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Posts posted by strange-garden

  1. Having a DS and a Wii is even better. They are currently working on getting more connectivity between DS and wii and they are working on getting downloadable demos through your wii for your DS, so you will have a blast connecting your DS and wii together in the near future as well. I heard you can even use the DS as a controller for the new pokemon game too. So you will definitly have a blast with your new system.

    pokemon arena?


    I have that, and all of the games too...It's not fantastic. Im a huge pokemon fan (how embarassing) and I didn't find it that fantastic. I played it twice since i got it.

  2. I don't think it's worth itI have a Wii, and they don't play DVD's, did you know that? Well, mine doesn't anyway. The only game I have that is good makes the Wii run loudly, and it crashes sometimes. 2 of the wii remotes we have had, have broken and nintendo refused to help me until i put highgrade batteries in them to test them...I had energiser ones in.the wii remote is badly designed, and it is really hard to get a descent reception from the wireless bar thingy....It is also hard to play without sitting up straight...so no more laying down while playing a game.to be honest with you, i hate nintendo. almost every nintendo product I;ve bought has been faulty, besides the games. My DS has a broken pixel in it, and customer service said they couldn't replace it unless there were more than 1...They also advised me that the broken pixel would fix itself in 3 weeks time...Funny how thats the time when the warrenty ran out. I wrote to them asking if they would replace the products as they're under warrenty and they told me that if they wanted to, they could charge me for it if they dont feel the problem was big enough.I couldn't take that risk, I also had to pay for the postage and stuff, no recovery bag.I waited in cue for 48 minutes to get through to a customer service rep, and she had no idea what she was doing...the remotes were broken and she wanted me to do some syncing excersises....I did that for 15 minutes until i finally told her that she didn't know what she was doing. I asked to speak to a supervisor, because she was being so rude to me, and she told me that she didn't want to put me through.Just goes to show that they can;'t even manage to get the customer service side right. theyre a cruddy company.

  3. You know what, I'll be honest...I don't give a rats *bottom* about global warming. I make turning lights off a habit because it costs money, I don't use my car much because it's expensive and the train system sucks, and I don't waste water because there's a drought on.I do all of these things and don't even think about it, because I care more about money than the environment. I predict that not believing in global warming will also become a trend, and maybe result in catastrophe...It also might not. Either way I don't want to be smelling fumes and all of that stuff all the time. It makes me sick. I'm a selfish *BLEEP* and I like it that way.

  4. I guess you kind of have to experience it yourself to understand.Sometimes people feel so much pain that they can't stand living anymore. Sometimes the only escape from torture is to end their own lives. And I don't believe in hell.A friend of mine from work killed herself a few months ago, and she was religious...She seemed like such a happy girl. She believed in god, and she didn't exactly kill herself over anything (from what I'm aware of). I didn't believe it when she died...Until I went to her funeral. It makes me wonder whether or not she was having mmoney problems that she couldn't escape.

  5. heywell the diet is basically about losing weight, i don't think its suitable for body building (because there's no emphasis on protein or anything)
    anyway its mostly about weighing the food you eat and being consistent...
    what is nice is that you can eat almost everything...
    and the diet changes according to how much weight you wanna lose...its divided into three groups and gets easier as you lose weight...

    Sorry but I wasn't implying it was for bodybuilders.

    It sounds like weight watches.

  6. Hypnosis will only work for a short period of time, but if you feel like it will work for the time needed, then go for it.As her husband you need to understand that sometimes being a women isn't easy. We suffer from PMS and a bunch of other crap that isn't pleasant. If she needs something done, then offer to do it for her. Just give your all to help her stay calm. and if she does have a panic attack, just hold her and tell her nice things, don't talk about anything stressful and stroke her hair, eventually she'll calm down.

  7. Ok, I'm the worst cook in the world, but this week I stayed with my boyfriend and learnt to cook. I tried these things called corn fritters, they're soooo yummy but you have to be careful not to use much oil, or keep the oil hot or it ruins it.2 egg whites, beatenpinch of salt addedadd 2 tblsp of flour (it doesn't matter which kind)and a tin of creamed corn. mix it al together and fry in oil in a frypan. It's so nice.

  8. Ok, I'm a girl and I'd like to just say that the only women I would ever vote for president would be Ms Clinton. I'm also not American so my opinion doesn't count. But women have a lot of faults, as do men, but unfortunately unless they're on steroids, they'll always have PMS and get emotional at one stage. I respect Hil though because her husband is a sleeze and she kept it together. I think Bill was an awesome President and he'd play a big part in it if Hillary is elected.I'm also ignorant in the fact, as I don't follow American politics that much, so I'm basing my opinions purely on what I've seen on TV and from what I've read. From what I've SEEN and heard she sounds like a strong women. I don't much about the campaignes, but if I did I'm almost positive it would have an effect on my opinion.

  9. granted you may not be a weirdo, but you got to agree that was a weird answer...am reading this for the third time and I still can't understand some of those things you said...exactly how useful is a $2 dollar bill in a one dollar store??
    and I think QueenBee was talking about strange garden in her last msg *-)

    She thinks I'm weird because I'm not a drug taking, alcoholic loser who socialises on new years day and forgets everything the next day. Because apparently thats 'fun' and the cool thing to do.

  10. I don't know but you need to stop bugging me. If you don't like drugs and alcohol...GOOD FOR YOU!!! But you don't need to rub it in my face and preach to me. Now go stalk someone else you weirdo!


    [hr=noshade] [/hr]

    Well I won't be turning into a Jamie Lynn Spears any time soon, but you know today's society is very immoral when it comes to sex. But I guess you're right. :)


    Notice from truefusion:
    Merged. Please use the edit feature rather than double posting. The posts were 4 minutes apart.
    Wow, you are really annoying. Last night you were the only person on hense why ~I~ was the only person replying to your thread. I went to your Xisto profile, and that makes me a stalker? lol, ok.


    Don 't flatter yourself.

  11. That is very cool, and yeah i would be interested too to see if this person teaches classes for this stuff. I don't know if I would have the patience for it though.
    I wonder if those ones were sold, they would definately be sold for alot. I wonder how durable they are though and what kind of paper they used :) haha It would suck to spend a whole lot of money on something and then step outside and have a small breeze blow it apart. haha :(

    Did you just google those pictures???

    lol yep, just did google image search. They're not by the same artist though, and i think the dragon is probably made out of a bunch of other things besides paper.
    I'm going to try and re-create that dragon today. I have a 21st birthday party tonight so I might give it away as a gift =D

  12. There are a lot of things that piss me off... The difference is whether they piss me off, or whether they just annoy me a little bit... Whether that is a difference or not...
    Anyway, what pisses me off, recently anyway, is my sister...

    She's younger than me by a year, but she treats me as if I'm stupid and... well, dumb basically. She's really condescending, patronizing, it's just... it pisses me right off..

    The other is my mother. I love her and all, but she really pisses me off. I seem to never satisfy her, because she's always picking up my bad faults. She has to check up on me, in case I'm doing anything wrong. Then, she also says lots of rubbish like, if you never find a man, you can never be happy, I mean, what the hell?

    People who use chat speak or text speak on the computer. I mean, you don't do it in real life, so why do it here? Just because they're lazy to actually type the whole word. I mean, if you can't type fast enough, learn. If you're too lazy, don't bother at all.

    Another thing, people both on the internet and personally, people who crave attention because they're scared to find out what it's like to be alone. I mean, they always have to be the centre of attention. If someone's stealing their thunder, they ... well, they're up themselves basically. I mean, they think they're so cool, when they're going to be the ones working on the streets.

    People in school, when they think it's alright to strut around the school as if they own the place. People who laugh at you because of your own individuality. They look down on you if you don't wear make-up or roll your skirt up so it practically shows your butt.

    People who also think that they cannot possibly live if they don't have any contact with the opposite gender, I mean, what the hell?

    Oh, another thing. When people always want to beat you at something. They keep asking for your exam or test score. If they've got higher than you, they're all smug, because they've reached the "top"

    People who don't appreciate good talent, and who think, playing the piano is geeky and dorky.

    *sigh* A lot of things piss me off, and it's mainly about people...

    Oh, also, when people are prejudiced, whether it's your race, or your actions, or your intelligence. When they just label you off immediately without knowing your personality at all.

    Drama queens, yeah I have to agree with the people above as well. I mean, we don't need to hear your voice right across the room. If there's a wasp, people just shriek and scream and jump about. I mean, if you stay still, it'll soon leave you. Man, it gives you the impression that they've never seen one.

    When people are rude to you, when you need help. When you need support and people just back-hand you as if you were asking for it.

    Rich people. Well not all rich people. But rich people who spend all their money on stuff that they don't need. Throwing parties fit to hold over 1000 people, and basically getting drunk every night when people are starving and living in the streets. You don't actually need the stuff, and poverty is still around. Those people are the ones condemning them to death.

    The economy, that's another thing. Where you have to give up something you love so that your family can live, whereas all the people who can afford, spend it on junk.

    Oh and music, which isn't actually music, but in fact, screeching and gawd knows what.

    When your friends say that they'll always be there, but they leave you the second you need support.

    Did I say people who take things for granted? That as well. I mean, people who take their senses and body parts for granted. I wonder what they'll be like if they put themselves in someone's elses shoes who has lost their eye sight, or their leg.

    That's about it... I think... Basically, a lot of things... mainly about people... But this is what the world has come to today. *shrugs*

    Your mum hassles you about finding a man? lol. That must be so annoying. You will find one though. You sound like you have a cute personallity and you're not affraid to be yourself.
    There was a time in my life (when i was about 15) when my family thought I was a lesbian, and my mum kept nagging me to talk to her about it. She didn't believe me when I said I wasn't ahahaha. I'm not though, she knows now though because I've had two very serious relationships with guys. she always asks how me and my boyfriend are going though, it's really annoying...she's been the cause of a lot of fights btween him and me and my mum actually told my boyfriend (and i heard the yelluing from upstairs) that I'm not right for him...Yet, when we went to family counsilling my mum said "omg they're like souol-mates"...I wish she would make up her mind.
    she's the biggest drama queen i know.
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