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Posts posted by polter

  1. Actually, if you made this php forum yourself, you could just make it use a flatfile database :)And if you didn't make it, you could still theoretically change it so that it uses a flatfile database but that would be a pain.

    flatfile database? I don't even know what that means :( . I'm new to all of these. All I know is that I create a forum using SMF, installed it with the installer, then use mySQL database to store data. Thanks for the information anyway

  2. I don't believe in space! and the moon is obviously a piece of cheese that got caught in the sky thousands of years ago! It's only a matter of time when the cheese starts to go moudly and fall out of the sky!

    Exactly! :P There are also some people in the forum who wants to nuke the sun. Nuke the sun? now that's more incredible than saying dinosaurs never existed.

  3. in my strong opinion, i wouldn't recomend ANY site that would hide paid services and waste my time. my time is valuable and the paid services should be seperated so i know EXACTLY what's i'm getting. any good and reputable co. would do that and be smart enough to know this. why i believe this inparticular hosting co. has something to hide wether you go with the free service or the paid.

    That's exactly the point I was trying to stress. Good hosting sites would list free and paid plans separately, without "hiding" paid features in the so-called free plan. If they offer free PHP that's great but if they want you to pay for the database, they should mention that too. That way we won't need to sign up, only to find out that you have to pay for the most essential features when you logged in to your Cpanel.

    i hope Xisto will be my salvation.

    I hope so too. Staff response is so quick. The other day I had problems creating emails and I posted it in the forum. I wake up this morning to find everything fixed. Long live Xisto!

  4. Great Site.I liked Your site.The site has a good layout and theres a lot of content there.I liked the shoutbox based on the christmas theme too.But did you built the site only for this christmas or you have another ideas of changing the site into someother theme.
    Overall the site was good and chrismassy.I think you can improve your site. :P

    Thanks, buddy. The theme is only for this Christmas. I'm planning to change the whole design later on. The previous design before this was more complicated and got a lot of good reviews on the design. However, I thought it was too loud and decided to change it into something simpler and which is easier on the eyes.

  5. Thank you all for taking time to check out my website. Appreciate it. About IE, that's one of the biggest problems I'm experiencing when designing websites. Everything looks great with Mozilla, and then you load the page in IE and damn, everything looks so amateurish. I like phpBB because of its clean looks and faster performance, but SMF is so powerful especially with Tiny Portal integrated.

  6. Hi,

    When I try to create an email account in the CPanel, I get this error

    The e-mail account xxxxxxxx@ wildcatexotics.com with the loginSorry, you have exceeded the maximum allowed email accounts. and password xxxxxxxx with a quota of unlimited megabytes was successfully created.

    Can anybody help me out? And also My default email account is xxxxx@xxxx.com, but when I sent myself an email from another account, I didn't receive any.

    Thank you

  7. English is not my native language, for one. So, when some website advertises something in a really, how do u say, "obscure" language, it IS misleading. Now, when some other website says (Xisto for example) "if you post this much in our forum, we'll give you all these features" and they do, that's quite clear enough for me. Now that I've hosted here, I've got all the features I want without having to pay a dime. That's the type of advertising that really holds credit, the type that doesn't give you something for free and charges you to make that something work. For example, I'm hosting a PHP forum. Yes, 110mb does give you free PHP but charges you for the database, without which you can't run the website. hope you got my point.

  8. I doubt that this is real, because there is no 'most likely hit position' everyone fires their gun differently, and also doing this would require inhumanly fast reflexes, and one wrong move could split a tendon, dislocate a shoulder etc.

    I totally agree. The movie was good if you keep in mind that such type of martial arts don't exist. Say, like, the matrix, where everything was based on fantasy. If you keep on comparing these types of movies with real life, it's just not fun to watch. Talking about the Matrix, don't you think the makers of Equilibrium stole a bit form that movie?

  9. I've been using PHP for about a month and I like it cos it's so powerful. I don't know about the others like CGI, Perl..etc. Can anybody tell me the MAIN Difference between these languages? I'd really love to try them out if I know their advantages, pros and cons. I've been searching the internet for answers, but they are too complicated and use too many jargons that newbies like me don't understand.

  10. The most frustrating thing about all these browsers is that when you design a website, you have to make sure your scripts are compatible with each browser type. I didn't know when I started out at first, so I had to redesign my web pages a couple of times. For example, what appears to be a perfect page in Firefox could look really ridiculous in Internet Explorer, with frames all strewn around here and there. So now, I double check each page so that they work on all type of browsers. And since Mozilla Firefox is my no.1 choice, I'd always write at the bottom of the page "website optimized for Mozilla Firefox". And I've learned that a few of my website users have migrated to this browser.

  11. For years, doctors have professed the dangers of sun exposure and studied the links between UV radiation and skin cancer, but researchers are now exploring the cancer fighting properties of moderate daily sun exposure. Data from 111 countries worldwide indicate that lung cancer rates are highest in countries furthest from the equator, where sun exposure is lowest. Regions nearest the equator report the lowest rates of lung cancer. Sunlight promotes vitamin D production in humans, and researchers believe that this vitamin plays a vital role in halting tumor growth.

    I read this on thefreedictionary.com. I think spending some time under the sun is always good, not only because of the above mentioned, but for overall physical health.

  12. Have you guys watched the movie "equilibrium" starry Christian Bale, where they use a form of martial arts called GUN KATA? I was wondering, does it really exist? Maybe practiced by some secret society or something? If it does exist, this world would be a really dangerous place to live. Bale shot down about 25 men around him with two 9 mm pistols using GUN KATA..amazing

  13. are you aware that politicians in Third world countries, especially India, rely on astrology and forecasts to determine their electoral votes? they worship godmen and seek their blessings so they could win elections. It's kind of funny but sad at the same time. A country with nuclear power still relying on horoscopes and astrology. hope those war heads don't fall into the wrong hands...

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