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Posts posted by musicmaza

  1. It looks google has clearly won the competition and yahoo has has managed to achieve so less votes.So I think its clear now thats google is far more better search engine than yahoo and also others,no other search engine could match the speed of google seach and also no other search engine could also have so many services to provides besides providing a quality search. Google's really a great service.

  2. I don't know I have played need for speed hot pursuit 3 only.But I have even played a newer version of need for speed and thats need for speed underground 2.This is a great game and offers a lot of excitement.It includes nitrous,car modifications include neon lights,graphics include vinyls,decals,there is turbo and hydraulics upgradation too and even more.I would like to try need for speed carbon,need for speed most wanted and need for speed prostreet,these games are also good.

  3. I think the girl likes you too.But I really can't understand why that girl puts all her stuff and her feet on your desks,this girl seems to be unique.If I would be in your place then I would simply tell her that please kindly try to understand,this desk is though not owned by me,but I too want to keep my stuff on the desks,so can you please keep all your stuff on your desk and then say I think you can understand my problem my dear freind.

  4. Are you kidding,How can someone have a python as a pet,I don't think thats a wise thing to do.And its true python,crocs and komodo dragons are really scary and how can someone have a python as a pet,but it looks really interesting because this the first time I have ever known that someone has python as a pet.So I don't think I would ever have a python as a pet can't even think about it and I am serious of what I just said because pythin is really scary.

  5. Yes thats a good question .Indeed I too want to know if this is possible or not.My site uses the Microsoft office 2007 fonts and these fonts are not available on each and every computer till now,so I think most of the users aren't able to browse my site with the fonts which I have kept for the site.One Way I think could help is having a message at the top of the website that"To browse these site in cool fonts"click here",the link here you could give can be the fonts which you can upload to your account using file manager or an FTP Client,but this isn't good as their could be some copyright issues,so I think its better to teel the visitors that to browse the site in some cool fonts,kindly install or get the latest fonts

  6. Yes great goole tricks,I never tried that before and before opening the thread I thought these are just fake tricks..But after trying them I really enjoyed myself.I liked the bush one and also the result of google calculator.The Bushy trick was very hilarious.I would like these tricks to share with my friends,I am sure they would also enjoy these small but hilarious tricksOveralll this the funniest topic I have ever visited here. :)

  7. Well I was unable to understand your problem .If you please try to expalin it more then its good.But Why do you want to pay for a domain ,Xisto also provides free domain names ,you just need to get to 280 credits thats all but its difficult I know,I am trying to achieve that.If you can't wait for the domain then its good ,buy your domain from namecheap,its good or try yahoo domains

  8. These is a good email service which I would like to mention its Gawab.com,its been personally tried by me and has lot of features,you can have your own skins and a lot more here is a breif pointwise review of these email service provider.


    This email service offers you:->
    These are the account features:
    1.storage options for webmail

    2. Various Storage Options Web-Mail
    3.POP/SMTP Support
    4.High availability of user names
    5.Password Protections & Reminders

    These are the composing emailfeatures:

    1.Spell Checker
    2.Rich Text Format/HTML Support
    3.Arabic Virtual Keyboard
    4.Message Tracking/Email Signature
    5.Unlimited Attachments
    6.Reply to Features

    These are features are related to spam protection and email recieving features:

    1. Spam & Virus Protection
    2.Automatic Spam Redirection
    3.Email Filters/Email Blocking
    4.YahooGroups.com Management
    5.Auto-Responders/Vacation Replies

    Others features include:
    Usability & Customization Features

    1. 15 Different Themes
    2. 14 Different Languages
    3.Worldwide time zones
    4.Hijri/A.B Calendar
    5.Email Sorting criteria
    6.Choose Number of Emails per view

    More & More & More & More ..

    1.External POP Emails Collector
    2. Hotmail Accounts Collector
    3. Folder Management
    4.Email Searching
    5.Address Book

  9. Yes neurologists have made even further studies by now in this field.And Mice-testing revealing that they developed some new cells in the dentate gyrus was helpful,but I think a more detailed study about the fact that excercise can help rebuild memory has to be done.I too think excercise keeps physically fit as well as mentally fit and good excercise should be done by everyone to maintain a good mental and physical health.Well If this studies are true and detailed,then it would be great for me as I do regular excercise jogging,playing football,cricket and volleyball,that means that would not only help me in maintaining my physical health but also mental health.Thats good then I must be building up my memory too and soon I would a sharp memory.sorry for the double posts I did that by mistake ,I actually by mistake ,not knowingly clicked that submmit button and then I posted another topic,so please delete that above one.

  10. Online education helps,but I am both in favour of it and in against of it.If I talk in favour of online education then I would say that it may be a good idea for future and I think many online educating companies or organisation provides good and animated tutorials for learning,and these improves 3D imagination and has lot more positive aspects.Also if someone lives in some remote area where there are no good teachers available or where there is no good teaching then online education can be good in those cases I think.Online education also saves a lot of time as there is no need to go to tuitions or even if online education is taken more seriously then there is no need to go to schools also.Nowadays I see and I myself experience then a lot of time is wasted in going to schools and tuitiond for studying and thus there is less time for self studies,so in these case online education can be important for me.But If I talk in against of online education,which I could also have tried a long back,I think that taking education is good in many aspects but its one of the greatest negative aspects is that it hampers the growth of a child in terms of interactions and also affects the social life because if one goes to schools then there are lot of friends around and thus there is a healthy social circle.Taking education has got another negative impact on the child that he/she remains in home for a long time and thus these may affect him/her mentallySo I think that online education should be taken only if it is not possible to go to schools to one reason or the other.But it should be avoided when there are good schools around.

  11. Hi any C++ programmer want to share C++ programs,then post the code here.But it would be good if the programs are not too long.So only short programs.


    But post that code in bbcodes-don't forget that.


    Anyone who doesn't understand any programs that are posted can take any help here in this thread.


    Heres one :


    This is a program using class:


    #include<iostream.h>class sum{private:int a,b,c;public:sum(){a=5,b=6;}sum(int x,int y){a=x,b=y;}void get(){cin>>a>>b;}void calc(){c=a+b;cout<<c;}};void main(){sum s1,s2(2,3),s3;s1.calc();s2.calc();s3.get();s3.calc();}

  12. I am too sad now because these snoring problem has started occuring to me also.Its now not long since I have developed these habbit.I am 17 now and I have started snoring from the pervious month.Its really not good for me and also for those who are near me,my friends when come to my home and then if I am sleeping,then they would make fun of me.I asked my parents about the problem,they said its due to ageing and it occurs only when you get too tired.But i think that it because I have inherited the snoring problem from my dad,who also snors.Whatever the reason be I will try to control it or take the help of some doctor,bcause I dislike snoring indded I think everyone who snors dislikes to have such a problem

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