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Posts posted by BuffaloHelp

  1. As far as I can tell,

    If there was no DNAME record, look to see if the "*" label        exists.


            If a DNAME record exists at that point, copy that record into        the answer section.  If substitution of its <target> for its
            <owner> in QNAME would overflow the legal size for a <domain-
          name>, set RCODE to YXDOMAIN [DNSUPD] and exit; otherwise
            perform the substitution and continue.  If the query was not
            extended [EDNS0] with a Version indicating understanding of the
            DNAME record, the server SHOULD synthesize a CNAME record as
          described above and include it in the answer section.  Go back
            to step 1.

    are copied from this site http://rfc2672.x42.com/
    You did not properly disclose the reference site and did not use quotes. You should know better by now. I am giving you a warning! And this is closed since this is nothing more than spamming considered to gain hosting credits. Do you even know what you are copying? There is no beginning and no end.

  2. I am new as a mod, but NO POST COUNT means the post made to that section will not be counted towards your hosting credit. However, the number of posts will reflect accordingly. The blue bar under your name is the level you are in proportion to number of postings you have made. I tried to find the exact answer but I wasn't able to find it. I'll post it again when I do find it. But for now, it's something like this:

    1~30 posts = level 1

    31~50 posts = level 2

    etc... I will either give you the link or correct this listing


    As you gain your level, the amount of earned hosting credit is harder and harder. This encourages everyone, especially veteran members, to contribute more than just, "dude that was cool!" one liner. :lol: For example, when you were at level 1 a post of one paragraph would have earned you 7 hosting credits. At level 2, it may only earn 3 credits, and so on.


    Whoever came up with this calculation was genius! :(

  3. To send to a friend! than can he play on the same save game


    Isn't that what memory cards are for? I noticed that this is your second time going against the forum rules. Since both postings were unnoticed by mods, I am letting both go with a warning (your warning level will be increased by 10%). Do not ask how to do things illegally. If you feel that it should be legal, contact Xbox support team and ask. Topic closed.

  4. I thought the rules were do not ask for how to copy (illegal) your games, warez serial, crack, hack, post illegal materials and such. I am closing this forum and do not ask for it again. Although you are legally allowed to back-up your own personal purchase, but if that was the case, contact the manufacturer for the correct method.

  5. Windows media encoder 9 series is free. If you are going to use Windows Media Player as your base, I think you'll find this encoder to be excellent. The compression ratio is almost as good as Divx except without that annoying Divx logo now-a-days. And, you can put sounds in [][]Dolby 5.1 setting as well. Very easy to navigate software. WOW eh?

    For your eyes, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I forgot to mention that TMPGEnc is also free where just about any type of video format can be converted to MPEG-1 at any setting. Here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I am moving this thread from CONTRIBUTE >> Technology
    to CONTRIBUTE >> Computers >> Software

  6. ????[/tab]I don't have blog. I never understood the concept of blog or the fascination of it. That was until tonight. I realized while I was driving home, I thought of ways to organize my thoughts here in this forum. And since this forum will stay on forever (now I am starting to see the light) my words will forever be preserved. And that's when it hit me. This very reason of preserving spontaneous spark of one's wisdom is what blog is all about. [tab]I truly felt that blog writers were self-absorbed pompous egomaniac who wanted the entire World Wide Web communities to come and awe at the site and writing skills. I was wrong. It is fascinating now that I understand why people would choose to write blogs. What does blog stand for, anyway? Is it an acronym of blabbing log?

  7. I have Excel 2002 (10.4109.3501) SP-1 with IE 6.0.2800 and it does not work. But to clarify your statement,

    6. Scroll to the cell WC2000 and then scroll the sheet such that cell "WC2000" is the first cell on the left. Now Highlight the entire row by clicking on the row number of the left edge.

    is the COLUMN WC and ROW 2000 where WC2000 is the very first cell that should be positioned? When I follow your direction I only get a new window "Web Components" Darn, why did I have to upgrade my version? :lol:

  8. Domestically, I have never been to Washington State, Utah, Iowa, and New Mexico. So this summer, I am driving from New York to Seattle, WA, and end up in Nevada via the coast line. I'll be sleeping under the stars and driving 12 hours a day. I am going to document my journey.Internationally, I have been to few countries. I was going through a depressing moment in my life and I decided to sell everything and went on a back-packing. I spent 4 weeks in London, UK thru Dover. Took the boat (it was like 6 hour float) to Dover where I caught the train to Paris. After 2 weeks during Tour de France, I biked and flew to Madrid, Spain. Got bored and drove to Barcelona (excellent place). I had food poisoning so I had to fly back to Toronto, ON. After this life changing experience, I was a wannabie globetrotter. I spent 3 weeks doing nothing but catching some rays in Dominican Republic (the best non-Cuban cigars you can ever have). A year after that bunch of my high school friends and I headed down to Cancun, Mexico where we almost drowned due to a strong undertow (mentioned on my other post). The year after that we all vacationed at Jamaica, where if you're not stoned you're not their own-a Jamaican motto :lol: Last year we booked the entire lower floor of a cruise ship and had the blast! I would seriously recommend a cruise tour if you are low on money but love to eat! Japan was beautiful yet so expensive. Singapore was humid during my visit but best price for 5 star hotels! Singapore was THE place to be since I was able to speak English and they all understood me. Japan was just a translation book after another... I was born in Korea so naturally Korea is almost definitely a yearly thing. And at the end of this year or beginning of next, I?ll be touring from Germany to Hungary. It is my strong recommendation that you, at some point in your life, travel abroad. It will open your eyes and open your mind! It's incredible how narrow minded one can get for staying in one place.

  9. She got a call that night, but it wasn?t from him. It didn?t sink in right away, ?Ma?am the plane went down, our crews have searched the ground - no survivors found,? she heard him say.


    But somehow, she got a postcard in the mail, that just said, Heaven, with a picture of the ocean and the beach. And the simple words he wrote her said he loved her, and they told her how he?d hold her if his arms would reach.


    ?Wish you were here; wish you could see this place. Wish you were near; I wish I could touch your face. The weather?s nice, it?s paradise; it?s summertime all year. And there?s some folks we know, they say, ?Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here.?


    The weather?s nice in paradise, it?s summertime all year. And all the folks we know, they say, ?Hello, I miss you so, wish you were here.? ?


    Oh man, my heart just sank as I was listening to this song when it got to where the quote starts. Holy cow...but somehow she got a post card...


    The Country Songs are very dynamic when it comes to describing something so complex into something so simple. This lyric captures the flood of her emotion and agony for the loss of her loved one. I recall somehow back to September 11th. I thought I had a tear jerking song, I'm Already There by Lonestar. Thank you, I now have another great song added to my collection.

  10. ????[/tab]School is where you learn to discipline yourself. A certain physicist never completed secondary school yet he became to be one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century. But he had a gift--he did not stop asking and nothing stopped him from finding the answer. The journey of a life is a constant learning process. If you feel that it's time to go back to school, don't let anything get in your way. Sure, you will be ridiculed even by your closest peers. But, if you give up in the middle of your attempt, it's better not have started in the first place. ????As I was saying before, school not only teaches us knowledge but how to coexist with one another. It's a macro world where you learn to interact with others that are non-family members. It's the place to find out who you are and what you are made out of. And once you establish who you want to become (as a human being) you enter the final stage of learning; the university. [tab]I want you to know, wasi, just because a person has graduated from an educational institution that does not make that person better than you. What it shows is that it took that person a good discipline to hold the ground and fought the good fight. Are you ready for your discipline? I have seen a homeless person recite Shakespeare better than a post-literature graduate. It's never too late! Go for it. :lol:

  11. To ask why fewer females in Computer Science and Information Technology field is like asking why fewer males in 16th century French literature course? :lol: Don't get me wrong. I am not implying that gender dictates certain dominant field of expertise. However, we were conditioned to think in that fashion. It was the same for your parents, parents before your parents and so on. And I have seen and believe that one gender group is much more jubilee than the other, sitting in front of a computer screen for 8 hours a day. And they are satisfied so. It is not limited to one gender type for a certain field of knowledge but, it seems as though we select what provokes our curiosity the most.

  12. I didn't know that as I was typing...


    You know I always like to write my codes up to scratch.. :lol:


    You are what we (the OG's) used to call, "the free coders." You have all the codes in your head and the fingers cannot just keep up with your mind. LOL.


    You youngens, write 'em codeboys, write 'em! (spin-off of Ride 'em cowboys).

  13. If you are referring to Inspiron's code (which is excellent by the way), it's missing () after each called function.


    function pictureA()
      document.preview.src = "1.jpg";

    As you can see it's perfect if you add () at the end of each called function.


    Few suggestion I would make is that the small thumbnail images should be on the left hand side with either cell padding or border AND the larger image on the right hand side. I am going to use Inspiron's code. I think I'll modify it so that a function called can have automatic incremental (so I don't have to type 1, 2, 3...it can be unlimited number of pictures and a single if then else would take care of it)


    nickmealey your coding did not work as requested. Nice coding, however. Keep up the good work!

  14. You had the similar question posted here:
    And suggestions were given under your thread. Don't forget to check your posts after you have made them. You can track your thread/post by clicking on Option at the bottom of the forum post.

    The possibility of loosing your connection could be that you may be hopping on someon else's router. When you disable your wireless router and still find that you have wireless signal to your computer (system tray) that is a good indication that there's another router that's near by. You can manually set it so that your wireless card only connects to your wireless router/hub. This is found in your user's manual. Further reading at here:


  15. Although I don?t know why you would want your ?precious? (sounding like Shmeagol from The Lord of the Rings) computer to resemble a fruit? I don?t like fruits and vegetables. That?s why I have them dancing. :PThis may not be a tutorial so this may move to another forum section. I wonder if someone can come up with a single package that can do a ?face lift? for Windows? In the past, I have seen masking programs that were designed to emulate just about any other OS platform as a user wished. But in the end, the foundation is still made by Bill and his Gates of underground dwellers. Can you tell I am bitter with Microsoft?

  16. I have read this forum's rule as the exchange of ideas and discoveries. So the form should be as follows:What is nanotechnology? The nanotechnology is...etc. Provide your definite answer following the question format. I think this is more appropriate in The Internet>>Website Discussion forum. Please stick to the forum rules. :P It's bit gray area so I'll let other pro-mods to decide.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Corrected the proper forum section
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