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Everything posted by oxida

  1. No problem, It is copy & paste ready, you only have to put in some content in the div box.
  2. yeah every country has the same issue about stereotyping.Altough I'm from the Netherlands I like Autralia, I was on the way to New Zealand and made a stop in Autralie for a few days.When people hear that I'm from the Netherlands they ask:Do all dutch people smoke weed ?? (Because it is legal here doesn't mean every dutch smokes weed)You eat alot of sheese don't you ?? (Ehhm no...)There are a few more but you get the idea.But I think you shouln't pay attention to those people who are closed minded and believe everything they hear about something.
  3. @saitunes, yeah I agree wat you say about those people in the train. Altough there are also alot of people who are gonna call wich can be annoying. But it is at least not as boring.@Vardigon, Yeah in a way our lives have become less valluable I think. many years ago people had a meaning in live, like you say (exploring etc. etc. etc.). Today, most of it is gone.But in some wat we are forced to live like working drones because everything is becoming more expensive. If you want to live free, you have to with less.But in the end we decide wath to do with our lives. And I take the second option (live free and take it easy).Note: Live free or die. (my motto)
  4. There is nothing wrong with vinyl (I love vinyl). There are no stickers/security tags on it. And Why should it be portable when there are mp3 players .
  5. 2 years ago I was looking for this to but then a friend and I made a script (he knew javascript).First we made a div box: <div id="floatdiv" style=" position:absolute; width:200px;height:50px;left:0px;top:0px; padding:16px;background:#FFFFFF; border:2px solid #2266AA"> !!CONENT HERE!! </div> Then after the div box code: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv'; var floatingMenu = { targetX: -250, targetY: 10, hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number', hasElement: document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth, menu: document.getElementById ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId) : document.all ? document.all[floatingMenuId] : document.layers[floatingMenuId] }; floatingMenu.move = function () { if (document.layers) { floatingMenu.menu.left = floatingMenu.nextX; floatingMenu.menu.top = floatingMenu.nextY; } else { floatingMenu.menu.style.left = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px'; floatingMenu.menu.style.top = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px'; } } floatingMenu.computeShifts = function () { var de = document.documentElement; floatingMenu.shiftX = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageXOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft; if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0) { if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner) { // Handle Opera 8 problems floatingMenu.shiftX += de.clientWidth > window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : de.clientWidth } else { floatingMenu.shiftX += floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.clientWidth : floatingMenu.hasInner ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth; } } floatingMenu.shiftY = floatingMenu.hasInner ? pageYOffset : floatingMenu.hasElement ? de.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop; if (floatingMenu.targetY < 0) { if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner) { // Handle Opera 8 problems floatingMenu.shiftY += de.clientHeight > window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : de.clientHeight } else { floatingMenu.shiftY += floatingMenu.hasElement ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : floatingMenu.hasInner ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight; } } } floatingMenu.doFloat = function() { var stepX, stepY; floatingMenu.computeShifts(); stepX = (floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX - floatingMenu.nextX) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5) { stepX = floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX - floatingMenu.nextX; } stepY = (floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY - floatingMenu.nextY) * .07; if (Math.abs(stepY) < .5) { stepY = floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY - floatingMenu.nextY; } if (Math.abs(stepX) > 0 || Math.abs(stepY) > 0) { floatingMenu.nextX += stepX; floatingMenu.nextY += stepY; floatingMenu.move(); } setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 20); }; // addEvent designed by Aaron Moore floatingMenu.addEvent = function(element, listener, handler) { if(typeof element[listener] != 'function' || typeof element[listener + '_num'] == 'undefined') { element[listener + '_num'] = 0; if (typeof element[listener] == 'function') { element[listener + 0] = element[listener]; element[listener + '_num']++; } element[listener] = function(e) { var r = true; e = (e) ? e : window.event; for(var i = element[listener + '_num'] -1; i >= 0; i--) { if(element[listener + i](e) == false) r = false; } return r; } } //if handler is not already stored, assign it for(var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++) if(element[listener + i] == handler) return; element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler; element[listener + '_num']++; }; floatingMenu.init = function() { floatingMenu.initSecondary(); floatingMenu.doFloat(); }; // Some browsers init scrollbars only after // full document load. floatingMenu.initSecondary = function() { floatingMenu.computeShifts(); floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX; floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY; floatingMenu.move(); } if (document.layers) floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init); else { floatingMenu.init(); floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.initSecondary); } //--></script> The target_x and target_y variables represent the desired distance from the top left corner of the menu to the window borders. Positive values mean distance from left and top border and negative - from right and bottom.I hope this is wat you where looking fore. Some parts of the code where note made by me or my friend, those where code snippets found on the web.
  6. What urks me about CD's are the following: 1. Those #$%! stickers they put on the spines of CDs. These things are ANNOYING. You rip them off, only to have some sticky RESIDUE left on your case, which quickly collects all sorts of dirt, and grime, and for some reason, CAT HAIR, from a cat you don't own! It's ANNOYING!2. DIGIPAKS. These are CDs whose actual case is a flimsy piece of cardboard with PRINTED GRAPHICS ON IT. "Well, what's wrong with that?" Well, for one, the whole case (which is also the album art) is now easily susceptible to all sorts of wear and tear. "Well, we're saving the environment by using biodegradable packaging." *BLEEP*. Paper is cheaper than plastic. That's why they manufacture them. 3. Security tags that are not only inside the CD case, but are actually stuck ON the artwork itself. Then, when you try to remove it, your @#$% CD artwork is either warped, or ripped, and is now COMPLETELY RUINED! This needs to be outlawed. Put a @#$% security tag on a blank piece of paper and stick it inside the booklet! Simple! Stop ruining my album artwork!And then the record companies wonder why no one is buying CDs anymore. No one is buying them because they completely took the fun out of owning CDs! If you want to increase sales, stop with the packaging, get rid of those top spine stickers, and those idiotic security tags, and the copyright protection crap that srews up your computer! And more importantly, sign some good bands!! No one is going to buy CDs from bands that s#$k! Don't make me go back to vinyl! @#$% you all!So this was my Vent of the day.Hope I didn't used to fowl language.
  7. I was always told that you can live without water for 2 days. But I began to doubt when I didn't drink anything for almost 2 days and I only had huge headache and felt weak.So I think you can live 3 days with out water.
  8. Well i see the human race as a serious problem for its surroundings.Due to our curiosity and our selfishness we deall great damage to nature.Also our agressiveness towards others.Give a human a finger and he will take your hand.
  9. what would I do on my last day as a living man: Wow a difficult question, I live my life to the fullest so I could die on every day without having any regrets or wishes. Also why would you do something special, you can do them always. I totaly agree with Okara KAmi.
  10. By looking at this answer of amirborna it looks like he does believe in an almigthy entity. and there are several other posts where it seems that you believe. Well maybe your cpu won't brake and you have an super duper fast cpu and you will get atention from newspapers etc. etc. etc. For me, I am a believer and a non believer. Sometimes there are happening things (someone falls from an 8 department building and has everyting broken but still lives) where I think: Hmm there must be something more than we think. But on the other hand when you think about the same thing then you realyse there could be a logic explaination for it (whatever that might be). I think that any human being has the right to believe in what they want as long as it makes theire life easier. And we DON'T have the right to put someones relegion in a bad daylight or spitting on it. because in the end all believers believe in the same thing.
  11. haha srry i see that it is removed (the las part).ehm it should be:You hate the way we dressYou hate the way we walkYou hate the way we talkYou hate our musicBut you can't change uswe are strong !!we are #$%^Electro bast#$rdsif I type the whole words it is getting removed because of strong language.But instead of electro you could take also other stereotypes. like Hardcore etc.Hmm why is it remarkeble 13 posts in less then 24 hours ?? there are just enough topics where you can post descent replies.
  12. Well my experience teached me that it is almost a second nature of men to complain about everything. " For example: Take the weather for instance. If it is sunny and a bit warm people are complaining "Argh it is hot today", Or when it is a bit colder or it rains a bit "Argh it is cold and wet today". In a way we can't blame them. Altough some people go extreem with theire complaining.
  13. One of the oldest known civilizations were the Sumerians. No one knows for sure where the Sumerians came from because their language and culture have no traceable sources. However, they did things that no human beings had done before. Between 3900 and 3000 B.C., the Sumerians developed a society rich in art and technology never before seen in the annals of recorded history. The Anunnaki is also known as "god". (note)That could explain why the human race suddenly appeard on historys timeline.(note) Well this could also explain the story of jezus, and the bible. But I just wait and see. Altough I would like to know by what kind of disaster destroys the world we know ?? Could this be the result of a planned war between America and Japan in the end of 2008 ???
  14. Yeah it is an awfull feeling I have them too right now because i get to know if i pass over tommorrow.But i think even if you know you did really well, you will always have that feeling of failing.But hey, if you did your best then no-one can blame you.But i hope you will pass *crosses his fingers*
  15. I guess you are right with the cemetery part, I think a memorial place would be bether but as you say people could register someone who is still living. So that would be something hard to prevent. About the "rpg/gaia" part well sometime someone must think out of the box and look what the rest of the people would say. If no-one would think out of the box then we still would live in the stone age. I appriciate your ideas if you have still any sugestions/ideas drop 'em
  16. Hmm so you want a lightweight cms... lets see. php nuke I've used this quite a while and I also used joombla If I have to compare them I would suggest php-nuke its not as heavy and complicated as joombla. But I don't know about theming/skinning possebilities. Currently I am testing Wordpress. Its realy lightweight easy to theme/skin and customise. The coding is easy and understandable. You can tweak it so that it will be completely to your likings. links: https://www.phpnuke.org/ https://wordpress.org/
  17. Well It's yust a personal thing that I don't like it when people walk with theire heads down it looks so ...sad. hmm why starring ?? most of the people won't notice it because they walk with theire heads down . Yeah I am trying not to greet unknown people but it's yust a habit of me. And I think these things mostly happen in citties with a LOT of people.
  18. Altough this game isn't fully ready yet there is a private server http://euphro2.com/
  19. Well thats where "god" pops out .but i was wondering that to but in about 2 weeks i have a talk with my uncle who is a teacher in quantum cosmology.When I first came in contact with this heavy stuff i slept for almost a anderhalf day just to consume such heavy material.about the exploding bubble part:hmm yeah i think that would be possible but with the amount of energy comming from the"pop". wouldn't that trigger a chain reaction ?
  20. Almost al things in the world can be found on the web. But what i can't find is an online cemetery. I came to this idea because people are complaining in the netherlands that when someone dies its really expensive to bury them ? 10.000 aprox. (altough if you don't have the money you still get buried or burned). But then you only have an wooden corss on your grave or a simple stone plate (if you where burned). And because not everyone has that much money to spend I want to make a place where they can make a nice place for there beloved ones. So what i want to create is an online cemetery where people can exactly do what they normaly would do on a cemetery. And make a nice virtual grave. And when its becoming a succes i want to make it international. Also I want to make a "rpg/gaia" like part where people can walk over the cemetery and talk with each other. It's going to be made in: php mysql css html For the "rpg" part I dont know ... if anyone has some guides/ideas/sugestions let me know. What I would like to know is: what do you people think of my idea and if you have any sugestions on how to setup this up I like to hear them.
  21. Dreamweaver is more powerfull than expression web. Altough i tried to make me familliar with Dreamweaver it was hard because I am used to notepad (++) and expression web for coding.
  22. Just something i came up with You hate the way we dress You hate the way we walk You hate the way we talk You hate our music But you can't change us we are strong !! Notice from truefusion: Removed part with strong language. Keep your cool.
  23. I am using ms expression web since it came out. and i must say i really like it for fast coding (to code a template).- Its easy to understand- Syntax validation- Easy interfaceYou can code your template in mather of minutes (according to your html knowlage).Also its not required to have alot of knowlage about html, css.All I can say about the program is ..... its really handy.
  24. When I walk in the shopping mall or on the train station or just on the streets and I look at people most of them are looking to the ground. Thats the first thing which I get irritated about .... "look the world in its face man !!". Also when you say "Hi" to someone who yust happend to look up and looks you in the face, Some of them say "Hi" but they look like if they yust woke up and thinking: where the h#ll am I and who are you. There are people who don't say "hi" back and look at you with a rare blur in theire eyes and a face who looks like a flower cabbage. And if I am waiting on my train on the train station and someone walks by and hits me with theire trunk on weels they look pissed of at me. "omgwtf dont look at me like that. If you didn't walk like a zombie you would not hit me there is plenty of space to walk around me !". I think its sad but the most important reason why people are changing to zombies is theire work: they wake up at 6 --> go to work --> stop at 5 --> go to theire home -->do some things --> go to bed. And that year in year out. Also I think a lot of peope can't face life and therefor stare at the ground almost al the time. (or they think: maybe I find a dollar). So these are the things I can't stand when I am in a public place.
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