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Everything posted by Seidhrith
Google Map Catches Ufo? whatever it is, it is on google map :P
Seidhrith replied to serverph's topic in Search Engines
Wow, that is really interesting. I actually don't know what to say.I want to know how this was discovered though.Did someone just randomly come across this on the map.If so, that is REALLY lucky... considering that there is most likely nothing else like this on google maps!It really is interesting. I don't have any ideas as to what it is.At first I thought maybe something large just made a splash in the lake......but thinking about that a second time, it sounded pretty dumb -
Hmmmm Frets of Fire? I've never heard of it...I'm definitely going to have to test that out!Haha, its like the stepmania for guitar hero!It seems to me... all the common rhythm based games (DDR, Guitar Hero)have a freeware computer counterpart (Stepmania, Frets of Fire).I think now we need a freeware game that allows you to play the keyboardlike the drums. Think of how many damaged keyboards there would be...
Super Smash Brothers Melee Does anyone still play this game?
Seidhrith replied to darvtech's topic in Computer Gaming
Zelda and Shiek at the same time? I would LOVE that so much if that was possible.Unfortunately, I don't think that's possible.I guess the only way that something remotely close to that would be possible if youhad an action replay device for the gamecube.I've seen that, with the action replay device, you could play as the polygon fighters, Giga bowser, and even control Master Hand. Once again though, that is only by using an action replay device. Also, there are these test levels that the designers usedto, hmmm... what a surprise.. TEST certain aspects of the game. These stages areavailable to play at too.All thanks to an action replay device. -
My favorite movies have to be the Star Wars movies, the Pirates of the Carribean movies, and the Lord of the Rings movies. These movie sagas, in my opinion, have the right balance of action, some romance, some laughable parts, and really memorable characters (of course, that last one is due to the amazing acting played by some great actors... although not ALL the actors in those movies were good ). Probably, another reason why I love these movies is the soundtracks to them. A lot of work went into making great music for the backgrounds of these movies. I think I might also have to add Jurassic Park to these movies. I think the soundtrack is amazing
What Would You Do If There Was No Internet? hmm...
Seidhrith replied to whyme's topic in Science and Technology
Simply put, if there was no internet, my phone bill would sky rocket. Im usually using the phone and some kind of IM at the same time. Not to mention E-Mail. In order for me to get in contact with all of my friends, I would have to use the phone or... *gulp*... write them a letter Of course ALL of us wouldn't be able to use Trap 17...Also, reports for school would be a very daunting task. I'd have to rely on books for ALL of my citations. The internet is really (in my opinion), the central hub for all kinds of information.You really take the internet for granted sometimes... now that we have it, we can't really imagine life without it! -
Yeah, im pretty sure your safe with making out. I mean, if you know she has no STDs, then there isn't any real danger... except if you do it in front of your girl's dad, and her dad doesn't like you, and he happens to be standing behind you with a baseball bat No, but seriously, it would definitely take A LOT for you to get any disease by kissing anyway. And as long as neither of you are sick, you should both be fine
Perfect Free Web Hosting Perfect? Yeah, right
Seidhrith replied to Hamtaro's topic in General Discussion
Well, it is definitely a shame that something like account deletion happens without a notice, and no support was given. However, you can be disgustingly optimistic and count the whole thing as an experience. Now, all of us know not to use that hosting. And why would we? We're at Trap 17 Hey, its always good to try different things before you settle with one thing. That way, you get exposed to a bunch of different features and you can choose which one your comfortable with. That's how I got to trap 17 -
I have to agree with these statements. What use to you have for money if you are truly doing something you enjoy! Now, dont get me wrong. We do need money for our basic necessities and bills... but for one thing, there are plenty of ways to earn extra money! And second, like stated above, it is rather difficult to not be able to earn enough money, even with a lower paying job. The one of the only real reasons why there would be a problem is if you have a high standard of living (you need all the expensive brands/extra stuff). Even then, why would you want such a high standard of living if you already have the happiness that those items bring to other people?
Paranormal Activity Ever had a paranormal experience?
Seidhrith replied to Thing's topic in General Discussion
Unfortunately this topic is considered a 'gray-area' to many people.I'll just offer a story my mom likes to tell at dinners:It was several years ago, back when my younger brother was only 2. My mother waswashing dishes in the kitchen, me and my brother were playing in the TV room. Nothing was out of the ordinary that day. Suddenly though, as if someone was whisperingin her ear, my mom could have sworn some one said softly the words "In his mouth".See she remembers hearing distinctively, a soft male voice from right next to her..My mom got the sudden urge to check me and my brother. When she came into the living room,she looked in my little brother's mouth and found a button to a coat, something my brother couldhave possibly choked on..Strange things that no one can explain... that's basically what it is... -
Hello Trap 17, i am seidhrith, from Pennsylvania. I was actually here on Trap 17 for a little more than a week and a half, and i just thought I'd introduce myself. I am a 17 year old guy from PA, who enjoys computers and music. I've been involved with music ever since i was eight, when i started playing clarinet and piano. I now enjoy composing songs and writing songs on my computer. I hope to be a computer audio engineer and write computer generated songs as a profession. (You can actually hear a song i wrote in the creativity forum under "A Symphonic Rock/orchestra Song I Wrote".I am also a magician! I now work at birthday parties, picnics, and company events. It helps that my mother is a manager at a pharmaceutical company. I was hired to perform at a company picnic, performing for hundreds of people! What an experience!The only other semi-interesting thing is i have been doing martial arts for 12 years so far. I train in the discipline of Tae Kwon Do. I hope to get my black belt this summer. Well, that's it! I really am enjoying Trap 17 so far, and i look forward to meeting some of you. See you around everybody!
I completely agree. The fact that Trap 17 has so many topics and a wide range of forums pretty much won me over to the site. All different types of people can find SOMETHING that they enjoy discussing. Let's face it, if someone doesn't find a certain topic interesting, I'm sure they're not going to discuss it (unless they're discussing why they dislike the topic ) I'm glad Trap 17 has a wide array of topics. I guess it goes with the concept that if there are a wide range of discussions, aimed at a wide range of people, than Trap 17 is a service that all different types of people can benefit from.
I use Firefox. Always have, always will!It's either because of the fact that it is just simply nice, open source software..or it is just simply a fast internet browser..And i agree with some of the people above..I think firefox's bookmark toolbar is great.Tab system is also a plus.. i think it's become a necessity nowadays...(dont forget firefox's spell check )
Google Vs *other Search Engine* Which is the best???
Seidhrith replied to Thorn's topic in Search Engines
I use google.. almost everybody does.But, in reality... im very impartial to what search engine i use. I could really care less.But yet, i use google anyway. I think its probably the fact that its so straight forward.Google.com, then you type it in what you want to search. It really couldn't be any easier."So easy, a cave man could do it..."oh, wait, wrong company.Hold on though, aren't there sites that claim that they search multiple search engines?What about http://www.dogpile.com/? Im pretty sure they search multiple search sites for the answer?Would that mean that there IS something better than google. Maybe not, considering thatdogpile, in reality, acts as a front end to google. Google technically does all the work for dogpile.Hmm... loopholes... -
What Pets Do You Have tell us about your adorable babies...
Seidhrith replied to Archangel_Baw's topic in Home & Garden
I have one dog. Its a really lazy dog named Charlie. He is a sheep dog - poodle mix, white/brown/black. I have a bird. A cockatoo named Georgie. in case your wondering, i did not give the names Charlie and Georgie to my pets, my grandmother did. Its a long story.I also had a white German Shepard named Traumer. She was a really nice dog. Mostly an outside dog.My neighbors, who are farmers, accused my dog of eating their chickens, when in reality it was a fox that was eating them. I guess it's understandable if someone thinks my dog ate their chickens... but my dog lookedmore like a wolf than a fox. All well, the farmer doesn't have the best eyesight Oh, and i HAD a guinea pig named Chippy, and two hamsters named Jack and Cheese. That's pretty much it, with the exception of two dogs that I had before we gave them away so we could movewhere we lived. -
Hmmm... im eager to try that strength chant. Too often am i stuck trying to open a bottle of whatever or i just quite cant undo something that may be to tight. If it works, it will save me a lot of frustration. Not quite sure about the last one... it seems like quite a large task to put all that together. But, i suppose if you want to get out of depression that badly, you'll do it anyway
Now, this is just personal opinion...See, i recently found my old SNES and the decent library of SNES games one day. I decided to plug it in, and try them out for old times sake. It really made me realize how much i miss those old games like Super Mario World (which i had for GBA), Dragon View, Double Dragon, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Mortal Kombat, and others. See, its just something about the SNES that still exists. Even though we have all these far move advanced consoles out now, along with really amazing games, i have to admit i do miss the simple 16-bit graphics, sort of like a classic arcade. From what i understand (i could VERY well be wrong), the SNES still has the largest game library to date.Does anyone else miss the good old days of the SNES, or is it just me? (maybe im just crazy )
My last book i read was "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffin.In my opinion, it was a very powerful book.Had to read it for school. I don't know why, but it seems like every book they make me read in school is so boring or monotone, that i can't get through the first couple of chapters. I'm happy to say that I flew through Black Like Me. Don't get me wrong, its not all about how fast the book is over with, i just couldn't put it down
Hmmm... i just got a wireless keyboard about 2 months ago... and i was so happy with myself becausei had the coolest keyboard in my eyes. I could sit in my chair with the keyboard on my lap and just type away. Now i feel very out dated. haha. Is it really infrared light? is it some special frequency. I thought you couldn't see infrared light. Now, granted,you cant see it in the air, but you can see it on a table... like a lazer. At first i though that maybe the sound of your fingers hitting a table would sound annoying after a while,but you can project that keyboard on any surface! I wonder how that would work on a not-so-flat surface?Or even a slightly inclined surface? Maybe the device should have (or already has) some type of keystone setting like on a projector.I definitely want one!
A Symphonic Rock/orchestra Song I Wrote A Month of Hard Work.
Seidhrith replied to Seidhrith's topic in Art & Creativity
Haha... computer sound engineer? That's exactly what i plan to go to college for!I'm actually just a senior in high school. This is just a hobby of mine. And my friend's movie will be released either right before or right after Christmas.I'll be sure to make it available. -
Are Girls Prettier Without Makeup? Vote & Say You Thoughts
Seidhrith replied to lihuyt's topic in Health & Fitness
Let's face it, for those of us who have a girlfriend... we think they look beautiful with orwithout make up. If you don't, you better watch yourself . But seriously, girls neednot to wear make-up. I believe that wearing make-up promotes the action of obsessingover your self-image. You become so absorbed in how you look, that you forget thatpeople should essentially like you for who you are, and not what you look like. What doyou care if she doesn't like the way you look. If you are an obsessive make-up user,and you go 'cold turkey' and stop using it, and possibly finding yourself in that situation of somebody doesn't like the way you look, you may feel that the ONLY way people willlike you is if you use make up. Thus starts the vicious circle of obsessing over your self-image. -
I believe that there is life after death.It is not because of a religion... it is because of my thought.My thought being... what purpose do we have if there IS no life after death?Now, this brings up a whole new area on the purpose of our lives, which is a whole other discussion in itself. But sometimes i stop to think... if there is nolife after death, then why are we living in the first place. What is the use of livinghere? At least, the way i see it, if there IS life after death, it gives us something to look forward to (don't get me wrong... not that anyone is looking forward to death).Now, this also brings on thoughts of a judgmental system, where our action's onearth will be judged after this life, to filter where we go in the next life. This particularconcept gives purpose to life, and alleviates some of the fear of death. We instinctively fearwhat we do not know... but this concept allows us a little insight on what's to come, sonaturally we don;t fear it as much.And what about reincarnation? If this is the case, there is life after death... a sort ofcontinuous life. But again... what is the purpose of this continuous life then? Is it justto try to better one's self? A sort of self-restoration? The fact is... we may never know.
We have all heard of the saying 'Practice makes Perfect'.I actually disagree with that statement.You see, the core principle of practicing is to make your self better.An example would be a child learning the piano.The child must practice in order to get better at the piano.But my thought is that practice does not make perfect... it just makes permanent.If a child is learning to play the Concert C Major Scale... but plays and practicesit wrong over and over again... it will not be perfect. His Concert C Major Scalewill be permanently wrong... until he fixes it. This may seem like an oxymoron,but there's a twist. If this Major Scale is wrong, and than he practices it the right way later on. With time, he will make it right. Practice will make permanent.So how do we achieve this 'perfect' level. The argument here is that there is no such thing as perfect. That is quite pessimistic. I say, lets just live bythis rule: "Perfect Practice Makes Perfect "
I enjoy writing music on my computer. Its definitely a hobby of mine. One of my friends is filming a short film, and asked me to do the soundtrack for it. I spent a month on this song for his movie, and i really enjoyed how it came out. This link is to the mp3 file that i created using FL Studio. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=410546 It will take you to YourFileLink, where you can download the mp3 if you want. On the page the link takes you too, there will be a link near the right that says Proceed to File Download Page... sometimes its a little hard to see. Please let me know if you like it or have any suggestions! Its always exciting to get feedback. Thanks
So what is Sleight of Hand?I have been a magician for a relatively long time, and started making public performances in local areas.(Don't be too impressed, i am nothing compared big-time magicians and illusionists like David Copperfield/Chris Angel for example)Through my experiences in these performances, I will attempt an accurate definition of sleight of handin terms of someone who has relied on its mechanics for years.Sleight of Hand is basically a tool used by magicians in order to complete a task in a secretive manner by way of techniques involvingthe hands. Simply put, magicians need ways of accomplishing things without the spectator knowing what is going on. This in turnleads the spectator to believe one thing is happening, when in reality something completely different is going on. This concept is the basis for most tricks. Let's give an example. Suppose you want to have a spectator pick a card from a deck. The spectator does, memorizes it, and replaces it on the top of the deck. You claim you are going to shuffle the deck... and the spectator visually sees you shuffling the deck. That is what you want the spectator to believe... when in reality, you have shuffled the card to the bottom of the deck. The spectator believesthat all the cards are mixed, and their card is undetectable. You know already where the card is. This simple trick applies the basic concepts above.We'll come back to this example in a bit and 'finish the trick off'.There are MANY different sleight of hand techniques. The example trick above uses the technique of "False Shuffling". False shuffling forces the spectatorto believe the cards in a deck are mixed, when in reality, the magician may know where one, two, or even all the cards are in the deck! Another technique that magicians use is called 'Misdirection'. Now, misdirection is not necessarily a Sleight of Hand Technique, but it is often used when the magician is about to complete a sleight. Let's take our example trick above. The magician knows the card on the bottom of the deck is the spectator's card. The magician tells the spectator to take the card box that the deck was in (let's assume that the magician and spectator are sitting at a table, and card box is on the table), and tohold it tight so the spectator can 'focus' on his card easily. The spectator now is focused on taking the card box... a simple misdirection to get his attention off ofthe magician. The magician then secretly "palms" the bottom card. Palming is another Sleight of Hand technique where the magician hides a card from view by cupping it in his palm (this is only one type of palming). Once the spectator has the card box, the magician hands the deck to the spectator and asks him to lookat the top card. The spectator sees that this card is not his chosen card. The magician then takes the deck, and places his hand (with the palmed card) on top of it(dropping the palmed card on the top... this could be considered another sleight of hand move). The magician says some magic words, reveals the top card, and itis the spectator's card!See, the spectator believes he saw one thing, but the magician knows he did something else. This is the basis for many tricks, complimented by the techniques of sleight of hand!Hope that helps!