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Posts posted by strange-garden

  1. I don't think there's 'life' after death. Death is death, if there was life then it wouldn't be death.I don't believe in heaven, I do however believe in a chemical reaction released in your brain when you die that makes you experience heaven-like emotions and feelings...And because you're half dead, you have no recolection of time or space, making it seem like an eternity.

  2. Wow... Amazing. Is that really from one single peace of paper??? Or did they use many and glued them or something? It definitely took somebody a whole lot of time to complete that dragon, it truly is an art masterpiece.

    I'd say they were bending the rules quite a bit for these, especially the dragon. I'm thinking the scales on the back were a result of special shaped scissors stuck on a long piece of paper.

    i only wish there were instructions which came with the photos. that dragon looks awesome, and it would be as awesome to recreate it myself as well. ei, strange-garden, if you ever succeed in recreating the dragon, i hope you document the step-by-step steps (:)) and post a tutorial about it. looking forward to it!

    Sure. I think it'll be a lot easier than it looks, to be honest with you. But I think you need a special type of scissors to do the dragon, they have them a fabric store 45 minutes fom I live...So we'll just see what happens, eh =)
    Notice from rvalkass:

    Merged double post. Remember, you can use the edit button to add to a previous post.

  3. My dad went to America and when he came back I asked him what the people there were like.lol his reply was so funny, "fat, cocky, annoying, they have good music in chicago though, but christ their egos and personallity are irritating".He hated Germany too, though, said they speak too loudly.LOL, my boyfriend's family is German, it would've been funny if we had've invited his grandma and grandpa to dinner...They're deaf so they speak extra loudly too.

  4. What do you expect? You're wearing a symbol that represents Satan lol.They may not be looking at you that way because you're a 'goth', they may be looking at you because you look lame. No offense, but I've never found goths scary or intimidating...I just think they look like tacky poses that try too hard, so don't kid yourself.I've been labled goth before because of my long black hair, naturally reddish lips and my pale skin, also because I wear dark eyeliner when I go out...I honestly like my look, I mean...I got my boyfriend from it haha.

  5. I honestly wish sometimes that I had a brother who cared enough about me to want to stop all of the problems in my life. But I don't. My situation is a little bit different than your sisters, but I wish that my family were normal and atleast tried to help me.You sound like you really care about you sister, and not just that, it seems like you care about your family too. Your sister is lucky to have you there for her.

  6. As it would appear that you did not read a few more of the posts, the design is now actually in use... I didn't even use any slices... no tables, its <div> tags... my first time using no tables might I add....
    If you thought the screen shot was made in photoshop, it was not.... I made the big 300x600 head image in photoshop, put it on an html page, made some content areas and then took a screen shot...

    On a note about slicing: it sucks........

    yeah, reading sucks.
    I love slicing. Only because I suck at coding ahaha. I'll keep with graphic design, I think.

  7. Sweetheart, it's not because they think people agree with their government.What is funny is that Americans can't even think of possibly another reason why the world hates them lol. They think they're perfect, they're cocky towards the rest of the world, they think they're the middle of the universe just because their country has a lot of people in it.If I went to America I'd be like 'meh', but if I went anywhere else I'd think it was fantastic. Same with Americans. they all want to go to Australia and pat kangaroos and stuff. The country isn't beautiful or magnificent, or fun...It's mediocre...and they still think that they live in the best place in the world lol. They named New York the best city in the world...What about all of the rude pricks telling you to eff off while asking for directions.I could go on and on about all of this, but there's no point. They'll always think they're top of the world.

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