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Everything posted by Damann

  1. he has hosting so hosting takes a credit away a day so he prolly hasnt been posting...your a mod you should kno this beeter then me
  2. anything on Adult Swim basically...cept family guy ownz
  3. lol im more of a shake person but fav milkshake would have to be chocolate vanilla swirl (now that i think about it i havent had ice cream for like a year)
  4. lol i like it ima put it in my sig :)im well out of ideas now...besides those lame tech border things...they are hard to make look good to me :/
  5. dun wry the render was in a tut so he expected someone to use it....C4D costs about how much?
  6. well i didnt do the render but thanks to my handy friend google i found a huge one and cut a specific piece off thenr ecized it and edited it more...i wish i could get bryce 5 or something like that for free and id do the render but i cant BUT i did everythin else....i had another font but it dosent show up..have any ideas why i cant see it?
  7. Runescrap is the WORST mmorpg i have EVER played. If you go there you will be nerdified then the noobs will begin cussing at you. You will see scamming every way you turn and a w*o*e on every corner you see. Runescrap has the worst community worst graphics and crappy amount of items. If you pay 5 bucks a month for that, there is no point in keeping your money go throw it to the hobos then use it to play runescape. If you want a GOOD mmorpg try looking twords conqueronline.com muonline.com (im not sure about that website but google Mobius online) Ragnarok.something and http://www.thedarkkingdom.sferahost.com//?gtnjs=1 (FSO game not released yet but has more features then terraworld) terragaming.something lots lots more go to ORPG.com they have tons of GOOD mmorpgs and runescape is at the last page
  8. lol my computer is in an enclosed room with the door shut most of the time and its the hottest room in the house my comp is on nearly 24/7 except when it crashes due to freezing and/or the amount of worms and viruses that Spybot S&D dosent detect..... i dont think it will catch fire but the S.M.A.R.T chips say the area near the motherboard is 115 deg F lol..BUT i have 4 fans in the computer and a fan on the ceiling on all the time because i dont want to die of heat, oh and theres a window but i put like 4 layers of hotglue on it during the florida hurricanes of '04 so its not opening...oh and i live in flroida so its hot alot outside too lol.... But i think my comp has a shutdown at certain temp thing inside it because sometimes i wake up and its off heh if it DOES catch fire im gonna burn down with it its in the room next to my room X.X
  9. they prolly were expressing a point....... i use bearshare buttt i dont use it much it makes my mouse start clicking rapidly when i dont have it selected 0.o limewire is p2p isnt it? bearshare has everything i need....brushed filters etc.....
  10. well for the younger ones i meant sit and here is a new sig i worked on for a bit...J this is really just showing off our sigs lol not too much of a battle anymore without a judge
  11. lol J have you looked at deviantart brushes? theyve gotta have one just for graffiti like that...my resolution is set to 72 i think and the text was antialiased-strong..btw i think that preditor sig is Shihit compared to my other sigs.... :/
  12. lol johnny the same thing you said about his sig applys to your graffiti one and a few others includeing mine...change the wrods around a little..."It looks pretty....simple. Some text with effects, and slight brushing in a corner" "It looks pretty....simple. Some text with effects, and some brushing in the middle" lol that guy just triple posted and they were pretty much spam ... Anyways i tried some new stuff in this new sig C&C's welcome, please i wanna improve this one in any way i can
  13. im out of ideas well i know what that means. Total random brushing time
  14. (cant you make our posts editable by us? itd stop half of my excessive posts) hey i didnt remake it i used diffrent grunge brushes diffrent color and a diffrent pic!well i used one grunge brush i used before...
  15. In order to setup CPG Dragonfly CMS, the following prerequisites are necessary:- a web server (Apache prefered)- PHP 4.1 or higher (4.3.x prefered)- an SQL server (MySQL 4.x and PostgreSQL 7.3.x or later are supported)Setup of these required packages is beyond the scope of this document and ifyou are unsure you should check with each of the appropriate web sites forfurther detailsi found that does plan 1 have that? Create a new database, for example, 'dragonfly': mysqladmin create dragonflyis that createing a new folder? Nate i know you know this stuff come help me out lol
  16. it was already extracted i wasnt looking in right place, there is no readme and what does this have to do with ftp?
  17. ohh i figured it out its under public_html now i just need to know how to install dragonfly anyone know how? if you need any info about it go to http://dragonflycms.org/ and then to dragonfly.
  18. err i have no idea about anything you just said, as far as i know you just upload it then extract it but i think i screwed up my file manager cuz my comp crashed after i clicked refresh then i came back n the dragonfly folders dissapeared
  19. If i tried to do that i would go insane and randomly scribble i do not have enough patience for that x.x
  20. oh and according to everything except my file manager the files exist
  21. lol...dragonfly is a portal/forum by itself so uploading every single file one at a tiem would take forever and im extractin it from the file manager
  22. i uploaded the dragonfly.zip but it wont extract when i click extract...does anyone know how to install/fix this?
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