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Posts posted by Echo_of_thunder

  1. Wow echo of thunder I can see you are very annoyed with everything and one to do with the oil spill. After seeing you topic in the vent and now here it seems you want to get your point across that BP acted way to slow and Obama is not doing much to give them a kick up the *bottom*.

    Well maybe so Ash, but as someone that grew up on the Mississippi coast, seeing how this is doing nothing but hurting the people down there. Maybe I am trying to get my point across. and Yes BP has acted very slow in the handling of this mess. and Yes the Obama Administration I feel is not doing all they could. If it was me? I would have BP long ago in there handling of all this and put someone like another Co or someone that at least acts as they know what there doing.

  2. Just how dumb can people be in this day and age. Today I was passed along this My link and it really got me to thinking.
    As most of you know I am kind of a weather buff so it really got to me seeing this.

    If They Do decided to use a nuke on the oil leak. just think of the trouble it will make. I don't care if the put it deep enough so radiation can not leak out. Think of the shock wave it's going to make. Can we say Tsunami? also too, you have to think of this. Oil is also leaking not only from the pipe but the sea floor around it, which tells me the ground is not that stable anymore. Blowing a nuke could turn that area into a huge sink hole. then we would have not just XXXX amount of oil leaking but most likely every drop there is there. I use XXXX due to nobody really knows just how much oil is coming out daily down in the Gulf of Mexico. Another thing to think about are earth quake faults. The one that cause the Haiti quake starts not too far from there just off the coast of Fla.

    It is my feelings by using a nuclear bombs to stop this will well the movie 2012 comes to mind. It could start a cascading effect. But too, if it does work. just what will it do to the gulf in the long run. We all know that the spill will have effects on the LA MS Al coast line for years if not decades, but a nuke? Look at the Bikini Atolls To this date there is still radiation to the point of being unlivable. This would stop the oil yes but would but so many more people out of work because they would not be able to do any fishing or shrimping, not to even say of the inland marshes where so many blue cabs and crawfish come from.

  3. They have also setup a webcam now on remote vehicles and down by the pipe it self where the leak is, Please look at the link below to view it.http://www.bp.com/

    I agree with you they have not put enough effort in to stop this leak, and the lack of creativity I thought of several good ways to stop the leak within 5 minutes of it being shown on the news. And it does seem you are very cross with this issue. They should be doing a lot more as you have said they I don't think they realise how much is leaking out and how much money they are loosing out on this. I can't imagine the fishing industry after this problem has been fixed (well if it ever does). The beach looks horrible on Google images and all the dead fish washed up on the sands in unbelievable. They need to take there heads out there asses.

    Cross is not the word bash, more like Pissed off beyond cross. and to top all this off yesterday Obama was down there looking around. That man has NO CLUE! as to what's going on if you ask me. He was more worried of the tarballs that how all this is effecting the people of LA MS AL and FL and maybe even the east coast if it really gets into the loop currents. Well one good thing is now up here in New Jersey we are not taking any chances at all. at the 1st sight of that mess out comes the booms.

  4. What can I say about BP other than Big Problem. for the last month they have had there oil gushing into the Gulf Of Mexico. and what have they done to stop this? NOT ENOUGH!!! yea there tried putting a dome over it but it froze up with Ice. Hello BP it's a mile Deep. Yes it will freeze if you was smart enough to realize that. Also You have held classes on clean up yet you kicked out the press from this? You don't want the public to hear of your dirty little secrets I guess. in the mean time you have 206,873 Est. Gallons of oil per day going into the gulf? Yea people have stated Boycott BP Oil. Thats not gonna stop the oil. Now they say there going to pour mud and other "junk: in the hole in hopes of plugging it. yea okay sure. and is this does not work Drill another well. all in the middle of hurricane season. May get banned but BP Kiss My White beep. You knew of all blowout proventer and the broken seal 6 to 8 hours before the fire that killed 11 people. Fix the damned thing. Sorry folks I just had to get this off my chest. I grew up in Mississippi and I know that they beautiful white beaches will never ever be the same now forever. even if they cap it today there is still a months worth of oil floating out there working its way inland killing all the wildlife and putting people out of work maybe forever.

  5. That's true. It's almost like they roll some dice to predict the weather. It's often inaccurate. There are a few high profile weather websites that are also really bad.
    One of them telling you the current local temperature is 18 degrees outside when it's actually 8 degrees.

    Networker your so right. it can be a roll of the dice sometimes than other times its as easy as 1 2 3. as for these high profile sites? why some are off with there temps is not there fault but the NWS. they get there temps dew points and humidity from them. sometimes there feeds are very very slow. I know myself I use a lot of programs where I get data from the National weather service such as radar. where there is a very large outbreak of server weather such as on May 10th of this year, there where times that the radar was lagging up to and over an hour. you can not blame these high profile sites as you call them. They just report what they can get such as I do.

  6. Well all, the 2010 Atlantic Hurricane season is almost here. June 1st. There has been a lot of talk around the weather community about this season. With El Nino now on the way out, everyone is saying this could be the busiest year since the 2005 season, 28 storms that year. WSI has gone far enough to say 18 named storms. wsi

    Most everyone from Weather Underground to the National Hurricane Center are even saying in that range as well. I have been dealing with watching the weather now for over 10+ yrs and I am seeing a trend here that scares the heck out of me. More and more hurricanes and bigger ones. But what worries me the most is, are people ready? I have heard from a lot of people that have been watching the weather for a lot longer than I have. They are all thinking this season we could see a storm hit places that well normally do not get such a storm or have not seen one in many years. Such as where I am in New Jersey. 1903 was the last direct hit we took. Would people be ready if such a storm was to hit. Even more so if it was in a large city such as New York? I don't think so. Even more so would the Government be ready. could they handle the on sought of people put out of there homes? nope. I know this sounds as it is a vent but it really is not. Not unless people are ready for such an event and god forbid it happens. Then yes it would be a vent.

    What I would like to know is what if? what if such a storm was to effect you and your family. are you ready? could you handle being without power for weeks maybe months. do you have a plan of action in case there was a storm heading your way? I know some of you don't live in the US or even in a coastal area, but it is still a very good idea to have some sort of plan. some of you are old enough to remember a hurricane that hit the Mississippi gulf coast back in 1969. that storm was Camille. For over 200 miles inland she has winds clocked over 100MPH. Major flooding all the way up into Virginia. so you see, it is a good idea to have a plan.

  7. wowzers batman, First a new name and now a new forum. well I have stated my feelings before of the name change :) but as for the new forum? this is a tossup right now. Part of me likes it and another part says Trash can here. Just will have to get used to where everything is I know. Yea it needed a change. I have stated that in this forum quite a few times. This new forum does load very fast now in Firefox where as before I could click on it, go fix me a cup of coffee and a snack, come back at it would be waiting for me like a new little puppy ready to play.

    But so far only think I do not like of it are two things

    1, the baby blue color. Kinda dull need something exciting and bright to say HI LETS POST.

    2, this

    You can make 25 more posts today.

    I think it should be cut even more. I mean there some folks that well Over post.
    other than that? WTG!

  8. Farmville to me has to be one if not the most worthless games on Facebook, I can't lie though I did try it once and hated it. as I do most of the Apps there other than Mafia Wars. And then, It is becoming a pain. These Apps do not work well with facebook and well if I was you if you do not know the App and new to any Game there I would make sure you run a Virus and Malware check asap after your done playing

  9. Take a look at free, Creative Commons audio websites. For example, Soundclick have the ability to search for Creative Commons licensed music, which you can use for free. Jamendo also hold Creative Commons music and audio which you can use. Free Loops and ccMixter are also worth a look.


    Free Music is music that is licensed under Copyleft.

    This means that the author decides to put his work in the public domain, uncopyrighted.

    The label "Free Music" stands for Open Source music or music under Creative Commons Licenses. The idea is similar to the notion of "Free Software".

    Creative Commons Licenses contain a total of eleven Creative Commons licenses.

    Generally a track released under Creative Commons Licenses (CCL), let others copy, distribute, display, perform the copyrighted work but for noncommercial purposes only.

    I've found a website that offers to download free songs in MP3 format ,the offered pieces are legal.

    Some songs are released under Free Music label and for others, They received the agreement of the artist or his or her label.

    See this website where you can download MP3's. All the tracks are free and legal. Some are distributed under the label "Free Music", for others they have the authorization of the author and at last, some links are redirected to the host of the files.

    Yep as said above in 2 posts, there a lot of good sites around that you can find duty free or as we call it Royalty free music, for voice overs and such. I have had to make a few Public Service Announcements over the years and they can come in very nicely if you wish to find music without voice. I have so many sites that listing them here would be useless so just go to google or whatever search you use and type in Royalty free music downloads. and Wala your set. Good Luck

  10. if i remember right, this has happened before - the mycents stopped altogether for a few days and then after that they were being updated really fast. maybe thats because when it stopped updating a lot of traffic was reduced so when it was restarted there wasn't much traffic and the updates became much faster. as soon as the regular traffic began pouring in, I guess things became normal-paced again ;) this is just my guess and I'm sure there is a more logical explanation to this whole matter. anyway its not the time to think about all that - it's time to start posting before it stops again :P

    I agree on the spam I mean posting. but your Right on H.O.D this did happen once before as you said.

  11. Ok.. Lets have a Challenge.


    Find me a Good AVAILABLE domain for this website and if I like/select it, I will give the user 100 USD credit balance. You can search the name on Xisto - Domains.


    You should TELL, WHY you selected the name, What is the vision behind the name.


    And if you are a graphics designer as well, kindly make a suitable logo for your name.

    Okay fair enough How about this? impactwisdom.com its open easy to remember and spell. fairly short so people will remember as well as gives a hint of what they site is about?

  12. Okay all. this is beyond stupid. what is this KNOWLAGESUTRA mess. Xisto is and was well known throwout the net for being one of if not the best forum on the net, now the powers that be have gone and changed the name. Shame Shame. And to Knowlagestruta? Come on You hear that name and what is the 1st thing that comes to mind. kama sutra.and we all know what that is about. Why take a the chance of even coming close to anything like that when you had a great name that was well known all over the net. Bad enough you now have to download the newest Flash. Maybe I missed it, but you should have at least told your members of a name change. Maybe let them have some input on a name change. I will lay you odds they would have preferred keeping it as Xisto.com as I would have.I can only hope that the powers that be. "you know who you are" will read this and rethink all of this. before someone takes that domain. A domain that is as I said Well Known and trusted.

  13. well it is not just Youtube that is being effected but other sites such as Ustream Livestream and JustinTV, so many are using copy written items, be it music to recorded TV Shows and sports. Myself I use UStream and there so many that rebroadcast things such as sporting events that it takes up more space than anything. So I see why Viacom is raising hell over it. They are losing so much money to people that are doing this. You do not see near as much copy written things on Youtube as you used to though. and I have so happy of that. When Youtube was put online it was for people to place there "own" videos and not things that have been copy written or have royalty fees. I for one am very happy to see this happening. True it will have a downside, such as you will not be about to see that big game, or the TV Show you missed the other night. But it will keep places like that Free to the public to use and enjoy.

  14. What is one of the best things that you love about your hometown? What is one of the worst things you cannot stand about your hometown? What is one thing you would never want to change about that town? And finally where is your hometown? By the way, I define hometown as the place where you were either born and raised or the place that is like home to you in a very special way that is close to your heart. I will start. One thing I love about my hometown is the pizza. There are so many different types with any toppings you can imagine (even some you can't, lol). Now the thing I don't like is when I find a pizza shop I'm in love with and one day I go over there and it's mysteriously gone...or replaced by some random chain restaurant! ONe thing I would never want to change would be the diversity, the culture, and the fierce independence of the people that live and work there and are the very life blood of this city. And finally this city I love is none other then Brooklyn, New York in the USA. <br><br><br>

    well what I love about my town, it is very small. maybe 2 square miles and everyone knows one another here. Which in someways is a bad thing as well. But as a whole Red Bank NJ is perfect. Close to the shore, and just about everything you wish is within 30 mins or so driving. you have everything from Baseball, Big leagues in New York City, Minor leagues all around the state. 6 Flags, great fishing and hunting too. Gotta Love New Jersey.

  15. Okay his has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen come out of Fisher Price http://mashable.com/2010/03/18/fisher-price-iphone-apps/ Yes everything you hear now a days are of the Iphone and Ipad and all that, but come on, Apps for 2yrs? How many kids you know that age or say even a little older have a IPHONE. Hells bells, this is just too much I feel.

    This just proves how I have been feeling for about the last 3 or 4 months. The world is App Crazy. You have Apps for everything from Games, news, weather and now for 2yrs. What's next, and Apps to cook you dinner and then feed it to you?

    Enough is enough.

  16. well I have to add my two cents worth here as well. I do agree, there some that do fuss and complain about how some here do use poor English. But You must remember, English may not be there first Language or even there Second one. It is a very hard language to learn and to speak. But as I said I do agree. There some that may have spoken English all of there lives that have and do trash it with slang. I know when I was growing up if I used a slang term, I would have been sent to my room. But you really should not ever judge someone by his or her posts just by there lack of good english. Never know, they just may judge you as well :angel:

  17. well I have to put in my two cents here. As someone that has been around net radio and or podcasting for quite some time. There are things you have to think about before you get into it. One such problem will be your bandwidth. Streaming voice takes it up, as do people that may want to download your casts. secondly you have to think Price, yes there some cheap places to stream from such as shoutcat and a few other. but you have to remember this. You get what you pay for. But the most important thing you need to remember are Royalty fee's. If you have any music that your going to play. you MUST play the fee's. So many sites now are really cracking down on all this such as Youtube UStream Livestream and even JustinTV These are just a few things you need to remember. Also you have to think too, what would your listener's really like to hear and be informed with. News, weather, comedy? One you have picked your topic Stick with it. Good Luck

  18. Hi friends I am really fed up of spam entries in my forum. I have installed PHPBB two times in my site but I don?t know how these spammers come to know about it and just enter thousands of vulgar and dirty posts within two or three days. Here I would like to know how these spammers come to know about our installation of forum software on our websites. Is there any way to stop them? Moreover I would like to know which is forum software which attracts the least spammers. Please answer in detail dear friends.

    all I can say is this PHPBB equals Spam. the board I used to run was a PHPBB, I would have to delete a good 10 to 15 spammers a day. I finally got smart and said no more to it. then I found AEF. http://www.anelectron.com/ once I installed it. Bam no more spammers. I think maybe your getting all your spam because PHPBB is a very popular board and all people really have to do is run a search for that kind of board and wa la. spam o rama I could be wrong but that's how I feel. But yes there are settings you can change to stop it all but if a spammer really wants in, he or she can find a way. that is everywhere you go. even here on Xisto. Its a way of life. damned if you do and damned if you don't.
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