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Posts posted by Liam_CF

  1. I can speak English, and a bit of French and Spanish.English is my native language, so I've been speaking that all my life and I'm fluent!I started french 2/3 years ago at school and I'm nowhere near fluent but I think I have enough to get by with and I could probably live there. But obviously I'm going to do another 3 years of it.I only started spanish a few months ago so I'm really learning the basics and trying to build up my vocabulary and improve my accent. I'm going to do this for another 3 years as well.

  2. I think saying "Meat is murder" is a hypocritical because we're not the only ones that kills brutally, animals do it to, just the other day I heard a girl swearing about not killing that poor lilttle thing, well, the snake that killed that little fury rabbit(poor little thing she didn't want dead) is a meat-eater and can't eat carrots. So it's in his nature to kill for living. Some may say that humans aren't dependent on meat to live, but I know we are, we need the thing thats in the meat, something a true vegetrarien knows. I know this because my X is a vegetarien, I'm not.
    I don't like the way we treat animals. but what should I do, Some things can't be stoped..like thing happen that I don't se, or can't do anything about. And one thing is YOU can't change the way people think, and I have seen stuff I really didn't like. I treat animals nice. I Love cats and dogs. But I can't do much about how other people treat theirs. I could try to stop them from hiting the animal.. but who hits a dog in public, unless your in a country that don't care at all about any animal.

    1. It's not hypocritical. What you say is true, other animals do kill other aniamls brutally, but they do that to SURVIVE. Humans can survivie without eating meat. As I have stated before, I am living proof of this. If the snake were not to kill the little bunny rabbit, then it could have died. That is nature, I accept that. But humans can grow their own plants and eat them, they do not need to kill animals.

    2. We do not need 'the thing thats in meat.' I'm guessing you're talking about the essensial nutrients like protien found inside meats. If you're going to try to argue your point, please use correct termanology and structure. Humans can find protien in a lot of other sources, we do not need meat for it. Again, I am living proof of this fact.

    3. By saying 'some things can't be stopped' they automatically cannot be. By thinking this way you're automatically stopping yourself from ending animal cruelty. Think of Nelson Mandella. Lots of people thought 'what can I do. Some things can't be stopped.' but he stood up for his rights and rights of his friends, family, other people and changed the way lots of people thing and changed laws.

    4. There are charities such as the RSPCA who stop cruelty happening, but they cannot stop everything happening. Try to help and think about this deeply.

  3. Its true you cant trust where your food comes from if you didnt grow / raise it yourself. It dosent bother me so much if it looks clean I'll eat it. Hell I was so hungry one time I droped my food on the ground, I picked it up and blew the dirt off it and ate it. You cant be 100% clean with food, some people have weak stomach and would probably get sick but I didnt. Think someone spit on it give it a good wash.

    If you dont eat something raw, then by cooking it you kill like 90% of the bacteria on it. It's fairly safe to eat burgers if you cook them. :rolleyes:

  4. After feeding yourself for so many years I dont think you need an expert to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. Again this is just our different opinions on things. I think I can decide for myself thanks.
    I eat some form of meat everyday all kinds depends whats available. To me eating only veggies wont do as I dont consider them full meals alone. You see where I'm coming from by saying I eat meat because its food? If you dont get it its ok.

    I don't eat 'only veggies'. I don't eat any meat. They're two separate things.

    I've never ate a plate of say... carrots with a side helping of broccoli and potatoes. Each meal I have is something like a veggie fillet with carrots and broccoli or pizza, chips and beans.

  5. Lol we are still going with this. Thats too bad you think people who eat meat is wrong. I think if you only need veggies your wrong. You are wasting alot of good meat that gets thrown out because it goes off. If you feel so strongly about it you must feel disgusted about hearing and seeing people eat meat everyday. Hearing about veggies saying meat eaters is wrong does annoy me a ilttle but its not everyday I will hear it so It dosent bother me that much. I would hate to be you because I know for a fact there will always be people who eat meat and you cannot change them all. Hell if I felt so strongly about not eating meat I would probably be doing what you are doing lol. Trying to make people see it my way. try to change them.
    I'm so glad I am a meat eater.

    Would you care to back up any facts you make with evidence please.

    Everyone respects your opinion, but if you want to try and change someone else's opinion then it will take a lot more than that. You can't live in ignorance of the facts forever. Would you care to explain why exactly you eat meat and why you are not vegetarian?

  6. Taste is an opinion, and thus has no place in a debate.
    Furthermore, I don't know anybody who says "all vegetarians are thin and pasty", simply because there are many vegetables which provide the nutrients needed to maintin an average body weight. Vegans are far more likely to be "thin and pasty" than vegetarians.

    Whether or not the vegetable counter-parts of meat dishes are more healthy (which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, in the way you stated it at least) isn't that important.

    If something is an opinion shared by a majority of people (which it is, from the reasearch I have conducted :rolleyes:) then I believe it has a place in a debate.

    I have heard multiple times that vegetarians are thin and pasty, and people are genuinely shocked when they find out I'm a vegetarian. One response I remember is 'but I can't see your bones under your skin!'

    I didn't mean that it is healthier, I meant that it has much less calories.

  7. The basic fact was that he broke the rules and he got punished for it. I do think that the punishment was very very big for the 'crime' he commited. I think a quiet word would have been sufficient.I agree with all that you said about companies putting small buisnesses out of buisness. There used to be a nice newsagents near to me, and they did quite well, even though there's a somerfield over the road. Unfortuantly, one day somerfield decided to start selling newspapers. About 70% of the money made by the newsagents was in papers. A few weeks later the shop shut down.So sad.

  8. What's with this 'eating weed' thing that everybody's talking about.I haven't got anyone to quote and debate with, so I'll just tell you what I found out today. Recently, two of my friends have gone vegeatarian. Both have agreed that veggie bacon, sausages, burgers, fillets etcetera taste nicer than the meat versions. Also, it is healthier for you. If anyone says that 'all vegetarians are thin and pasty' then they've got to do some reasearch. I'm quite stocky and I'm in no way pasty. I'm about average weight, infact a bit over.

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