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Posts posted by strange-garden

  1. Ok, I don't know how to say this without sounding racist but...I'm not surprised it was aboriginals. I new they'd be drunk, but I thought it'd have to be a group of people who are sensitive to alcohol.I find it funny that they get angry when the government tries to stop rape and alcohol abuse in their communities...But if anything like that ever happened to one of them (those brutal beatings), they'd be in tears and say that it was all white people's fault for introducing alcohol in the first place.

  2. "Personal StatementtRUST NObODY, LOVE EVERYONE..!*MOTiVATiON ANd HOPE iS WHAt KEEPS ME ALiVE..!*hATERS ARE WHAT MOTiVATES ME, ANd MY HOPE COMES fROM MY dREAMS..! Visit My Website Personal InfoQueenBeeNewbie18 years old Female ATLANTA, GEORGiA Born July-4-1989 "Thanks, 'bub'.

  3. I hate drama queens and people who crave attention...Like those girls who go to websites that are mostly populated by guys and they try to grab attention by writing signs on their boobs, or by showing off photos of themselves. They're usually not attractive anyway. Most of the time they're fake anyway and usually have willies.I hate anime. Unless it's porn. and I hate women who pay men money to marry them so they can get out of a country they hate.

  4. Honestly, not as much as I should. I'm really into swimming and I could probably do a lot more swimming but lately I've been a bit lazy. I'm one of those people that can start swimming at 8:00a.m. and not have a break until 5:00p.m. (when I start to get hungry again lol) so I can pretty much go for as long as I want and not get tired. I'm sure there's a limit to how much I can swim, but i haven't found that limit yet. We have a 14 metre pool and one week I just went nutts with swimming my week went like this:Monday: 200 lapsTuesday: 300 lapsWednesday: 700 laps.Thursday: 100 lapsFriday: 100 lapsI think I was busy on the weekend and the following week I started back at school, so I didn't get to swim anymore. I want to be one of those people who swim long distances...Like across channels and stuff. That'd be awesome.

  5. They don't have big teeth though, right?I think they're adorable. I want one. Remember when those wollemi pine things were discovered? The trees dinosaurs used to eat? I have two of those! I am using one as a christmas treet right now! The other one is a lot smaller and is outside in the cold. I would rather be outside then be covered in tinsil and candy caines...Oh wait...

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