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Posts posted by innosia

  1. Someone found something again:
    Source : DoS vulnerability hits Googles Chrome, crashes with all tabs

    Although I know all those report are true, I really think you guys being too hard on a very young product. When it was still less than a week old, I'm sure the first IE had more issues than this.

    Yes this thing is riddled with bugs and all but I don't think it's fair to call it a failure.

    yes, people expectation must be very high for google, since it is well known and a big company
    hopes that google fix that quickly in the beta version so noone happen to meet it.
    about the compatibility issue what google handles about that? is chrome stay in iso or not?

  2. A good article, I appreciate your work. But recently I found a firefox addon which can download flv videos from you tube and also from other sites. It stays in the toolbar and when we require to download just click on it. Its simple and easy, no tricks required.
    Its name is download helper. You can check this link for more info http://www.downloadhelper.net/

    thanks bhavesh
    currently downloading it, i dont know there is such an add on for FF. thanks anyway, this tools maybe outdated and replaced by ff add on
    anyway i have downloaded it, and the add on is only supported for some sites, because most sites i visit is a non well known one, so i think moyea must still better with any add ons or any specialized flv downloader just like for youtubes etc on the web.

  3. I think you probably don't understand very much about other religions. And anyway, why the contest? Who cares if Christianity is superior? Do you need to feel superior over a certain group of people to give value to your life?

    a nice answer! hahahait seems that in this modern times, human can now easily differentiate any qualified or disqualified way of thinking. I dont really know why so many people try to argue about religions, to prove something is superior or not, religions is religions, and the one created them is not exist now in this world, so the questions remain questions which nobody can reply it on behalf of the religions leader, since anything they say might just their own opinions, those opinions are gathered base on their experience, base on how they are taught since they are a small kid, they condition, their life, their background which will result in the way they think. Thus it is become more complicated if religions are used to compare to each other, it just like comparing a box with another box, which we dont know what is really inside.

    Any one interested in time travel, lets travel to the past to see ourself :)

  4. Yes, very good tutorial but maybe you could just put only the name of the tool.I think that in this forum all the people is enough intelligent to discover how to use a two button utility to download flash movies.
    Anyway i have never found any difficulty downloading that videos, is just videos embedded in html. You can download them with just a wget file and that.

    Well, for the rest of the people exists that kind of tools "for dummies"
    I expect that nobody feels hurted, if you want you can talk about my english :) .
    Regards, Seba

    dear seba1killer, yes maybe my articles is good for dummies like me, and just a fact that no much people maybe as smart as you. for fair, i just uploaded the article whether who wishes to read it whether they are dummies or not, and at least i have contributed something, who knows that someone who is not expert open my thread and found a lot help to them for downloading flv movies? And pardon for my english, my english is not good since it is not my mother tounge its just like you cant speak my native language

  5. Xisto = 17 Traps
    But the thing is... With the name Xisto, it is pretty catchy, and unlike other hosts the subdomain doesn't look 'noob-ish'...

    i.e. what subdomain sounds more 'professional' if you were to visit a website

    1 'subdomain.trap17.com'
    2 'subdomain.00123-freehosting.com'

    So...? Which one?

    I didn't think that Xisto would be serious about their hosting at first glance but after a while they seemed really good...

    yeah thats rite, some webhosting uses 000 hosting etc etc and that is a scam, maybe in your IP you can browse the php file, but when other IP viewing it the site is all ads. Some time it down and become ads, even you are viewing with your IP, and then some is time limit, if a period or 30 days then it will try to say "Our server current load is high and we need your donation to continue serving the hosting" and then you will need to pay in order to continue using your site. But when you open their site using other IP, they still provide for free hosting, while when you log on using IP that is registered and already pass the time limit, you will be asked for donation, surprise :) I have examined them, and have try very much different ip and thats how they do the business.

    While some others asks you to play a game if the time limit is passed, where they also uses the excuse saying they need money to continue the free hosting, which is also based on IP. And this game is forced to be played by you and eventually causes to loss money too, its all about money. But I just happen to find Xisto which is absolutely free and also with big freespace, bandwidth and so on, i am very glad using Xisto after trying other free hosting sites.

  6. I have sent my web site url to https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2Fsubmit-url

    And also I have sent my sitemap.xml to https://www.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Ftools%2F

    And I have added Google Analytics scripts to my each web page. https://www.google.com/analytics/


    And then my sites homepage have been added in one week. One month later google bots have crawled all my webpages.

    Google is ok.


    I also add my website urls to Yahoo with this page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    And now Yahoo is also ok.

    wah great info, nice

    I will try it, about analytics is the feature free or must be bought?

    And then do you use any html guideline that must be used for google to crawl? like being said must used h1 tag, and so on? Do you know any url that tell us that so our site is indexed properly?


  7. I also dislike IE, when first I use FF, i thought that FF is so impressive, it can render web so fast. But IE, though you open it, it loads very slow and slow. Instead of that, IE always show problems like css, the table behavior, div, the javascript can use such an activex that can invite malware, virus, etc.IE is the worst browser i have found, but i rather thinks that i will alive anyway. Because IE is from Microsoft, dont you know how powerful microsoft is? The incompatibility of IE is raised so that it will become standard as you all know, but eventually because lack of security, features and slow, IE is abandoned but i am sure microsoft will build a new IE with all those problems patches or just buy the FF or google (for the chrome). It just like microsoft buying so many companies before, if you know. And for this reason, i can assure you that IE will last no matter what, but FF and chrome has shorter life span, because in everywhere money talks.

  8. I wouldn't think so... I actually find some of the drama pretty entertaining, and I know a lot of people around me do too. I mean, some of the stuff that happens still remains in our sports and entertainment section of the news, not World or Politics. With regards to corruption and drug abuse, the point is, in the end many of these cases are still discovered, people get punished and the public has something to lash out at. Although these events create nasty scars for the Olympics and the countries involved, at least this goes to show that sportsmanship and justice still prevail. You can't expect any major competition or event to be completely fuss-free and clean. Just because these faults are more excessive in the Olympics because of the magnitude of the event doesn't mean it's 'more trouble than it's worth'.

    In my opinions, Olympic events is only for gathering public attentions. when China as the host of this olympic 2008, it seems that China has gather alot of effort in hosting this event. Like the olympic ground is built in a fast way so that the event could be done there. And in this new olympic, i have watched that china wins a lot of medal aside of those rumours. I have checked myself on the net to see if China is really using underage athletes but all the link is already down, dont know that whether it is for real or the link is already down before that. Apart of it, does china really does not have enough or powerful athletes beside those are thought underages? I dont think so, i must think that this must be some kind of political issue which is used by china for some reasons. Though the possibility that medal is stripped away from china, that does not make china loses their attentions against world. The world will be much like growing attention even more to china, because of those rumours and troubles, dont you guy think so?

    But aside of all that, I think todays olympic does not have sport value anymore, it much like a war ground, where people are proving not that how skillful they are, but to win the medal, the bronze, and some might be pressurized from the government, the government must win vision have made many burden to the athletes themselves, so the thought room of them is locked down to their creativity. Thus this olympic event only showing the world that, oh this country is best or best not, but the athlete themselves will soon gone by the wind with the cash they have been given, but the spirit of olympic does not event worth mentioning in today culture.

    Even sports become politics today, sport like olympics is much like a politic hide behind a mask, which is rather ugly than we were taught about in history lessons. In this point of view, i think that because the world issue has been grown too fast to stimulate every section of our life to become a politic, life is much harder than ever, and we are facing this music in a rythmn that always repeat in our ear and say win win win win, its much like a repeated thinking of showing how great we are and thus we as human has lack the side that we are actually the same human like any of those, though they are athletes or they are not, we are facing a life we can't think about, its just like our future is a stagnant and monotonous life with money, and politic issue keep repeating in our brain.

  9. First of all, welcome to the forum!
    I can't remember if there is any formal explanation pertaining to why the system for securing and maintaining web host is such, and I don't care, because posting in the forum has become second nature to me. You won't be complaining about it, not when you find how much you can learn on this forum and how easily you can get support. I guess it's a good way to ensure that members remain active and useful to the entire community. Because nobody likes parasites... and why should any decent free webhost that doesn't put ads on their hostees pages want to offer free hosting to someone who's just going to use the service and not do anything in return?

    Don't fret and just enjoy interacting with other forum members :)

    if you dont do posting just grab the free hosting, then what contribution do you made to the site?
    Its important to post, to keep us alive and posting, so the community grows and the community is alive

    Imagine that if the site is giving something free out without us contributes then how do they keeping the community alive, like a family child studies and waste money but in the end they should be able to contribute to family, and create a new family, its like that, thats what we called life.

  10. A motion tween is a moving object. In this tutorial we will learn how to make a flash with Adobe Flash CS3 Professional to move graphics around. Follow these steps1. Open Adobe Flash CS3, click File New, Selection Action Script 2.0 and click OK (I prefer 2.0 for compatibility)2. Now you will see a blank page like, now we will set the canvas size. Click the background or gray area.3. Click Size button on the bottom Properties page. Enter the width, as this example will be width 400px, and height 300px.4. Click OK5. Drag a picture from your folder inside the CS3, or click menu File, Import, Import To Library6. In your Layer1, click to select the first frame6. Select graphic, click Open. Now at your library panel, you see your file is added there, click the file and drag it on your canvas7. Adjust the width and height to 400px and 300px accordingly, and then set the x to -700 and y to 0. Because we want this image to move from left to right8. Click the bitmap, and press F8, select Graphic and click OK, And you will see 3.jpg9. To enable moving, we need to change the image from bitmap to graphic10. Now on layer 1, click on the frame 5, and right click that position and select Insert KeyFrame, then you will see 4.jpg11. In this frame, the image still at position -700, now we will want to change it12. Click the image on frame 5 and then On the properties, set X to 0. See image 5.jpg13. Now we want a motion twin, in betweem frame 1 to 5, click for example frame 3, right click it and select Create Motion Tween14. Now see 6.jpg, you will see the graphic on frame 3 is moving to the position in frame five, and there is a >----> symbol on frame 1 to 5 which indicates there is a tween in between the keyframe15. Now to test whether this works correctly, press Ctrl + Enter16. Now you see that this image is really moving, but it loops in the end, we want this image to stay longer before looping. Now right click frame 20 and click insert keyframe (the longer the frame the longer it will stay before loop).17. Now press Ctrl + Enter to test it again18. Now our flash is working perfectly like we want19. We want the swf file, now save our project by pressinge Ctrl + S, give it a name and press save20. Now click menu File Export->Export Movie, see image 7.jpg, select a folder and give a file name and it will be given .swf extension, now you ready to publish this swf to anywhere you likeHappy Flash

  11. this is the comic: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Its a good read!


    And i havent tried Chrome yet, it isnt released in the UK yet, i dont know about anywhere else

    finally downloaded the chrome beta, it seems good, the UI feel good and it really fast like FF. Now IE has more competitors than it could handle, i still why the IE is so slow loading, always crash, and the multi tab just do few good points about.

  12. The most recent one? I watch.. hmm.. must be the Pirate Carribeans..It is funny and make me laugh more than i could laugh, this movie is the best comedy and fighting. In some point it is interesting in fighting, while comedy is mixed inside, so let the audience feels relax and not very tense. This is good movie for relaxing while needing something to go serious on.

  13. Is this somekind of failure, I know that it is beta, but in just few hours people already found the bug does it too obvious?google people should have tested it and know that the scroll bar has bugs, unless the test without seeing the chrome?I have encountered a serious problems using Chrome, here are chrome several incompatibility samples1. in rendering, you see Xisto, when reply a thread, the attachments is displayed at left not right, while in FF it is rendered right, see 1.jpg2. it renders upload file control (with browse as usual) different from any other browsers, see 1.jpg3. It cannot rendered openwysiwyg which is used in my site. GOD, i need to change editor for my PHP any suggestion, see 2.jpg

  14. I've searched for the oil on ebay, there isn't so much of them on there, but they only say it'll stop ur skin from age - ing so does it make ur skin smoother? im 19 so im not sure if it'll still work. My skin is sometimes dry from coming out of the shower cause i leave the heater on . usually around the nose area and near the chin. will this help? It shows alot especially when wearing foundation. it looks all flaky

    Is it only sold on japan? What does it make from?
    If we know maybe we can create the same.

  15. Hi, I am Innosia.Since my high school i often get acne on my face though it is not many but it keeps coming, and so oneday i try to visit local dermatologist and find good. I visit a local dermatologist name erha, first they ask me to go to the doctor, where we choose 1 from 3 doctors available. Then I come to this doctor, and he examine my skin type using a large lens. After knowing my skin types, he quickly shot some shot on my face to make some big ones get better. After that I pay for the doctor fee and then the medicine fee.He gave me a list of their products i should use, then i buy those products from their clinic too. From the 4 products i am given, i often used the Acne Toner, which is the best. When applying it with cotton and then carefully put on face, my face feels very hot and numb and hurt. And my skin seems get thinner and very sensitive to sun light. And it can control my acne very well but if i dont use this product for a long time, my acne will come again. However after using their products regularly i found the acne is gone, and even the spots.My face keeps getting better but one of my friend told me that their products contain mercury, which is prohibited in some big countries because it can cause cancer. So I quite doubt to use or not those products. Anyone have experiences about what happen to me?Since acne is very troubling people, I have tried anyway to get it of them and trying using erha or any others like olive oil and so on. Some people said olive oil is good and can keep our face bright, anyone have experience with this?

  16. great work and images :)

    hehe thanks jabito, have u tried my tutorials? and how it works?It seems that any flv files can be downloaded using that tools. The only problem is, some of the download will stop in the middle, which i dont really understand why, perhaps of my slow connection or the flv hosting site is trying not to provide the file in a long time, so they stop in the middle. To handle that, just visit the site using moyea again and then download the same link, then it asks to replace say no, and then resume the previous one, i do that and it works and continuing the download.. i dont really know why

    next, i am going to look for tools that can download any swf file, anyone knows?

  17. I have been using Photobucket for quite a while now for images that I want to refer to over and over again. If I just want to post a single instance image, such as an image to go with a single post on a forum, then I use tinypic to host the file. One useful tip is using an image hosting site to avoid problems with hot linking. If I find on the Internet an image that I want to use that is public domain, released under Creative Commons license, or that I can claim fair use of, then I will upload it to an image hosting site rather than hot linking to the image where I found it. This avoids stealing someone else's bandwidth, and also means that you are not at their mercy should they decide to move or remove the image. You can achieve this quite easily by copying the image URL to your clipboard, then going to the upload form of your image hosting site, click to upload the file, and browse your local computer for it. When the dialog box opens to search your local computer, simply paste the image URL into the filename field and click OK. Then continue as if the file were coming from your local computer. Using this technique with a single-use hosting site like tinypic is very quick and convenient, I find. You don't need to sign up for an account or to log in to tinypic. You just upload the file and it generates a randomized URL for your file that you can link to. Very quick and very convenient.


    I visited ImageFilez for the first time just now, and saw this message at the top of the page...

    it seems that tinypic is good, i should try it sometimes

    anyway, if tinypic is running, anyone knows how their earn the profit from? since we dont need to register also, they dont have any of our profiles dont they?


    in my country, also has such a host name /legacy maybe anyone can give a try and review. when i use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it seems the hard part is uploading the file, since the url must be typed by ourself which is not listed in menu (secret url), and this only be known by gossips around internet.

  18. Finally i have read the comics all, its very long...IMHO, they try to told us- This chrome has the potential to become standard- This chrome is better because of each tab is multi threaded with security like sand box- Features like incognitio where others dont haveI done some thinking, about the popup page which is opened when click, some popup is used for inputing, while others are banner, afraid that they will try to block return value from the window? Because it has separated process and each has its security? And it says that the javascript is using engine, okay well, is that engine really faster than current?

  19. I could try google, for now me and the designer i know are going to approach a local nightclub and see if we can strike a deal there, i do coding, he does design. So lets hope!
    And im 19, living in the UK and i am not married. (that is the limit of personal info im going to tell the world :))

    hehe okay shadowx, sorry asking too much
    Yes, that will certainly happens. HAPPENING!!!

    Sometimes when i am lazy or has no time, i just view some webs, and then look at their design, and create the similar one, perhaps changing colours, adding or minus something

  20. Yes bishoujo, may many all of us get make our lives better and healthier.

    MichaelA8, yes that mind really has big effect in our lives, you can read The Secret book by RHonda Byrne, I also post something about it here. Its about how to think positive and make our life better. Mind is such a powerful things.

  21. mm contract work is Ok but id be loosing half, or more, of my earnings through the designer taking his cut.
    Ive made a design that is one of my best and once ive posted it up in a new topic ill link it here (leave all feedback in the other post though of course)

    I went to the library today to see if there were any books but alas its all how to learn CSS and HTML etc.. which i dont need.

    The link to my post is Here At the time of writing this it isnt yet active, it needs to approved by the mods, so if you get a board error check back later. Thans.

    shadowx, maybe try to search in google for colours that match up
    anyway shadowx, how old r u, and have u married? and what country r u?
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