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Posts posted by ckcomputerstallahassee

  1. ha, pretty interesting. Yeah i would make her eat at least a little something for dinner with nutritional value (something green). Chips are horrible, but nuts aren't the worst you can eat. They have some good fats in them. For a younger person such as your sister, I wouldn't recommend hardcore diet and exercising, but she can start by keeping active (ie. going outside, walking, playing) and controlling portions at meals. If she doesn't like eating dinner, just having a great breakfast and snack for lunch is better than eating junk food and not eating dinner. I wish her luck :D

  2. being a recent college grad, i learned to cook and scrounge up something from what little i had. I do like salads and pasta is always a staple. One recipe that i especially like is my tuna casserole meal that I usually eat after working out. (lots of protein)1 can of dark tuna (can't have to much mercury!)half box of rigatoni pastacavenders non-msg greek seasoning2tblsp of miracle whipcook pasta, put pasta in bowl, add tuna ontop, mix in miracle whip, then top with some non-msg greek seasoning.(serves 1)

  3. I think it is a mac strategy with all of these commercials, and most of the public hears "vista sucks" and assumes that it is true. I don't think that there are many that have actually used it. And there might be a few, but they went into it saying "vista sucks , I can't use this thing" and never give it a chance. Maybe it does have something to do with upgrading leading to some problems.I did a fresh install of vista ultimate on my desktop back in 2006 and i still use it and it has never given me any problems. I am running stardock and aero and it is incredible. As long as you do regular maintenance, you shouldn't have a problem. Now many programs support vista, whereas last year there were some issues. You can always just run an older program and compatibility mode and it usually worked anyways. Enough of my talking, but bottom line is vista (ultimate at least) is a solid, secure os when compared to some others out there. Sure, the UAC is annoying, but the os is more secure than XP believe it or not. I saw an article where they had hackers trying to get into os's as fast as they can. They had Vista, OS X, and some form of linux. Guess what; they got into the OS X system first.......think about that ppl

  4. another testimonial here; ive used linksys and comcast before. It worked great. I don't think your friends really thought that out. Sounds like an individual experience for them. Think of how widespread comcast is, and how popular linksys is (although there are other competitors in the networking consumer market). If there was a compatibility issue, I think somebody would have heard about it :D

  5. the above comments reflect the correct procedure.in terms of priority you should try logging into the router first and changing it.If not able to do that, last resort is resetting the router by unplugging AND holding the reset switch. Technically if you were usuing wep you could get a program to decrypt the traffic in a short amount of time, but wpa uses dynamic keys so it wouldn't be worth your time. That would mean that there was wireless traffic even on your network. (if you can't log in, there probably isn't any traffic lol)

  6. Ports are virtual paths on a local computer, I don't believe that you can share them, but there may be some software for that. You can usually go to a config file or similar in a game directory and search in a text editor and change a port, or it may be in the in-game settings if your lucky. You can probably just google "changing default port in starcraft" and get a quick answer.

  7. I have had the same problems described with my wrt54g router until i flashed it to the dd-wrt firmware (which turns your $50 router into a $400 dollar one;) Ever since flashing the firmware, this issue has not occured. I don't know if changing the channels would make any diff, but if one worked better, then maybe you had some interference with other networks in the vacinity. On a 802.11 specification there are 14 channels, of which only 3 are non-overlapping, meaning one channel might work much better than another depending on your location.

  8. crashcore has the right suggestions. Are you able to keep a solid connection when browsing the web for example vs. playing WOW? You also did not specify how far from the router your usb device is. There are a lot of factors that can influence wireless reception. Concrete walls, microwaves, cordless phones, wireless tv setups, etc (they all use 2.4 ghz bandwith) Im assuming your using 802.11b/g. Let us know some more details and we can try and pinpoint the problem. Like crash said above, it is very rare that a linksys router would be faulty. I have had nothing but good experiences with them.

  9. thanks for the review, glad it worked for ya! Linksys is pretty funny with packaging drivers etc. When i used to be a pc tech, we used to sell a linksys pci ethernet card that had the drivers on a floppy. This was like 2006. Many of the computers at that time lacked floppy drives, which I thought was rather inconvenient. Luckily our tech bench pc had a floppy!

  10. go to network connections in cpanel and click the properties of your wireless network adapter. Click tcp/ip settings and ensure that automatically get ip/dns addresses are checked. This will enable dhcp. If it is already checked go over to your command line. see if you can ping first. If so your wireless is communicating. wouldnt hurt to then use ipconfig/release and /renew. If you still cant connect after these steps, your lsp winsock layer might be corrupted from spyware etc. There is a free utility called winsock or somehting like that. (you can find it at majorgeeks.com) that will reset your settings fresh that might have been messed up in the registry. Make sure your computer is clean of adware and viruses, as they can cause some strange problems such as not being able to connect to the internet etc.

  11. thanks for this info guys, im in the same boat with a linksys router (flashed with dd-wrt firmware-which is awesome!) but i have only been using mac filtering. Now this will give me a good reason to enable encryption. Im not too worried about packet sniffers or ppl spoofing their mac address. I live at a fraternity house.

  12. I used to work at the Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement Computer Crimes Center, and these "scams" are not uncommon. The first thing you can do is see a great deal of misspelled words. That is a redflag, as well as a bank or company asking for your information in an email. (especially if you never gave them an email address) Also you might get a reset password for a bank where you dont even have an account. I suggest going to register a quick free account @ spamcop.net. Then add them to your address book and when you get a bogus email just forward the whole thing to them, then delete it. They will analyze the email headers and put them on a blacklist that will help us all.Above all, just be smart and use common sense online.

  13. I found that often the best rule is to eat large breakfast, a medium-sized lunch and a light dinner. I can't remember the exact quote, but I think it was..."eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a commoner and eat dinner like a pauper (pauper=poor person)". As for my personal exercise, I'm going to concentrate on the abs (getting a bit too flabby) so I'll start off with 10 sets of sit-ups a day and build on it from there. Oh, and if any of you have a better suggestion, please let me know.

    If your getting flabby, you should do cardio (run). If you dont burn off the fat ontop of your stomache, your abs will never show. If you have the strongest abs ever and have some fat ontop, you wont have a 6pack. And when you do situps, try something else; try one of those yoga balls. 55mm size is good for an average male. Pass the ball from your feet to your hands stretching slowly with each manouver. It will rip your abs :D

  14. Hi, i have some code in my html page which relates to my contact.pl file in my cgi-bin folder. It is a submit button that is supposed to email directly to me. I got some errors, then changed the permissions so the contact file could be executed by everyone. Now when i am on the "net" viewing my site (as if i was an outsider) i get an error and it wont send the email form. My server log error says "error file is writeable by everyone" what is this about? If i have to enable it to be executed why would it say this. (it still says this if only read /execute are checked. 755 perms. any ideas? im really new to all this stuff.

  15. i used to play on uswest also..I had a lvl 80 necromancer and a lvl 91 sorceress but they got deleted which sucks (alot of hard work to waste). I had LOD expansion and started another game recently, because it is my favorite game of all time. (ive played many great games like all the old squaresoft stuff, GOW, Resident evils, Metal Gears etc).

  16. thank you..i finally got it all figured out..my css was linked internally and now that is fixed. However on IE my site seems to have minor alignment problems..header and pictures are overlapping and site seems squished all together. On firefox it looks beautiful. Im afraid if i change it to work in IE, it will look bad in firefox. Is there a quick fix for this type of thing. I used a tool to clean up any extra code/markup, but nothing changed.

  17. I agree generally, but you have to pick your partner well. I worked out one summer with my buddy who is 6'7" 300lbs. I am 5'10" 190lbs and I was always pushing and doing the same weight as him many exercises. I found that to be a great situation. Another time however I had a partner who would wait like 10 mins to use one machine if the gym was crowded. I couldn't stand the wait. If you stop your pump when lifting, it sucks and you won't gain as much muscle. You need to stress and work that muscle with only small breaks. Needless to say that partner was subpar for my workout style (a dedicated, fundamental weightlifter).

  18. ive tried...instructions say to upload to /public_html and I have. I used NVU to design my page which is more or less a wysiwyg editor. I am very new to html +css +xtml..My pages show, but the css and xtml formatting seems to be missing after i upload. What are the vti folders? should i upload to them, or should i just upload my own /images /css and individaul .html pages to the /public_html root?Thanks so much

  19. Im am really new to the web design world. I have a hosting account and have uploaded my files to the webserver on Xisto. I have some html/css/xtml built pages that i would like to put up. I just don't know how I would do this from the control panel. I had the template saved to my local computer but once on the site, the directory structure is not working well. (like images folder etc.) Im sure it's something simple, but any help is appreciated.BTW, this site is incredible. Thanks Guys!

  20. i lift 2 times a week now and run cardio about 3 times a week, sometimes on the same day, which is a great workout. I burn about 500 calories in a 30 min cardio workout. I have to run with my body type or else i just get chubby (damn genetics). I am pretty solid at 5'10 188lbs. For all the ppl that workout 4-6 times a week, remember that your muscles have to heal before they can gain anymore.

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