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Everything posted by iGuest

  1. what the hell is wrong with chavs!? I Hate Chavs And Chav Scum Chavs are scum! They are T.A. Wannabe's with no qualifications! Living on benefits! Shouting "you wot???!" all the time and they really are all talk! You stand up to a chav and he will shut the hell up! Go up to one and say. "So, is this a one on one or will your 'well ard' bum boys join in?" I have never seen a chav fight or start one without his 'crew'. It just takes one person to shut them the hell up! They listen to crap music, 50 cent for example, "Ive been shot 9 times, I'm well ard!" Why don't they just go shag him like the little batty boys they are! I'm soo sick of sitting on a bus with a group of chavs at the back with some crappy wannabe rapper blasting out of their phones at a deafening volume, its bad enough they do this in their cars. They sit there bobbing their heads thinking they are gangsters! They have crap cars or little kiddy motor bikes which makes them "Well ard!" although in my opinion they look like complete twats! I don't know how they afford anything over �5.50, must be the selling of drugs and chavettes. Speaking of chavettes! what the hell!???? They are orange tanned mingers who belong in willy wonkas chocolate factory and are either binge drinking or anorexic malnutritioned, tape worm infected, margarine legged little benefit sponges! They have dozens of kids with different fathers, hell, they are single mothers who sometimes don't know who the father is, that's why they watch britains most wanted! Either that or crime watch! Their idea of protection during sex is a bus shelter! Chavs really are the plague of britain! Do you know what my favourite type of chav is? one whose dead or locked up! and it seems like prisons are overcrowded so please donate just �2 a month to have them all shot! -reply by minger on me arm wiv an orange tan
  2. Your not gonna make it... 3d Mmorpg Maker Softwere?! Replying to Darasen True, especially when the person says their 12 years old, and is trying to create a MMORPG, which takes large scale professionals to make, not to mention taking a very long time even then.
  3. incredimail Email For My Members How do I configurate hotmail with incredimail ? -reply by Bertus
  4. Webbased Flash Editor Best Free Flash Editor I was also looking for something like that! I found something fantastic... It's webbased and it's a "just" a simple Flash editor with no great advanced features, but I think it may be quite useful for a lot of people and it has some pretty nice features! ) Take a look: http://studio.inmobi.com/ui/index.html -reply by Fernando Jorge
  5. javascript! Css Scrollbars In Firefox? There's another way to do it! Don't give up yet. If you really want to customize the display of the scrollbars you can do it with those steps: 1. Set the "overflow" property to the container to "hidden". 2. You need 2 elements next to that container (customized images) 3. Put those elements next to the container (using container.Left + container.Width ...) 4. Set the "onclick" events on those elements as "container.Top = container.Top +/- 10" It's quite simple, but it can be improved!! -reply by opalenzuela
  6. i saw a girl beautiful like ....sorry i cannot compare to anyone,anything etc,simply she is the most beautiful ,i dont know her name or any information abt her except for the fact she studies in my university in psychology department..... How To Impress A Girl. I am feeling disturbed right after I saw her and I don't know how I can initiate my talk with her...She is cute,calm, morever homely...Hw can I approach her for a friendly talk?
  7. looking for mature women friend Like To Have A Matured Women Friendship.... I am a male person who is looking for a good mature women . I have always got one thing that mature women have a long relationship and they can share their personal experiences in a better way . If you think you can be my better friend you can know by mailing me . I am a traditional indian guy want to pass my time in the lap of nature . Do my work I. E. Of teaching language honestly I try my label b est to satisfy my friends , vegetarian , watch movies of all kind. Observe the things closely , learn the things fast , and nourish my relations by heart and soul. Graduate. Live in the philosophy - live and let live. -reply by rajat
  8. how to connect any database with flash How To Connect MySQL With Flash? Replying to thedevil Please help me becz I am very ugrent how to connect the database with flash I nned some help from you becz I am doing quetions answer pattern Please help me thank Parthiban.V -reply by parthiban
  9. In love with two people What Do You Do When You Love Two People? I have a boyfriend who I love and I know he loves me back. Recently I have been talking with an ex-boyfriend and he is asking me to go back with him. He tells me he loves me and I love him too and I know this because I loved him when I left him. I don't know what to do, can anyone help me with my dilema? -question by Sara
  10. thanks to inspiron Files With Mdf Extension Thanks to inspiron for your best suggestion.. I use alcohol 120% to open my mdf file.. May God bless you all -reply by buudak baduy
  11. Pro Cloning Are You For Or Against Cloning? [Replying to adriantc,6478,4528 Well, I too am for cloning. We could save the many animal species that are endangered. Such as the Cheetah. Cloning could loosen the genetic bottleneck that they have been facing since the last ice age. Also, you could get a new leg, or organ. We could use less animals for lab tests as you said , but in every way, I will be against human cloning. If your loved one died, the clone would have a different personality than the family member, also, changing your genes would make us perfect, although I am alright if they can make us swim better or breathe water and fly. I think that everyone would like to fly, but what would we have to give up in return? Mabye we have to cancel genes to get new ones. Only time will tell. -reply by Colleen Smith
  12. ur right buffalo! How To Get New Ip Address Replying to BuffaloHELP I have noticed that my ISP/Ip has changed in the past 3-4 weeks! but, I got banned from a website and now I wish I could change my ip NOW! but o well!
  13. Question 4 Different Types Of Love How can I show deep love to an opposite sex and it will not be misinterpreted for lust. Also how can one show love to an HIV/AIDS CARRIER. -question by S.O.D Awokoya
  14. offline Private Server Ro . I couldn't find a dll named cygprce-0.Dll and I was wondering If there is a way to play ragnarok pserver offline?(private for myself only ) -question by RedL
  15. Replying to galexcdI put the code you say about strings, and it returns true...?The thing that Java has with strings it that it reserves a special memory space for them, cuz in many situations the same string is made over and over and over, so this memory saves them to use it only one while the same string is being made, avoiding stupid memory usage. Pointers are great, but pointers are unsafe (maybe not for experienced of course) but java provides different ways to manage this situations. If there was not, why would there be so many programmers doing all types of programs in it?Maybe Java is not the best language, but it is now around just 10% slower than C++, and it really releives me to create a web app in Java using a Java server, and put my applications hosted in windows, and for the clients put linux/solaris servers, and not have the need to change everything.Anyway, it is about what do you want to do. I have used a little PHP for little web applications and like it over JSP, but I hate using pure JSP for medium applications, the same I hate using PHP for them. You can use one of the many java frameworks available and they have everything you need to do really anything you want.-reply by Sotnrgo
  16. Replying to yordanDon't worry-Its fake!To check this, right click on it and click add (It should be in 3 parts if its the one I had.)
  17. Hey guys that is true but what if you hit the help command but you don't understand what they mean just as the graftabl command means I still don't understand. Hey and avalon did you get real frustrated when you made you computer just a shell and not able to do anything because you deleted the ability to command.-reply by Justin
  18. Go to Youtube.ComThere is a video how this is done.This is where you have to cover one large circle with 5 smaller ones.
  19. iGuest


    Replying to Bluebear ok can you Please tell me one of those thousands other ways , coz ive tried alot and I couldnt find anygood way , most of sites are just like bux.To they depend on the referrals or it will take forever 2 get paid -reply by omar khaled
  20. YEAH I KNOW Overide School Firewalls Replying to alzgames Kk well try http://www.basic0.com/basic0/gam3s/index.php that should help alot but when your done using it go to Tools>delete browser history> and delete all including settings stored by add ons! thats how you do it! lol -reply by Lauren
  21. Invision Free or Invision Power Board Tutorial: Installing D-shoutbox For Ipb V1.2 Is the D-shoutbox only for the Invision Power Boards or for Invision Free forums which are hosted free by IF? Although there is a "File Manager" in the AdminCP of IF, it seems to be lacking a lot. -reply by mree
  22. how do i compress a folder using win rar How Do I Compress One File Into Several Parts? I am very new to compressing process.I need to compress a folder for attach to a e-mail.I know it is possible because I already download a file as a winrar format sized 14.3mb.When I extract it,it converted as a 260mb file.Thats why I ask everyone if there is a opposite process it will use for everyone.Anyone answer me...Advance thanks too ... -reply by sakthi
  23. i need a stratagy Star Wars: Kotor I cant beat the beast that the twilek in the jedi enclave talks bout in kotor 1 he thing is I got a good statigy but I'm dead in 2 seconds and its friggin stupid I think if I use cryoban granade on them and them lasmas I should beat them but I need bio antidote package for the level 3 implant upgrade so if you have ne helpful ideas PLEASE e-mail me I'm vandle13@yahoo.Com Please help me with this -reply by vandle13
  24. my own computer Living Without Computer Today - Is It Possible? I love my computer it's one of the most important things in my live. I can't live whitout it because I sit more than 6 hours infront of it. My parents doesn't like it when I sit on the computer 'cause they said that's to expensive and you have to learn for school and so on...But I said every they the opposit of it to them. So every day when I sit on the computer I chat with my friends and chat with other people and I'm hearing music every they and without a computer I think I will die! XD so that was my story XD I like this website soo much^^ **Maria** -reply by maria
  25. Colleges In Tamilnadu Colleges In Tamilnadu I have wrote the 12th Exam.I got cut off of 169.5.So want to know which college he is eligible for applying Engineering. I am coming under BC Community.The course is BE(CS),BTech(IT). I also need to know the process for revaluation. Thank you -feedback by parthasarathy
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