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Posts posted by ckcomputerstallahassee

  1. According to Perus National Institute of Statistics, 39.3 percent of Perus population live in poverty. Jobs are scarce. The Peruvian government generally does a poor job of collecting trash and there is almost no formal recycling in the country. Garbage is just placed on the streets of Peru in whatever kind of plastic bag is available. In the capital city of Lima, where approximately one third of Perus 28 million people live, residents take out the trash on a daily basis. In other cities, it also generally is a fairly regular activity. So, with a regular supply of garbage, an organized industry of black market recycling has erupted.
    For an American like myself, it was an odd and uncomfortable feeling when I first saw people digging through my trash, pulling out empty soda bottles, cans, and other items that might be of use. I began to wonder why this was occurring, so I asked my wife who is Peruvian to explain. She described initially that it was a job and that many people in Peru were happy just to have one. Next she said that the plastic bottles and other items were sometimes sold to businesses that would sometimes refill the bottles and containers with unsanitary water, phony liquids, fake pharmaceutical substances, and other cheap impostors. These fake items are then sold to Perus poor, or to the general public by stores that choose not to monitor that their suppliers are legitimate.

    Sounds bad, right? Well, as I wrote earlier, its not that simple.
    There is also the issue of child labor. An estimated 2.3 million children between the ages of 6 and 17 work in Peru, almost a third of that demographic. Many of them collect trash. Click here to read the story of Diego, a 13-year-old trash collector. One can only guess that sifting through garbage pounds a heavy psychological and physical toll on much of Perus youth.

    Excerpt from Article

    I feel like all the black market recycling should be watched much more closely. There is a lot of things wrong with these corporate companies polluting, but just look at some of these pictures from this National Geographic Article.

    Do you think anyone can ever regulate or reverse what has been done to 3rd world countries and the environment? I don't think there is a way to reverse what humans have screwed up..

  2. rvalkass is right on. Your best bet would be a hardware firewall via a router. (standalone hardwire firewalls can be expensive). You also need to run scans of ad aware, spybot s&d and have an active setup like spyware blaster. You then need a solid antivirus. After those steps are taken, and you are fairly smart on the web, you will have good protection.

  3. Hi im a newb and I got a new domain for my site via godaddy. I have linked the A name to what is listed as the shared IP in cpanel. I have also used the custom nameservers to correspond with my Xisto account :Xisto - Web Hosting.mars.orderbox-dns.comXisto - Web Hosting.earth.orderbox-dns.comXisto - Web Hosting.venus.orderbox-dns.comXisto - Web Hosting.mercury.orderbox-dns.comBut it does not redirect to my xxxxxx.trap17.com site. If i try to park the domain it says it isnt linked to dns servers related to this server.How would I get this setup?

  4. I have been trying to validate my site with xhtml 1.1 and I am supposed to serve it as an application vs. text/html...1. It recommends changing to .xml or .xhtml extension but when I do this in my home folder it doesn't recognize the extension and calls is text/generic.2. Yes, i have added the mime type in apache, but I don't know why it doesn't recognize it?? It recognized a pearl script I made. 3. I also tried adding a perl script to the top of my pages to declare mime type but it doesn't seem to be working.How can I get cpanel to recognize these files and serve them properly. Im a newb, thanks!

  5. are you using to get access? Sometimes the router can get a little weird. You might need to reset your router and reset your password to get in. I have the same router. If you can ping the router and you have dhcp running, internet, etc. it is working fine and probably just a little buggy and could use a reset.

  6. If you have bad handwriting a tablet pc probably wont pick it up. The recognition software is mediocore at best. I did a lot of research for a inexpensive portable laptop and found one that I got for myself and one for my mother she liked mine so much. It is the Fujitsu B3101D series. Touchscreen, Ultra Low Voltage 1.0ghz Pentium M, 512DDR, 40gb hdd. It weighs about 3lbs and does everything I need it to do. It cost me about $300 off ebay business lease.

  7. I would suggest what has been mentioned above as well. Cleaning the chip and reapplying thermal compound can't hurt and upgrading to an aftermarket cpu fan can make all the difference. Sometimes the retail stock heatsinks are just horrible. It isn't uncommon to see a 10 deg cel. drop with a new cpu heatsink/fan. Don't forget to check your case fans...make sure they flow correctly (front to back and bottom to top) and are working. Good Luck

  8. Please see attached summary...


    Performance Global : 5.0

    Performance CPU : 5.0

    Performance Memory : 5.6

    Performance Graphics : 5.9

    Performance Gaming : 5.5

    Performance Disk : 5.6


    System Summary

    Mainboard Intel DG965WH

    Chipset Intel P965

    Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 @ 1866 MHz

    Physical Memory 2048 MB (2 x 1024 DDR2-SDRAM )

    Video Card Nvidia Corp GeForce 8600 GT

    Hard Disk ST3160811AS (160 GB)

    DVD-Rom Drive DVDRW 16X16X ATA Device

    DVD-Rom Drive WM2085T QMP222E SCSI CdRom Device

    Network Card ADMtek AN983 FastNIC PCI 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter

    Operating System Windows Vista Ultimate Professional 6.00.6001 Service Pack 1

    DirectX Version 10.00

    Windows Performance Index 5.0


    Via PC Wizard 2008


  9. rvalkass is correct, check to see if you have an OEM version. If you do not, you can install it onto another machine. If you get trouble when activating, just call the 1-800 # and do it over the phone. Just say that your hdd crashed and you had to reinstall. I had to do this on mine after my os messed up. You will probably talk to someone in India, and they will not ask many questions. Good luck!

  10. I had a dlink and it died after a year or so. Now i use a netgear and it has been good. I also use a linksys at my other house and flashed it with dd-wrt firmware which gives it abilities of a $300 router pretty much. I have not had any problems with the wrt54g linksys.

  11. I'd start by fixing the errors with your site. Those errors mean that you can't be at all sure how the site is actually going to look. Fix the errors and get your site following the standards.


    I would also take the contact form out of the sidebar. It is far too squished there, and the comments box at the bottom really needs to be a text area rather than a single line. Moving it to the contact page would let it use more space and be easier to use.


    thanks for that link. I am new to this stuff and modified some previous code, so this will help me make things straighten out.


    And sorry about the multiple posts. I posted topic and refreshed main page for a min or two and it didn't show so I thought it didn't go through.

  12. I was hoping some linux tech heads here could give me some pointers about installing linux onto a laptop I have which has no cd drive. To make things worse it does not even boot from usb. I had installed XP on it with an unattended install using the /makelocalsource switch which copies files to the local hdd then finishes setup from there after reboot. Is there an easy switch function to install any linux distro once you have the files on your hdd? (I have a mapped network drive to my laptop and sharing from my desktop so i can access my files. I just don't know if it will work)

  13. I wanted to go there for college a few years ago to do video game design. It just cost too much for me, but I went to tour it anyways. They had state of the art equipment back in 2003 and it was a very "alternative" school. Lots of music, theatre geeky types. I had no doubt that people that went there gained valuable knowledge. It is also very close to Univ. of Central Florida in Orlando. I ended up going to Florida State, but like I said, in my opinion, I think it is a good college, just make sure you can't get the same education at a state university and get financial aid. Research what state schools offer and if it is something that only fullsail really offers then it might be worth what you pay.

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