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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. registering photoshop Cs Photoshop Registration For me the registration option is blocked wat should I do...Wait till the 30 days gets over or is there on way out ...Suggest me one answer -reply by Maaran
  2. Really bad photo problem Photoshop: Teach Me How To Repair Old Photos Replying to finaldesign Finaldesign... You said that you would be willing to demonstrate the repair of a damaged photo. I have what I think is a really tough problem, especially for someone who is not an artist: a photo that has been partially defaced with a colored marker (partially transparent). Repair would be easy enough if the marks were very small, but in this case the offending color covers a substantial portion of the portrait. If you can give me some clues about an effective approach to this I would be enormously grateful. Sorry...I don't know how to upload the file to this site. Can you tell me how to do that also? Thanks. -reply by Lowell
  3. files in JSP Uploading Image File Through JSP Code To Server How to input file and how to store and fetch it from database in jsp with database MS Access 2000 -reply by Gautam Verma
  4. 4demension What Is The Fourth Dimension? I don't think we can see above our demension but we can only see below it.There might be a thousand demensions but we only have a limited mind to understand it.
  5. my top sad songs Depressing Songs Sail away: david grey What if: Joshua Radin Something corporate* Sufjan Stevens: 1. To be alone with you 2. For the widows of paradise Waiting: city & colour
  6. NO WE SHOULDNT Space Exploration (nasa= Good/bad) Replying to wua05 Before we can begin to find out about other cultures on other planets, we must improve our own. Before we spend billions of dollars to find if there are other life forms out there, we must preserve our own. First, we must cure all the diseases that are killing millions of humans. What is the use of finding other life forms if, by the time we do, our population is diminished by half, if not more? AIDS can kill us all. NOW! Before we spend money on the future consequences, think of the present ones that may kill our chances of even having a future. What about hunger, poverty, and homelessness that exists on OUR PLANET? We don't even know if there are other life forms that have these problems, so first we must solve our own. When we can safely say that there are no hungry or homeless people living on our Earth, then we can begin worrying about other potential life forms and their possible problems. Until then, let's stick to life on Earth and not "space out!" -reply by SammyxSpacexFreak
  7. re: where is the mistake? Cron Jobs - Cron Jobs In Cpanel Tenzin, is this a test? the first thing I noticed is .Php and .Txt for an extension... Thats kinda funky. The second is your chmod. 755 is for folders, try 644 for your files. Also, food for thought, making a call to file_put_contents will create the desired file if it doesn't exist. So, this file should have the correct chmod at creation. You can use this to verify the correct chmod for your files. Hope that halps -reply by riin
  8. BUT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT Annoying Parents! OH well my dad is supposed to do laundry and then tells me to do it. And my mom tells me to wash my own clothes so I do and when she says I'm being selfish and not washing her clothes I want to tell her to ef off. Also my mom or dad or grandma is watching my sis and she crawls away and she aint my prob so I let her be but they yell at me for not holding her. She was an effing 32 pond aqt 11 months fatt ars. I just through stuff at the walls after they walk out or I slam my door. I don't give a ef if they get mad I got nothing to lose and my celly aint my life so they need to ef off I don't care if imm 11 so I feel you prob and try havin one parent who is white and the other black so my mom threath=ens me by saying ima tell your dad. -reply by Chanse
  9. Not needed Physics Behind The Lightsaber Replying to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG That is not needed, instead of a chainsaw like energy orbitration, you need only a high frequency of light rays that can seem as matter, yet arent, and can cut through such things as steel. -reply by Michael
  10. Replying to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinGWrong, the lightsabers theoretically could deflect off of eachother if the electromagnetic force fields containing the plasma were strong enough and of the same charge, therefore repeling them slightly before impact.Replying to frisoReplying to miCRoSCoPiC^eaRthLinG-reply by Michael
  11. Meaning of life My Made Up Poems. How you live Is how you Die The smiles you give Until you cry All you touch And all you see Is all your life will ever be -reply by Daniel Llamas
  12. ill join Runescape Clan Lvl 40 To 50 Ill join my cb lvl 41 Range:60 Mage:50 Str:10 working on it Atk: 10 working on it I think id be a good contribution to the clan -reply by Famouz kid
  13. Links Tutorial Build Your Own Cs Server 1.6 Steam Can you give me the links for hldsupdatetool.Exe and Amx -reply by Farees
  14. How can you play online for free with the full version without ever having to stop?-reply by anonymous
  15. Links Tutorial Build Your Own Cs Server 1.6 Steam Can you give me the links for hldsupdatetool.Exe and Amx -question by Farees
  16. server for Craigslist Servers For Gmail ? I try to use craigslist but can't send (somthing about pop3) My computer is setup in Outlook Express. Can I change it to gmail so I can use it on craigslist? -question by Jaye
  17. I wanna play grand theft auto online but I don't now where I can play-reply by chirley
  18. Replying to Kovithis is a comment Maybe you would like to join a fun loving clan we accept anyone from lvl 40-the max level lol But if you join and are a low level you will not go pking with higher levles BUT...You are going to join in the many festivities we have weekly! we also do many things as a clan together (castle wars, quests, clan wars,etc.) but that's just the clan stuff we also have amazing things other than that! we have-field day,fire day,kareoke(not that fun),holiday parties(halloween christmas,etc.)we celbrate b,day parties and much more we would love you to join just message at ric_awesome2@yahoo.Com-reply by jocelyn treivino
  19. how to ... How To Run A Proxy On a Web-Server? To feedbacker .. Where you put your ip adress that comes up when you click on the notepad thing ?! -reply by doddsy
  20. can i join Runescape Clan For Level 30+ Players In Gmt And Surrounding Areas. I don't log on that often because of school and if I joined it wouldnt be for that long...Because I just wanna get my summoning, range, and defence up...Me and my friends are going to create a clan called T.M.C A school gang to much crime or well be called RUNESCAPE MAFIA This is a maybe we don't know if you would like to join just message me to my brothers e-mail ric_awesome2@yahoo.Com possible names --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon clan, Runescape Mafia, T.M.C... If you don't like these names just submit any ones you would suggest Runescape name-p parker1 (lvl70) To join must be 60 up unless if you are under this you will be accepted but may not particapate in all of our clan festvites hope you join (festivities include-pking,castle wars, fire day, halloween parties, easter parties, thanksgiving parties, Chrismas parties(BEST), Field day, Kareoke day(not that fun =P), End of school parties, BDAY PARTIES, Killing spree, Trade night(trade items with clan members, and best Drop parties!)we hope to see you join thank you for reading this! Submit runescape name, level, if your a member/non member,favorite world etc. Thank you! -reply by jocelyn trevino
  21. I LOVED this game... Then somone hacked me... I gave my info to the programers to get my acc back and they dint let me... **** KNIGHTS ONLINE-reply by Kazuya
  22. Same thing happens to me: Firefox button disappears from XP taskbar even though it Web Browser And Taskbar Problems (web Browser Disappears) Replying to iceblade... But if I go to Alt+Tab and bring Firefox back into focus, the button reappears. This only happens with Firefox. IE works fine. I'm going to check the mozilla boards to see if anyone has reported the same thing. In any event, I'm glad it's not only me... -reply by Andrew
  23. Replying to FeedbackerI'm a level 63 with 1.4mil so add me on runescape ma charas called mibottom (no spaces) kk-reply by mibottom
  24. Halo 3 destroys GTA 4 hands down. Its like comparing the movie american pie and lord of the rings. Yes american pie has a lot of sales but in terms of just a better game over all... HALO 3 no questions asked.
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