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Everything posted by Bluebear

  1. Wow, that was really good written Tikiprincess. Even though it was a bit confusing, I am sure that it is going to help people on the board - maybe myself. I have learned much of it at school, but there where some parts that was new too me. Lots of helpful information. Thank you so much!
  2. Is there anyone here that knows about any such "Cost per click" advertising, that supports PayPal? Of course I would like one that is not a scam, and is not too bad. (If that is possible?) Maybe someone here has tried one that they are satisfied with.
  3. I can't see myself with that thing in my pocket... Maybe it is good, but it is way to big for me! I don't even own a Ipod, I use my cellphone when I am listening to music. (Actually, it works rather fine. It is an LG Prada phone, haha.)But I must agree that there are good music players out there that is better and cheaper then some of the Ipods. But still the Ipods are light, nice and good enough for many people. (Like my friends.)
  4. Ofcourse many people will always have some of the same clothes. If you want to have something really unique, you need to sew a dress, jacket or something yourself... Or maybe somebody will use the same fabric as you did? Saying that people are clones and copy cats, can sometimes be really anoying. It is hard to find something nice - but still unique! But you can be unique by combining different clothes into your own, special way.Something that is not unique, is UCLA pants. They are really popular here at the moment, they are actually quite ugly and people only wear them because they are... well, popular. Most of them do not even know what UCLA means... Yuck, yuck.
  5. I have never, ever been any good with numbers. I hate history, just because there are so many numbers to remember. Even though they are short, they just never seem to stick to my brain. But this seems like a quite good method to remember numbers, I am impressed! Maybe I am going to try this out. Thank you for telling me.
  6. I love a moisturiser from VICHY. I have really dry skin, so it is perfect for me. It also helps prevent acne. You can buy them on a drugstore or something like that. They have also got a wonderful cleaning gel, that I use too remove makeup. But you wanted a good everyday moisturiser, right? It is called NORMADERM, and the bottle looks like this: It also helps prevent shiny areas and is a very light cream so it does not "plug" your pores.
  7. Yes, I am a addicted to the internet. It all started when I was 10 years old, and realiced that we had a program on our computer that I had never tried before! This "program" was called Internet Explorer and I did not find it fun... untill my brother made a msn adress for me. He explained that I needed this IE-thing if I wanted to chat with my friends. I hated IE, because sometimes it did not work. When my brother came to help me, it suddenly worked again. Soon I used msn so much, that my mom bought broadband. I visited the homepage of one of my friends, and I thought it was amazing. She helped me make my first page, and yes it was piczo. It looked horrible! Every day I learned something new about this, so I found a new host. (Without that "drag&drop") ...I am not going to tell you the rest of that story, but now I am addicted to it. I chat with my friends, do my homework online, visit my friends sites and much more. I do not know how I will survive without internet.
  8. I must agree that this offer sounds amazing. But you must realize that most people do not like ads. On the television, radio or online. To enter a page with lots of ads, is not something that sounds nice. Audio ads is even worse! You say that there is no clicking involved here, but if everything suddenly is so easy I think that the advertisers will lower their payouts. Lower them very much. Even though it is audio ads, I not in my heart believe that more people will enter their sites. Why? Audio ads are annoying, and not something most people are fond of.I believe this offer is to good, to be true.
  9. Here is how to maintain your hair.First of all, if you eat healthy it helps. What you eat, is what you become. I have noticed that almonds are really good for your hair, it gets much more shine, and looks healthier.Second of all you must try to not damage your hair - to much. Try not to use a hairdryer evertime you have taken a shower, or other things that damage your hair. If you must do so, use a heatprotecting spray or something.The good shampoos and conditioners are to find at hairsaloons. The hairdressers will help you to find the best ones for you. If you have dandruff, I would go to a pharmacy and ask them. It always works for me.Coloring of your hair is not good. I do so myself, but I use a... well, I don't know if it is right in english, but a hairmask to protect my hair. I use it twice a week. It would be smart to buy all products in the same type, from the same people if you know what I mean. (God, this bad english is anoying) The products kind of "work together", and I like to do so.
  10. Black eyeliner makes your eyes look narrower, but white eyeliner makes them look larger. White eyeliner is very usfull if you want to get larger eyes.
  11. Thank you for all the help, some of it was quite helpful. :)And yes, I know that I don't necessarily need an image to make a design, but I want to do that. (I think) Personally, I like websites that have that.I guess I can try to learn by looking at other designs, maybe free ones I get online. So I can check out how they do it. But thanks alot, and a happy new year to all of you.
  12. I have a quick question:The money a person earn with adense, how do they get it? In the mail, paypal account or what?
  13. A good way to socialise? I think it is never a good way to get to know the people that you are hanging out with. When people get drunk they change, they are not the same as they would be a normal day. Yes, some are not that "shy" when they are drunk, but should not people get to know the real you? I just don't understand why people wants to get drunk, but that is just my opinion.
  14. Okey, so I saw another topic here regarding how to make a design. I know how to do that, so that is no problem. But I have always had some problems on how to code a design. I am tired of that I always need to use some sort of program, drag&drop webhost (like piczo) or use a free design I found online. I have noticed that people need to "cut" the design in different parts, but I have never understood what way the do it. So I do not understand anything about this, and really need some help. I will be happy for all help I get. Thank you so much!
  15. Oh, this is a very complicated subject. I do not believe that when we die, we enter a new life. And I try not to believe that all the people that belive in God goes to heaven, and the other ones to hell. Would it not be horrible if some of your family members did go to hell? How would you feel? I would feel horrible. And no, I do not think that we all will sit on little, pink cloudes and "live" happy ever after. But I do hope that there is something more after this, that feeling of not beeing a part of our world anymore... well I don't think that is a nice one.I believe in ghosts. You may think I am going a bit off-topic know, but I don't think so. When we die, some of us are "left behind." I don't know the reason, but maybe they have something they need to do? When I believe in ghosts, it would be weird if I did not believe of life after death. Or not life really. Something more after we are dead. But life? Life is something we have one time, then we loose it. I do not think we will get it back.Souls. I have always wondered what a soul is. Has it been proven that we have something like that? Our bodys stay at this earth, and turn into dirt, while the rest of us goes somewhere else. Uff, this was complicated.But yes, I believe there is something more after death. But not another life, we only have one of thoes.
  16. I use McAfee Securiy Center, and I am quite happy about it. If I search at Google, it shows some small images next to the links. They tell me if they are safe, spamming, lots of advertising or viruses. Some of the websites are not testet, but many, many are. I do not know if it is like that with other anti-virus programs, but I like it. It is actually helpful.
  17. All my life I have loved Mercedes Benz. It has always been the car my dad was talking about, and he did not want anything other. ^^ I think they quite beautiful, many of them. Some are repulsive, but I will not talk about them. ^^I have no favourite of them all, but I like the ones with nice curves. If you know what I mean.
  18. Well I have watched the movie... I did not really like it. They had a long intro, and then nothing much more happend! Maybe the book is better, but since I have seen the movie I can't see the point of doing that.
  19. Right know I am home with my family. Later I am going outside with some of my friends, and send up some fireworks or something. Drink CocaCola and eat candy. Nothing really... amazing. I like to spend my spare time with friends, just hanging out really. Well, have fun getting wasted.
  20. I believe forums is a good thing. You can get to know people from various countries and different parts of the world. You can gain knowledge, (and maybe loose some.) learn new things and discuss your opinions with other people. It is a great thing. Support, help and tell people about yourself and your own life, and find out more about the other people on the board. You can show of your works, and get or give help to others that would like to make something. A website, a game, write a good story... anything! It is wonderful.
  21. I would like a job... But there is not many jobs around here for people as young as me. All I can do here is to clean old ladies houses.^^
  22. When you buy an animal, you should always think twice. An animal is actually a quite big thing to handle... you can't just throw it out when you don't want it anymore. (Though some people do that)But a snake? I would never have bought a snake.... :S Uff, uff uff.
  23. My favourite is chicken salat. =) Ingredients. Some fried chicken Salat Tomatoes Cucumber Corn Pineapple ..and other things you may like. Cut everything in pieces, and just mix it all together. Yum!
  24. The best things in my life is the feeling of beeing a part of something. Beeing a part of a family, part of a class, part of team. Just a part of something. I hate that "I am alone" feeling, so I try to keep that away from my heart. I also love to go on hollidays, visit my family and those kind of things. I love the sun, and I love the winter. When it is snow, ofcourse.And I love just hanging out with my friends, having fun the free way.
  25. Well I have always loved soccer. My brother, his friends and my dad started to learn it to me when I was about 3 years old. And then I am quite addicted to handball, womens handball. (Started playing when I was 10.) I don't really like mens handball, don't know why though. And I have played some golf, not anymore. But my favourite must be handball, then soccer. Golf is not even on my list, haha.
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