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Posts posted by Bluebear

  1. Yes, I am a perfectionist. Especially when it comes to my schoolwork, and homework. I always need to do things my way, the right way if you know what I mean. For me, it seems like no one else care about it so I always end up doing all the work on my own! But that is not really to bad, because then I am the one who learns the most. But I hate when I never get help, I really do. For example if we are working 2and2, I get a strange feeling that I am always the one who do all the work. I get so tired of it.But at home... nope. My room is a complete mess, I do not clean the house as much as my mom would like, but I actually do some chores.Something else that is kind of "perfectionist", is that I always need to finish something. One day I was playing a song on my keyboard, and I needed to do it perfect. And then I mean perfect. I could not touch or hit the other tangents then I needed to start over. When I did something wrong, I started over. It is completely weird, and it freaks me out. And every single time I did something wrong, I started screaming, yelling and got all MAD! And I do not know why. Oh, how horrible. I also have this thing where I need to wash my hands many, many times, and I can't touch anything on my way from the sink to the towel. It is horrible! Arrghh, I get so confused of it.At school it is not that bad. :)

  2. Well I don't loose weight, and I don't gain weight. I eat quite healthy. Except on saturdays, it is my yummi yimmu day. :) I don't exercise, or do anything like that. But, there are many methods of course. Eating healthy is one of them. Do not stop eating, eat small meals many times every single day. I have heard that it helps a lot.

  3. Hello. So I made this layout image, and I would like to hear what you think about it. I did not spend to much time, but some. Most of the time was used to find images, and apply a vintage effect. I think it came out okey, but that is my opinion. I am not to good with photoshop, and you can say that it looks a bit "piczo-ish". Haha, new word. :)

    Anyway, I can say that the "theme" is a bit related to poverty, and such things. I am not quite happy about the blending some places. It is quite different from old ones I have made, that where full off celebs and such things. (Yup, even more "piczo-ish.")
    I had some brushes on it, but I did something wrong when I was adding the color bubbles, so they kind of disappeared. :)

    Click the link below
    Click here. =)

  4. I do not think "female clients are more difficult to satisfy." I think it depends on the person. Male or female, doesn't matter. It has something to do how you like things, how you want them and how much you care about the work that needs to be done. MAYBE some females care a lot about things as decorating and lighting, but they need the perfect make-up light, right? ^^ Some people care much about quality, while others don't. Saying that females care more about such things than males, is a bit wrong to say. My dad is totally strict about work, such as making his kitchen. If it is not done the correct way, he won't pay for it or he will demand that they need to do the work all over again.


    Paying for something you are not satisfied with, it simply just silly and stupid. When those females is not satisfied I think that they really should make them do it all over, or not pay for it. Maybe females care more about quality?

  5. Well I have actually heard that Leonardo da Vinci used himself as a model when he was painting, and it seems like they have wondered if that may be true?


    But art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually have been da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.


    I know that that article shows that they think they have finally found the woman who was the model, but I don't really know if they ever can be sure about that, right? But if this is true, I will rather believe them.

  6. I don't really play many games on my computer, almost no one. I used to when I was younger, but I kind of stopped with it when I realized that we had internet. ^^ Haha. But I have always wanted TheSims. (My computer is rather old, so I can't install it here.) But I have it on Xbox, but I think it would be better on a computer. :) So TheSims, I really like them.

  7. Well I don't know what it means but I'll tell you the story.I have always loved blue things, all blue for me! I also love blueberries, and really just the word "blue." I think it is really nice, and I love it! I also have blue, blue eyes, so I guess it comes from there too.I think I was supposed to choose a user name like Blueberry, Blueberries, Bluebumpybear, or something like that. :) Blue is an important part of it, haha. I ended up with Bluebear, and I actually think it suits me. Bears eat a lot, so do I. (Except I never get full) I like blue, so it is an combination.Bluebear. Some of the "kind" members of this forums has re-named me to... "Boob bear", "Bumpy bear" and I can't remember more. Haha, that's my story.

  8. The only movie I am waiting for, is the last Harry Potter movie. Even though I have read the book, and knows how it ends I would really like to see it. I have always thought it is fun to kind of "see the books in real life", if you know what I mean. I guess I will probably start crying or be really sad when I have watched that movie. It is kind of the end of all Harry Potter things. Haha, I get sad just of thinking about it. Many people thinks that they would like to see the movie first, and then read the book, or just watch the movie... or just read the book. So far all of the movies has "fitted in with my mind", it was how I imagined it. Since this is the last movie I have big expectations. Can't wait to see what Harry's kids looks like! I always end up with watching it on a cinema with some of my friends, how fun. :) After I have watched that movie, I hope someone is as good as J.K Rowling, and writes wonderful and magic books. :)Oh, and I would also like to watch the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie - I never got to watch it. Maybe I'll rent it, or just buy it.

  9. Well since I am quite young, I don't have a car. (Or I have one I used to drive around when I was little, it has brakes but no engine. I always pushed it up a long hill, and then I just "drove" it back down. :) ) My mom has a Skoda, it is an okey car. Not to bad really. :) Almost the same color, just a bit more gray.


    And then it's my dads car. Mercedes E-class something. He has it in black/green. It looks black at night, but is green at day... so I guess it is a dark green.

  10. I agree with elaks. People just do not kill themselves because of other people. It could be other things in live that they are tired of, or they miss. Maybe they have lost someone they loved, or they are in big financial problems. Many people would say that it is not e good enough reason to kill themselves, but some people are not as strong about these things as others. They could also have mental problems. One of my neighbors killed himself, and he had that problem. He had nothing other wrong in his life; He had a wife, children, money and it seemed like he was happy. He went to therapy, but and it worked for a while. His wife went to Texas to visit the new granddaughter, and when she tried to call home nobody answered. The next day someone went to check on him, and they found him dead.


    Suicide may be wrong in the most cases, but not all of them are stupid emo kids. Sometimes there is other reasons.

  11. I decided to make this topic to tell you a bit more about make-up. It seems like some people think that all you need to get beautiful and healthy skin, is to clean it and use a moisturizer cream. Well, you need that to. I am not saying that you need make-up to be beautiful, but if you wear the right kind of make-up then that can help you on the way towards nicer skin.


    Have you ever seen girls with to dark foundation? Arrghh, it looks so horrible. You should not be able to see a clear line between your face and neck. You should use make-up to cover up acne, unclean skin or to make your skin look more even and silky. You should not look like you got a bucket of brown paint on your face, you should look natural and like yourself. If you end up using a lot of make-up every single day, people will get used to the fact that it is how you look, and will probably think that you look weird without that much make-up.


    First of all: You should choose a foundation with a color as much like as your skin as possible. It can be smart to have two; One darker for the summer months - and one lighter for the winter months. Don't use make-up to look brown, that is not what it is supposed to be. If you want to get a nicer tan, then go outside in the sun. (notice: to much sun can damage your skin.)



    Second of all about foundation: Use a foundation that does not plug your pores, that will ruin your skin and often gives people more unclean skin. You don't want that, right? :) Mineral make-up is one of the latest news, and is quite good. But use mineral foundation that is minerals, no oils please. (Some foundations contains jojoba, but it is oil free.) The mineral foundation that L'oreal got, is not 100% minerals. I use make-up from EverydayMinerals.com, they are actually quite cheap. Much mineral make-up will empty your wallet, but not EverydayMinerals! You can order a free custom kit pack, and choose the colors yourself. Read the FAQ's to find out what make-up suits you.


    And then I need to say something about mascara and eyeliner.

    If you want to make your eyes look bigger, use a light eyeshadow and white eyeliner. I use black eyeliner when I want to make an impact with my eyes. :P When adding mascara do not use the whole bottle... less is more, and if you use to much you will look like a freaking spider! I hate spiders.


    And yes, I have got more. This is about eyeshadow.

    If you have light skin, do not use to much dark eyeshadow. Of course you can use it - and it looks quite good on some persons, but do not go wild. If you have dark skin, gold eyeshadow can be really nice. :D You need to try to find something that suits your skin-, hair-, and eye color. (I know, seems hard right?) If you are going to a party it is okey to be a little wild, specially with your eyeshadow. Dare to use bright and colorful colors. :D


    A quick review:

    1. Less is more

    2. Choose colors that suits you

    3. Do not go wild with your make-up

    4. Dare to be a little wild sometimes, like if you are going to a party.

    5. It would be smart to have a lighter winter make-up, and a darker summer make-up.


    That's all from me. What an angle I am. :)

  12. This got me a bit scared if I am ever going to use Adsense, or PayPal. (I am using PayPal, but haven't got any money on it.) How annoying would it be if you earned a lot of money, and then they would not give it to you? I think it is wrong of them to terminate peoples accounts. Of course I understand them because lots of people are cheating with Adsense. But the Adsense-people should care a bit more about individual cases, instead of just closing the account.

  13. Have any of you actually played golf, more than one time? And I don't mean mini-golf. With family or perhaps friends? I have, and I don't think it is boring at all. I'll let you have your opinions, so that is okey.My least favorite sport must be American football. Arrgh, I don't even get the point. It's boring to watch, and I don't want to play it either.

  14. Well you can, but I don't think that always will work. Even though someone are a Christian, they can get easy mad and pissed off. Just like any other person. When someone "attacks" you, it's hard too just stand there and do nothing at all. Not all Christians are nice and happy people that goes to church every sunday, they are all different. But because they try to follow these rules, it is much harder to get them mad. (Trust me, I know haha.) Like a friend of mine, she is Christian. The whole bunch is really that too - but she is a bit special about this. Even though I try to strangle her with her scarf, she does not get really mad. (We are just trying to get her mad) She just asks me in a nice and polite way if I can stop.

  15. Well first of all, you should never, ever pay for something that you are not pleased with, not happy about. You would never buy an apple, if it was old? Exactly. If you do not like the work that has been done, or think that it is not correct, do not pay for it! Tell her/him that he can correct the mistake, and if you are happy about the work then you will pay him.Second of all, you could try to fix the problem yourself, or take a small trip back too the store where you got this done and claim your money back. Or just cut them off - I don't really like long nails anyway.

  16. I think I see one every 1-3 months, it really depends on how often I am outside at nights. :) I don't know if I am talking about the same thing as you, but it is like a glowing light crossing the sky really, really fast. Something I also see lots of, is "nordlys". Northernlight. It is really beautiful, and the cool thing is that it always looks different. It is much more of it at the northern parts of Noway, but I can see it here too. If you want to see what it looks like, just click on the links below.

    Click here
    You can click here
    And if you really want too, click here

  17. I am against death penalty. Some people may disagree with me, but I think death penalty is not a right solution. Even though a person has raped a woman, is that a good enough reason too end his life? People always claim that they need to get a penalty that suits what he/she did. For example: A boy kills two girls. They boy get death penalty. I am just thinking; What?!


    I think people should get second chances. If people do something very wrong, I think they need too realize that they did something wrong, and then they will probably feel horrible about it. Personally I think that the feeling of that they have done something wrong, ruined or ended a persons life, and hurt many of that persons family and friends is punishment enough too me. I know I would feel bad, and I feel bad if I only steal a cookie from a jar at my kitchen!


    Here I live, Norway, we do not have death penalty. The longest time someone can spend in jail, is 21 years.

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