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Posts posted by polter

  1. What is the site? I am starting to think that this is made up.... And most companies DO sell your information but its within PP.

    No, I'm not making this up. Why should I? I've signed up with 100s of free web hosting companies and this is the only that really disappointed me. Here's the website. Came across while going through my junk mail. 110mb.com. Their features :


    * 110MB 5 GB Space - FREE

    * Dual Xeon & Opteron based Servers

    * PHP 5 - FREE!

    * Live Support - *Open 5 hours a day

    * FTP (chmod enabled) - FREE!

    * Sendmail (PHP Mail) - *Must activate

    * Your Own Domain Hosting - FREE!

    * Safe Mode OFF - FREE!

    * CGI/Perl - *Must activate


    PHP 5 - FREE! yes, but you have to pay $9.95 for mysql database (I could buy a nice domain name with that)

    * Sendmail (PHP Mail) - *Must activate, yes after you pay them $5


    Can't really say they tricked me. But the information they give here is very misleading for starters like me. I'm not posting this to earn Xisto's favors, not being a butt-kisser. But I have high hopes with Xisto because after earning only 30 credits(took about 2 hours to compose quality posts), I now have a hosting account with great features.

    Just sharing some of the things I came across while trying to set up my website.


    That was what I was talking about. I wasted two hours or so on their website. Thank you

  2. Theres not very much chance (if ANY) for legal action to successfully be taken unless they have done something with your details or made money from you joining.

    Well, they haven't done anything of that sort. But I wasted my time signing up, checking my email, activating acount, only to find out the "sendmail" feature which i badly needed was available for $5 I think. I do have $5 with me :P but I don't have a credit card or paypal account to transact payment , and I wouldn't want to set up one just to pay $5. Yeah, can't say it was a ripoff, forgive the term I used. maybe I didn't read the TOs fully like you said. I've learnt to be more careful next time. Thanks
    Oh, by the way, I can't remember the name of the website, cos I deleted all bookmarks and their emails. Was something like 110mb, sorry.

  3. When I tried to park my domain name zofanatic.com, i get this error

    Error from park wrapper: Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ip.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.


    I've changed my DNS to ns1.Trap17.com and ns2.Trap17.com on my domain account but still not working. Please Help


    P.S. my subdomain name is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  4. If you use SBC yahoo internet (DSL), you should have an internet box.It has a big "2WIRE" on the side, or whatever they gave you.
    To reset your rapidshare limit, just reset the 2wire box by either pulling out the power cable, or by going to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    and going to the System tab on top, Details on the lower tab, and click system reset. WARNING: You will not have internet for around 2 minutes, make sure you are done downloading anything you were previously downloading.

    If you have comcast, you can't really do anything except use proxies. It does have a service though, that allows you to have up to 4 more IP addresses, so you can have 5 downloads an hour if you change your IP.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    You are not wrong Csshih, but the thing is, who wants to pull out their modem cable plug every time they download something from the internet? It's a total waste of time. My best bet is that everyone should start using a file storage site that doesn't restrict time between downloads. I've come across a few of them but the irony is that rapdishare's still the best around..

  5. I do not believe in astrology. Never did, never will. Astrology for me is a fiction invented by men looking for easy money, especially in third world countries. Astrology is so unscientific and baseless, and if i had time, I'd always encourage everyone I know not to waste their time in such useless activity.

  6. The best thing in life, for me, are free ? Sunshine, Christmas, Family, Love, and much more. I used to be a pessimist but now I live with these thoughts in my head and see things differently. I also enjoy a much healthier lifestyle because I understand their value do not take these things for granted.

  7. I say adhearus is better, because of its quality. Plus, it's Canadian :P:D.xboxrulz

    Is adhearus available in other countries? If so, I'd like to try it out

    You don't need to answer this. I just googled it and the website no longer exists. Many people are also planning to sue the company for taking away their credits without any notification. I think Google adsense is still the best around, and it's going to be for a while until some company comes up and pay you $10 for every page impression, which is very unlikely.

  8. I?m a very spiritual person. I believe in life after death (not karma), that there is life beyond this world we?re living in. I?ve read and heard a lot of people who?s had Near Death Experiences (NDEs). One man said he flew over New York City, went into his own home and watched his family ate dinner while he was on his death bed because of a freak accident. He narrated the story exactly the way it happened, what he heard and saw, and his family testified that it was all true. The man recovered and is now a Good Christian. I?m a Christian too, brought up as one. Maybe that?s why I have this conviction. I think it?s better to live with this hope then worry about what lies beyond.

  9. I tottaly agree with you. I;ve also been duped a couple of times by these so called unlimited space/Bw etc offers. You sign up, and say, you need somthing like MySQL, then you have to pay for it. And they advertise themselves as free web hosting sites. I could name a few but i won't cos it don't really matter now that I'm applying for Xisto, for which I've read almost every review that there is on the internet

  10. There is a happy little place in the north-east India, a state called Mizoram, where i hail from. We call ourselves Mizo(s), Christianized by British missionaries in the late 1800s. Let me introduce you to two of my favorite indigenous games we play here.

    Inbuan ťThe most popular game of the Mizos is Inbuan, a spectacular traditional sport. Though its origin is unclear, it is believed that it originated among the "Fanai" tribe.

    It is not a group sport. It involves only two people where each one tries to get both feet of their opponent off the ground. Although strength and a well-built body are important, skill is most essential. A person with a higher skill level can defeat even bigger and stronger opponents easily.

    Inkawibah ť
    This game is found only amongst the Mizos and is played with a kind of nut called "kawi". Played mostly by the girls, it can be played by a number of players at a time.

    The number of kawis used has to be the same as the number of players. The players are usually divided into two groups where one group will play first. While one group places the "kawi" in an upright position, the players in the other group try to hit the kawi that has been placed. When they miss the kawi, it is the turn of the other group to play the game.

    (taken from my own website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything that is available elsewhere (even if it is yours originally) should be put in QUOTE tags.

  11. If you really want to see and understand what autism is all about, see the movie "I am Sam", starring Sean Penn. I've watched it a million times and it has made me more sympathetic and understanding towards the hundreds of disabled people we see around us. Whenever i see a disabled person now, I'd always wave and say hello with a smile..and they'd almost always return the gesture. That gives you a really warm feeling inside. :P

  12. I'm using Nokia 6681, mainly because it supports a wide array of software. But after a couple of applications installed, the phone runs pretty slow. Sometimes, i have to wait a couple of minutes before i can access my contact list. Can somebody help out? Or is the meant to be like this?

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