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Everything posted by de4thpr00f

  1. I must ask if it has anything to do with parallel computer.Cause if it does it's being used for years and it's not news.To answer anwiii question:Think like a lan, you can change files between computers, right?With parallel computing you can use the hardware of other computer, like ram, like processor.So you have 10 computers, each one with 1gb of ram, that makes 10gb to 1 computer with parallel computing.It's used for very difficult maths, like calculate the velocity of wind. You need a very precise computer.That's the main idea. But still, i don't get it how it's relatedwith asp.net or vb.net :\
  2. Hi i'm from Portugal, we speak portuguese in here =P, i can speak portuguese, italian, spanish, french (not to much) and english. i learned english at school but i apply it much more over internet. And i think it's a basic language compared to french or portuguese. But at the same time it can be hard to express yourself.Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  3. OMG. Who's this guy? The owner of C or something? I need to try this code. If you are getting errors, maybe your source of the article made some mistakes And that code is harder to read than assembly =/Did you try to search google this?Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  4. I'm having these problems. I've noticed that it's more frequently if i'm uploading something to the server an want to surf at the same time. Anyway 2 sec later it's solved :)Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  5. To install mods on smf go to admin panel (on smf) select 'packages' after select 'download packages' and upload the zip file just like you did on themes. When file uploaded press '[ Apply mod ]', if no error showed press install and enjoy the mod. To install new themes, you don't need to remove the none.Just follow the steps.1 more thing.You need to learn about ftp, the file manager on cpanel isn't a good choice. Search for Ws-Ftp or CuteFTP, or WiseFTP.Good luck~Jo?o Lopes
  6. I can't thank you for the tutorial. Cause you use paint if you wish, but thank you very much for the font.It's awesome Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  7. Dreamweaver is good, but the best solution is notepad You need to have some knowledge about html, css and php (if you want).With those programs that do everything for you, you'll not learn anything, and if an error occurs you probably don't know how to fix it.So for me the best program is notepad or wordpad, as you wish :DGreetz~Jo?o Lopes
  8. Can you guys tell me what exactly IPB support? I mean, what it has without mods.The poor features i found was for PHPBB, they have a lot of mods, but they are too incompatible with others, and the installation of mods, it's not the best.Sometimes in php you really need to change the source, but there are lot's of ways to do it, including write a script that allows changing in source.That's a great feature i found at SMF, and it also has almost everything without mods.I didn't feel like a new topic to this matter should be created, so if you want to reply i'll thank you, otherwise let him go...Thanks in advanceGreetz~Jo?o Lopes
  9. This is nice, thank you very much for the contribution.Maybe you can post some tutorials too...Or don't but can you post some referrals?Thanks in advance.
  10. the problem is obviously software side.that happened to me after installing a proxy changer (can't remember the name, but it's one with a light-blue interface).Anyway, i runned linux drive cd, mounted the disk, removed the program from startup and it worked.Try that way, or run a windows xp live edition (there's one right?) and defrag the disk.Good luck~ Jo?o Lopes
  11. ok, in excel you have collumns and rows. that's all you need. ok i'll guess that the total amount of fred is cell B4+B5, i'm not sure but it seems.Now to use the formula you'll need a blank cell, D3 for example, select the empty cell and write:=B4+B5now press enter and it's done. =)Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  12. Hi, i need geshi on my smf board, version 1.1.4, and the last compatible version of geshi was for version 1.1.3. But while surfing online i saw some SMF boards 1.1.4 with a version of geshi compatible i think. i downloaded that version but i can't install it on the board...Any helps?Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  13. Make sure you have permissions set for both computers, after that if you can't access the printer or files, or whatever, try to shutdown the firewall/anti-virus...If it solved the problem, input on the firewall/anti-virus the ip/ip-range you use on computers to access the printer/files.Give some report of the situation.If you solved, tell how you did it.Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  14. I totally support that woman, lol.But...Who buys that thing?I have one at home that was a gift from a friend, and i think i used it 1 day maximum...:| I want to sell now, but everybody says the same, "The Apple supports are ******"So, i have an iphone that i don't use and noone's buys, good...
  15. Ok, you got the visitors, now what?You win visitors, not members, cause there's nothing related to the search they made... Right?Greetz~Jo?o Lopes
  16. Well, this things always comes in handy for some (yeah me )Thanks for the contribution.I started used windows a few months ago (i was linux addicted), now i'm trying to program at windows, and change the interface, this is a small trick, but thanks anyway
  17. No true fusion, i don't know how to do it, can i ask for help please?Thank you in advance.
  18. Where do i install perl scripts?I couldn't find the path (usr/bin/perl/) and i tried to put one script on /home/<my user>/public_html and execute it from a php script, but, nothing happened, the script was not working, and yes, the script works properly.The reason for not working is the wrong path i suppose.
  19. I think that i'll start to be concerned the first time it crashes. Till there i'll sit and enjoy this miracle of life
  20. Ok, thank you for the quick answer.Let me ask one more favour. Where can i find a banner from trap to use on my site? I saw them yesterday but had forgotten to save the link.~GreetzJo?o Lopes
  21. well, i can't say it's easy to hack and that anyone can break the code. Try to include the login part from other file. that way will be more secure. You can also add another security. A db, the form confirms the user on the db, and the conection is made from another php and voil?, an headache to hackers =)
  22. Yesterday my host request was approved.Today i was making the website and i tried to host a forum. The website theme is programming, helps, guides, computing, tutorials on different programming languages. And i realised that a forum is more handy for helps and tutorials, and the users can help each others in a easier way.My doubt is:Is it really necessary a portal for my case? And can i sell programs at my website if i want to?Feel free to give your opinion.~GreetzJo?o Lopes
  23. Good website.May i ask if was you who did the logo?I'm interested on a cool logo, your's not what i'm looking for, but it's nice and if you could help me would be great.Thanks in advance.
  24. Ok, let's think. 1st 80% of this studies are a little bit exagerate (remember the comet that was supposed to collide earth?)2nd, internet is a connection between computers, like a website. where is a website? On a computer. Is it affecting internet? How? I can't see the connection... And a isp? isn't it stored on a server? and don't tell me that the server is the internet... yet again... connection?!3rd, if internet is so full, wasn't it supposed to crash?! how many times internet was down?Where's intnt?
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