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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. You taught me nothing. I know what penultimate means. And that was liek, omgofftopic.
  2. Well, if you guys are doing your so and so hundredth post sig, I guess I better do one too. But I'll wait till I have about 2000 posts.
  3. Uh-oh. Lady troubles. Wish you luck man. =/
  4. Heh, other than the font, great job, and congo rats for the 200 posts.
  5. The terragen stuff was post-processed in Photoshop, so step, yo. And MSPaint is nowhere close to "3d MaX Studio, Maya and other Advanced Stuff" or "Macromedia Flash & Fireworks", so step twice, yo.
  6. [1] Yes. [2] Yeah okay whatever. [3] Yeah okay whatever. [4] Yeah okay whatever. [5] Yeah okay whatever. [6] Yeah okay whatever. [7] Yeah okay whatever.
  7. [1] You people are too hostile. [2] There's not really rules in sigs. There's guidelines. You can do whatever you want. The guidelines just show you the way to what most people would call a nice sig. [3] Blank spots are good, as long as there's not too much. [4] That's what I'm saying, yo. [5] It's the same render. O.o [6] I think it's an arrow going through...not sure. [7] Who're you to tell him what to do? And one last thing, KuBi, I forgot to mention in my first post, but it looks like you got the topic title and description mixed up...1v1 any doesn't make a very good battle topic, and kubi vs. truefusion doesn't make a very good description.
  8. What do you think? My best sigs yet? Yes, those are REAL. I'm demonic, and spam-attractive. *Created in Firefox (DeviantART.com), Outlook Express, and MS Paint. DEFAULTS. (Btw, you new guys, defaults is when you use only the program's default stuff...no downloaded/custom made brushes or actions or whatever. It's usually without a render too. When you use just defaults that's supposed to mean you have more skill or whatever...I could care less though, as long as the sig looks good. )
  9. I'm gonna have to go for KuBi on this one.KuBi's -- Nice bg, and nice render, and the text is pretty decent.Fusion -- Great color and blending, but there's a little too much going on (especially that double render action going on...) The text is oddly placed too.So, anyway, both of you have great sigs, but KuBi gmv by a HAIR.
  10. Trust me KuBi, if you think that's harsh, you've got quite a bit of trouble in your future. You should see some of the stuff I get. I'd say SnXster was just being very honest with his opinion.Stock is another way to say render, btw.
  11. Then don't ask here. Anyway, one more thing about the sig...there should be more color on the render. O.o I'm pretty sure that Killzone guy doesn't come in silver.
  12. UNO! -- Oh, alrighty, sounds good. I'll upload them in a bit then. (I think some of my C4D renders are over a meg, but none of my fractals or terras. DOS! -- TRES! -- Penultimate. That's a word you don't hear/see often. I've gotta use that more. And grass is pretty simple...if you want, I guess I could tell you. If you're nice.
  13. [1] I coulda told you that. [2] I have...but never HEARD Static X though. Like, just heard OF it.
  14. [1] I suppose I could. But doesn't imageshack have bandwidth and size limits? [2] Thanks. I tried to make it look like it was the viewpoint of someone looking over a cliff...not sure how well I did that.
  15. Your text, your brushing, coloring, and your render effects. But that's not really on-topic.
  16. Nguyen, I never said it was hard...I do simple stuff too, you know. So hush.
  17. Whee, another area to play around in. Rate.comment.criticize.
  18. Hey, guys, we're mods. We (and by we I mean you) shouldn't be arguing over trivial stuff. Snlildude made a mistake, KuBi made a mistake, it's all good. I personally think you both need to improve a lot. O.o
  19. Yours -- The sig itself isn't that bad, but the bg could use more depth, and the inside shadow on the text doesn't really look good. 6.5/10.His -- Not bad, overall, but the text is too big, and needs to be blended. Not sure if I like the gradient either. The render could be a bit bigger too... he's too small for that size sig, if you get what I'm saying. And of course, the border thing. 6.5/10.
  20. I think the burn tool might come in handy for that green stuff. Luki, you're in desperate need of some new fonts. I just can't see your sigs being that great without them, honestly.The render looks oddly proportioned as well...wider than it should be.
  21. [1] DARN! I forgot to add that part...I wanted credit for it. [2] Yes, I know that...I know quite a bit of HTML. I was just pointing out how it physically looks.
  22. [1] Crisp is crisp, Strong is fat-like. [2] You're very welcome. [2.25] Anti-Aliasing. And it's not just me...it's common designer lingo or whatnot. [2.5] Yes, that's right, it IS too bad. [2.75] Look at what I said. I said too much of one color...not ALL one color. [3] Meaning don't brush over the entire sig...leave some black parts here and there...so it doesn't look like just a box, you know?
  23. 400x400. And nah, some people make really really small sigs...doesn't really matter, as long as it looks good. Anyway, back on topic. (And you call yourself a mod...)
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