? Serious speed, man.
  5. Well, there is global warming. Especially since your next statement says that "the earth is going into a warm time" bla bla bla. You should just point out that there is also global cooling. That's the point. Also, all of my innocent hate mongering aside, we really don't have enough data to come to any conclusions yet. Give humanity another two hundred years and THEN I'll believe the trend in the data. Until that day, I think I'll hold off my final judgment, thank you very much. Also, you're totally right. Forums are hotbeds of dissent and al gore hatred.
  6. It's nice to know that science backs itself up.I mean, seriously? There have been climate fluctuations for years - I doubt that humans will have too much impact on the global climate (more than say: the ocean, which produces at least 90 percent of the co2 that the earth makes every year).There was an ice age (of course) but there was also a hot age (which many people may not have heard about) which was recorded in Britain not to long after the ice age ended. So, yes. The world goes through temperature fluctuations. Get over it.Thank you Al Gore.
  7. Mininova is dead.Is this indicative of a larger trend? I think that the government is starting to crack down on the internet, which is just wrong and gross. I hate that they're making it harder for us to steal! How dare they?Okay, so the entire controversy over this is stupid. There is no reason that this should be an issue. Why should we discuss this?Because we're idiots.Let's cry because we can't steal anymore.
  8. It's nice to know about a movie ahead of time.I was thinking of getting Yes Man. I think I will now. The last thing I need to know is this: is the acting good? Because crappy acting can ruin an otherwise amazing movie. I'm really into acting, and I love it.
  9. No, sorry. I don't think it's any of that.I think I just have horrible luck. I might try that wet finger trick though. (ha ha) anyway.I'm just gonna rma it to Coolmax. I think I just killed it, so hopefully they'll change it.
  10. 1st: Cheers for taking this so well. Internet flame wars can get so horrid.2nd: You're crackin' me up with your utter disregard. I know you're not gonna read this, but I have to let you know that I find that hilarious. 3rd: I'm glad that you were able to resist any temptation. It's hard for men to think with their brain and not with their wang. The fact that you dumped her immediately means that you're commendable. Don't feel bad about any subsequent actions you've made, since you've proven yourself with that. As for anwiii: You've got me laughin', man. Seriously, that is some really broken internet logic that you think you can change a guy's mind from halfway across the world just by calling him a sicko and haranguing him again and again. Perhaps I should just extricate myself from this thread, but it's just too beautiful to NOT post on. It's amazingly yes. It shows the ideas behind the internet: an infinite number of monkeys yelling loudly into the ether. Amazing.
  11. Anytime you release a massive product, it's incredibly difficult to work out all the bugs before release, especially in software. Video games have had this problem for years. Games, especially PC versions, have had patches to fix bugs. Why can't operating systems? I run OSx, and it's not bug-less. It merely has fewer bugs and far less publicity. For example, today I installed an update to my OS. It's not as major as a service pack, but it's definitely the same idea. Every OS has these problems. Linux doesn't have updates, it just releases a new distribution. OSx has updates too. So your concern with Windows is a bit unfair. Don't be mad at them. They try their best.
  12. I'm gonna go on the record and say that we should separate people's actions from their identities. If kids make bad decisions, it doesn't mean that they are bad kids doomed to be criminals. It means that the decision was bad, not the kid. Alternatively, if a business man makes a good decision, it doesn't mean he's any better than his peers. So to be judging homosexuals is wrong for starters. As for my opinion on homosexuality, I don't agree with it. However, I don't want the government to try to regulate my actions, so I'm not going to suggest that it regulate theirs. Basically, my dislike for homosexuality is based on my conservative christian upbringing. Beyond that, I would have to say that the other part of my dislike is just my natural revulsion at the thought of being with another man. Eawauaobalarrgh. No thanks. My last point: Homosexuality can't be right. Bodies aren't made like that - the equipment doesn't match up. So my point is that this statement is wrong, fundamentally. Drug addiction is wrong, even if your momma was a crack ho and you were born addicted. Society doesn't smile on crack babies. So anything that's unnatural for your body can't be GOOD. Also: they still haven't reached a consensus on whether people choose to be homosexual or have it predetermined. So . . .
  13. Okay, It's plugged directly into the wall (which is my personal favorite for fault of failure [no surge strip, stupid stupid stupid]).There's nothing blocking any fans.Would the heatsink actually cause it to shut off immediately? I mean, nothing even spins up.Bad fans really kill the system? I've never had a fan die, so . . .Update: I tried turning it on a couple more times and nothing happened. Fans wouldn't even spin once around anymore. I unplugged all the extraneous drives (I have three extra hard drives) and then tried it again. The fan started spinning around once again.I think that my power supply is for sure dead.
  14. All of this can be explained away by the modern idea of Romanticism. People enjoy hearing stories about the "anti-hero," a hero who rebels against the norm in favor of his or her own moral code. Indiana Jones is a perfect example: he's trying to save artifacts, but he carries a bullwhip and pistol. He kills people, for crying out loud. So, there's your modern answer. Ned Kelly is a hero.In this culture, we worship the anti-hero as an icon to look up to. For as long as they are a part of our collective mindset, this question will be asked. Sorry, there won't be a consensus on whether or not Ned Kelly is a good guy.However, if you were to go back before modernism and the romantic ideals, Ned would be unequivocally a villain. He disrupts peace and the social order in order to further his own means and methods. He would be seen as selfish and dangerous.Romanticism changed that, of course.So the question of whether he is a victim, villain, or hero is purely subjective. Any definition that can change so radically over time is not a definition of fact, but rather of opinion. Your question is only valid on an individual basis and any answer can be refuted by anyone. What are you trying to accomplish, exactly?
  15. This is the second time I've had a power supply die within the last few months. I'm getting really, really annoyed.My computer is my life. I do anything and everything on it and with it. When it dies, I go ballistic.This morning, I moved my computer to a different spot, and when I plugged in my powersupply and turned on the unit, nothing really happened. I heard a weird sound like a fan or a hard drive spinning up. It happened once every three seconds or something. Anyway, the computer wouldn't turn on, so I did a hard reboot. The whole farking thing just wouldn't turn on after that. Like, the fans would spin once, and then stop spinning.Are there any ideas, or is my power supply for reals dead?
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