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Everything posted by Ouroboros

  1. Just wondering if anyone had used http://digg.com/ to help bring traffic to their website or blog? I had a lens that I just threw together over at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and after pinging it and all the other stuff, I still had very little traffic but after I added it to digg I got like 40 hits overnight.! I know that's not a lot but the lens itself isn't SEO optimized and is nothing special other than the hot topic. Almost 80% of my traffic has come from digg!
  2. I just got my hosting account yesterday and after getting everything set-up I was looking through the CPanel and the Fantastico package.With half a dozen choices for chat, bulletin boards and such, how do you determine which is best for each thing?I'm thinging of just using soholaunch and not bothering with most of that other stuff.
  3. The main reason that Honey never spoils is the high sugar content. Sugars inhibit the growth of most fungal and bacteriological agents and help to preserve the food (why do you think they call them strawberry preserves ?) Honey does however have some special properties that can't be attributed to the sugar content. There's been a lot of research lately into a type of honey found in New Zealand called Manuka honey that has some very promising properties. It seems this honey has a mysterious 'something' that makes it very effective when used as a wound dressing. They've used it with a lot of success treating the type of sores that diabetics develop. Not only does it seem to help cure this type of stubborn wound, but it is showing a lot of usefulness in treating staph infections that are resistant to antibiotics and it seems to be effective against the MSRA strain of staph infection. I'm working on a lens about it over at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ if you'd like to take a look. It's not done yet but it'll probably make you curious enough to do some research like I did. ouroboros
  4. I'm an Auto mechanic and I've seen these systems in the past.I had a homebrew system like this hooked up on my '69 Ford Truck for awhile before I swapped the carbs and it did seem to make a noticeable difference in the gas mileage but nothing like 30 mpg to 60! That's not very likely, especially on a newer car!These systems have very little effect on newer cars equipped with oxygen sensors, map sensors, etc.The sensors would detect the difference in A/F ratio and adjust the mix which tends to offset any mpg or performance gains.A better mod for OBDII cars would be to control the mixture by fooling the computer with an O2 sensor mod. You can intercept the signal coming from the oxygen sensor(primary) and adjust it to run slightly lean for better fuel economy and then enrich it when you need the extra 'oomph'.I wouldn't want to install one of these things on a customer's car because of the possibility of liability. I will however have another on the Truck because I like the extra mileage and the smooth performance. Once you crack the H20, you can vent the oxygen but I always just combined the two and took it in through the PCV valve hose. The slight amount of moisture produced when the mixture is ignited helps to cool and extend the flame and cuts down on ping.
  5. I surf with Firefox and IE and just recently added the Toolbar to the IE Browser.It's not all that but I do like the instant access to the google search, the pagerank and linkback functions let me do a quick evaluation of a site that I might want to compete with for a keyword.I use Firefox for gaming and anything else that might be a little dodgy.ouroboros
  6. I was looking at the widgetbucks site and it would seem that they have dropped the $25 sign up bonus as of today (Jan 15). They have also dropped the referrals for new accounts from 10% to 5% (apparently this doesn't affect those that were already members). So I guess I wish I had signed up earlier .Even with that said, I like the looks of their 'widgets' and I think I'll try them out. They claim to have 30,000 merchants and many are recognizable, solid businesses.I doubt I'll be the first to get paid but if I am I'll be sure to post my results good or bad.Ouroboros
  7. Your banner didn't work for me and I suspect it !No offense!
  8. Are their actual tutorials or programs out their that can help you to make money with Forex?I have seen this so many times, but have never seen a platform that would help you to figure this out?I understand a little about this as I used to trade spreads on commodities, but I would like to do this with currencies if there is something out there that would help me
  9. A bunch of my friends and I are playing this thing called Ogame.https://en.ogame.gameforge.com/ This is a game that operates in real time and takes months if not years to play!It's a lot of fun and I've been playing since August and have just now got enough fleet and research credits to start kickin some butt!It may not be your 'cup of tea' but those of us that play it call it O'crack!If you look at it and like it, maybe I can help you with it....
  10. There are a bunch of sites out there that will pay you to post articles, and the payment is supposed to be based on the quality of the article and the number of times it is downloaded. There are so many people trying to gain SEO credits for their websites or blogs that the quality of the articles is really pretty poor. I went to several of these sites and the quality of the posts left something to be desired. Like everything else in the world of SEO, people are so desperate to promote their site, blog, product, that they don't even use spellcheckers and tools that are readily available to help with their writing and posting. Helium is a bit better quality than the others, but don't expect something for nothing if you don't know how to write and post an article! http://ww42.leflora.com/
  11. Clickbank is touted by many as a way to make a lot of money online. My experience has been that by the time they add in a commission that would allow you to make a profit by advertising their products, the e-books or whatever are so over priced that no-one will buy them. Some of the clickbank products are priced reasonably and might be ok to advertise as an affiliate, but these are very few and require a lot of research to find and then promote. No offense, and I don't know which products you chose to promote, but clickbank is not the fortune making 'do all and end all' that it is promoted to be. I went to the clickbank site that came up highest in the google search and found that clickbank itself has not been updated for ages. The actual site that I found that had all the current clickbank offers on it was on page two or three of a search for 'clickbank' That in itself should tell you something!
  12. Google adwords is at best a tool for those with fully developed websites with a strong product that has already been tested by SEO optimization and a host of other promotional techniques. For someone unfamiliar with the system, the adsense program makes a lot more 'sense' You apparently were a victim of unrealistic expectations, would you care to tell us about your experience?
  13. If I had to buy a new car I'm really impressed with the new Chrysler 300's. Not exactly a hot rod, just a beautiful and functional car. Can you imagine one of those with the swing up doors and some really nice wheels and low profile tires!My actual favorite long term would have to be the Datsun and Nissan 280's and the 300ZX.I currently have a 1987 3000ZX with all the bells and whistles and have owned a '78 2+2, a '79 coupe, and an '82 2+2. Talk about a fun ride!
  14. If there is one single secret to making money online it is to work hard at your success. Unfortunately, hard work is the secret to accomplishing almost anything in life and it is no different when you're trying to establish your business on the Internet.It's true what they say about the Internet, it levels the playing field and makes it possible for a college kid to develop a website that can rival or outshine that of a multinational corporation. It's not what you know about fancy web desigh that will make the difference in whether or not you succeed, it's depends more on how much effort you are willing to put into it.There are millions of customers out there but there are also thousands of web sites and products competing for their attention. You can't just build a site once, present your product and hope for the best.You have to work hard at attracting visitors to your site, put effort into creating a site that they will want to buy from, and give them the kind of service that builds trust and satisfaction so that your customers will return and tell their friends.The good news is that the cost to attract customers via the Internet is much cheaper than any other way. The bad news is that you still have to treat it like a business and put in enough hard work to make it succeed.The Internet provides us with a marketing medium unlike any other that has existed before in history. An inexpensive way to present our product or service to the consumer with a virtually unlimited number of ways to advertise the item is a tremendous advantage over a brick and mortar storefront or the costs of direct mail advertising.The power of the web often lures people into the "something for nothing" or "make a million overnight" mentality when in reality you still have to work hard and treat it like a business to accomplish your goals.
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