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Posts posted by innosia

  1. Maybe I am a programmer. But having writing softwares for years with much hopes, much funs, writing library, games, database apps, I have written most of the kind, gather many source codes, freewares, comparing software to software and its like becoming my life, just to say it is a kind of hobby. I finally get tired of it and find that my life is stumble upon coding, and wish to have an abundant life instead. Working as programmer/analyst is not paid well in my country, and what if you have library this this and that, it all seems nonsense, since freely available library like Open source license code is everywhere and better software, better library, better UI, and more better things growing up day by day and can't seem to defeat them. So programmers or coders do not interest me, money is more important, hehe.

  2. Damn you! You beat me! I was gonna post this last night but didnt!
    Im also a web developer and browser compatibility is a BIG issue. If this thing isnt as good as, or better than FF then i hope it fails. I cant afford to spend yet more time testing in another browser.

    But lets hope its better than FF, nothing wrong with healthy competition, its the lack of it that has lead to IE's state

    note this feature
    Complete attack on IE8's "porn" or Private mode. Does the same thing. This shoould be very good. I also like a brand new JS engine, could be more stable and reliable than current browsers.

    Haha theres also a nice easter egg in the little comic book. They are talking about javascript and eventually you see a guy standing on a road with a speed limit sign to his right. The speed limit is 10 the power of 100 (so 10 with a small 100 written above and to the left in superscript) This number is in fact a Googol, and that is a scientific, mathematical word. Good choice of number eh :)

    By the way it should be released, in the UK, sometimes this (tuesday) evening.

    That comic is freaking brilliant! had me laughing out loud :) And im damn excited about chrome now, its revolutionary, the only real similarity between chrome and other browsers is the fact they all render and shoow web pages. Everything else is different! Completely different. :D

    hehe shadowx, you should post it last night.. we are earning for credits :(
    yeah lets hope that the chrome does not give new compatibility problems, hopes that it love FF and do like FF do. Yes I think the incognitio is the key to lure people too. How about a feature, that can read the cookies, and let us write another cookies manually :(

    Wah, how to discover the easter egg? have you tried the chrome not you shadowx?

  3. I have been working in Jakarta as programmer for three years already. In those time I have created many applications, but there is always an issue related to the user that really frustated me and make me like feeling heavy or distress about it.In Jakarta, the computer users as actually only several percent of all the populations. The people knowing computer is so few and not even to mention that they know programming or logic, they don't think in logic anyways! My problems in Jakarta as software developer is hard to find the exact and accurate of the system requires by the client. For one day a client can say that this form will be submit to this department or this entry form, but the next day, if you meet up with an other user, they will probably tells you that "oh this is not how I work", so it is difficult to gather a correct requirement that all staff agree upon. Since one staff does not have a fix way of doing things, they can handle a single form with different ways, they have all those exceptions which is not organised, base on their client, or maybe have any friendship with the boss and bla bla that makes your system will crash oneday.Upon a time, I meet a boss, where he told me that why his company is always having failed developing softwares. Thinking and thinking, I told him all above problems, how could we actually use a computer if we are not ready? Like most of these companies are not even computer literated. If you are building a website for example, they ask you why must the page keep flipping (after you submit to refresh for certain). How do I tell them that this is a web application not a windows one, even he don't know how to differentiate one.Moreover, you place a combo box to select, then they will ask you to place another control that they like. God, I dont know how to face them. Thus this makes many software house going to specialized themselves in some fields, like implementing other software from Microsoft to any others. And many even open training centre to train client, and many software house choose not to develop software from ground up instead. This makes indonesia's programmers reputation earn a great discredit.And what even more complicated is the government. The government does not have fixed rules, they adjust rules daily like making breakfast, so every time the head or some one responsible is changed, a new rule is coming out to be seen as he is prestigious or is working, which does not really helps company to grow, but rather complicates the system created before, and so many doubts coming out about how this rule should be enforced since it is ambiguous and thus affecting programmers software for sure.I think, up until the major population is literates well with computer, and have a fix way of doing things, rule by rule, that time probably software will become more stable than ever.

  4. in fact this credit system is quite burden me.. If a day is deduct 1 credit point, that means that our hard earn credit will be gone easily. For not letting that happen we need to online a lot to ensure our credit is enough, thats a bit too pushing. How about not taken any credit point daily? Or maybe 3 days a credit instead?I have an idea, what about lottery for 10 most active user, a weekly lottery that gives them extra credit points? hohohoho

  5. Breaking News: Google is releasing its own custom browser called CHROME. (Beta release)


    See Article at PC WORLD:

    Google to Release Open-Source 'Chrome' Browser


    Make sure to check out the comic book that covers CHROME's feature set and how it distinguishes itself from its soon to be rivals.


    Should be released in another 15 minutes EST.

    wow what a news

    as web developer, my first question is "Is this new browser have different compatibility with IE dan Firefox?", since i have been wasting a lot time to adjust my PHP website to suit IE and FF both. Now if chrome is getting familiar by public, then I will have to worry about compatibility issue.


    and if it is open source, so how about the security? I worry too that it can be hacked since open source is open the code for hacker?

  6. Now, that you don't need to have expensive software like Acrobat to create PDF. All you need is Microsoft Office and a software name doPDF.
    You can download the freeware from http://www.dopdf.com/download.php
    After downloading dopdf.exe, follow the instruction below
    1. Double click to install it, as display at image 1.jpg, choose a language and click OK
    2. You will see 2.jpg click next
    3. Click I accept the agreement see 3.jpg, click next
    4. Now you will see 4.jpg, select the folder to install it and click next
    5. When seeing 5.jpg, This is the folder group in Start menu, let it as default and click next
    6. Now this is an important step, when you see 6.jpg, check the checkbox Set doPDF 6 printer as default printer. You need to check it if you don't have a printer installed on your computer and does not use any printer on the network. Check it as default since you you can create PDF instead of printing.
    7. Now when you see 7.jpg, this will ask you your default language, you can set the language you want
    8. Now when seeing 8.jpg, click install
    9. After the progress is finished like 9.jpg

    NOW LETS Create the PDF
    1. Open your Microsoft Word, then you can type like usual, inserting images and so on on word, this word will then be converted to PDF! For example see 10.jpg
    2. If you are ready and finish your document, click file print, from the Name combo box, the default value should be doPDF if you installed it as default printer, if not then choose doPDF from the box, see 11.jpg
    3. Click OK, and you will be prompted a dialog box, see 12.jpg, which is asking you where to save the created PDF file, to change it click browse
    4. Click OK to save to the destination, and by default it will be opened up directly, and the result is 13.jpg. Now you have your PDF created without using Acrobat just plain usual Microsoft Word

    Have fun with your PDF, you can distribute it as your software's help.

  7. Hi innosia. Yeah. I like meditation. But never had any weird experience.Do you have any? If so what is that? Share with me. And where are you

    hi xpress
    I have once meditate and feel my body is spinning to right side of my body, and i open my eyes to see if my body is actually spinning but not, but the feel of body is spinning. And at other time i feel my body is levitated but some part is stuck like a ballon will a string. And sometimes i see light though the room which is very dark. I have consult it to my teacher and he has given me some answer, but rather i like to hear your opinion about that. I am from indonesia

  8. Psychosomatic is a mental disorder. Parents should notice that is their child develop psychosomatic disorder to prevent future problems. Psychosomatic is a problem that is caused by stress, sadness, grieve or cannot accept own self. The sadness, grieve, stress, anxiety that comes from mind is actually affecting the body growth.Psychosomatic that is caused by sadness/grieve and the patient hurt the heart, feels very heart, can actually causes heart attack in the old age. Psychosomatic also causes problems like psoriasis, eczema, stomach ulcers, high blood and pressure. Mind can actually causes our physical problems, such as when we are in fear, our heart is beating fast, feeling sick, sweating, headache, and knot in stomache. Stomach ulcers is a disease of small erosion/hole in the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers that form in the stomach are called gastric ulcers, while eczema has several kinds, like getting itchy on hand fingers and leg fingers, the itchy blisters appear a lot and the fluid coming out is stink. When eczema comes out, it must be time the nerve system is in tense. When stress, grieve, or anxiety, our nerves system will be tighten up and cause it to pull together that can cause a knot, while that happens the blood cannot flow in some part of our body and our body becomes itchy or has some kind of disease.Psychosomatic is developing more and more todays, since the life burden is getting more heavy with economy being down, a lot of patient suffer from psychosomatic range from minor to serious problems. The most fearful disease that cause from psychosomatic disorder is heart attack and stroke. Since psychosomatic has impact on nerve systems, and influence the blood circulation, heart attack is the condition where a blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. A stroke is a rapid developing of losing brain functions due to a disturbance in the blood vessels supplying blood to the brain, psychosomatic that happens too heavy will cause a whole body to become trembling and become numbs, the numbs can actually influence the nerve system in the brain and formed disturbance inside the blood vessels.Live happily mentally and physically can llift most of human illness

  9. In christmas holiday several years ago, I have successfully going out of my body after learning something.The experience is quite fearful. I do the OBE by imagining fallilng from a high ground / building. While doing that my body feel heavier and heavier and my chest is very very heavy (due to the not clean heart chakra). After I successfully in a lower frequency where sound could be heart like from an empty room or like listening in water. I pull my consciousness outside my body by thinking something fearful.Right after my consciousness is separated from the body, things become very fearful. I see the environment in green colour like filter. I see my own door, my room and i can walk but very slowly, my body is like made from water, if i lift my hand is like lifting water must be very careful. And my heart said "I have succeeded and rather happy". And i also have some kind of fear, the feeling that I can't return to my original body, the feeling comes from not from what I think, it because going out of body is like going into a very deep like tunnel, for most people is like adventuring to a mysterious and far away place and thus I sense very insecure and fear.I can walk around, and do many things, it feels like i am happy, but every further i walk, i feel more worrying about my body, its rather natural feeling.Then for some reason I wake up. And my bodies is shaking, i go bath and go to eat, I still remember that when I grab the spoon my body is shaking heavily is like my body is soooooo heavy to bring it walking or taking things.Thats my obe experience.

  10. To Wake a Sleep ParalysisIf you are sleeping and cant wake up, doctors says the nerves problems. In my view from supernatural, its because our body frequency is low because of tired, and thus it sync with another lower dimensions. In sleep paralysis some people can see things, like ugly or fearful things (my friend experience). And in fact what they see is the real another world, but the data is somehow influenced or filter by the mind, thus the object they see is blur or influenced by their own subconscious data.To wake a sleep paralysis is easy, just focus and think that you want to move your little finger. Try it next time.To induce a sleep paralysis state, while sleeping, when our mind is quite down and ready to sleep. Imagine that you are falling from a high building with your face facing upward (sky), down, and down... lower and lower... then you will go into lower brain frequency in while awake...

  11. hum thanks guys, i guess ill just persevere, download some e-books or maybe even go to the library! I dont know if this was meant for me but ill answer anyway... Im a coder, i dont design things, i just write the code for other people. I want to work for myself but to do that i need to be able to design, otherwise i need to find and pay a designer and loose half the profits because of it. Its a pain

    hi shadow,
    wah thats good to do job instead of working with others just have fix salary. Maybe open many sites and try to look at their design

  12. 'The Secret' By Rhonda Byrne


    I want to review this book, because this book is the concept of how the mind should work to get what we want.


    Some people says to me, that what this book teaches is unorthodox or it violates the rule of religions, since religions believe that human has their own destiny so being rich and poor is not what they choose, its their destiny, that is what is believed in my country.


    With such a thought, people cannot advance in their life, they are stuck in the dogma, and thought that in fact unawarely asking them to become lazy, to blame their own misfortune to others. Thats why the today's religion are a place that restrict them to think wider, to understand wider the corelation betwen god's destiny and the path human can choose.


    'The Secret', this is a good self motivation books, and it rather different from others. I don't know how the writer can understand the secret of ancient method that is taught to only few persons. This book covers the truth that what we think the most is what we will actually get. If we believe ourself is rich then we will really become rich. It does have corelation with God's Destiny.


    The universe has one law, the law of attraction. The law of attraction is the same energy will actually attract to each other, what I say the same is for example, when people believe himself is a programmer he will try to look for programming materials, subconsciously he is dragging himself into these programmer's commuties. That is how he attracts it.


    The law of attraction is the puzzle that created this world. This world is created based on that rule. Since every human has a pure heart, which is the light and it is mirror that resides inside Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra.


    This mirror is pure and thus cannot accept any impurity. Every sin that human's create will cause a think layer of dust appear above this mirror, and they will lower their consciousness by deceiving themselves.


    For example, when people killing others furiously, with hatred and all those reasons for him to do that. Unawarenessly he will in fact feel guilty, since he also has the mirror inside his heart. This mirror is the conscience. But will those negative energy, like hatred and all those 'he should kill him' reasonings, he try to deceive himself thus descend his consciousness. He will live in torment, he will live full of lies up until he admit what he is doing is wrong, he can clean his heart.


    If the dust layer is thicken and thicken, one day this conscience cannot be seen anymore, thus human will live like robot, their life is boring, they live in the monotonous life.


    The sin they create is what attract their life. The guilty they feel is what causes them to attract those misfortune, they will live in abandon, in fear, and so when facing people, they will remember those sins and thus their relationship is not open, like far away, they are attracting those misfortunes by those guilt.


    The only way to clear those guilt and dust in their heart. They should believe that they are going to open the new future. This new future is what they believe even in their subconsciously. They should believe that they are happy, wealthy and healthy, and repeatedly believed that for 21 days without doubting, and thus that information will flow into their subconscious mind and later will drag him into the condition where he believes.


    For example, I have a friend who loves a girl and dare not confesss. In time to time he worries that the girl will reject him. And so he try to get close to her using internet messenger. When he is working he chats with this girl, but he always doubt and does not have self confidence that the girl will like him. He when he knows that the girl will online at 5 pm, before that he already feel the need to go to toilet but the restain himself until this 5 pm and when the girl online. Then he type a message to this girl and directly go to toilet because he afraid to see what will be seen on the internet messenger, he afraid what the girl will reply. Thus this fear in fact has made him restain the need to go to toilet until the girl online, he is unaware that his sub conscioud mind is avoiding this girl.


    The power of belief systems lies at sub conscious mind. When people emits what they want on sub consciousness layer, that is what they will attract themselves into that. The believe systems does always ask the pupils to believe like ghost and etc which cant be explained by technology, since that is the only way to fill information into the sub conscious mind, that is to believe.


    What we believe for 21 days will finally go into sub conscious mind. And what we believe in sub conscious mind will emit a frequency to this universe to attract what we believing. We will attract those situations or we will drag ourself into it! That is the law of attractions, wrote in the book of 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.


    But Rhonda Byrne does not write the spiritual side of the event. Well I will write it here in my opinions. The human is consist of two core, the good and bad. The good is the pure conscience while the bad is the desires. The desires cant be filled, everytime it is filled it will become empty again, this means human cant really satisfy themselves until they 'believe' they are satisfied.


    The mind and heart. The mind is located near the back brain, it is where our consciousness as mind perceiving information using 5 indras, which is ear, eyes, mouth, nose and touch. The mind is often wild, seen how mind work is by judging, mind is a small restricted box. Its judges bad or wrong, true and false base on the information of the box, the wider the box makes them judges different, thus what mind tells us is rather objective.


    Another is the heart, in fact our heart can tells us what is right or wrong, the judgement is not based on any law of truth, any things that is taught. But the heart is universally truth, that does not be restricted within any box.


    If we believe in our heart we will walk this world by listening to our conscience, but the conscience has a mechanism that is the soul learning. The soul learning determines their fate. If ones heart is learning in this world, they will finally understand why they must be rich or poor, their heart understand that to accept the fate that is brought to them, that is the way they are returning karma of what they had done in the past, thats why they are not adding their loans.


    To return the loans while being rich, is to awaken their kundalini to heart chakra. While in this process, they maintain positive thinking, believe in rich and harmony, that way their mind will become stable or lower its stress frequency until it reaches down the heart, the process is like lower the mind to become one with the heart. When that happens, they will maintain positive thought, like being rich and harmony and so on while their heart accept that as fate. The process of that will make them helping each others, so that their loan will finish faster. And while others feels that they are helped, thats why they will try to clean their heart too by feeling that reminiscing the subconsciousness about this loaning reasonings, and thus they will repay in another form. In this way, human is no longer paying bad with bad, but instead opens each others heart to maintain harmony, peace and prosperity together.

  13. You don't necessarily need a degree in design to prove that you can do it; you just need a portfolio so that when you send in resumes for jobs, you can give them some site URLs which you designed, and they can look at them and see if they like what you have to offer. Given this, you can more easily pursue a design education in a more self-studied type of way. This would enable you to skip over the stuff you already know and just focus on what YOU want to learn, rather than following someone else's syllabus. Pick up some books about color theory and design, and just start reading. It may seem like it'll never sink in at first, but eventually you'll get a sense of what works and what doesn't. Talk to other designers, see what they use and what tips they have to offer. Above all, practice. As I mentioned before, you'll want a portfolio of work you've done. These can be your own personal projects, just as long as you have something to show for what you can do.
    Most importantly, don't discourage! You may even find that you can get a job that doesn't require design. But in the case that you don't, if you pursue this self-study, you'll be better prepared and have a wider variety of opportunities.

    Good luck! :)

    Is programmer also being asked to do design jobs? I think programmer just need to do the technical programming, but it really good to understand design. But may I know that do you know design and programming both?

  14. Thanks, i just find it hard to think of what goes in that big empty space, or what colour that bar/area should be etc...
    It wouldnt be too bad if i could get a company to give me a go, or look at my scripts and see i can do this stuff but they wont, they just want commercial experience and crap like that... *sigh* ill have to just keep doing some designs i guess

    dear shadowx,

    In my knowing, that a person like you must be active in left brain but not the right brain. The right brain is about creative and the ability to think out of the box. You need to be tender to be creative (believe me), and i have a method if you like and believe me, here is the way
    - Sit in meditation position, in full lotus or half lotus. Half lotus is good i think, put your left left above the right one
    - Stick together your index finger and middle finger (like pointing) straight
    - Sit with your backbone posture straight and being relax
    - Now put your index finger and middle finger and point it on your forehead, at the middle between your eyebrow
    - Use your thumb to close your right nostril, breathe in (using left nostril) and hold a second or two while imagine that your right brain becomes bright and clean
    - Use your ring finger to close your left nostril, and breathe out (using right nostril) and imagine that your head feel relax
    - do this again and again, my teacher teach me do it in 13 circle breathe in and out for right brain. and then 13 circle for left brain in opposite way

    Another way is, try to draw something on paper, draw anything, from simple object to difficult one. It can activate your right brain. I suggest if you like to do something repeatly, like going to work/college, try changing your route, eat different food than the place that you usually eat, that way you are going out of the usual box.

  15. there is a freeware name TrueCrypt see http://truecrypt.sourceforge.net/
    it can encrypt all your harddrive!! Its performance is good and fast.

    The steps are
    1. Create a large file as storage, if you create 1 GB file, you have a storage of 1 GB
    2. The created file (*.tc) must be mounted using TrueCrypt and it becomes a new harddrive on your computer
    3. Double click this harddrive, and you can move file into it, delete, play and copy or do anything that you can do on a real harddrive
    4. If you dismount this drive, the drive is gone from your computer, all you have is that 1 GB large file. This file cannot be opened using any other tools because it is encrypted. The method of encryption is different from what is used in text base encryption, it in fact encrypt the header of the allocation table, while only a password can decrypt this allocation table, thus your file when stored in this 1 gb file is not stored based on sequence of free space, but it is randomly put inside.

  16. Hi, I am learning advanced databases. I need to know , If i can install more than one database software on a single machine ?

    I have to work on PostGRE, MySQL, Oracle and DB2/SQLite/MS SQL for an assignment.
    Secondly. Where Can i get the internal working of these databases from. I need to know how a query is executed and what all steps are performed under each of the above. :)

    Thirdly. I need an open source alternate to Oracle , if its there or a developer edition for Oracle. Is it available ??

    is it choosing from one of those database or your assignment must use them all? If choose i suggest MS SQL Express with no management studio, if you want the management studio you can try downloading it separately (there is a free one too). But if you want easy one, use mysql

    To execute an SQL statement you need to connect to the database first. To connect, you will need a database name, server name, user name for the database and password. After the connection is made you can execute your statement and then remember to disconnect it so that you dont have open connection which will slow down your db and even crash it.

  17. Yeah I would have to agree that cats and dog dream, especially dog when they do fidgit and what not, I did find some interesting articles about cats and dogs dreaming, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art46704.asp. What really caught my attention was this part:I been hearing things about narcoleptic dogs years ago and along with the fact they sometimes growl as well when they are asleep, of course do we really want to know what they are dreaming about? THe human mind is bizarre enough when it comes to dreams I only could imagine what they are thinking about i.e. they got us on a leash and walking us around hte park to poop and pee on a lawn somewhere :).

    i think my ou chui (my dogs name) is dreaming. Because sometimes he is very happy after sleeping, maybe he dreams something very happy.

  18. .NET programmer can easily build Setup and Deployment package using existing wizards in VS 2005 or 2008, thus when the setup.exe is run in client, it detects that whether SQL Express is installed or not on the system, and it can install it if requires. The fact is, programmer does not have any options such as

    - Changing the database instance name, the default instance name is SQLExpress and cannot be changed (it is restricted)
    - Cannot change the SQL user and password
    - Thus this makes SQL Express application hard to be configured automatically, and it causes programmer must do some manual configuration.

    In this Tutorial, I have a class name BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller, to use it as installer
    - First build your windows form application and add app.config entry
    <add key="IsInstall" value="0"/>
    <add key="IsRestart" value="1"/>

    Add both isinstall and isrestart key in app.config, and let the value like that as default

    in your windows form, there must be a start up form, in this start up form constructor add
    JohnKenedy.BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller _ins = new JohnKenedy.BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller("<Installation Display Name>", "localhost", "<New database instance name>", "<new database name>", "<database password>", "<database backup filename>");
    if (_ins.IsDone == false) _ins.ShowDialog();
    if (_ins.IsRestart == true)

    Change <..> to match with your value.

    - After your project is ready, create setup and deployment application
    - Then Download SQL Express for free at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    - use command line to go to the exe folder and type : SQLEXPR32.EXE /x
    - nows all the files contain in exe resources, will be extracted, and add these extracted files into your Setup and Deployment Application Folder\SQLEXPR2005 folder (create this new folder)
    - add your database backup filename (for example mydb.bak which is created from SQL Server Enterprise manager or management studio) and put it in this folder too
    - Build your setup and deployment project

    The resulted setup.exe now includes the SQLExpress that can be installed by your application using BusinessSQLEXPRInstaller class.
    This helps you automate several things
    - restore your database to the client without user configuring
    - install the database engine without user knowing
    - as developer you know the database engine username and password and can be controlled by you as developer
    - User does not need to know programming languages, they just click and install, and no need to understand how to setup your application to connect with the database.

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