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Argoth started following Help Im just nothing on VB, Recovery +backup Software, Vote Script Help images as a result? and and 1 other
Just a quick Google search for XP tweaks and I got two that looked pretty good: http://windowsxp.mvps.org/ http://tweaks.com/ A good site then is also http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Particularly here, StartupDB, it gives a list of common startup applications and whether or not the y are need, are a virus, etc...
More than likely you didn't created the table orders, or perhaps there I no data there.So make sure the table exists, has some columns is it, and has some data (but this really shouldn't matter)
Tapi/mci Help How do you send a .wav sound on the telephone?
Argoth replied to Argoth's topic in Programming
There's no edit button..Perhaps if I rephrase the question.Is there a way to choose the device that sound is played/recorded in vb6?I know how to use the MCI commands to play a sound to the default player for any sound and I can get the different devices that play sound but I cannot get the device I want to play/record the sound to do it! HELP, Please! -
Why Cant I Get Mysql To Store Information? sql does not work
Argoth replied to tariqrf's topic in Web Hosting Support
What error is it giving you?Is it just not storing information...Need more information to help you with this! -
Brain Chip Reads Man's Thoughts want one? :P
Argoth replied to serverph's topic in Science and Technology
Sniff, I posted about this too, if anybodies curious heres my thread, a few people responded there too: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9861-braingate-technology-to-help-quadriplegic-persons/ -
Are there other mysql_queries in the file?
you could do a (this is psuedocode) : If % > 10 then Display Img_barIf % > 20 then Display Img_barIf % > 30 then Display Img_barIf % > 40 then Display Img_barIf % > 50 then Display Img_barIf % > 60 then Display Img_barIf % > 70 then Display Img_barIf % > 80 then Display Img_barIf % > 90 then Display Img_barIf % > 100 then Display Img_bar So then each 10% is depicted by a bar. Don't know if that's what you were looking for.
You have some text being outputted in your config.inc.php file, you can't have that. ANY white space outside of the php tags is considered output.I'm guessing that in this query "SELECT ip_addr FROM banned_ips" either the table or the field doesn't exist. if it doesn't make it, if it does I don?t know what the problem is.Same thing for "SELECT theme_path FROM themes WHERE theme_id = $userstylem"
<?phpsession_cache_limiter('private, must-revalidate');session_name('sid');session_start();$_PAGE['start_time'] = getmicrotime();//// Unset globals//$methods = array('_POST', '_GET', '_COOKIE', '_FILES');isset($_SESSION) ? $methods[] = '_SESSION' : '';foreach ($methods as $method){ foreach ($$method as $var_name => $var_value) { unset($$var_name); }}$_GET['board'] = isset($_GET['board']) ? intval($_GET['board']) : null;$_GET['topic'] = isset($_GET['topic']) ? intval($_GET['topic']) : null;$_GET['message'] = isset($_GET['message']) ? intval($_GET['message']) : null;$_GET['user'] = isset($_GET['user']) ? intval($_GET['user']) : null; //// User Authentication Function//function auth($username, $password){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND userpass = '$password'"); return mysql_num_rows($result) != 0 ? mysql_result($result, 0) : null;}//// SQL Field Fetching Function//function get_field($field, $tbl_name, $condition = 1){ $result = mysql_query("SELECT $field FROM $tbl_name WHERE $condition"); return @mysql_result($result, 0);}//// IP Fetching Function//function fetch_ip(){ $ip = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (strpos($ip, ',')) { $ip = explode(',', $ip); $ip = trim($ip[0]); } return $ip;}//// Get Microtime//function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);}function navigator($title, $col = 2, $bor = 1, $spc = 0, $info = 1, $other_links = null, $style = null){ global $q_string, $userlevelm; if (isset($userlevelm)) { ?> <table border="<?= $bor ?>" cellspacing="<?= $spc ?>" width="100%"<?= $style ?>> <tr><td align="center" colspan="<?= $col ?>"><font size="6"><b><?= $title ?></b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="<?= $col ?>" class="b"><i>Return to: <a class="menu" href="index.php">Board List</a> <?php if (isset($_GET['board'])) { ?> | <a class="menu" href="gentopic.php?board=<?= $_GET['board'] ?>">Topic List</a><?php } if (isset($_GET['topic'])) { ?> | <a class="menu" href="genmessage.php<?= $q_string['a'] ?>">Message List</a><?php } if ($info == 1) { ?> | <a class="menu" href="user.php<?= $q_string['a'] ?>">User Info Page</a><?php } if (is_array($other_links)) { foreach ($other_links as $href => $link_title) { $href = explode('|', $href); if ($href[1] == '' || $userlevelm >= $href[1]) { ?> | <a class="menu" href="<?= $href[0], $q_string['a'] ?>"><?= $link_title ?></a><?php } } } if ($userlevelm >= 52) { ?> | <a class="menu" href="cpanel.php<?= $q_string['a'] ?>">Control Panel</a><?php } ?> </i></td></tr> <?php } else { ?> <table border="<?= $bor ?>" cellspacing="<?= $spc ?>" width="100%"<?= $style ?>> <tr><td align="center" colspan="<?= $col ?>"><font size="6"><b><?= $title ?></b></font></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="<?= $col ?>" class="b"> <a class="menu" href="index.php">Board List</a> | <a class="menu" href="register.php">Register</a> | <a class="menu" href="login.php">Log In</a> | <a class="menu" href="help.php">Help</a> | <a class="menu" href="tos.php">ToS</a></td></tr> <?php }}//// Update Counter//mysql_query("UPDATE counters SET count_value=count_value+1 WHERE count_type='boards'");//// IP Banning//if (isset($_COOKIE['zXi7g'])) die;$result = mysql_query('SELECT ip_addr FROM banned_ips');while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ if (stristr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $row[0]) || stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $row[0])) { setcookie('zXi7g', 'o', time()+92275200); die; }}if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'anon')) die;//// User Name and Password Retrieval//$uname = isset($_SESSION['username']) ? $_SESSION['username'] : (isset($_COOKIE['uname']) ? $_COOKIE['uname'] : null);$pword = isset($_SESSION['password']) ? $_SESSION['password'] : (isset($_COOKIE['pword']) ? $_COOKIE['pword'] : null);//// Common User Info Retrieval//$row = @mysql_fetch_row(@mysql_query("SELECT userid, level, style, timezone, sidebar FROM users WHERE username='$uname' AND userpass='$pword'"));if (isset($row[0])){ $useridm = $row[0]; $userlevelm = $row[1]; $userstylem = $row[2]; $_PAGE['timezone'] = $row[3]*3600; $_PAGE['sidebar'] = $row[4]; mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lastsec='".time()."', lastacip='{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}', last_page='". htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('#sid=[[:alnum:]]+(\&)*#i', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), ENT_QUOTES) ."', user_agent='". htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ENT_QUOTES) ."', real_ip = '". fetch_ip() ."' WHERE userid='$useridm'");}//// Spit It All Out//?><html><head><title><?= $_CONFIG['mbsname'] ?>: <?= $title ?></title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><?phpswitch ($userstylem){ case 'custom': extract(@mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM style WHERE userid='$useridm'"))); echo "<style type=\"text/css\">a:link {color: $n_link; text-decoration: underline}a:visited {color: $n_vlink; text-decoration: underline}a.menu:link {color: $m_link; text-decoration: underline}a.menu:visited {color: $m_vlink; text-decoration: underline}a.menu:hover {color: $m_hlink; text-decoration: underline}a.menu:active {color: $m_alink; text-decoration: underline}body, td {background-color: $main_bg; font-family: $font_face; font-size: 80%;color: $font_color}.a {background-color: $c1_bg; font-size: 95%; color: $c1_fc; font-weight: bold}.b {background-color: $c2_bg; font-size: 95%; color: $c2_fc; font-weight: bold}.c {background-color: $c3_bg}.d {background-color: $c4_bg}.system {background-color: $system_bg}.shade {background-color: $shade_bg}.sidebar {background-color: $sidebar_bg}.large {font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold}.medium {font-size: 90%}.poll_graph {display: block; background-color: $poll_graph; line-height: 25px}</style>\n"; break; default: empty($userstylem) ? $userstylem = 1 : ''; $theme_path = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT theme_path FROM themes WHERE theme_id = $userstylem"), 0); echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$theme_path.'" />' . "\n";}echo $_PAGE['sidebar'] == 1 ? '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/margins.css" />' : '';?></head><body><?$_PAGE['sidebar'] == 1 ? include 'sidebar_header.inc.php' : '';if (isset($_GET['message'])) get_field('COUNT(*)', 'messages', "messageid = '{$_GET['message']}'") == 0 ? die('Invalid Message ID') : '';if (isset($_GET['topic'])) get_field('COUNT(*)', 'topics', "topicid = '{$_GET['topic']}' AND board='{$_GET['board']}'") == 0 ? die('Invalid Topic ID') : '';if (isset($_GET['board'])) get_field('COUNT(*)', 'boards', "boardid = '{$_GET['board']}'") == 0 ? die('Invalid Board ID') : '';if (isset($_GET['user'])) get_field('COUNT(*)', 'users', "userid = '{$_GET['user']}'") == 0 ? die('Invalid User ID') : '';if (defined('_FILE_LVL')){ if ($userlevelm < _FILE_LVL) { echo '<div align="center"><b><font size="6">Error</font></b></div><br /><div align="left">You have to be at least level <b>\'.52.\'</b> to view this page. Return to the <a href="javascript:window.history.go(-1)">previous page</a> or the <a href="index.php">general board list</a>.</div>'; include 'footer.inc.php'; exit; }}if ($userlevelm >= 52){ $result = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM marked'); $num_msgs = mysql_result($result, 0); $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM temp_users WHERE act_status = 2"); $num_pend_users = mysql_result($result, 0); ?> <span class="d" style="display: block; width: 100%; line-height: 25px; text-align: center"><b>Backlog:</b> <a href="mark_queue.php">Marked Messages</a> - <b><?= $num_msgs ?></b> / <a href="man_act_user.php">Inactive Users</a> - <b><?= $num_pend_users ?></b></span> <?php}//// Set Common Query String Variables//$q_string_x = '';$q_string_x .= isset($_GET['board']) ? 'board=' . $_GET['board'] : '';$q_string_x .= isset($_GET['topic']) ? '&topic=' . $_GET['topic'] : '';$q_string = array();$q_string['a'] = '';$q_string['b'] = '';if ($q_string_x != ''){ $q_string['a'] = '?' . $q_string_x; $q_string['b'] = '&' . $q_string_x;}?>[/codeBOX]This should work, you had put a single quote in the string you were trying to echo.Use notepad, turn off Word wrap, and press ctrl G
Yes, you will. If you buy a book some will come with it one them but it will be a trail version and you won't be able to make a stand alone version.
<?php$_CONFIG['mbname'] = 'Giga Pass'; // Giga Pass$_CONFIG['mbsurl'] = 'http://gigapass.trap17.com'; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['dbhost'] = 'Xisto.com'; // Xisto.com$_CONFIG['homepage'] = 'http://gigapass.trap17.com'; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['legal_tags'] = 'b|i'; // HTML tags allowed in messages. You can only add tags that have no attributes./////// Set these variables://////////THESE MUST BE SET CORRECTLY!$_MYSQL['dbhost'] = 'localhost'; // localhost$_MYSQL['dbuser'] = 'dayzed_ejashby'; // dayzed_ejashby$_MYSQL['dbpass'] = ''; // (I put the password for dayzed_ejashby here)$_MYSQL['dbname'] = 'dayzed_SQLdatabase'; // dayzed_SQLdatabase//// User level definitions//define('Inactive', 0);define('Warned', 1);define('Mutie', 12);define('Rookie', 15);define('Veteran', 18);define('Idol', 30);define('Moderator', 52);define('Administrator', 60);//// Include money (Coins) configuration. Go edit that file.//require 'mny_config.php';$db = @mysql_connect($_MYSQL['dbhost'], $_MYSQL['dbuser'], $_MYSQL['dbpass'])or die("<b>Error:</b> Failed to connect to database host: {$_MYSQL['dbhost']}<br /> <b>Possible Solution:</b> Check if the database host name, user name and password are defined correctly in the config.inc.php file.<br /> <b>MySQL says:</b> ". mysql_error());@mysql_select_db($_MYSQL['dbname'], $db)or die("<b>Error:</b> Failed to select database: {$_MYSQL['dbname']}<br /> <b>Possible Solution:</b> Check if the database is set up and the database name defined in the config.inc.php file is correct.<br /> <b>MySQL says:</b> ". mysql_error());?> Try this, but make sure the variables are set properly.
No, the "//" means what ever is after it is a comment but you should probably set thoose variables like this: $_CONFIG['mbname'] = 'Giga Pass'; // Giga Pass$_CONFIG['mbsurl'] = 'http://gigapass.trap17.com'; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['dbhost'] = 'Xisto.com'; // Xisto.com$_CONFIG['homepage'] = 'http://gigapass.trap17.com'; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['legal_tags'] = 'b|i'; // HTML tags allowed in messages. You can only add tags that have no attributes. Or use whatever values you want.
Try this, make sure you set the variables. Before you weren't actually telling the mysql server anything. <?php$_CONFIG['mbname'] = ''; // Giga Pass$_CONFIG['mbsurl'] = ''; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['dbhost'] = ''; // Xisto.com$_CONFIG['homepage'] = ''; // [url=http://gigapass.trap17.com]http://gigapass.trap17.com[/url]$_CONFIG['legal_tags'] = 'b|i'; // HTML tags allowed in messages. You can only add tags that have no attributes./////// Set these variables:$_MYSQL['dbhost'] = ''; // localhost$_MYSQL['dbuser'] = ''; // dayzed_ejashby$_MYSQL['dbpass'] = ''; // (I put the password for dayzed_ejashby here)$_MYSQL['dbname'] = ''; // dayzed_SQLdatabase//// User level definitions//define('Inactive', 0);define('Warned', 1);define('Mutie', 12);define('Rookie', 15);define('Veteran', 18);define('Idol', 30);define('Moderator', 52);define('Administrator', 60);//// Include money (Coins) configuration. Go edit that file.//require 'mny_config.php';$db = @mysql_connect($_MYSQL['dbhost'], $_MYSQL['dbuser'], $_MYSQL['dbpass'])or die("<b>Error:</b> Failed to connect to database host: {$_MYSQL['dbhost']}<br /> <b>Possible Solution:</b> Check if the database host name, user name and password are defined correctly in the config.inc.php file.<br /> <b>MySQL says:</b> ". mysql_error());@mysql_select_db($_MYSQL['dbname'], $db)or die("<b>Error:</b> Failed to select database: {$_MYSQL['dbname']}<br /> <b>Possible Solution:</b> Check if the database is set up and the database name defined in the config.inc.php file is correct.<br /> <b>MySQL says:</b> ". mysql_error());?>