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Posts posted by musicmaza

  1. I have never tried to leave my computer on for a such a long time.But one of my friend did that,first he had no problems but later his computer started working slow.According to me the computer need to be turned off so so that it also gets some relaxation time as we do that by having a nap.I would never try that,because I think the computer can get blown off and after that I am dead because my parents wouldn't like to have a blown off computer and also there is a risk to other household appliances.

  2. I would not be the one to enroll my name here,thats because I tried dating through internet but the outcome was nothing.We two developed good relationships,But after a while there was no response from the girl.After that I hate Internet dating.I think till you don't meet the right person and trust you shouldn't take a step forward.Thats all I have learnt from my past relations...........

  3. Sounds like a great experiment.But for me its not good as I can't stay even 5-6 hours without cellphones.There a part of my life.It might be because I recieve calls from my friends and girlfriends......,or it may be due to my gaming skills.Yes its true I like playing games on my laptop and also on my cell phone and windows phone(my baby)...There are lot of good games for mobile phones but I still love to play that old snake game but its new version.Not forgetting to mention I also like to chat through my cellphone when I am not at home.So you can see a week without a cellphone for me is a year without a cellphone.Can't do anything without them,these gadgets offer so much.

  4. Yes these games are goodI personally like action games like:1.dragonball z mugen edition2.project IGI ,both the editionsand also strategy games like:1.Age of empires2.Rise of nations,these games are good for timepass but it really takes a long time to finish them off without the cheat codes

  5. Freewebs is good for beginners or novice site builders.My personal thinking about freewebs is that its features are all good except that it has no my sql ......but it allows you to only add 20 pages,this is where freewebs fails..if it offers its users to add more pages then it would have been good.I actually wanted to add the 21st page but a popup came telling you cannot add more than 20 pages...this annoyed me , after then I left freewebs,then went to wordpress ...and finally found a fantastic free webhosting provider,none other than Xisto :)

  6. Well I have never got anything from santa :( but if snata is really somewhere there,and is seeing this thread....then I would request him to give something.Well the of things I want is huge but I would only want santa to give two thing:1.First of all give me the same parents to me in my next birth,because I love them very much.2. Second Give me all new Nissan Skyline-fully modified , because I just love drifting which I haven't done yet but want to do it seriously.Please santa I haven't recieved anything form you from the past 17 years ,please fullfill my wish this year. :)

  7. I am against Abortion because its true its a kind of murder.The children are god gifted ,indeed there are close to god,therefore killing a chil means is to give pain to god as well,therefore I am strictly against abortion.It shouldn't be done Whatever the matter be.A practise of killing the girl child is even worse.People still follow this practises,and i am against it.Girls and boys should have equal rights. :)

  8. Yes those are really good photos.But I would suggest you one thing that please change your current Avatar....My nets connection is slow.It really takes a lot of time to that avatar there. :)You may try to replace with the one you have at your site.........Anyways those were good pics.

  9. I was also fooled by one such free web hosting.It was freewebs What had gone wrong was that freewebs actually allow you to add only 20 pages after that you if you try to add more pages it give an annoying popup saying that "No more pages could be added",that was really annoying for me as I had built a good website and after I had made 20 pages I wanted to add more :fart:.


    For me after this experience freewebs is the worst. :)

  10. Yes different people have got different opinions about dinosaurs and some say they never existed..its their idea.But I think Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago,though I haven't seen them but I believe in them.They vanished when a huge meteorite struck the earths surface,due to which there was a huge destruction.But I think whatever happened was good as if dinosaurs haven't died then we couldn't have been on this planet earth :) ..though I feel sorry for them too. :(

  11. Its just WOW and congrats microsoft team to launch internet explorer 7.There are some great changes from the previous versions.I liked the tabbed browsing and I think internet explorer is very near to firefox and opera in terms of speed browsing.I think internet explorer tries and perhaps I think even manages to match the speed of these two popular web browsersI thank the microsoft team to launch such a good web browser again making impact in the world of web browsers :)

  12. Well its right that opera has got torrent support but i like to use internet explorer instead of opera.I am currently using internet explorer 7.0...its fast and tries to match the speed of opera.I used opera once ,but I had some problem while I was trying to open some sites using opera,therefore I switched my browser to internet explorer 7.0...this explorer just rocks as I can every site with thisBut I still want to use opera instead of internet explorer ...This is because it has torrent support and more to offer..but with opera there,s some script error and therefore I cannot use opera :)

  13. I used opera a while ago ,but I like firefox more instead of opera.Though opera is good ,but I had some problem in opening some sites by using opera.The problem was with sripts,I still don't know what was the cause of it..this is because I still like to use opera instead of firefox..but I cannot. :)

  14. My favourite football team is Asenal and to some extent Manchester united too.Though I think Arsenal hasn't got players like thierry henry any more but I think its a promissing team.Its players like adebayor,rosiscky are its future.But sometime I want thierry henry back to team.Mnchester united on the other hand has got many good players.I think arsene wenger should buy a great player now otherwise arsene wenger's team and my favourite team will have some hardtimes in future.So I think why arsene wenger doesn't buys players like Ronaldinho and others...I don't know but low budget could be the possible reason for this :P

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