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Posts posted by Liam_CF

  1. If your boyfriend were to be fired, then I'd like to know under what grounds. Companies can't just go around and fire people without a reason, if they did you could take them to court for unfair dismissal. If your boyfriend has any good friends in his job, then he can ask them what everybody thinks of him or what someone has been saying about him.All I can say is good luck and hope everything goes okay.

  2. 1. Eating meat doesn't necessarily entail approving of how the meat is produced. The reason why animals aren't killed humanely anymore is that the demand makes this impossible. Solve the problem of overpopulation and you have perfectly moral meat.
    2. I know of people who've gone vegan/vegetarian to try to lose weight. This is idiotic and self-refuting, since V People will argue that there are no important food qualities missing from a vegan/vegetarian diet.

    3. Simply by breathing we create carbon emissions. So even if people didn't have to eat, only process oxygen, we'd still reach an overpopulation point at which the Earth wouldn't be sustained. So, again, solving the problem of overpopulation is the course of action which I conclude from that argument.

    1. If you don't approve of it, in my opinion, then you should stand up for it. It's like saying wars are wrong, then going and joining the army. You're a complete hyprocrite if you eat meat but believe in animal rights.

    2. You can easily find replacements for the protien lost by not eating meat. I eat lots of quorn and things like that. I like the sausages, burgers, nuggets, fillets etcetera!

    3. The non-eating of meat is still better than nothing. Yes, overpopulation is a big problem and is contributing to climate change, but so is eating meat, and vegitariansism is a solution.

  3. I'm vegetarian, so this is a very serious issue for me. There are lots of viewpoints for people. Here are the main ones that I know of:


    Arguments for vegetarianism:


    * Efficiency- Sun --> Plant --> Human is a more efficient energy transfer than Sun --> Plant --> Animal --> Human


    * Morality- Animals are brutally slaughtered, trapped in a cage and not given basic rights, etcetera.


    * Weight loss- I know of people who've gone vegan/vegetarian to try to lose weight.


    * Sustainability- That carbon footprint site. The argument that we as a species cannot continue to eat meat, simply because it will cause CO2 emissions which will screw up the Earth majorly.


    * Personal Preference- The "I don't like the taste of meat" argument.


    Arguments for eating meat:


    * Personal Preference again - "I like meat, it tastes very nice."


    * Protein: Fallacious, in that protein can be derived from other sources.


    * It is a cheaper lifestyle to adopt and I'm poor. (this is debatable, it may or may not be true.)

  4. It does depend on what job you'd like, but exams really are more important that the xBox or hanging out with your mates for a few hours.They really change your life. It's up to you if it's for better; or if it's for worse.All I can say is good luck mate.

  5. Thanks a lot Ryan (thats MiniK's name) but I'm still getting

    Status: Resolving IP-Address for ftp.liamssite.trap17.comStatus: Connecting to
    Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
    Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS]----------
    Response: 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
    Response: 220-Local time is now 02:59. Server port: 21.
    Response: 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
    Response: 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    Response: 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    Command: USER liam
    Response: 331 User liam OK. Password required
    Command: PASS **********
    Response: 530 Login authentication failed
    Error: Could not connect to server

    Aww, this is a pain. I've almost got 15 credits now though.
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