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Everything posted by Bayuugan

  1. why are u creating a key logger program???
  2. Against...Lets not thing of what will happen if the clone is successful.Think of how many human subjects will die through the experiment before cloning can be succesfull.Just my 2cents.
  3. Personally im from singapore.Anymore of you guys out there???
  4. I guess its true..Think about it...imagine u are falling off a building in ur dreams and u didnt wake up.SLAM!!! ur brain will think that u are dead.and there goes ur life.I do have such dreams before..but i always wake up before i reaches the ground
  5. The only thing good about vista i guess is its GUI and increased security..But many people will UPGRADE to windows xp
  6. wow great that i found this thread...i too notice that lately my drive is getting smaller and smaller.Will to remove those "junks" in the folder to free up space. THANKS!!!
  7. im currently using firefox and opera. Hope tat helps.
  8. Thanx for the info...this is a new thing to me.
  9. it is like a web service...Well u can use xhtml to code it...pretty simple adding tis search function is good if u are doing some retailing.
  10. The tutorial is good for starters....The rest is up to us to use our creativity to create the wanted sites
  11. wow tis is really a great tutorials..i must say it has greatly inspired me to start programming me again. Thanx to U GUYZ!!!
  12. Well from what i read..yes they do support Emails here.
  13. well i heard of it great features, but u guys do try out jkDefrag it is also another cool defrag prgm.
  14. tings didnt really turn out right for u...
  15. oh yes the site tat i always go for free tutorials is wc3school webby...It is really of great help as it acts as a library for several programming languages out there.
  16. Are such tings reliable?? Is it internationally or only restricted to country???
  17. well i only have 2 red eared sliders living in a tub. Hoping to get a golden retriever in the coming months...
  18. Wat do you guys think?I believe that going into a relationship requires commitment from both parties, if you are not ready to commit, then DO NOT get into one.
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