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Everything posted by Damann

  1. what the hell? how does brushing seem pixelated..and if i made stuff stick out in transparent parts itd look retarded... his legs sticking out of the side wouldent look too good now would it?
  2. thanks nate heres my next one (scince everyone has been saying they like my sig) heres another halo render blend grunge sig...not as good as the one in my sig i think its missing something :/...here it is hey johnny what is the font you used in your bond sig called ive got to get it x.x
  3. Nice work on the bond one (especially if you made the bond render yourself) but the gundam one needs some work.....btw the part near the top of his left cheek has a glowing edge so does the top part of the gun barrel..ok ill spend some more time on this one but what you did isnt much diffrent from mine you slap some text AND a pic on a background *clap*..ok ill spend more time on this one
  4. here is a simpler one for the ones tired of my fast paced sigs...gnight
  5. lol yes it does go with the sig its city-graffiti text kinda i guess the red color throws it off but the sig is supposed to be of a city ok lol ive gotone ready let me finish it up
  6. {johnny please make the edit button availible or morph these free posts into one} oh yah and i can make the pic more visible easily i just didnt know how much to make visible besides i used this pic so not much more i could make visible unless it would be a HUGE sig
  7. {johnny please make the edit button availible or morph these free posts into one} oh yah and i can make the pic more visible easily i just didnt know how much to make visible
  8. thanks its just a rough draft because anyone thats experienced in photoshop would know how
  9. umm its because his/her name is trap and he/she was 17 when he started the hosting??i duunnnoooo
  10. awesome but did the philosopher's stone truly exist was it all used up? Is there any proof?????
  11. lol ya J except when a noob goes into a chat room and says W00T LIKE ROLFIMAOH4AX0RS!!!!! that is just overboard [i copy and pasted that from mirc lol]
  12. future of computers-a small microchip implanted into your brain and eyes 0.0 you can shut it on and off by thinking about it and the eye-monitors will just make everything you see a tiny tiny tiny bit darker and the monitor is everything you see-once again can be shut on and off byt hing
  13. Awwww that show is awesome so what is alchemy?
  14. Damann

    Im New

    Welcome guy that dosent know how to take his finger off enter
  15. i use IE simply because i dont feel like downloading firefox
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