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Posts posted by Bluebear

  1. Well there are some things that I always need to do, and I get all mad and start screaming if I don't - or if someone bothers me or tries to stop me while I am doing that.Like when I play keyboard I need to play the song perfect, without hitting other tangents. If I do so, I must start again. Itt can take a lot of time, and it is very irritating, but I can not do anything about it. :oAnd then I can't sleep with my socks on, that is bad luck. ^^

  2. Hello, Lateraus (or Mark), and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :o


    I hope that you will be active in this forum, love it and find it useful. Good luck.

  3. Wow, you got ripped of. Did you actually check how much space it had before you bought it? I am quite surprised, because my brother did the same thing, and I think he payed something like you. He is really happy, a great deal! He has lots of stuff stored on his computer, programs installed and much more. I am sure that I'll be doing the same as you next school year, but I guess I... will try to buy safer if you know what I mean.But if you didn't check what you got in this computer-package, then it is a bit your fault to. But yes, you are ripped of and you should have gotten a much better computer for that price.

  4. ...that it was a red pen. "Where the F did that come from?!" The ink was leaking out, and I guess I looked quite miserable. I decided to run to the "Found&Lost" corner of the school, and took a black pants with me back to the bathroom. As I put it on, I suddenly remembered that I had hidden a bag of drugs in my socks. "Sniff, sniff. Haha, well this is good stuff!" When I heard someone out in the corridor, I quickly threw the bag into a crack in the blue and white tiles, it was quite deep. I didn't even need to turn around to see who it was, I could tell it by the smell, but I turned around anyway...

  5. ...I was laying in one of the corridors at my school. I could hear the others laughing, and whispering behind my back, and everywhere. I took a deep breath, and desperately tried to stand up - to go somewhere else. But I couldn't it was like my legs where frozen. Frozen, sleeping. I looked at my clothes. "Oh no!" I thought. I was wearing my green, skirt. Yes, a skirt! Or more like a kilt, I guess it is a kilt.-What is going on?! My principal yelled from across the corridor. As he came running towards me, all the people surrounding me moved away... I looked up in two, mad red eyes. Suddenly...

  6. Hello, The Jester, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :D


    Remember to read the boardrules. Boardrules, click!


    The only other Michael I know about here on this forum, is a weird little, mad and funny boy. Hehe. :o

    Hot --> Flooding --> Hot? We have snow --> rain --> snow. :D


    Best wishes for a great time on our forum!

  7. Oooo, I do not know. :D Kind of hard to say something about a creature that there is evidence of... and then I mean evidence for the type of dragons that we often see or read about in movies, magazines, online and everywhere. But I have never really thought the have existed, just something in my (and everybody else's) imagination. But dragons, I think I have read somewhere that they are a mixture between lizards and snakes, right? Yes, I think that was it. I have never seen a lizard or snake that can blow fire, have you? Naah, did not thing so either. :o So it is very possible that part is just made up. So dragons are not the way many imagine them; large, and fire-breathing. But there may be something in it...I believe something like that maybe did exist, but not in the way some believe. I guess something like it do exist. But like I said; not in the "gigantic and fire-breathing" way.

  8. The bad thing about such things as free sms online, is that some people abuse it. I once read in the local paper about a woman that got terrorized. He sent her hundreds of sms's, every single week. And what did he use to do this? Free online sms. Sure it is great sometimes when I haven't got more money on my phone, but some online sites that offers this should create a better system so it is hard for people to abuse it.

  9. Well I do not really dream very much. Sometimes I do, and I am sure that I do it more than I can remember. You see; most of the times I have forgotten the dreams when I wake up. I guess that can be wonderful sometimes, but I would rather like to remember my dreams. There is one dream I remember I had... it was something with a war in my neighborhood, and all this people came and wanted to kill my family. It was really freaky, but I am glad it is over. :o The only thing that do wake me up from dreams, is the sound of the clock that wakes me up in the mornings, every single time. Sometimes some horrible people in 8th grade play it on the bus, and it feels strange. Like it is a dream that I am sitting on the bus, and that I am trying to wake up! I hate that sound, it is one of the sounds I hate the most in the whole world, haha.But I do not have a technique... If you are afraid of dreaming you can always make your alarm clock wake you up every 5 minutes. :D

  10. Hello, lifeiscolourful, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :D


    PS. No, I am not really here to earn money like you. (Even though I really want to. :D ) Like bathometslayer told you, there are some places on this forum which offers you an opportunity to discuss money making online with other money making people! Haha, and good luck! :o

  11. Hello, usedragon, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :o

  12. Hello, Sakey, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :o


    Remember to read the boardrules. Boardrules, click!

  13. Hello, terryson01, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :o


    Remember to read the boardrules. Boardrules, click!

  14. Hello, michellebarkley, and welcome to the forums at Xisto.com!

    I promise that you will be surprised about how many nice and interesting people you can meet here. You can share your ideas and opinions, have debates and much more! I wish you good luck with whatever you are doing. :o


    Remember to read the boardrules. Boardrules, click!

  15. my name as you can see is stephanie and i really don't know waht it means,i have never searched for it. actually, i don't even know where to look my name's meaning. i hope it's something good..

    Meaning of the name Stephanie:

    Old English: Crowned

    German: Crowned

    French: Crowned



    My name means beautiful goddess. But I am not going to tell you what it is, because I don't want MusicOnly and Micey to figure it out. :o

  16. Aww, Manga! I have always wanted to be able to draw such characters, but it is so hard. When I was younger I thought one person drew all of those "manga-characters" because they all look so similar.But I have never read any such books, only watched some on my television. I don't think such things are for me, but some of my friends have read "Dragonball", and they seem to like them quite good.But not something for me though.

  17. Okey, first of all: Who doesn't sometimes hate school? Who doesn't want to quit, and start something else? Really, who? School is a lot of work, and it takes time and effort. It is not easy - and it is not supposed to be either. Life is not easy, but school is actually not the hardest part of it. If you want to have a great foundation for a good future, school is the right place to start. If you want to, you can. You can do whatever you want to. But it will take time, it really will.But you should feel lucky. Lucky that you have got the opportunity to attend school, learn about life, religion and math that you probably never will use in your real life. I don't like school, and I don't feel lucky. Well maybe I do. I feel lucky that "God" created me in such a way that I haven't got a to hard time at school. That I can concentrate, do my homework and have respect for my teachers. (At least some of them. :o ) But I guess I don't appreciate the fact that I grew up an a home that had it all, that had the money and the love.^^ That I grew up in a community full of good opportunities, and school. A school that is horrible, well it's not fun. But like I said; Life is not easy. If you just sit on a chair all day long without caring, it is not going to develop the way you want it to. Create your life when you have got the chance, okay?So how do I feel about school?School is exhausting. I get tired, sad and it does not seem like I am getting smarter. School... is not fair, and it will never be. My teachers is always so unfair! The few of us that actually seem to care about school, and do our homework every day and such things, never get something out of it. We are tired, and tired, and tired... In every single class our teacher use 5-12 minutes just to calm the whole class down! And it is never silent, how can we work? We haven't got enough teachers, we are to many students packed into a little classroom and we do not get the help we need. I often wait for help the whole hour, just waiting for help. And yes it gets very tempting to start to chat with all the other students that are waiting so "silent" for help. It just gets worse, and worse. And then our teacher always have a long talk with everyone, and uses up the little time we have. We never finish our work, and everything is horrible! But what is one of the things I really, really hate about school?The food. We do not get food, we need to bring our own, and we have no chance what so ever to buy some. It is always bread, old and disgusting bread. I'll tell you one thing; All the pupils in other countries that gets a hot meal for lunch are so lucky! I would do everything to get that, and I am sure others here would to.

  18. Mhmmm... where should I start? First of all I must say that J.K.Rowling is a wonderful writer that has thrown a spell on all the children and adults that are reading her books. She is very clever and creative, I really love all of the wonderful things she writes about! She carries this amazing gift... that she are able to "connect" the different books, chapters, words and everything in a way that I certainly never would manage. I were sad when I was finished with the last book. Of course I am kind of happy for Harry and the rest of the crew, but it is just sad that the whole thing is over. I would wanted her to write a longer last chapter... it did not give out enough information for me. It ended so quickly, to quickly.

  19. I think almost everyone sometimes have/had a feeling of that their parents was the worst in the world, and that they would try to do everything in their power to ruin and destroy every single part of your little pathetic life. But think about it. Do any parent really want a kid that hates them? No, they don't. Some parents may be better than others, but that is not the problem here. Neither are the kids... In any relationship there are at least two people. When something goes wrong there is a big chance that it is not only one of the persons fault. Children do wrong things, and so do parents. All of them.But they only want the best for you. They do not want your life to be miserable, pathetic and horrible. All of the things they do are to protect you, or keep you away from bad things in life. When they say you need to do your homework, it is because they want you to grow up and get a job... and move out so the parents can live their life in peace and quite. But I must agree that some parents do not listen. Well, not in my case because I don't even talk to my mom, not much. Sure she is an important part of my life but sometimes I just want here to care a bit less, do you know what I mean? I meet my dad like 4 days a month, but I just hang around and watch television.So, lets go back to the "parents do not listen" thingy. Well maybe it is something wrong with you? You come home, sit on your computer all day and goes to the kitchen to eat a wonderful dinner prepared by your loving and caring mom. You eat it up in five minutes and goes back to your computer. Then you maybe ask for some money, because you REALLY need that new pants! (Really?) You say they don't listen to you, don't care. But if parents really did not care about you they would probably send you away somewhere. Do YOU listen to your mom or dad? Or do you just sit around waiting for help, and give nothing back? This relationship need to go both ways, you silly person. Ignoring them and expect that you will get some loving and wonderful parents back is just stupid. Grow up!

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