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Everything posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Global Warming?The national weather service has kept records for what 200yrs? Myself I feel as it is not global warming but just a phase the earth is going through, like it does ever so offen. the last minor freeze back in the 1800's when all the big rivers in England froze. Every couple of million years. the earth is off it's axes just a little bit.It is only my feeling but I think that has a lot to do with this so called global warming effect. As for what we, the people of earth are doing. All the pollution. That is not any help at all. Maybe it is a little of both who know's.But I do feel as it is just a phase.
  2. Well I have to agree with the last few posts.. I have used it too but ended up going back with my yahoo and NetZero mail. Looked and felt good at the start, then the "thrill" of it all dropped.
  3. I was looking at all the posts here and this really cought my eye.Yes the 93 fish where very good but you have to concider most of the players where (bought) such as Chuck Carr, who I remember playing AA Ball in the old Texas league, in Jackson Mississippi. Why the Met's every traded him away I will never know. But as a long time baseball fan, not just of the mets but base ball in general. I have to say that the 93 Marlins, and this will make some mad I know and I am sorry. but they was a joke. they bought the WS that year. Now the 08 marlins? Now that is a team. word has it that the Met's are 2-1 favorits this year. but with how the marlins look on paper and on the field, I would not be suprised if they don't take it all.
  4. With all the hoopla with Santana and the met's. and now with Padro on the DL. and to top it all off dealing Milage to the national. How is everyone feeling of there chances of winning it?Myself I think it's a sure bet. as long as 1 Santana stays healthy 2 the mets can get another catcher. and lastlyThey don't get killed by Milage and Laduca. From what I have seen and heard, the 2 of them are not too thrilled with the trade and will be out for blood.
  5. AVG hands down. I used to be a firm believer in norton until I tried AVG. Out went norton to the shredder and in went AVG
  6. sadly yes I am a smoker. one habbit that I wish that I had never started. what is bad is living in NJ with the high prices and taxes on cigs. just for Basic full flavor runs almost $7.00 per pack.So what I did was invest in a cigarette roller and all the tubes and tabacco. Been doing this for about 4 months now, and 1 can make a pack for about a buck. also I have found that I dont smoke as much.
  7. Thanks for the info all. Tried a reinstall and was not picking up the CD rom. Who know's But that idea of a virus on the bios has crossed my mind also...."It was" Thank you for the help.
  8. Help! has anyone ever heard of a hard drive deleting a Operating system?I have a old HP that I had been playing with, trying to fix it up for a friend young son to mess around with. It had no Operating system in it to start with. I had a old hard drive laying around that had windows 98 in it which was perfect for the old HP due to memory and being just a 286. Well, I removed the old HD and put in the one with the 98. Booted up great. even got on the net with it for a bit, then I had to run out for a bit so I shut it down. When I got back, I turned it back on to install a few games for him, and it told me I had no operating systerm. Anyone know what the problem could be?
  9. This is gonna sound stupid I know but, did you try opening the case to make sure everything is tight? You did say it had been dropped. I know once I knocked over my HP and that happed. felt like a fool when I took it into the shop and was charged $75. just to open the case and plug up the CD rom and modem.
  10. hi again. as I said before My name is John. I am 46yrs old and live in New Jersey USA. As for what brought me here to Xisto.com was a link that I saw on another site. and I thought that I would give it a look see. As I said before I might move my site here. It is just a small weather site. mostly of tracking hurricans. has a small forum. and links to other weather sites. it is more of a plaything than anything just to pass the time.As for my hobbies?weather watching, Used to live in Mississippi and did some weather spotting for the Weather service there for about 10 yrs before moving up here to NJ.I also enjoy fishing and the outdoors.I also do love playing computer online games such as pool. be it Yahoo or Pogo.as for my traits?Some say I am kinda the quiet type. Not much of a talker until I get to know people. But one I do get to know people, I sometimes get told, to shut up. lolI hope this is the right kind of info John
  11. amen to that. I still have a long road ahead. maybe a double hip replacement someplace down the line. But I have learned one thing for sure. when people say you can't? you find a way you can.
  12. Hello Everyone, Name here is John, Most just call me echo.I am a member of another site, and saw the link here and thought that I would give it a look see. maybe move my weather site that I have over here. Getting tired of the pop ups and low traffic
  13. Hello.Not sure if this is the right place for this but here goes.I am 46yrs old and have spinal Bifida "open Spine" When I was growing up my mother and father thought that it was best that I use a wheel chair. Myself I always wanted to walk.as time went by my dream on walking faded, that is until I got really sick with a UTI, and ended up in a hospital. With a very high fever, I had a strange dream of my late father standing at the end of my bed saying. Get Help or you will do what you have dreamed of. Crazy as it is. the next day my fever broke but I still remembered the "dream" well the doctor in charge thought that it would be a good idea for me to go into a "rehab" to recover fully. While I was there theywanted to know if it was safe for me to stand long enough to tranfer from the chair to the bed or another chair. Ofcorse I told them yes but they had to have a doctors okay.Well that got the ball rolling. The doctor they sent me to just happend to know a lot of SP. He asked me if I had thought of walking.I told him the story of my mom and dad placing me in the chair when I was 5 or 6 and that I have not walked since.Well that was 8yrs ago. Now I am up on a walking, braces to the hip, one knee replaced, but I am walking.I was wondering if there any other people that have SP that started walking again so late in life?TY
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