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Everything posted by OneMinute

  1. Eh, same sentiments guys. I thought it was either Playstation Portable or Paint Shop Pro, nearly got confused. (Curiosity is what that makes advertisements get the greatest hits of all)
  2. Demonfire, what has that to do with starting up a gaming company?
  3. ACSII art may be displayed in different forms in different computers i guess. Must be complaint? Me too, t3jem, i am interested in ASCII art!
  4. I agree very much with rvalkass. Though there are many more commercial hosts (They provide support, but not as friendly as Xisto's) or instant-hosting (where this you'll have to have advertisements placed, or post) So think twice! Post a sum of threads or posts here, you get hosting along with a place to discuss your problems.
  5. Try learning CSS? CSS is really quite simple. Just needa copy and paste? Then edit? Your site is indeed pretty simple, nothing much unique () I suggest you do what i suggested.
  6. I do have a blog, click here. Do give me instructions via private messenging on how i can participate in this. Eh, a loony. I don't think so, maybe he cutted it to make pavements?
  7. I agree with Varalu in such that you have a new life when you begin to be an inspiration to many and not that you have another life where it's religious.
  8. Lol. For burning firewood? Eh, environmental conservation affects habitats of animals and causing them to be endangered. So, let's all take part in this, however, how do we do so?
  9. Flakes, i didn't heard though. Since Murphy made this law, there has to be a reason that's very huge that it was made. Check more about it, then you'd understand the concept behind it.
  10. Ahh. Perhaps, you can tell your daughter, a miracle happens only when one perseveres and continue to work hard with determination though it's impossible for it will one day, be possible. Just like Thomas Edison, he is a school drop-out, however, he worked hard enough, and he created more than 1000 successful inventions through his hard-work. Working hard to get enough budget to buy laboratory facilities. From there, he worked as an inventor, and became successful.However, if your daughter asks you, why must there all be males, reply in a different tone for Mother Theresa built a foundation of Miracles for many as well as herself. She completed the impossbles and made them all possibilities. Well, let your daughter read more on Mother Theresa, for this might build up her will to be determined to be successful in life.However, if she doesn't know what's success, explain to her briefly from your perception. However, if your ain't sure, you gotta figure that out by achieving success yourself and set a good example to your children. Though i am in no position as a 13-year old to speak to you, i strongly speak personally as a child in a father-son relantionship that i've learnt from my father's bad habits like throwing tantrums for nothing? So, remember that your every action influences your child.Erm, i am going out of topic enough. Alrightm back to miracles. Eh, i have already told you the answer. Ahh, one more thing, Miracles, are granted by god, or your strong will and courage itself. Fine examples you all have told to him tho -> indirectly, perhaps his daughter?
  11. Well, i am an active asian-gamer. I don't participate in World-Cyber games held annually here though. Alright, this is a list of some popular games:Granado Espada;MapleSea;AuditionSea;Gunz Online;Counter Strike;That's all. MapleSea is the most you can see asian players online at all times. However, around midnight, for example 3am, there are very few, though only thousands ranging from 999-3999 players.The gaming industry will realise it's potential only when technology is further advanced. Best is Playstation and Xbox Live. Trust me, Wii is also getting famous. However, do remember to carve out a brandname firsty.
  12. I am speaking here with experience as a kid myself. I got my first handphone though it was kind of faulty at age 12. Right now, i am thirteen, i have a Sony Ericsson handphone in which i use it to inform my parents if i will have to attend to some problems in school like studying in extra revision lessons. Though my parents may be restrictive, it was afterall just for security concerns and to curb their worries.Hey guys, handphones, we use them too, to store music and retrieve them to hear whenever we want. This cures boredom for 25% of my day wherein i do reading for the rest of the time in my free time!
  13. On the last day alive,1: I would tell my loved ones maybe a girlfriend, parents (if they still exist!), friends and colleagues, to forget me. Because that would leave painful memories etched in their hearts, and they might not be able to accept the fact and in the end, fail to accomplish big things.2: I would want to complete big things as usual, continue doing up amazing ideas and be a great influence in the internet and the world of innovation as well as business!3: Complete god's requests, if not repent on sins i have commited on the day.By the way, i have no girlfriend, or colleagues, afterall this is a question! Not questioning when is the time! Sigh..
  14. Php is like a command line but HTML is the display line. Erm, php is also abit server-side or to say it's server-side however HTML is different. It tells the browser how to display it, nothing much to do with servers (however, i think HTML forms does so, along with PHP commands)
  15. Eh, directories and search engines are different. (guys don't mess them up) Secondly, google may be best for now, but in time to come, there is always a superior (in short, another better) technology which would be evolutions from previous successful technologies.chaosdesign, nice story-telling session you have there. is that a commercial advertisement though? Sounds like it. Google would remain the hottest for now since the age google started sparked our current generation with excitement, leaving loyal searchers with em'. Well, it's about trust users place unto Google. Look at http://www.chacha.com/, if they'd appeared earlier than Google's release, they could have had been top!If you guys get what i meant.
  16. I thought it over seriously, no email is the perfect choice. I read an October edition, PC World and on a backpage, it read something related to Gmail. It said that someone had gmail inbox full and people who sent him mail got mails they sent popping back to them. He got frustrated when he realised that the amount of mail he gets has the amount of space taken up faster than the free bytes he gets back. "..."Then, i come to think again, space is never enough until all of us invent a super-computer or a extremely powerful computing programme that gives a user the space they need or under a special request. Read below:User (Process=signup) -> Account (Unlimited space, or say, space is given under request) -> Happy User![in the server, this occurs] -> emails are compressed and will be decompressed under request (This occurs to oldest mails)Hope this is a great idea. Not boasting. If gmail goes ahead with this = All of us will rate it the best. Secondly, how can you prove it's HTTP based and not Pop3? Actually, i don't quite get you.
  17. Easy, easy. I am most willing to give you some idea on what Xisto offers and how to get about here. Firstly, before you can get hosting, you will have to earn the so-called hosting credits which is displayed on the message in pink. THe hosting credits are shown in text, which is in aqua colour. This hosting credits are earned through your activity, but mostly, your posts. The longer and larger your post, (could mean higher quality and more helpful to a thread) the more points you will earn. I request you however, no to post within less than 25 words (not alphabets) and your posts has to be totally relevant, though at times, you'd give your personal thoughts or a 'praise', 'comment' or 'jeer'. Secondly, if you are not interesting in hosting, i suggest you ignore the hosting points meanwhile you continue post quality posts and threads. The Xisto community will be extremely thankful towards your commitment, seriously. You'd never know you will even receive free signatures personally made by the members. (this signatures are probably the significance of their gratitude towards you, be glad, and receive it!) Thirdly, to apply hosting, approach the appropriate forum and read the stickies in which one of them, you will find a link to a page where you will have to go through a series of questions. This questions when answered, will turn out as the recommended (default display) code for display to ease the administrators and moderators moderation time. (They can see your posts easier in another words) link (to the sticky for hosting): http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9222-click-here-to-get-your-free-hosting-Xisto-free-web-hosting/ Intructions: #First, click on this link. #Secondly, click "Xisto Free Web Hosting Request Form ". (IF NOT, click here: http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99) #Thirdly, click "let's get started" in a grey box at the bottom of the page, slightly above the advertisement(s). (IF NOT, click here: http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99) [You are almost there, hold on it!] #Lastly, either go the the applications forum customly or be redirected automactically by clicking 'Let's get started' where the page you are able to click 'Lets get started' redirects to the page to submit your application. Alright, and after this, the team will do an invisible job behind scenes, and if you get accepted (if you are worth it), congratulations! If not, work hard and start posting quality threads while staying active enough.
  18. I am already finding bliss and joy in Xisto. Xisto has much more activity and liveliness, including an aura of friendliness from the many users who participate in giving and selling signatures at low costs (in points) as well as posts where they share their opinions with one another. The many forum setup for the various categories, also have unique features like 'Trapinion', if i am not wrong the name is right, has played an extremely great role in maintaining the Aura.All thanks should go to the administrators and creators -> Worshipon!
  19. Well, you are sure lucky this time round. I stumbled upon a network on comparison websites - they help you to compare all the softwares you want. It varies on what category you are looking for. Have a nice time comparing - hopes this helps: Link2; In my opinion, wordpress seems to be a good choice for newbies. However, from that onwards, you've gotta be knowledgeable. I have been using wordpress for some time, and found it so-so. Blogger was my main, but i prefered Wordpress though. So, go for wordpress!
  20. Easy to solve. The smallest site would be a site with one purpose. Which is search? Small yet powerful. Just one vertical stretched box on a blank page. All white. Tap enter to start the search. If it's about data. No space is being used. The enter button simply request mysql to retrieve data.
  21. Here's a solution! http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  22. I don't believe. I will get the government to track ya down for spreading malicious lies! Just joking, seriously, i do really wanna try to find out and distiguish fact from lies.
  23. Yeh i do, cause i have seen many using ketchup as blood. That's why houseflies fly to em'.Secondly, they are seriously, indeed good actors to be able to pull up good fighting scenes. However, how do you explain the crowd who jeer when one falls, and cheers when one rises?
  24. I haven't seen this anywhere, so i hope this will still get accepted though. I want a set for a bargain of 20% discount off. The set comprises of Forum signature and avatar. Avatar Size: Scale To Fit Theme: Vector Art Render: Yes, please do so. Render Theme: Tiki (Statues, Tribe People, Carvings to be included) Color: Mystic, best if cartoon nature colors (Plants and tropical trees found on islands tributed to Tiki Tribes) blended with cartoon tiki colors Text: I would like to thank anyone who can complete this! Credit will be given! Other effects: According to your recommendations. Best if all is filled cartoonic, and blends well with each other. Remember, it has to be mystical. Signature Size: Scale To Fit Theme: Vector Art Render: Yes, please do so. Render Theme: Tiki (Statues, Tribe People, Carvings to be included) Color: Mystic, best if cartoon nature colours (Plants and tropical trees found on islands tributed to Tiki Tribes) blended with cartoon tiki colours. Text: I would like to thank anyone who can complete this! Credit will be given! Other effects: According to your recommendations. Best if all is filled cartoonic, and blends well with each other. Remember, it has to be mystical. Vector, Vector, Tiki, Tiki!
  25. Hmm, well, free hosting is alright. But you'll have to be experienced in this expertise seriously. It's a very big commitment, so think twice as you will have to dedicate your time to issues on support. Brain-storming is one of the requirement for #1, i guess as you will have to see where your idea can excel into and produce a unique identity in the industry alone, fighting against the many free hosts out there. Secondly, keyword research seems to come from either this or this. Anyway, this topic, either that or guide seems to be a little extract from a book i have. By the way, for marketing, i suggest a grassroots marketing campaign if you have no budget.
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