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Posts posted by musicmaza

  1. Great design and I think the borders are allright and it seems the image is perfect.I don't know designing that much but with a little knowlege I can't find any problem with your design,its looks perfect to me. :)

  2. It seems that Ubuntu is a great operating system.But I don't have a fast internet connection and I am thinking to a request a CD of it for free,but is it safe because I have first time seen a company or an individual providing a CD and also its shipment for free.I don't know, but is the delivery safe and would it cost anything extra for shipment.

  3. Yes it really helps,I also take its help to find the meaning of difficult words.Well theres another nice dictionary you can have and its "word web",this dictionary you can have downloaded in your computer and then you can find the meanings of difficult words and it also gives internet service.
    You can download from here. Word Web

  4. Well it seems amazing to me,as I myself haven't tried to build my own computer,But I know a lot about computers and SM is right the parts of computer like processor,hard-drive ,CD-ROM are missing out from you design.Well I want to congratulate you for building your own computer.So do you want to become a computer or hardware engineer in your life because you have a great passion of building computers,it semms to me. :)

  5. I actually don't use fruity loops,but I have heard about it from my friends.I will learn it from my friend and then would surely post here to help you and I would also keep searching on the net for tutorials about using this program and also about other programs providing a similar kind of service. :)

  6. Yes its true that citizens are not responsible for any political issues.And George Bush is according to me he is not fit to compete even in elections,this because,the disasters that Bush did in Iraq was really cruel.It was really cruel for the citizens of Iraq.Yes I understand That the American people shouldn't be hated but the world would continue to hate because of presidents like George bush,It is him Who made America so cruel and that's the reason why now everyone hates America.Its because whenever the name of Bush would come,the name of America would surely come and thus the American citizens are included.But I think we don't need to hate the Americans :( ,though we must hate george Bush for all his mischiefs that he did in Iraq :)

  7. al Qaida said that it did not do itmaybe the current president did it
    because he benefits whith it

    yes I thought the same,I really can't understand what the current president wants-First he called an emergency and then he may have killed Benazir Bhutto.I think he just was afraid of loosing his throne to Benazir Bhutto

  8. I love football.I just like to watch each and every match of Manchester United.My favourite player is Ronney who is considered as short tempered,but everyone forgets about the fouls which he commmits due to angerness.Ah I love him,he's really cute and one day I would like to meet him in person.Ronney's is one of my favourite players but other players from manchester United like Chritiano Ronaldo(I like him for his dribbling abilities and also his ability to take a brilliant free kick) and Rio ferdinand for his defence.My favourite league is ofcourse English premier league.I actually want to see Manchester United to win all the times,here I am a little bit mean for my favourite team.Other sport which I like is cricket.I am a big fan of cricket,though I am pretty bad at playing cricket,so I just Like to watch it live in the ground or on televisions.Since I am an Indian,therefore my favourite team is team India.Sachin tendulkar,Sorav ganguly,Rahul dravid,VVS laxman are the good senior players,bu they fail at some crucial stages of the match.I like younger players like Yuvraj,Mahendra Singh Dhoni,Akash Chopra,Gautam Gambhir more than the senior players.And I think no sport fan must have forgottn Yuvraj Singh's six sixes in a over.Isn't that really cool,Only the seventh or eighth player to do such a sort of thing.I was really happy when The Indian team brought the twenty-twenty World-cup to India.Actually I like sports too much and it doesn't only provides enjoyment but its good for health too.My other Favourite sports include-Hockey(I like to watch the Premier hockey league),Basketball(My favourite is new york yankees and dallas too).This Were my fvourite sports pretty long list,thats because I cannot have just one sport as my favourite,I love all of them.Each and every sports offer you some enjoyment and also there's excitement in all the sports. :)

  9. Oh I think its really cool to have outer space on google earh.And also when I was seeing those pics of outerspace,you could have the names of many planets and stars,thats really great.Google keep on improving their service as now with google earth we could even have the images of outer space.For me It was an amazing experience to have a look at outerspace as I am more indulged in studying physics and the planets,stars,meteorites always fascinates me. :)

  10. Yes its true,All the muslims are not bad,every one is not bad ,but guys like Al-Qaida aren't good.I think that they shouldn't harm so many people.But who can make terrorists like Al-Qaida understand,they just like killing other people.Well I understand your problem and I think its really bad that some people think that all the muslims are bad.Due to terrorists like Al-Qaida,people think that all the muslims are bad .And also there have been rumors that Al -qaida was responsible for the death of Benazir Bhutto .,its really bad to kill such a great political leader.

  11. Wow that seem really amazing and wonderful,but I feel that this can be fake too.So digging a sword out of the ground and then increasing the power.it seems to me as if its fake.And I have been playing this game everyday and I didn't knew about this,this is not possible that I cannot know about such tricks.And the trick that you can control both zelda and shiek at the same time,hehe its fake,I myself have found some tricks which are tested by me and I like only those tricks,my friends also make me fool by giving me some absurd tricks,now I am used to this and I don't try anyonemore tricks.But if its true then its really amazing and I would want to try it,afterall gamers like me don't want to loose any oppurtunity in trying out new tricks. :)

  12. oh thats nothing .the expression goes something like this:a=(++x)+(x++),now here x is initially 10, what I want to ask is the outcome of this expression.It would be also good if you can give me any information about postfix and prefix operations like their precedence and other facts,I really find it difficult to calculate when such expressions are used in a classI don't know but I think that is it true that at someplaces the value of such expression changes due to "change in instance",I have such change in values when they are used in a class.

  13. yes its really true hotmail has really made a mess with the new change.It hate it ,and i don't liked that we could have only 20 messages per page and not 50 messages per page.I think hotmail shouldn't change or upgrade its service so hurriedly,the service should also think about the user needs or requirements.I really looking forward for the next upgradation,and just hoping that my needs gets fullfilled in the next upgradation.Hey I also cannot find a way to change new version of hotmail to old version of hotmail.But I really liked the cool hotmail service,with this service you can have so many different types of Email ID's. :)

  14. Wow pretty big post .I actually don't have the game but is the game available for download on the internet.I like to actually know about new games and try them out.Well are these cheats working and by the way I have ART MONEY and I want to use it for fifa 06,so can I use it.And by the way the links which you provided for artmoney and CE are really dead. :)

  15. Smoking cigarettes is really dangerous for health,it may even kill you.It has some negative impacts like skin cancer.As prevention is better then cure,therefore I want to congratulate you for leaving cigaratte,as it may have negative impact on your health or could have even killed you.

    So I want to congratulate everyone who has managed to leave cigaratte through this topic and I would request everyone who takes cigarettes to leave it as I have myself seen many lives and their families getting ruined.

    And also taking cigarettes not only effects the smoker but also has a negative impact on the people who are near the smoker.And I know its difficult but should every smoker should atleast try leaving smoking for once,like "internal" has tried and also has succeded.

    I would like to say in the end that"SAVE YOURSELF AND SAVE OTHERS".

  16. Seems good,I have never tried earning money by just uploading files,but I think once your files the sever on which you upload don't popular then you cannot earn much money.But its not impossible to make those files popular with the help of social networking sites like orkut,myspace and many more.But this takes time and I don't prefer to earn money in this manner.

  17. Previous year I celebrated the new year with my family in brazil.This year I have got no better ideas because I and my girlfriend just got separated .Otherwise I was looking for a party with my girlfriend at a night club.Well I am just left with the idea of having a new girlfriend.What do you think?

  18. It takes a lot of hard workmand dedication to loose weight but if one is determinant then he/she can loose the easily.Being overweigt or obesse is a great problem but there are various ways of controlling weight like1.jogging,this is the most common way of loosing the weight,you can go for a walk or jog in the morning and evenings.You have to be regular and then you would notice the outcome in 6 months,if you are regular.2.Another way of loosing weight is through doing yoga,these days most of the obesse people are adopting this method.Its a little bit hard to do,but if done with sincereness then can have a positive impact.3.Yet another way of loosing weight is by going to gyms and doinging regular excercise,this helps to loose weight as well as it helps in maintaing a good physic,this way is personally tried by me and it really helps.4.If you cannot go to gyms then you can do a little bit of excercise by learning it from your other family members or neighbours or just by watching on television.BUT I wouldn't recommend you these as it could be dangerous,so try this at your own risk.Its better you take the help from a well learned person or otherwise it could be dangerous.

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