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Posts posted by Liam_CF

  1. I'm not really sure what you expect the government to do about it. It's not as if they can just seal off the boarders and stick all immigrants on a ship to return home.I agree that there are quite a few immigrants around where I live, but I dont live in the south, so I'm sure that there's a lot more immigrants around there. I agree with some of what you're saying, not all.

  2. Terrorists really don't have any justification in doing what they do. The way forward is not to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. That's just making it go backwards.If you don't agree with what a country is doing, then write them a letter telling them that. Tell them how they should improve it and let them see what they think. Resorting to terrorism doesnt open people's ideas to corruption and problems, but makes them close their eyes and ignore what you think.

  3. Can we have a link to this?Also, I think this is probably true. People are leading less healthy lives, but I think it is improving. A lot of people are starting to think about what they are buying and how they are wasting their life.I think that it will probably go down again, maybe even lower.Anyone agree/disagree?

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