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Everything posted by rpgsearcherz

  1. I resolved the issue now.It turns out that it was related to the picture I embedded. Maybe the size of it or something.I just posted a new news article which pushed it off and now everything is fine!Back to working on functionality. Now I just need a community script and a Reviews one.
  2. Thanks all for your help! I'll worry about that later on. At the moment I'm more worried about features and getting everything up. I want to run Joomunity but I can't because for some reason or another once I install it I'm unable to CHMOD files and so I can't copy anything else over into those folders.That's my next step, followed by finding a "downloads" mod and a "Reviews" mod. By the way, does anyone know of either of those, or a community script that is kind of like joomunity?
  3. In the US it goes even farther than that. If you have your first aid certification then even if you *don't* admit it you would still be held liable for not helping. If you have your first aid certification and you DO help(because if you didn't it would be your fault) and they die, even if it is from something that you had no control over, you are still put at fault. That law just really...It traps those who have gotten their first aid certifications. It is more or less saying "If you don't help me, I'll sue you. If you do help me, I'll still sue you. Either way, you lose!" I find it just ridiculous how they set that up. I, for one, am quite happy that I can not be held liable for anyone, as I am not certified. As far as some things I heard, even passerby's can be held liable if they don't *attempt* to help as well. And again, if you do help and the person ends up "worse"(living instead of dead is "worse" I guess) then it's also your fault. These are things that yet again prove that our country is run solely on the thought of money. Were it not to be, we would not be in a state where we say "Hm, if I can get money out of you, I'll do whatever it takes. Thanks for saving my life, but screw you, your money belongs to me now!" I still can't quite understand that mindset. If someone was to save my life, I would be forever in their debt. Not the other way around. The scariest part about it is that so many people are hearing about these stories, that are true, I wonder what would happen if I was put in a situation where I could live or die depending on whether or not someone helped me. If these laws keep going on like this, I would be dead there with a guy thinking "If I save him, he may sue me." The sad part is that it's not even an "extreme" example. It's something that is going to happen more and more as time goes along if the issue isn't fixed.
  4. Phpnuke isn't a forum base, it is a CMS. It does have forums built in(phpbb) but it is primarily a system for content. I find Joomla to be much, much better though. So much more you can do with it, so many more things and options. Not to mention it looks better! The only issue I'm finding with Joomla are that two of the things I want from phpnuke aren't in it and I'm having issues finding addons... 1)A download list(people can list programs they like w/ a download link - freeware and stuff) 2)A way for people to review movies, games, etc. and post those on the site by themselves Those were two big parts of phpnuke that I miss, but if forced to I can live without them, .
  5. I love movies more than books...I just find that the ability to see people is much better.I am a very visual person. If I see something, I can remember it forever, but if I just read/hear it, I won't.So for me, videos and movies are a much better way of commiting things to memory, whether it be about books, or even related to learning/school.
  6. That's possible. Here is the picture showing my issue, . I wonder if there's a way to fix it for IE users as well. Most of my visitors have been using IE, so it is still quite a big deal to me.
  7. Ohhh, I know what you mean now. I saw that done with PHPBB3 before. I was actually wanting to use something like that as our website at first, thinking it was a CMS of some sort.Now that I know better, I'll pass, .
  8. When you're on the site normally it will look just like it should.Once you get it loaded up, click on "Home" under the nav bar and see if it doesn't push the article options off on the right side of the page.If it doesn't, I can also take a screenshot to better explain.
  9. Here is a weird issue that I have with one specific folder...Chmodding.The folder in question is created by joomla's Joomunity. More or less what the installer does is put all the files and folders on the server for you, and then you are supposed to also add some more files to those folders. The issue is that I am unable to CHMOD the files *or* the folders. So I am left unable to make any changes.The methods that I have tried using are FlashFXP and also straight through the cpanel.Does anyone have experience with that same program(joomunity) and/or have any of you others had the same issues regarding CHMOD's?Thanks in advance.
  10. Lol, I try to steer clear of Microsoft any chance I get.About it being easier to learn, that's a definite possibility. I haven't even looked into PHP coding to be honest. I need to though at some point, or ASP if they are really the same.
  11. Does anyone who uses ASP know what makes it better than PHP then? I'm just thinking if there's a free format that works just as good as the paid, why would anyone want to use the paid?Unless it's speed-related or something.
  12. Looking at this made me think of something regarding business. "It's not what you know, it's who you know."Now that saying comes from a more corporate culture, but regardless it fits into this.The reason is simple : You can have the best idea there is, but without someone willing to back you up on that idea, it will not be a reality.For a very, very strong example, look at Microsoft. Bill Gates was turned down many, many times on his idea for PC's. Everyone said it was worthless, would never catch on, etc.Was his idea bad? Far from it, as we can see today.Once he found someone who was willing to help him(IBM) bring his idea to life, he succeeded. His idea was the PC, his opportunity was IBM.On the other hand, there are many people who start up things that have already been thought of(think cars, social networking websites, PC repair companies, department stores, the list goes on and on) and are still successful. This is because it's the opportunity that matters the most.In terms of how I view opportunity, it is your ability to get your name out to the general public. A lot of things grow from word of mouth. There are many smaller companies that have thrived solely because they passed out the word of their business and others started using them and advertised via word of mouth as well.Of course you can always dispute my feelings by bringing up more situations that don't fall into the same category as I have set up, but at the same time, most of the successful businesses *are* due to opportunity, more than idea.
  13. Honestly, phpBB3 is the best one I've ever used, but I dislike how hard it is to add mods to multiple themes. There are a lot that require 15-20 mins of coding, PER mod. But as to whether or not it can hold up a nice community, definitely yes. There are very few differences between phpBB and Vbulletin, namely things like VB having a community script(like where you can friend people and create groups for them and whatnot). Aside from those things, phpBB can do everything you want, most likely. Not to mention it has a very large help base, however I have found it to be hard to get help for any issues that I've had. There are often new updates for the software, and to update it all you have to do is ftp the updates to your server and tell the forums to update! Very easy. Installation is easy and quick as well. I would suggest uploading the forum base to a subdirectory(much like I did for joomla, mydomain.com/joomla or for you yourdomain.com/phpbb) while you test it out and see how you like it. At one point I had 3 forum bases up while I compared the 3 together, and then once I decided on one(phpBB) I wiped all 3 and reinstalled the forums from scratch in /forums folder. This allows for a more hands-on approach to the various formats, how easy they are to use, etc.
  14. By portal do you guys just mean like a CMS? Or what exactly classifies as a portal?
  15. I'm asking here as I wasn't sure where to put this at, but technically it has to do with software(Joomla).On my page, next to the articles(on the right side) it has the options to edit, convert to pdf, etc. But on my page, they keep getting pushed way off on the right side, making the page look horrible.Does anyone happen to know how to resolve that issue, and put them back next to the title?It only happens on the main page, but if you go into any of the categories everything looks fine. As for the address - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Thanks in advance.
  16. Ah, I see where you're coming from now. And thanks for that information. I've ran into similar issues before where people ask "why?" and I don't know how to answer, .
  17. But how would wildcarding the domain help with that? Why not just put out 4 different sub-domains for it?Or do you mean a script that automatically translates it to the various languages? Like if you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it would show it in English, if you did http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it would auto translate to French, etc.?
  18. What are ASP and ASP.net? I saw that Visual Studio can write code for it, but I don't even understand what it is.And what can they be related to?(Like HTML, Java, etc.)
  19. Lol, I'm going to agree with you. It is pretty funny how many people cry about how others are failures and/or do things wrong, when they themselves make the same mistakes. I feel that if you are incapable of doing something correct (in this case grammar) you should not be putting down others for their inability to.
  20. Out of curiosity, what are you trying to use the wildcard domains for?
  21. Great information in that post. I did not know that there were two different ones. I have always related "daddy long legs" to the spider that has 3 foot long legs and everyone says "Don't worry about them" and picks them up. I would agree that they are toxic, but only if they can get the venom inside you. If people want to claim that they don't believe it and/or that it flat out isn't true, it is like saying "A loaded gun can not ever harm anyone" just because nobody is there to shoot it. But if it(the gun) had the method to fire, yes, it could be deadly. I relate the same to the spiders because although they are highly venomous, they do not have the method(shooter) to output the venom into you.
  22. Everyone always relates UFO's to being alien spacecraft.So in your view, what would be classified as a UFO then?Some would claim that the newest jets and planes in the Army would classify, but I disagree.I look at "UFO's" as being aliens from outer space. Is that not how everyone always talks about them when they report the ones that they supposably sighted? And along with that, there are numberous movies based on them as well.In terms of just agreeing that anything unclassified that is in the air could technically be considered as a "UFO" I agree. Anything more than that, I disagree.
  23. I would love to hear this as well, but also can you go more in depth and explain like how to script them?A site in question would be xxx.isgay.comIf you put "Bob.isgay.com" it would use his name in the script, for example.I would love to learn how to create these, if possible.
  24. Agreed. Instead of "Make a little money online" it should be "Gambling with a risk to win or lose money online." After all, that is exactly what this is about.
  25. I believe that it should be legal. Now, I personally do not smoke, and never have, but if you pay attention to the effects it is having on our government spending, you would also agree that it should be legalized.First of all are the hundreds of millions of dollars in anti-drug campaigns being put out every year.Second of all are all the people who are in jail and/or prison that we are paying to keep there.But why? Because they want to do something like smoke weed? Let's assume that we keep it illegal. Look how many are still doing it! We are PAYING to put some people, but not all, behind bars.How does that possibly make sense?
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